codeBeamer 6.0.4 - Release Notes
- BUG-50626 - CB Mercurial: Changesets visible in Changes tab with branch filter are not visible in Files tab, View Log
- BUG-50643 - Layout problems in document view
- BUG-50677 - Release link point to their tracker instead of release itself for anonymous
- BUG-50699 - Show Tree button is displayed in wiki with visible tree
- BUG-50701 - Document view: Tree filter watermark is editable
- BUG-50704 - Document view: After editing summary of requirement, right pane is reloaded, and focus moves to top
- BUG-50708 - Document view: Drag and Drop associations: When dropping on the expanded Properties panel, over the props, or controls, nothing happens
- BUG-50711 - Document view: "Insert New Item Before This" causes popup message "Internal server error"
- BUG-50712 - Document view: "Bad request" error message when adding new child
- BUG-50735 - Document view: if the "show all.." and "mark suspected.." options are both checked then only the renamed issue is loaded to the right
- BUG-50743 - Document view: Moving issue results in inconsistent numbering, JS error
- CBUG-48665 - Reset text formattings is not possible
- CBUG-48935 - Editor lost table cell text
- CBUG-50537 - Choice list configuration not propagated from template project
- CBUG-50644 - Moving mouse to context action menu in document view right side changes window to display scrollbar.
- CBUG-50645 - After creating new Item from Document view unsaved changes are reported
- CBUG-50652 - Issue(s) of changesets of Mercurial directories are shown only once under Scm File Browser
- CBUG-50694 - Internet-Explorer-8 reports unsecure objects on https pages
- CBUG-50745 - Mercurial repository's target branch should be always updated before merging pull request.
- LHBG-50345 - Assign Member Bug
Change Requests
- CRQ-50625 - cb-last-merged- ... should not appear in the Mercurial tag selector
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-50663 - Configuring whether all items should be displayed in Document View
- REQ-50666 - Clicking on an issue in the tree that is already shown on the right side should only scroll to it instead of a full reload
- REQ-50667 - Renaming an isue on the right side of the document view should not reload the whole tree
- The
cross tracker workflow feature was removed in CB-6.0.4 due to ISSUE-45979. It will be re-introduced in CB-7.0 but the new configuration will be so different, that old CB-6.0 cross tracker workflow definitions cannot be migrated to the new CB-7.0 cross tracker workflow definition. We appologize for the inconvenience.
codeBeamer 6.0.4.RC0 - Release Notes
- BUG-45802 - Drucken von WIKI-Seiten: nur die erste Seite kommt
- BUG-49967 - To send pull-request "fork" permission is required instead of "view" on the source repository
- BUG-49973 - Status selector shows unset status with null
- BUG-50061 - WIKI-Fehler bei tabbedSection
- BUG-50273 - Bei WIKI lässt sich im IE7 die Titelleiste nicht ein-/ausschalten
- BUG-50281 - UnsupportedOperationException in CreateUpdateWorkingSetController.getMatchingProjects
- BUG-50283 - NullPointerException in ExportWikiPageController.exportWikiPages
- BUG-50366 - Exception in ImageHTMLRewriter.rewriteImgs prevents email notification
- BUG-50381 - CB Mercurial: Changeset is not pulled when merging PR
- BUG-50449 - Umstellung des Formats von Beschreibungstextfelder funktioniert nicht per Mausklick
- BUG-50467 - After I update the summary of an item in Document View, the page reloads, but I'm not looking at the renamed item anymore
- BUG-50469 - ESC should cancel inplace-editing summary and description in Document View
- BUG-50471 - Base64 image conversion: only part of images are saved as attachment
- BUG-50479 - Base64 image conversion: manual edit on the image source text results in exception
- BUG-50487 - Base64 image conversion: image is not inserted as wiki page comment
- BUG-50508 - Document view: Saving markup with base64 images causes invalid links
- BUG-50521 - Issue Word export: exported file cannot be saved by Office 2007 Word if it contains same data-uri images several times
- BUG-50533 - Document view: Moving issue results in inconsistent numbeing
- BUG-50534 - Document view: Copy-Paste of invisile child does not refresh page
- BUG-50535 - Document view: Deleting a node does not refresh page
- BUG-50538 - Document view: New issue button
does nothing
- BUG-50544 - Document view: Suspected links label is not refreshed
- BUG-50550 - Document view: in IE8, reduced View, after Copy, Paste is not in context menu
- BUG-50551 - Document view: In Baseline mode, Transitions menu is available and does things in head revision
- BUG-50557 - Document view: summary and description mandatory messages are not communicated to user
- BUG-50561 - Document view: add a new requirement and clicking on add comment does not do anything
- BUG-50578 - Document view: Hierarchy is wrongly displayed
- BUG-50582 - Document view: When moving an issue with drag and drop, there is a unnecessary view-swith in the right panel
- BUG-50584 - Document view: Defining new View reduces the tree context menu to Expand, Collapse, Copy
- BUG-50599 - Document view: Adding issue in filtered tree mode shows all again
- BUG-50600 - Document view: opening New Comments box, then editing Description makes comment editor unresponsive
- BUG-50602 - Document view: Filtering and clicking
button results in strange tree in IE8
- BUG-50621 - STDIN of git hooks should be consumed to prevent SIGPIPE
- CBUG-46339 - Test codebeamer 6.0.3
- CBUG-46487 - Formatting gets lost for link lists in wiki
- CBUG-48410 - Preview renders certain wiki markup incorrectly, fine in "real" render
- CBUG-48798 - Mercurial: SCM Repository, File view: Information incorrect
- CBUG-48816 - Mercurial: SCM Repository: Changes not associated with user
- CBUG-48820 - Mercurial: SCM Repository: Association commit -> task is not detected
- CBUG-49206 - Importing Issues from Document does not show progress
- CBUG-49256 - Export to Word: TOC does not contain links
- CBUG-49259 - Document view: Not all items are exported
- CBUG-49260 - Document view: Trackers with many items can not be handled
- CBUG-49662 - Better support for images added via copy & paste
- CBUG-49958 - Detection of LibreOffice on RHEL x64 does not work
- CBUG-50007 - Warning about IE8 in IE7 causes javascript error
- CBUG-50013 - Mercurial: Changes are not displayed in master repository after pull-request and automerge
- CBUG-50045 - SQLException in TrackerItemDaoImpl.findNotIndexedFieldValues
- CBUG-50128 - Mercurial: Changes in a repository-fork are illegal transferred to master-repository
- CBUG-50296 - Requirement tracker: pictures/attachments handling when creating a baseline
- CBUG-50329 - Rename of project WIKI page
- CBUG-50332 - Wiki-Editor corrupts well-formed wiki code
- CBUG-50333 - Pusher (via smart http) account of hg changesets is not displayed under "Changes" tab
- CBUG-50410 - PDF Export - Bilder fehlen
- CBUG-50455 - Requirements'/issues to word export: can not repoen the exported word document after saving it
- LHBG-49674 - System Admin->Documents dauert zu lange
Change Requests
- CRQ-49842 - SCM permission "push" should imply "browse" and "clone" and "clone" should imply "browse"
- CTSK-50370 - Reimplement "issue to Word" export with Docx4j
- CTSK-50406 - Prototype for making Document view faster by lazy-loading the issues only when they practically appear on the screen
- CTSK-50438 - Build a Word export prototype with Aspose.Words
- CTSK-50470 - Test Base64 image server side conversion
- CTSK-50482 - Test the issues/requirements -> Word export
- CTSK-50484 - Test the optimized document view
codeBeamer - Release Notes
- BUG-49192 - TX-RowLock-Contention
- CBUG-48264 - JDBC connections might not get released
- CBUG-48711 - No automatic re-indexing after upgrading to 6.0.3
- CBUG-48791 - Editing a Workflow Transition wants to close browser tab
- CBUG-48807 - WYSIWYG editor should store at least a blank into empty cells.
