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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Adding Run by/at fields to pre-Dorothy project templates

As part of the deployment of Dorothy, we are upgrading the field configuration of all existing Test Run trackers.

Custom templates that have been created with codeBeamer 20.11 (Carmen) or older are not updated automatically. Such templates can be imported, but the Test Run trackers will not work.

There are multiple approaches you can use to migrate the configuration of your custom templates:

  1. Make sure to deploy all custom template on your server before upgrading to codeBeamer 21.04, so that the project configuration is updated automatically.
  2. Import the template, then delete and re-create all Test Run trackers. Be aware that this means all customizations of the Test Run trackers and depending on the Test Run tracker will have to be configured again.
  3. Import the template to a development or test instance of codeBeamer and use the approach described below to trigger the configuration migration.
  4. As of 21.04-SP2, custom templates are automatically migrated to have the Run by/at fields

After the configuration has been migrated, export the project as a template to create a version that is compatible with codeBeamer 21.04 (Dorothy) and newer.

Manually Triggering Migration of Test Run Trackers

If you need to repeat the migration on other projects as well, you can do that in the following way:

  1. Have all the projects on the environment of which Test Runs you would like to get migrated
  2. Execute the following SQL query:
    DELETE FROM codebeamer.upgrade_statements WHERE statement_id LIKE 'Dorothy-Upgrade-Test-Step-RunAt-RunBy'
  3. Restart your codeBeamer environment
  4. Check the logs for issues

As a result of the previous exercise, codeBeamer runs the thus missing upgrade script again, which will update all Test Runs that have not been migrated yet. In case of any issues during the migration, the following (WARN) log messages appear in the logs:

Test Run tracker will not be upgraded: <TRACKER_ID> - <TRACKER_NAME>

Please note projects which were already upgraded previously will get a warning. You can safely ignore those.