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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Configuration Guide

  1. Ensure that there is a Teams type tracker in the project - if it is missing, create one.
  2. Enable the Team Members field of the Teams tracker
    • Go to Tracker Configuration »» Fields and modify the permission of the field to make it visible and editable for appropriate roles.
  3. Go to the tracker where you would like enable the Owner-based permission control and ensure that the following fields are added and setup correctly ( Configuration »» Fields):
    • Owner: modify the permission of the field to make it read-only for all roles. (Create the field first if it is not available)
    • Team: search for the field and verify that it is set as reference field and linked to the Team tracker. If it is missing create it accordingly.
  4. Open the settings of the Owner field and add the following formula to the Computed as section
    • distinct(union(assignedTo, teams.{team|team.assignedTo.{member|member}}))
  5. Modify the permissions of the given tracker that needs to be restricted. Deselect the permission Item - Edit Any, and select Item - Edit if Owner for all the roles:

It's recommended to keep the Project Admin role selected for the Item - Edit Any permisison.