- CBUG-48810 - WYSIWYG editor should escape pipe character
- CBUG-49226 - Some old Wiki content disappeared after upgrade
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-48222 - Missing Documentation for "manager"/Service Layer package in Api (version 6.0.1)
codeBeamer - Release Notes
- BUG-41750 - It is not possible to push a file with an international character in the name to a Mercurial repository
- BUG-45597 - "Analysis" and co. re-appeared as priority items in the Versions screen
- BUG-45689 - trackerItemDao.findByCriteria(user, criteria) invokes GroupRolePermissionDaoImpl.findGroupRoleMembers for each item in the result
- BUG-45760 - Date chooser is in unaccesible position on Changes tab in Repository Browser
- BUG-45768 - Browser expiration warning message can not be hidden in IE6/7
- BUG-45778 - Edit Wiki page looks bad in IE7
- BUG-45804 - Branch info is missing from the SCM commit tab
- BUG-45808 - Clicking on Preview tab scrolls the wiki section to the bottom
- BUG-45968 - Content of reference fields no longer displayed in table view
- BUG-46017 - Cannot push to a git repository if the repositories are not in the default location
- BUG-46181 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in GitClient
- BUG-46196 - Recent "Documents" tab contains also wiki pages
- BUG-46281 - Database pool AbandonedObjectException
- BUG-46292 - Pull Request on closed issue is rendered as not closed
- BUG-46425 - Field Numbers in Tracker Customizing only 3 digits
- BUG-46435 - Unreadable link with IE7
- BUG-46457 - Scrum-wizard dependent markup is created even if scrum-wizard is not installed
- BUG-46640 - Loading a long wiki page in editable mode is slow
- BUG-48110 - When using the auto completion feature of a country/language field to add new values to a tracker view/report criteria for that fields, only the newly added values are considered, not the previously existing values
- BUG-48364 - Exporting Wiki Pages of "CodeBeamer Project" of throws FileNotFoundException
- CBUG-43066 - Synchronzing with CVS-Repository fails: SCM Error: com.intland.codebeamer.scm.ScmException: Connection timed out cvs [rlog aborted]: end of file from server
- CBUG-44046 - Edit issue and add comment , CB won't sent out e-mail notification
- CBUG-45785 - Error messages during upgrade to 6.0.2: Error in foreign key constraint of table...
- CBUG-45977 - Joining projects is not possible, if no default member role has been configured.
- CBUG-46355 - Adding Favorite label to a project gets project properties BUT NOT the project entities re-indexed
- CBUG-46410 - Newly created tracker item gets lost
- CBUG-46461 - Word export not working
- CBUG-46535 - Inserting an image using Drag&Drop does not work
- CBUG-48163 - Tracker exist in DB but cannot show up in CodeBeamer
- CBUG-48179 - Role permissions: Members can not be added or removed
- LHBG-46512 - Links as Associations can't be uploaded
- LHBG-46853 - Kommentare können im Editiermodus nicht aktiviert werden
- LHBG-47256 - Keep Version - "None" funktioniert nicht.
- LHBG-48168 - Versionierung von Dokumenten wird nicht vollständig angezeigt.
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-47491 - It should be possible to insert images via Copy&Paste
- REQ-48157 - if user had no delete permission then user could not execute cut/move to action
- CTSK-48233 - Extending Wiki-Tree rendering with the checkboxes
- CTSK-48396 - Add a "hourglass" animation to the pdf export page
- CTSK-48473 - Test CB with the Selenium test set
codeBeamer 6.0.3 - Release Notes
- BUG-44395 - Requirements import from word
- BUG-44677 - Language selector is not availabe on the login page
- BUG-44709 - Cannot synchronize with cbdev-git repository
- BUG-44710 - Bug in form-encoding when editing an existing bug
- BUG-44726 - My Git changes are not picked up by CB
- BUG-44825 - CB Mercurial: In Repository Properties page/Changes tab, expanding/collapsing diff boxes does not work
- BUG-44838 - Although a transaction rollback occured on "Delete Project", Document/Attachment contents stored on disk and the souce code pushs/commits and repository files were deleted
- BUG-44839 - Deleting a project is not possible, if project artifacts with a status are referenced by baselines of other projects
- BUG-44846 - CB Mercurial on Windows: Incorrect line diff in Changes tab after push
- BUG-44862 - CB GIT on Windows: Exception at cloning because of hardcoded path
- BUG-44883 - CB GIT on Windows: After pushing changesets and new branch, repository properties page filters don't work
- BUG-44884 - CB GIT on Windows: pushing i18n file name, content results in unreadable diff, and missing file in Repository Properties
- BUG-45217 - Invalid message about local draft of a wiki page
- BUG-45461 - Worktime entry results Java exception
- BUG-45522 - NPE in time tracking popup
- BUG-45552 - The time tracking popup overwrites the spent hours field
- BUG-45574 - CB GIT on Windows: User can clone without permission using GIT servlet url
- CBUG-39302 - cvs repository browsing didn't show last version information in file browsing
- CBUG-40505 - Difficult to understand gui on tracker-transition edit page
- CBUG-43444 - Using screen reader, cannot enter text of email for description of new tracker
- CBUG-43894 - Searching from Add Association dialog throws Exception
- CBUG-43930 - CB throw exception when user browse the wiki page which contained a report wiki plugin
- CBUG-44673 - Permission error on transition
- CBUG-44807 - Associated issue already closed but CB still shown as open
- CBUG-44854 - Report result export to PDF which cannot show chinese font
- CBUG-45133 - WYSIWYG editor will insert ! in end of WIKIPAGE tag
- CBUG-45160 - Codebeamer interne Attirbute können in Feldkonfiguration gelöscht werden
- CBUG-45281 - Click "SCM Repository" root node , All of files browsing information gone
- CBUG-45380 - CB throw exception when run report
- CBUG-45568 - Error occurs with colon in report name on export
- LHBG-44901 - Supporting editing of status of directories
- LHBG-45253 - Associations are missing again
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-44035 - Supporting git smart http directly via codeBeamer servlet
- REQ-44036 - Implementing git smart-servlet Notification
- REQ-44037 - Supporting pushing tags
- REQ-44038 - Supporting pushing more than one branches
- REQ-44201 - Repository can't be cloned through smart-servlet
- REQ-44219 - jgit support for smart http
- REQ-44290 - Shipping git executable with codeBeamer on Windows
- REQ-44874 - Setting the Field value of reference issues changed while Transition is done
- REQ-44875 - Guard for Transition
- REQ-45132 - Delete Wiki page also delete its attachments
- CTSK-44049 - Implement a diff for two baselined versions of a document view
- CTSK-44218 - Testing permission handling of git smart http servlet
- CTSK-44387 - Changing the default git clone & push URLs
- CTSK-44872 - LicenseCodeTests.testAvailableLicenseTypes fails
- CTSK-45363 - Re-Enable time keeping in CB-6.0.3
- CTSK-45566 - Test GIT on windows CB server
- CTSK-45582 - Test Mercurial on windows CB server
- CTSK-45616 - Test SVN on linux CB server
codeBeamer 6.0.2 - Release Notes
- BUG-40660 - Search did not find issues on
- BUG-41779 - CBES: "Synchronizing queries" takes for ages...
