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Tags:  Server SFTP

How to Use Codebeamer SFTP Server

To use the Codebeamer SFTP server, you need to use an SSH key pair.

If you already have it, provide the SSH public key to the Codebeamer Support Team or DevOps Team in order to have your personalized account created. In case a public and private keypair is not available yet, you need to create them first.

Keep the SSH private key safe and secure, do not share it with anyone. Codebeamer Support Team only requires your SSH public key.

FTP Server For Clients

Server Address Port Number 80 , 443or 2222

FTP Server For Employees

Server Address Port Number 22

FTP Server For Employees Without VPN

Server Address Port Number 2222

On Linux Machines

Perform the following steps:

  1. Command: ssh-keygen
  2. Generating public and private RSA key pair.
  3. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa):
  4. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase)
  5. Enter same passphrase again
  6. Your identification has been saved in /home/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa
  7. Your public key has been saved in /home/<your_username>/.ssh/

  • The id_rsa file is your private key. Keep it safe and do not share it with anyone.
  • The id_rsa.pubis your public key in the following format:
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDKq3apYsEhMi1D96787H601qPZiyDB3vxcBzekyyQ2l/DGKjiaI1thbxxdfs/GSXHW2HHLCrOX2lFRlnYfXL91om8lYMVAKWzSPLy1p72w5357QWonlveDheb3LW61WVqwssfiSfSFKhexHgsgOECrA496PLe+gYntgLWk0x6eP7jfwtC/9ybxf6ywp3g60BL4CmMXxOHWhco5BMSPmv3xBbKhcdGkog8zaZi6fgnDACvnVkkFenUdE4P3uxamNd5XxJOXFikuyQhr6X6JQDK0HEADFBINDk4jmAOBqa85peEOC71UjrC2GdT5o62FZOG2yfyrT4SK179RhQ4pJc7uOf/2KoQq7jkPxrCTabB2nqzGjYCup8cZaQopJiEODg97mBchk/z1Ev5xBS/RxOGWR0Ak5MRskLDKrVzL09aINbuKW2WETYucxClj42+hJJPDptZfxromAM7vVxP5kaIAKOaIL8BOueuQXgPpssQupWKLxUrndBzx4NR8/kocYv0= yourusername@hostname



As for the client, most linux distributions have built-in SFTP clients that can be used to connect to our server.
The SFTP tool does not accept port setting in hostname:port format, only with the -P parameter. For example:

#General usage pattern:
sftp -i <yourprivatekey> -o User=<yourusername> -P <port> <servername>

#Clients from outside without VPN:
sftp -i <yourprivatekey> -o User=<yourusername> -P 2222

#Users with VPN access:
sftp -i <yourprivatekey> -o User=<yourusername> -P 22

The username pattern is firstName.lastName.sftp.


Besides the FTP, the FileZilla client supports FTP over TLS (FTPS) and SFTP as well. It is an open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

To download FileZilla, see

On Windows Machines

You can use the PuTTY Key Generator in order to get a new SSH keypair. To download the free application, see

To generate the Public/Private key pair:

  1. Start the application and click the [Generate] button.
    The program asks you to move your mouse over the blank area so that it generates some randomness.

  2. Once finished, click the [Save public key] and [Save private key] buttons. Make sure to save them in RSA format and with at least 2048 bits.



As for the client side, you can use WinSCP to connect to our server. The tool is available at

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose SFTP as file protocol. Fill in the Host name and the User name fields, and click [Advanced] to set your private key file.

  2. Go to section SSHAuthentication on the left panel, and browse for your Private key file which enables you to authenticate to our server.


Besides the FTP, the FileZilla client supports FTP over TLS (FTPS) and SFTP as well. It is an open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

To download FileZilla, see:


Key Format is Too New

If the above error message is displayed, you need to convert your keys.

Perform the following steps:

  1. In PuTTY Key Generator, click ConversionsExport OpenSSH key.
  2. Save the key.
  3. Go to WinSCP and browse the key saved in step 2. WinSCP displays a message to convert the OpenSSH key:
  4. Click [OK]. Once finished, you should be able to connect using the converted key.