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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Owner-based Permission Control


Based on a work item's assignment, users can control who can edit the given work item. For example, if a requirement is assigned to Team A, then only the members of Team A are allowed to modify the given work item.

For the necessary configuration, see: Configuration Guide.

How to set Owners with Team assignment

Ensure that there are teams (at least one) defined in the Teams tracker and members are assigned to that team.

On the work item (e.g. on a requirement) select the team to assign to the work item.

The system will automatically resolve the assigned team record(s) and add all the members to the Owner field (read-only).

As a result of the tracker permission configuration (see: Configuration Guide) and the Owner assignment, editing the work item is only possible for assigned Owners (and the Submitter).

The user bond is an Owner of the item so is able to edit it.