- BUG-42183 - Deadlock in GroupRolePermissionDaoImpl
- BUG-42410 - branch deletion is not supported for mercurial but the delete menu is shown on the branches tab
- BUG-42615 - after pasting a new node in the document view tree sometimes the right side is not scrolled to the new item
- BUG-42620 - The "open" knob of the sidebar in 2-panel layout is pixelated, low-res and ugly in Chrome
- BUG-42712 - after resending a PR the comments created earlier are missing from the PR details screen
- BUG-42839 - Public key generated by puttygen is not accepted
- BUG-43010 - a newline in the middle of a word in a diff
- BUG-43025 - "Resend PR" should send "last revision" to the HEAD (and not leave it unchanged)
- BUG-43107 - In search results pull requests are shown as ISSUE and the associated link is also wrong
- BUG-43108 - Old CSS are used for search results
- BUG-43163 - index is reopened frequently since the upgrade to lucene 3.6.0
- BUG-43287 - No search highlighting for patterns containing international characters
- BUG-43296 - Wiki page comment is not rendered
- BUG-43308 - The filter menu is broken on the comments tab
- BUG-43401 - Document/Wikipage comments are indexed as Artifacts
- BUG-43430 - Review how the background quartz jobs receive their parameters
- BUG-43439 - SCM repository scan-log is running 2 times when creating a new repo
- BUG-43633 - Wrong markup is generated if search result includes forum post attachments
- BUG-43634 - MessageSource is using too much memory
- BUG-43635 - NPE in chart rendering on
- BUG-43639 - Search results include changes only if at least another checkbox is selected
- CBUG-41086 - [CB-6.0]Search by e-mail , but no result
- CBUG-41340 - [CB-6.0]WYSIWYG Insert Table didn't include Table Head
- CBUG-42443 - Wrong numbering in TableOfContentsPlugin
- CBUG-42444 - Oracle upgrade to CB-6.0.1 failed
- CBUG-42478 - Document copy then paste , the pasted document's data is original document's creation date
- CBUG-42622 - When the "Type" field is not defined on a tracker DocumentViewController throws a NullPointerException
- CBUG-42690 - Uid is Zxxxxxx in LDAP , if used login as zxxxxxx , CB will change Login id from Zxxxxxx in CB's user database
- CBUG-42810 - Execute "Close" Transition action , CB show me Access Denied message
- CBUG-42981 - Requirements copy-paste across projects
- CBUG-43055 - After editing the dependency mark on the traceability matrix, it turns transparent white and does not jump back to the matrix.
- CBUG-43301 - CB's LDAP pass through function cannot work
- CBUG-43351 - some special characters cannot be used in search
- CBUG-43408 - Git Repository Tree's information is not consist with item view
- CBUG-43409 - CB's Repository browser cannot see submodule's content
- CBUG-43504 - Deleting a lot of TrackerItems causes server overload
- CBUG-43664 - Click wiki page from wiki tree, those wiki pages won't appear in History pool
- CBUG-43667 - CB upgrade from 5.3.1 to 6.0.1 , The original's inbox's protocol POP3 is captial , but new create inbox is not
- CBUG-43672 - Chinese translation is not activated when operation system's locale does not specify the country or country is not (CN/TW)
- CBUG-43675 - Unknown property referringIssueStats in Report plugin
- CBUG-43758 - TimeSeriesChartPlugin error
Change Requests
- CRQ-41410 - WYSIWYG should receive the focus *IMMEDIATELY* if this is the first input control in the "client area" of the screen
- CRQ-41673 - It should be indicated somewhere what will be pasted to the tree
- CRQ-42405 - before deleting a branch it should be checked if there are any unmerged changesets on it
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-42838 - Copy report settings from template using trackers of
- CTSK-36976 - Search is slow
- CTSK-37932 - Do not use Set<ScmPullRequestFilter> in the remote API
- CTSK-39247 - Build a prototype to use Word's built-in templating mechanism
- CTSK-39248 - Build a prototype to export Word using the LiveEdit RTF converter
- CTSK-41384 - If a user's password (in Active Directory) has expired, allow the user to change it from the Login dialog
- CTSK-41797 - Changing notification email if new branch was created
- CTSK-42164 - Build a prototype black box testing framework with Selenium WebDriver
- CTSK-43090 - upgrade's mysql from 5.0 to 5.5
- CTSK-43092 - Database connection should be closed in displayDocument as soon as possible
- CTSK-43344 - Processing of git bundles is reported as very slow
- CTSK-43691 - Remote api and Webdav should always use either DefaultRealm or LdapRealm
codeBeamer 6.0.1 - Release Notes
Before upgrading to 6.0.1 all pending Pull Requests must be either rejected or merged.
- BUG-31161 - CopyMoveCommand may cause serialization exception when it is put to session because it is not serializable
- BUG-38920 - New role does not show up on the assignment list. caching?
