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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Developer Guide

This guide will help you set up your environment for development of Jenkins Plugins for codeBeamer.


What you need:

  • Java SDK and Maven installed on the PC
  • codeBeamer instance to test against
  • IDE of your choice for debugging


The quickest way to setup codeBeamer is to use the Docker Container. This container also includes some demo test cases and a preconfigured Jenkins (which we won't use but we can copy the configuration from it).

docker run  -d -p 8888:80 -p 9000:8080 -p 222:22  intland/codebeamer-jenkins

Username/Password are bond/007.


Here, IntelliJ Idea is used but debugging should also work with Eclipse.

First, we use Maven to start Jenkins with our Plugin installed from the command line:

codebeamer-xunit-importer-plugin$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n" mvn hpi:run -Djetty.port=8090

This command will start a Jetty Server listening on Port 8090. Navigate your Browser to http://localhost:8090/jenkins/ and add a new Freestlye Project and copy the settings from the Java Example of the Jenkins instance provided by the Docker Container.

Now, we need to configure a Debug Configuration in IntelliJ Idea:


Important: set the port to the same value as the address in MAVEN_OPTS

Now you can set BreakPoints in the Code in IntelliJ Idea and debug the plugin.