Microsoft OneDrive integration
See configuration guide
Regarding detailed use cases check the
following page.
Create report - Export document with review history / cover page now available for PDF documents
From codebeamer X 4.0 it is possible to create a report from a PDF document stored in Document tracker.
This feature enables the user to create and download a composite document which consists of any number and type of Work item export template(s) and the original PDF document.
By that it is possible to export the original document concatenated e,g, with its Review history or an arbitrary cover page.
Merge PDF documents in Document tracker
PDF documents stored in Document tracker can now be merged into one composite document, by which e.g. different reports can be represented by just one result document.
Any number of PDF documents can be selected in the Tracker's tree structure, by opening the "more" context menu a new option "Merge" will show up.
It is possilbe to change the merge order of documents simply by drag'n'drop on the upcoming dialog.
Usability improvements / Feature enhancements
- General UI upgrade
- Field edit / Form save usability improvements
- General menu / Workspaces menu / item context menu restructuring on all views
- ReqIF import / export UI and functional enhancement
- Document view usability improvements
- List view - Show number of selected items
- Work item dialog header - Enable breadcrumb navigation
- Focus text inputs by default in various new / edit dialogs systemwide
- Improved primary / secondary button placement and styling consistency
- Reference selector dialog usability improvements
- Workspaces page usability improvements
- Workspace members dialog usability improvements
- Indicate number of members in roles
- Show members' role assignment history
- User groups - Allow searching in groups
- #20524475 - Work item view - mandatory test step / action is not displayed on Required view
- #20491219 - Creating new user - Language selector shoul be restricted to English
- #20505999 - Suspected - merging on item details and traceability browser does not consistent
- #20486704 - Document mgmt - drag-n-drop attachment from email not possible with Firefox
- #20491119 - Permanent link - autocomplete doesn't find indirect users
- #20491235 - Document view - filtering description with empty value cause exception
- #20486470 - Wiki - applying permission settings to child elements not working
- #20525879 - Wiki - confused alignment of permissions and roles
- #20560086 - Export item with review - role and date are not displayed in case of multiple reviewer
- #20505798 - Test mgmt - field display error on new test run dialog
- #20495725 - Doc mgmt - drag-n-drop attachment from email not possible with Firefox
- #20261356 - Editor - "Open in new tab" option is not working in case of artifact URLs
Other defect fixes
- #20313103 - Allowed/Default value issues in the field configuration
- #20501754 - Cannot save custom view in Release Planner
- #20449161 - Cardboard - duplicated "Multiple items have beed changed" badge
- #20536771 - Cardboard - More functions context menu is displayed in a wrong position
- #20513091 - Chatops error in server log, if no chatops are enabled
- #20504872 - Cloud edit - GDrive authentication is not working using FF
- #20526905 - Create new Upstream/Downstream referring item: Distribution rule options are incorrect
- #20211637 - Create workspace - Imported ws contains wikis that has been exported without them
- #20523463 - Create workspace - No need for Back button in several cases
- #20511018 - Creating new user - Language selector shoul be restricted to English
- #20514121 - Dashboard - empty dashboard in case of first login of new users
- #20519946 - Dashboard - modification in the tree causes TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
- #20500462 - Dashboard - open a dashboard with Developer role - 500 error
- #20513080 - Dashboard - viewer and reviewer license users can't create home dashboard
- #20491373 - Diagram editor - importing diagram shows error
- #20490897 - Display error messages in excel export dialog
- #20484395 - Doc compare - tree loading issues
- #20509801 - Doc tracker "Send selection to review" not working
- #20538391 - Doc. mgmt - click on the Document file - the save, cancel buttons are displayed
- #20528882 - Doc. mgmt - Current path text has white color so it's not visible
- #20513986 - Doc. mgmt - impossible to send a not empty folder to review
- #20540582 - Doc. mgmt - tree/actions vs. main panel context menu inconsistencies
- #20504871 - Document tracker / Cloud edit - more options ... is not clickable (at the end of a work item row)
- #20529662 - Document tracker - item deletion - items deleted from main panel do not disappear after deletion only after page refresh
- #20512962 - Document view - "Send selection to review" option in the "more functions" does not work
- #20524479 - Document view - Added child makes parent disappear in main panel
- #20533941 - Document view - cannot save the new field value by clicking on another item in the tree
- #20510440 - Document view - Copy to - parent item - test case fails as child items are copied too
- #20528053 - Document view - Error occurred after received changeCBQLSubject event! TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
- #20491241 - Document view - filtering description with empty value cause exception
- #20516252 - Document view - Library configuration dialog - unnecessary scrollbar
- #20541289 - Document view - Linking items dialog - missing design upgrade
- #20505898 - Document view - only the create reference option is displayed for the 1st attempt