- BUG-39442 - merged PR shows less change-sets than it was
- BUG-39450 - a PR which contains only a cherry-pick appears incorrectly as merged
- BUG-39462 - slow diff tasks will possibly block the faster ones
- BUG-39481 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when import the Numero Uno RTF testfile
- BUG-39492 - Invalid link if an issue is assigned to a role
- BUG-39522 - When an issue description is nothing else, but a wiki table, it can't be opened in the inplace editor
- BUG-39524 - Do not use the leading dot for CSS class selectors
- BUG-39569 - Excel Import field pairing problem
- BUG-39620 - Showing (cat) the revision of large file causes OutOfMemoryError
- BUG-39894 - Unified baseline management at project- and tracker scope
- BUG-40192 - Popup menu items with and without icons are misaligned
- BUG-40193 - Attachment added events displayed as un-rendereable texts in Activity Streams
- BUG-40283 - When I attach images to wikipages using the "Attach files..." link above the WYSIWYG editor, then ActivityStream will display [DOC:1234] interwiki links, instead of [WIKIPAGE:1234]
- BUG-40306 - Wrong anonymus pull url is displayed for a git repo
- BUG-40389 - Zero comments (incl. attachments) appears as "[]" in report output
- BUG-40464 - Line breaks are missing in html content copy-pasted from browser
- BUG-41006 - I tried to create a wiki page with a name that already exists in that project, CB rejected it, but without an error message
- BUG-41017 - When renaming a node in a tree, the input box should occupy the full width available
- BUG-41137 - "Create baseline" should support easily selecting items to be included in the baseline
- BUG-41256 - Some issue properties are not available under pull-request changesets
- BUG-41279 - If a Document baseline exists with the same name, changing to Tracker baseline fails in Document View
- BUG-41349 - Directories are only "partially available" in the Create Baseline checkbox tree
- BUG-41357 - 1-click side-by-side diffs for baselined entities (mainly issues)
- BUG-41379 - wrong diff information sent after commit
- BUG-41686 - "Access denied" error when making baselines
- BUG-41697 - In IE all diffs on the Changesets tab are open after page load
- BUG-41703 - Document view: baselines selector overlay should allow to switch back to head-revision
- BUG-41718 - Exception in ProjectBaselinesController.handleRequest
- BUG-41754 - Document view: several javascript related wiki markup-tag works/looks differently from wiki page
- BUG-41796 - CodeBeamer Git handler is not a friend of "branch --set-upstream"
- BUG-41844 - A changeset committed to the upstream first is not shown in the downstream
- BUG-41879 - Document View - Transitions usability issues
- BUG-41900 - Description diff in tracker notification mail show wrong difference
- BUG-41907 - Polling mailboxes throws exception
- BUG-41962 - initializeJSPWikiScripts() causes javasript errors on document view
- BUG-41963 - Tracker email integration : if reply contains large attachment, polling scheduler throws exception
- BUG-41969 - Blockquote styling is missing in notifcation emails
- BUG-41979 - NullPointerException in
- BUG-41982 - Unexpected exception in UserSelectorController
- BUG-41992 - Document view: In IE8, javascript error occurs
- BUG-41995 - Rejected email is not in correct HTML
- BUG-41996 - Document view: Tree parent-child relationships are reflected wrongly in right panel Properties box
- BUG-42001 - Document view: Issue number warning does not disappear if num of issues decreases below limit with AJAX operation
- BUG-42009 - Document view: German labels missing
- BUG-42014 - Branch and/or Tag information of submodule is not correct
- BUG-42016 - Document manager shows erroneously that I am on a baseline
- BUG-42018 - wysiwyg editor pre-formatted markup is lost after switching to markup
- BUG-42027 - Document view: In right side panels context menu, clicking to Copy does not result in Paste links appearing in context menu
- BUG-42029 - Document view: In right panel, context menu buttons, and comment context menu buttons positioning is different
- BUG-42030 - scrollbar in wiki preview dialog
- BUG-42054 - Wiki table rows without "odd" or "even" are rendered in dark grey background, instead of white
- BUG-42083 - Error handling of the Math plugin
- BUG-42084 - Parent-child references are shown duplicated in Document View
- BUG-42088 - Document view: in right panel, context menu delete brings to issue properties page
- BUG-42117 - Document view: An extra radio button in Type selector, in Edit properties inplace panel
- BUG-42127 - Wiki Section Edit links are displayed if Edit menu is not visible
- BUG-42131 - Add issue dialog can be very wide if the association drop-down of history contains wide items
- BUG-42132 - Recent Stylesheet change makes read-only tracker item fields hardly readable
- BUG-42133 - Document view shows "Edit Properties" even if the current user does not have edit permission on the current item
- BUG-42135 - Document View: If user has only "View if Owner" permission in a tracker, different number of items are displayed in the left tree and the right panel
- BUG-42136 - Document view: Double click on summary/description triggers editing, even if the user is not permitted
- BUG-42142 - Document view: When viewing tracker baseline,
icon in tree, and "Transitions" in right panel is visible, and usable
- BUG-42144 - my reply sent in email doesn't show up in the comment list
- BUG-42146 - "INTEGRATED" should appear only for changesets of downstream repositories
- BUG-42150 - Save button in of Wiki wysiwig editor has wrong cursor
- BUG-42155 - SVN commit notification is incorrect
- BUG-42179 - Exception when trying to send a PR with mercurial
- BUG-42187 - The meaningful reference names were replaced with the original ones again
- BUG-42195 - Document View is not editable at all
- BUG-42219 - CB GIT: newly created fork cannot be deleted by creator
- BUG-42243 - Cannot add or delete items in the tree of Document View
- BUG-42244 - Why do red dots appear at both ends of a dependency (suspected link), not only at the dependant one?
- BUG-42246 - "Suspected link" tablet does not disappear when I clear it
- BUG-42248 - svn propset svn:ignore ... causes Exception
- BUG-42252 - Document View: Edit Properties (at least requirement type) not working
- BUG-42288 - some lines are missing from the result produced by UniDiffParserMultiFiles
- BUG-42297 - CB Mercurial: Fork has no permissions for role, but user still can see and browse the fork
- BUG-42299 - NPE in HgClient
- BUG-42311 - CB Mercurial: Repository properties/Pull request tab displays a link to a PR, but clicking on it brings to Access Denied page
- BUG-42323 - Wrong popup menu position
- BUG-42338 - No SCM dump/bundle can be uploaded if more than one system administrators exist
- BUG-42345 - CB Mercurial: Cannot Fork repository on Windows
- BUG-42386 - CB Mercurial: User with permissions cannot send PR
- BUG-42389 - Wrong diff in PR with mercurial
- CBUG-29510 - System Administrator can delete projects only having project admin permission
- CBUG-36923 - WYSIWYG add image function from comment didn't update newest attachments
- CBUG-39251 - Integrator could see a pending pull request , But cannot see the detail pending pull request
- CBUG-39420 - Pull request's status show me as "conflict" , but I enter to see the detail, but cb show that as "no conflict"
- CBUG-39486 - Firefox 6/7/8 support for file uploads
- CBUG-41078 - Word export in Document View should export the issues of the selected baseline (if any is selected)
- CBUG-41717 - Document/Wiki Comment/Attachment tab listing broken
- CBUG-41911 - [CB-6.0GA]Wiki copy then show up text page
- CBUG-41912 - WikiAjaxEditController.getWikiPageContentAsHtml throws NullPointerException if account is not authorized to access document and/or revision
- CBUG-42022 - CMDB version link does not lead to details
- CBUG-42185 - List of logged in users grows and is not cleared
- CBUG-42286 - User owned Tracker item adding privilege but CB throw exception when added issue
- CBUG-42306 - Attach files is generating comments summary
- CBUG-42348 - Could not acquire branch lock
- CBUG-42349 - Syntax Error in Internet Explorer 8 by clicking on "My Start"
- LHBG-41888 - edit available without edit-rights.
