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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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This page summarizes the API changes needs to be considered during codeBeamer upgrade.

Before considering upgrade to new codeBeamer version - please make sure to test your application (specifically your JSON parser) if it handles additional properties correctly.

REST API Changes - 21.09-LTS (Emma)

API throttling

API Throttling

REST API Changes - 20.11-LTS (Carmen)

Additional ID property

A new property called "id" has been introduced in case of the following codeBeamer resources:

  • user
  • project
  • tracker
  • tracker item

Some of the endpoints returning these resources include this "id" property but not all of them.

Example 1

Project id is present when something refers to it like a tracker


GET /rest/tracker/{trackerId}


  "uri" : "/tracker/2279",
  "name" : "Customer Requirement Specifications",
  "project" : {
    "id" : 2,
    "uri" : "/project/2",
    "name" : "Regression test project for AGILE"

Example 2

Project id is not present when accessing project details it directly


GET /rest/project/{projectId}


  "uri" : "/project/2",
  "name" : "Regression test project for AGILE",
  "description" : "Intland Software's Default Template",
  "descFormat" : "Wiki",
  "closed" : false,
  "deleted" : false,
  "keyName" : "TEST1",
  "template" : false,
  "version" : 1,
  "createdAt" : "2021-01-04T15:01:15+01:00",
  "createdBy" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "uri" : "/user/1",
    "name" : "bond"
  "lastModifiedAt" : "2021-01-04T15:01:15+01:00",
  "lastModifiedBy" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "uri" : "/user/1",
    "name" : "bond"