- #20537161 - Document view - Right-click on an item in tree that is not loaded in the main panel - the context menu does not open, error in the console
- #20538348 - Document view - right-click on the empty area - the context menu does not appear
- #20532147 - Document view - scroll issue
- #20524695 - Document view tree panel context menu items only show when the menu is overed
- #20484370 - Editor - Big sized image is not displayed after upload
- #20531651 - Editor - Markup toolbar is not sticky
- #20536773 - Editor - messages - icon vs. text alignment issue
- #20514869 - Editor - TAB does not work within the inserted table
- #20486768 - Emails - sending notifications from docker creates wrong links in email
- #20513041 - Excel/ Word export unreachable template list
- #20490082 - Export - "Export comment" checkbox does not affect the export of review comments
- #20490967 - Export - Exporting items in MS Excel does not uses current view as filter
- #20518701 - Export - Missing IDs in the request response
- #20511605 - Export - MS Excel export does not work
- #20505144 - Export exception when creating report for renamed document
- #20504866 - Export Test case with reviews - Signature role and timestamp is not available
- #20483213 - Export to Office - Unable to save document to tracker root
- #20538954 - Field settings - cannot set a user group value as allowed/default value
- #20511376 - Field settings - Comments/Attachments visibility configuration - Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
- #20491038 - Field settings - default value selection is misaligned
- #20539115 - Field settings - Default/allowed values for members fields - Type something and click on the search icon - Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined
- #20511147 - Field settings - table field creation is possible
- #20536451 - Filter panel - Section headers can be selected as filters
- #20519758 - Import/Export - Invalid export template is selected after upload
- #20496075 - Importing multiple word tables - changing table throws exception
- #20509711 - Item review - accepting or rejecting review is not possible without signature
- #20516915 - Jira integration - connector settings dialog - Save should be disabled if there is no selected issues
- #20529422 - Jira integration/Doors - in some cases the "Setting up" dialog is displayed behind another dialog
- #20517204 - LDAP - add a "Does not exist" LDAP account to a workspace - NPE
- #20531666 - Licensing page readability issues
- #20535871 - List view - hover over the items causes jumping
- #20531113 - Login - disabled inputs and buttons when trying to login with wrong password
- #20525893 - Login - No loading indication
- #20534393 - Login - Remove Remember me function
- #20520054 - Login page - weird Unauthorized error message
- #20496079 - Login/registration - The "Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Customer Terms and Conditions" text is not URL
- #20504681 - "Move to" work item option doesn't list all trackers
- #20527346 - MS Teams - Bot is not responding
- #20527344 - MS Teams - Tab cannot be added after connecting accounts
- #20528607 - N/A - Filter - date type field's predefined filters do not work
- #20519807 - N/A - Filter by module - ReferenceError: isNullOrUndefined is not defined at ReportService.buildReferenceField
- #20496005 - N/A - Help menu - update does not work
- #20540218 - N/A - Move/Copy to dialogs - type the name of the destination tracker causes invalid warning
- #20524808 - N/A - size of the multiselects increases when selecting several options
- #20494157 - Permanent link - autocomplete doesn't find indirect users
- #20513150 - Permanent links - Share with other dialog - possible to resize it
- #20485204 - Planner - 'Downstream reference' tracker list is not scrollable
- #20522722 - Planner - multiple reference values are displayed vertically
- #20526703 - Recent panel - Item names in Recent items history are truncated
- #20525982 - Registration - Unnecessary validation upon typing
- #20499431 - Release cardboard - "Copy to" dialog not closes on escape, console errors, whole app is freezing
- #20524806 - Release page - displaying released items is not possible if not-released is not exist
- #20527342 - Releases - Gauge chart percentages are missing
- #20275586 - Report - console errors on report page after reload
- #20490478 - Reports - Summarized value is missing from Grand total line
- #20525670 - ReqIF - "Deleted" field appears later as "Flags"
- #20510038 - ReqIF - exporting tracker to an unknown workspace
- #20523526 - ReqIF - Numbers (Count) in Import dialog are misaligned
- #20525667 - ReqIF import - choice field toggling issues
- #20449279 - Review hub - comments panel - long usernames cover the comment type selector
- #20523527 - Review hub - Create review - Baseline selection usability issues
- #20484110 - Review hub - Invalid transition is possible on the item
- #20501777 - Review hub - References section - the "v" is displayed next to not item associations
- #20484368 - Review hub - References section in the main panel - shows different number in collapsed/expanded view
- #20484378 - Review hub - References section in the main panel - the current item is displayed as a downstream reference item instead of the reference item
- #20513093 - Review hub - show work item comments - attachment's url is invalid
- #20515473 - Risk matrix - double scrollbar
- #20519874 - Seach - "Item attachments & Comments" option's checkbox should be disabled if the "Work items" is not selected
- #20537126 - State transition - Value for Resolution field is not saved in Update item properties