Bugs for CB-5.x
- EBUG-39489 - Attachment&File # inconsistant
Change Requests
- CRQ-39521 - Order of the issues in the Word export is not same as the order in the web-based Document View
- CRQ-39654 - Requirement drop-down action menu should not float at the right margin
- CRQ-40057 - "Orientation" of associations is practically hidden from the UI: rewamp the content of the "Associations" tab
- CRQ-40198 - Do not use the "cog" icon to specify the default view mode (WYSIWYG or markup) for wiki editors
- CRQ-40221 - Document Upload UI (that uses the new AJAXy upload component) talks about "attach" and "attachments", which is confusing
- CRQ-40226 - At "New issue", initial focus should be on Summary, not on Description
- CRQ-40282 - Activity stream entry shows "updated" and "modified: comments/attachments" when I upload tracker item attachments
- CRQ-40310 - Smarter and friendlier input format for time values
- CRQ-40847 - Toggle toolbar should not reload the page
- CRQ-41451 - The expand icon should not be in "expandable" state for nodes that have no children in the baselined items checkbox tree
- CRQ-41676 - The texts should be clickable on the tree settings panes
- CRQ-41709 - Ghost tracker wikipage resulted by a baseline can be revealed by clicking "Properties" for the baseline
- CRQ-42082 - Turning Math plugin to Latex rendering plugin "for free"
- CRQ-42087 - Deleting a tracker baseline in the overlay should fully reload the original Document View page for consistency
- CRQ-42116 - Display the requirement fields in the property boxes in 3-3 layout instead of 4-2
- CRQ-42287 - While dragging cursor should changed its shape to "closed hand"
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-38756 - Merging issue comments and attachments together
- REQ-39931 - RTF -> Wiki converter should support subscript and superscript
- REQ-41016 - How to handle more than 700 items in document view
- REQ-41246 - Trackers and CMDB categories should not be mixed when selecting filters for Traceability Matrices
- SWZ-38993 - ScrumWizard's Daily burn down chart cannot work because of CB cancel Build function ??
- CTSK-29519 - Merge module dependent css files to CB-Style.css using proper CSS selectors.
- CTSK-39192 - Issues' comments' Reply action should also be able to add attachments
- CTSK-39417 - Inplace editing for requirement summaries and descriptions in Document View
- CTSK-39494 - Streamline menuing in Document View
- CTSK-39496 - Associations of requirements are not visible in Document View
- CTSK-39531 - Diffs should be truncated to avoid OutOfMemoryError
- CTSK-39536 - Review the "more" menu in Document view
- CTSK-39541 - Left-side tree in Document View
- CTSK-39760 - Implement pasting issues to the Document View tree without full page reload
- CTSK-39957 - Accelerate clearing suspect links by eliminating the right-panel reloads with jQuery
- CTSK-40180 - ajax section editing inside Table plugin should work
- CTSK-40290 - Resolve the anomalies around suspected links
- CTSK-40853 - Reorder the remaining pages in the CB KB in order of "importance"
- CTSK-41066 - Rewamp the Developers' Guide
- CTSK-41067 - Rewamp the Admins' Guide
- CTSK-41068 - Rewamp the Web Admins' Guide
- CTSK-41095 - Remoting tests should see only the "real-life classes" on their classpath in Hudson
- CTSK-41679 - Add documenation about using Git submodules to modularize large projects to the User's Manual
- CTSK-42013 - Scm Refactoring for better submodule and tag/branch support
- CTSK-42015 - Test "top level task from subtask" / "subtask from top level task" feature
- CTSK-42089 - "repository" argument of ScmProvider.addBranchInfoToDtos is redundant
- CTSK-42121 - translate Math/Latex plugin changes to German
- CTSK-42156 - Merged changesets are displayed under SCM Commits Tab of issues
codeBeamer 6.0.0 - Release Notes
- BUG-41515 - Word import: parse error is displayed together with content
- BUG-41616 - Wrong error message on user import page when file was not selected
- BUG-41647 - Document view's tree: add association overlay "double loads" target page on close
- BUG-41661 - Status color customization: default colors are wrong for few statuses
- BUG-41664 - Error in section editing with outdated session
- BUG-41674 - Document view: creating a new requirement with a required field fails
- BUG-41678 - Document view: version's selector problems
- BUG-41681 - Document view: edit properties' Target Version can not be saved/edited twice after each other
- BUG-41687 - Document view: more menu misaligned
- BUG-41688 - Document view: left tree's toggle button look and problems
- BUG-41693 - Document view: change status of an issue will navigate to an "Access Denied" page on IE8
- BUG-41711 - Document view ignores permissions
- BUG-41716 - check PR 41692
- BUG-41721 - minor problems in header show/hide
- BUG-41722 - Unauthorized user can change tracker field permissions
- BUG-41726 - a bit too much gap in fixed-height layout on IE8
- BUG-41728 - Cannot fork a hg repository
- BUG-41729 - ArtifactActionMenuBuilderTests.testSubdir() fails
- BUG-41731 - Insert image doesn't work when creating a wiki note or commenting documents
- BUG-41732 - Document browsers add comment overlay looks strange in IE
- BUG-41734 - Some headings are missing from comments on document view after saving.
- BUG-41739 - Export issues to MS word: preformatted and quoting look
- BUG-41740 - In document view issue comments are shown for unauthorized users
- BUG-41743 - Wysiwyg editor's image integration is not case sensitive?
- BUG-41745 - Some images in notification emails are not replaced with "not_available.gif"
- BUG-41746 - I deleted a submodule but it's still listed on the submodules page
- BUG-41756 - Change history is empty when restoring an SVN dump
- BUG-41757 - Export issues to MS word: images generated by plugins are missing
- BUG-41758 - 2 pieces not 100% restored when reverting to baselines 1.0
- BUG-41765 - javascript error because focusWiki function is not defined
- BUG-41766 - Document view: javascript error when switching between wysiwyg and markup tab quickly
- BUG-41767 - Document view: wrong image references
- BUG-41768 - Document descriptions are displayed as plain text
- BUG-41789 - 'Back' button behavior is wrong in PR final dialog
- BUG-41798 - WYSIWYG copy paste link sometimes produces relative links
- BUG-41803 - Multiple tests in WordExportTests fail
- BUG-41804 - Wysiwyg Preview does not work in IE when adding/editing a document comment
- BUG-41829 - Strange URL related error
- BUG-41831 - http 400 error on branches&tags page
- BUG-41842 - Missing CSV file import from CB ALM
- BUG-41851 - Items can be created in the undefined/NULL status, even if the tracker uses workflow and has defined a default Submit transition
- BUG-41867 - it is not possible to send a pull request
- BUG-41873 - Document View - Edit Properties shows/replaces localized values with English values
- BUG-41883 - When exporting an older baseline to Word, images deleted in the meanwhile, but existing at that point, will be missing
- BUG-41908 - JSP exception when changeset info is being pulled by a robot or user without permission
- CBUG-41744 - "delete" Action on Documents
- CBUG-41782 - Document View Word Export ignores the filter defined by the selected tracker view
- CBUG-41828 - Dates of releases - 1 day "older" against reality (details of releases OK)
- CTSK-35928 - Let's add warning when user is using an IE6
- CTSK-41422 - Compose the release documentation for 6.0
- CTSK-41631 - Test Export issues to MS Word
- CTSK-41632 - Test CBES updated for 6.0 API
- CTSK-41748 - Test license manager to check whether sysadmin with named licnense can login even if all floating licenses are used
- CTSK-41773 - Focus should default to false in WYSIWYG editor
- CTSK-41775 - It must be ensured that public ssh keys are unique
- CTSK-41784 - Huge logs from ScmShowDataConsumer
- CTSK-41805 - FireFox 11 is arriving - test all related features with it
- CTSK-41815 - Providing information which branch/tag contain a changeset
- CTSK-41824 - Git tags/branches can be deleted from GUI
- CTSK-41826 - showFancyConfirmDialogWithCallbacks' default should be always cancel
- CTSK-41865 - check german translations for 6.0
- CTSK-41870 - Test Document View - required field problem
- CTSK-41894 - Merging "Branches & Tags" and "Details" tabs of /changeset/ID dialog together
codeBeamer 6.0-RC1 - Release Notes
- BUG-40394 - I can not easily resend an pull request which was rejected
- BUG-41053 - While editing a wiki section, info boxes in that page turn to red
- BUG-41085 - Dropdown values in issue editing form are escaped
- BUG-41092 - Database scheme problem on Windows
- BUG-41158 - The inline editor shows wrong markup for a page containing table plugin
- BUG-41172 - Wiki section editing: when ALREADY editing a section (thus that is marked with blue), we should not give the blue hint about editability
- BUG-41175 - wysiwyg editor pre-formatted and preview problem
- BUG-41179 - Some plugins embedded in wiki sections are turned to blue when you move the cursor above them
- BUG-41230 - Document view no auto completion for Version
- BUG-41231 - ProjectManagerTests.testCrud fails
- BUG-41234 - User-selector starts a JS confirm dialog
- BUG-41240 - Sometimes the pr screen shows more changesets after merging then did before
- BUG-41251 - UI header truncation error
- BUG-41263 - Typo when saving a wiki page without closing the editor: "The wiki page was sucsessfully saved"
- BUG-41270 - When hovering over a wiki page, some of the section titles turn to dark-grey
- BUG-41284 - TrackerStateTransitionChartPlugin throws NullPointerException in email notification
- BUG-41286 - Deleting tracker item comment/attachment does not refresh comment/attachment list
- BUG-41292 - Deleting Project baselines not possible
- BUG-41295 - Document view: in place editing of comments fails with an exception when adding an attachment
- BUG-41307 - ui improvement suggestions for item dependency graph
- BUG-41328 - "Compare Baselines" revised
- BUG-41352 - Hudson has problems with "com.intland.codebeamer.test.AllTests.xml.<init>"
- BUG-41356 - Filtering and sorting for Compare Baselines
- BUG-41361 - Stupid error message suggesting to reload the page when trying to select a word in the markup editor
- BUG-41363 - Wiki editor tends to forget my preferred mode sometimes
- BUG-41369 - Multiple tests failing in DemoDataInstallerTests
- BUG-41372 - ScmShowRefsDataConsumerTests fails
- BUG-41378 - WYSIWYG: the character '>' will be recognized as head for a citation, even if it is in the MIDDLE of a line
- BUG-41394 - ScmSubmoduleDaoTests.testCrud fails
- BUG-41403 - GitScmExeProviderTests.testListLocalTags() fails
- BUG-41404 - SvnJavaScmProviderTests.testListLocalBranches() fails
- BUG-41405 - ActivityStreamPluginTests.testFilteringByProjectsAndTagsAndEntityTypes() fails
- BUG-41409 - WYSIWYG's preview does wrap regular text
- BUG-41434 - Several tiny flaws when creating baselines
- BUG-41437 - "Baseline icons" are displayed for regular folders in the Document Manager
- BUG-41447 - Can not add a new private wiki page
- BUG-41448 - Issue bubble should show a horizontal scrollbar if content is too wide
- BUG-41450 - 2 tiny issues at creating baselines
- BUG-41465 - 2 testcases in SvnJavaScmProviderTests fail on 6.0 / Windows
- BUG-41623 - Deleting 1 dependency in Traceability matrix deletes the entire line in the matrix
- BUG-41624 - In Win/IE8 could not create dependency in traceability matrix
- BUG-41625 - In Win IE8 in Tree Suspected links are not marked
- BUG-41634 - Update document view's documentation about inplace issue-property editing
- BUG-41638 - Drag-and-drop in tree fails with exception in Document-view
- BUG-41640 - The top tree-node "Requirements" should not have some menus because this is not an issue/requirement node
- BUG-41644 - Usability of the Document view's tree: multi selection and the menu
- BUG-41645 - Usability of Document's views' tree settings overlay
- BUG-41651 - Can't get back collapsed tree
- BUG-41654 - Edit association dialog contains a list of artifacts, but that is completely ignored and useless
- BUG-41658 - Document view: wrong association text, and not all assocations are visible
- BUG-41662 - i18n document view
- BUG-41665 - Document view: cut/copy menus are useless, because the paste menus won't appear
- BUG-41667 - Document view: handling the "imposible" cut and copy
- BUG-41677 - Document view: big gap at beginning of wyiwyg editor & others
- BUG-41682 - Create baseline page: WYSIWYG editor grabs the focus from Name field
- BUG-41683 - Baselineing 4 bugs
- BUG-41690 - Document view: edit an attachment shows "null" as text
- BUG-41698 - Document view: wysiwyg editor becomes inactive after clicking on save on an empty document
- BUG-41701 - Document view: copy menu is available in baseline, but it does nothing when I want to paste to the head
- BUG-41712 - Creating baselines on Wiki pages broken
- CBUG-40161 - Number of users for the license is reached: Admin tab should still be usable.
- CBUG-40715 - Advanced filter doesen't work properly with tracker newly created in CB 5.6.1
- CBUG-41087 - [CB-6.0]collapse wiki tree view, then open tree view button's position is wrong
- CBUG-41089 - API getTrackerItemRevisionHistory : missing class Baseline
- CBUG-41112 - Tracker search and invalid characters
- CBUG-41120 - Document view only as Admin
- CBUG-41139 - "Finish" button is missing in "New Project" dialog on a new CodeBeamer instance
- CBUG-41170 - [CB-6.0]Wiki page copy/paste got an Ajax error message
- CBUG-41202 - [CB-6.0]Tracker import from CSV function gone??