- #20489116 - State transitions - already defined state entry/state exit/change handler - infinite loading
- #20519214 - State transitions - cannot remove the mandatory fields from the workflow actions
- #20484405 - State transitions - Confirm Leave dialog Discard button does not work with Guard condition
- #20321093 - State transitions - Guard condition already selected item is not ticked in search dialog
- #20537539 - State transitions - Workflow action dialogs - "Guard" title is missing
- #20507485 - Suspected - merging on item details and traceability browser does not consistent
- #20531285 - Suspected link - Merge dialog - the tabview has an unnecessary blue background
- #20023360 - Suspected Links - Badge is not visible when setting: "Mark work items with suspected links"
- #20484558 - System admin - double scrollbar on User registration page
- #20529296 - System admin - Icons are missing from the System Admin page
- #20496170 - Test mgmt - I cannot open a test step field if there is a highlighted text
- #20525666 - Test mgmt - inserting test set in the same test set cause infinite loop
- #20520113 - Test mgmt - New test step at the wrong position
- #20510379 - Test mgmt - No feedback on the UI if no Test run tracker is available
- #20528532 - Test mgmt - not the default release value is used
- #20531713 - Test mgmt - not the default test configuration value is used
- #20540284 - Test mgmt - Report a bug from the test runner - if there is are field with reference values, the version is displayed like a text and not a badge
- #20493894 - Test mgmt - restart a test run - clicking on the assigned to field creates a new run
- #20489206 - Test mgmt - restart a test run - the status change context menu remains visible
- #20493895 - Test mgmt - restart a test run with new name - duplication
- #20534391 - Test mgmt - Right panel exception when test case created as downstream reference
- #20524941 - Test mgmt - Test run cannot be generated with required release field and only one release
- #20530304 - Test mgmt - test step editor - the smiley context menu is bigger than the rational size
- #20528466 - Test mgmt - Unable to add Test Cases or Test Sets to the Test Set during creation
- #20505799 - Test mgmt - User with Verification and Validation Engineer role cannot create test run
- #20530205 - Test runner - Hover over a menu option - it becomes invisible
- #20349900 - Timeline - Change search input placeholder to "Search comments"
- #20524542 - Topbar - missing profile menu from topbar below 1100px
- #20484407 - Trace views - 'Child item' badge design issue
- #20525688 - Traceability - double scrollbar
- #20485212 - Traceability - saved release field value is not selected on initial level when selecting a preset
- #3749835 - Tracker Field Configuration - Obsolete options
- #20529821 - Tracker permissions - Table header is not sticky
- #20534390 - Trackers - Edit a field and switch to another view - data loss and the save/cancel buttons remain displayed
- #20527554 - Trackers - Filter panel - Switch from Standard filter to Traceability filter - all filters are expanded
- #20527794 - Trackers - Members type field with roles/user groups datasource: the members are listed in the filter overlay instead of the roles/groups
- #20444421 - Trackers - Saved a new view - invalid unsaved badge
- #20525445 - Trackers - Sidebar shows up above dialog when dialog opens right after sidebar
- #20484515 - Trackers - switch between trackers with open filter panel - the filter options remain the same
- #20540436 - Trackers - Too many items loaded when quickly switching from Cardboard to List view
- #20484481 - Trackers - Triggered status overlay in List view appears on opened Work Item dialogue also
- #20483760 - Widgets - Original widget reacts to the clone widget changes
- #20486732 - Wiki - applying permission settings to child elements not working
- #20497324 - Wiki - Discard the unsaved modification and opens another workspace - invalid notifications
- #20499656 - Wiki - locked item - error on the properties - comments tab
- #20526059 - Wiki - permission tab has wrong aligned checkbox
- #20486708 - Wiki - Wiki Baseline comparsion stays active after navigation
- #20514118 - Wiki compare - Navigating back to wiki comparison mode leads to infinite loading
- #20523470 - Work item - Edit wikitext field - weird data-loss behaviour
- #20533820 - Work item edit - Disabled date field allows using date picker
- #20513153 - Work item view - console error and functions are not working
- #20525236 - Work item view - mandatory test step/ action is not displayed on Required view
- #20514875 - Work item view edit - Revert state of field(s) dialog - reference item URLs are invalid
- #20483859 - Work item view/edit - Breadcrumb items are not centered vertically
- #20539172 - Work item view/edit - downstream/upstream reference overlay is missing from the downstream references tab
- #20287687 - Work item view/edit - Members type field - set a "User group" value causes NPE
- #20528237 - Work item view/edit - Members type field with user groups/roles datasource - cannot set value for it on its reference dialog
- #20534385 - Work item view/edit - Saved badge remains displayed
- #20533909 - Work item view/edit - Select a value on the multiselect language field's selector - all values are getting the selected
- #20429313 - Work item view/edit - the Spent Effort icon remains inactive then a full edit mode
- #20523741 - Workspace - Category tree - 3 dots icon should be right-aligned
- #20528852 - Workspace - export - the "Choose download method" dialog is displayed behind the "Workspace settings" dialog
- #20526705 - Workspace members dialog - Truncated dialog header