- CBUG-41203 - [CB-6.0]User import from CSV didn't work
- CBUG-41364 - [CB-6.0]New baseline then CB throw exception
- CBUG-41381 - No SCM commit history appear in CB's repository
- CBUG-41415 - On transition from unset to new status value change is rejected
- CBUG-41475 - Associations not working with Internet Exporer (8/9)
- CBUG-41696 - Listener API Problems: Nach einem Listener Veto kann der aktuelle Issue-Edit Dialog nicht mehr gespeichert werden: Intern wird "Save" als "Cancel" ausgeführt.
Change Requests
- CRQ-38810 - Saving wiki pages without closing the editor popup or auto-saving draft versions of the edited wiki content
- CRQ-40986 - Add indicator and option to delete Suspect Link to Issue-View
- CRQ-40999 - Rewamp the top-section above WYSIWYGs
- CRQ-41157 - Why "Lock / Unlock" for directories in a document baseline?
- CRQ-41165 - Improve the usability of the search popup on the toolbar
- CRQ-41226 - nicer icons for SCM branches and tags
- CRQ-41253 - the uploaded files in the "Attach files..." overlay above the wysiwyg editor covers some text of the editor
- CRQ-41273 - "Save" wiki page (without closing it) takes two clicks instead of one
- CRQ-41276 - The is no "in progress..." feedback for the viewer while waiting for a lengthy wiki rendering
- CRQ-41326 - Inser/NewChild/Delete the Document view should not open closed nodes
- CRQ-41432 - In the checkbox tree of Create Baseline, all nodes should initially be checked
- CRQ-41463 - Tiny changes in the "Baseline List" screen
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-40311 - Read wiki page screen should not reload fully after click one of node
- REQ-41080 - Auto complete of TrackerItem reference field
- REQ-41220 - Insert selected baseline name and ID in word export of Tracker
- CTSK-39710 - Replace the old WYSWYG editor to the new one in all CB instances
- CTSK-40670 - Restructure CB KB to clearly reflect the 3 packages RM, ALM and ITIL
- CTSK-40886 - Unify Wiki and Document View inplace editing
- CTSK-41064 - Check links in the wiki after restructuring the Knowledge Base
- CTSK-41065 - Restructure the "big TOC" in the Knowledge Base
- CTSK-41070 - Providing workflow graph also for non administrate users
- CTSK-41099 - Add filtering capability to the trees in the Document View and Read Wiki Page screens
- CTSK-41111 - Git submodule support
- CTSK-41123 - Rewamp the navbar in the KB
- CTSK-41127 - Providing branch/tag metadata also under Mercurial
- CTSK-41156 - Providing Repository Tag/Branch filter
- CTSK-41221 - Testing submodule with real data
- CTSK-41223 - Implementing ScmRepositoryDao.findByNameAndType()
- CTSK-41294 - Calling ScmRepositorySubmoduleDao.create after push or loading dump
- CTSK-41297 - Database scheme and Mapping of submodules
- CTSK-41299 - Restore the "Issue - Add Comment" permission
- CTSK-41302 - Store attachments in the same way than configured for documents
- CTSK-41316 - "Rich cards" for issue links
- CTSK-41330 - Remove ScmShowRefsDataConsumer.isTag field and parameter
- CTSK-41358 - Update the website HOWTO
- CTSK-41393 - Physical Host-id must be shown
- CTSK-41400 - Testing Supermdoules of changesets
- CTSK-41402 - /changeset/change-set-id must be provider dependent
- CTSK-41477 - Test - Traceability Matrix
- CTSK-41478 - Test - Color configuration for issue statuses
- CTSK-41479 - Test - Importing issues from Word / RTF / CSV / Excel
- CTSK-41516 - Test - Wiki (tree browsing)
- CTSK-41517 - Test - Wiki (section editing)
- CTSK-41612 - Test - Importing users from CSV / Excel
- CTSK-41628 - Test Header show/hide
- CTSK-41629 - Test Fixed-height layout
- CTSK-41652 - Add a screenshot and a single sentence of text about using the issue bubbles in Traceability Matrix to the User Manual
- CTSK-41694 - Remove all incomplete or buggy changes from the revised baseline-related interface
- CTSK-41736 - Test All Functionality Related to Subversion
codeBeamer 6.0-M3 - Release Notes
- BUG-40400 - 3 new "priorities" appearing in the priority filter of the Version Statistics screen
- BUG-40599 - "Data too long for column 'tag'" at some massive Git operation
- BUG-40633 - Can't save the "Permissions" form for reporitories
- BUG-40707 - Time entry complains about that start date is same as end date
- BUG-40742 - Image file "codebeamer_button1_a.gif" is not found when exporting issues to MS Word
- BUG-40751 - layout error in Wiki Save
- BUG-40760 - Help link has a wrong URL
- BUG-40763 - 2 scrollbars are still visible at My Start on
- BUG-40769 - Firefox UI layout error
- BUG-40775 - RemoteApi.uploadWikiPageInExternalFormat always needs soffice even for rtf input
- BUG-40819 - Issue comment rendering if new attachment is uploaded with same name
- BUG-40820 - During long upload, "anonymous" error message is displayed
- BUG-40825 - ditchnet-tabs doesn't remember to the last active tab when that is selected by a request parameter
- BUG-40831 - "Error Addin Button" error on Document-view page
- BUG-40832 - Document view: strange garbage is coming in Chrome on
- BUG-40857 - Markup editor should use monospace font
- BUG-40858 - Invalid property 'subjects'
- BUG-40859 - Several junit tests fail
- BUG-40866 - NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code 'null'
- BUG-40868 - The baseline selector in the tracker breadcrumbs is also displayed for views that do not support baselines at all
- BUG-40877 - The very bottom of the left-panel scrollbar tend to disappear "sometimes"
- BUG-40880 - Auto-complete doesn't work when editing "Target Version" in Document View
- BUG-40892 - Unauthorized user can change PR status
- BUG-40895 - Tracker list shows wrong summary numbers (or those are aligned incorrectly).
- BUG-40913 - Updating a pull request more than once is not possible
- BUG-40976 - Tracker customization layout problems
- BUG-40992 - Document view is not available in the latest version
- BUG-41002 - Lots of empty space above the first line of all WYWIWYG
- BUG-41003 - GenerateLicensePageTests fail
- BUG-41006 - I tried to create a wiki page with a name that already exists in that project, CB rejected it, but without an error message
- BUG-41007 - editing choice fields is broken?
- BUG-41027 - Cannot use cursor buttons in search box in the compact toolbar
- BUG-41063 - Issue editing is not thread safe?
- CBUG-40448 - [CB-6.0]Chinese translations are wrong
- CBUG-40701 - After switching to new JSON library the reference field configuration dialog is broken
- CBUG-40813 - Choosing Reference Items by a custom view doesn't work
- CBUG-40869 - [CB-6.0]Document copy/paste didn't work
- CBUG-40987 - Bad names for customfields
- CBUG-41023 - TreeMenu in Document view is is cut at the bottom (Firefox)
- CBUG-41038 - Wrong sorting of issues in a Word document exported from a Requirement Tracker
- CBUG-41051 - Document view (tree) and traceability matrix
Change Requests
- CRQ-39799 - printer friendly documents view
- CRQ-40134 - Add history record to issues from the document view similarly to when I use them from the table view
- CRQ-40612 - Making the links in version boxes a little more intuitive
- CRQ-40678 - "Manually" managed layouts, is it a good idea?
- CRQ-40733 - nicer icons for time entries
- CRQ-40874 - Change the ordering in the wiki page tree of the Read Wiki Page screen to alphabetic
- CRQ-40881 - Controls are badly aligned in Document View inplace property editor
- CRQ-40979 - Add association in Document View shell come back to the the same issue in the same view.
- CRQ-40990 - Header collapse/expand icons has some alpha channel set that is clearly visible in Chrome
- CRQ-40995 - Too much cellspacing for tables in WYSIWYG
- CRQ-40996 - Headings should have a bottom border also in WYSIWYG and in Preview
- CRQ-40998 - "More details" link should be smaller and be placed a little to the right
- CRQ-41000 - "Blueish color emphasis" of inplace editing in Document View is screwed up
- CRQ-41001 - "Blueish color emphasis" is missing in Wiki section editing
- CRQ-41029 - Wiki tree not keeping its state: limited cookie scope?
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-39925 - wysiwyg editor should support the markup descibed in parent issue
- REQ-40666 - [CB-6.0] API: findTrackerItemsByFilter on customField
- REQ-40807 - [CB-6.0] API: updateTrackerItem with fields, comments, attachments
- REQ-40864 - Push to Mecurial , CB's commit log throw exception
- CTSK-39624 - "New requirement" and "Edit requirement properties" with an inplace UI in Document View
- CTSK-40124 - Time management
- CTSK-40591 - Unit tests failing "sporadically"
- CTSK-40605 - Add user documentation about the Time Tracking features
- CTSK-40607 - Add user documention for tracker baselining
- CTSK-40608 - Add user documentation about the new wiki markup capabilities with examples
- CTSK-40668 - Licensing code should support the new packaging requirements (RM vs. ALM vs. ITIL plus all combinations of those)
- CTSK-40669 - Launching "MS Project Importer for codeBeamer" as an open source project at JavaForge
- CTSK-40724 - Improve the visuals of the left-panel open knob
- CTSK-40725 - Improve the visuals of the top-panel open knob
- CTSK-40735 - WYSIWYG editors should support two types of scrolling behaviour
- CTSK-40786 - Extending rtf parser/generator to support wiki makrup changes
- CTSK-40791 - TaskQ plugin to support our next-generation working method
- CTSK-40796 - Wrap the "OK / Cancel" control in a and apply styling in CSS
- CTSK-40797 - Licensing should allow 30 days trial from first launch
- CTSK-40824 - Status color configuration usability
- CTSK-40837 - Add a "transitions" drop-down and a "More details" link to the expandable requirement details box
- CTSK-40851 - Remove the garbage pages from the CB KB
- CTSK-40885 - Add CB-RM brochure to the
- CTSK-40887 - Fixing javadoc warning
- CTSK-40891 - Velocity rendering problem in TaskQ
- CTSK-40893 - Add the status "In progress" for each tracker in the "codeBeamer Development" project
- CTSK-40907 - Document view tree synch
- CTSK-40911 - Configure WYSIWYG editor to use hotkeys for monospace and preformatted
- CTSK-40983 - Shipping graphviz on Windows
- CTSK-40988 - If user copy/paste -s a WIKI code link into WYSIWYG editor, the paste function should be paste as plaintext
- CTSK-41004 - Add the status "In progress" for each tracker in the "codeBeamer" project
- CTSK-41060 - Disabling time tracking in 6.0
- CTSK-41069 - Nice error message if graphviz is not available
- CTSK-41070 - Providing workflow graph also for non administrate users
codeBeamer 6.0-M2 - Release Notes
- BUG-39350 - RTF parser must be enhanced
- BUG-39564 - Missing character after rtf-wiki conversion
- BUG-39976 - Bug or feature? Our model allows multiple associations of the same type between the same 2 endpoints
- BUG-39987 - "Add association" overlay does not close nicely
- BUG-40191 - WYSIWYG: "Indent" button is enabled for paragraphs where it is not available
- BUG-40199 - Trees forget their "expanded state"
- BUG-40205 - After creating a new issue from the details of a previous issue, the details of the previous issue are shown: bug or feature?
- BUG-40402 - Wiki comment's date is incorrect
- BUG-40431 - Annoying drop zone popups appear whenever you left-click, scroll or resize
- BUG-40553 - In WYSIWYG and markup editor I do get scroll-bars
- BUG-40557 - Issue "summary" fields gets the focus too agressively
- BUG-40559 - Traceability-matrix does not look good initially: when you don't have any views
- BUG-40566 - Internal server error trying to edit a wiki section
- BUG-40569 - WikiToRtfConverterComplexTests.testComplexOrderedList() fails
- BUG-40573 - WYSIWYG doesn't handle old headings correctly
- BUG-40579 - CallTag fails in selectRolesTable tag
- BUG-40598 - ELException in displaytagTrackerItems_tag on
- BUG-40609 - uploaded images are not rendered correctly when creating a new issue with validation error
- BUG-40613 - "Internal Server Error" when trying to edit a section
- BUG-40621 - ActivityStreamManagerTests.testJoinOfMultiAttachments() regularly fails on Windows
- BUG-40626 - the new layout is not perfect in different browsers
- BUG-40632 - IE7 javascript errors
- BUG-40634 - When uploading images these are inserted at wrong location with IE7/8
- BUG-40640 - Wiki markup: 2 consequtive lines prefixed with > results in two blockquotes, however I expected 1
- BUG-40644 - Auto-complete user selectors look weird in Customize Tracker
- BUG-40652 - Java compilation error in TrackerTreeControllerTests
- BUG-40655 - WYSWYG numbered list error
- BUG-40656 - WYSWYG geometry problem
- BUG-40672 - Javaforge / Wiki security problem
- BUG-40680 - "Visible by {0}" in a pull request comment
- BUG-40682 - Layout of upload controls should be uniform
- BUG-40689 - If file to upload has restriction on content, javascript error occurs, and file upload hangs
- BUG-40694 - Creating new Project on CodeBeamer RM, Result Java Exception
- BUG-40700 - Document tree collapse / expand error
- BUG-40709 - When clicking on a historical time entry that loads the time-entry twice
- BUG-40711 - No Save/Cancel buttons in inline wiki editing
- BUG-40729 - WYSIWYG editor breaks some image links
- BUG-40758 - hard to understand error message when trying to add a time entry for an issue
- BUG-40765 - RemoteApi.logout() doesn't work
- CBUG-40560 - Clicking "Change views" in the Traceability Matrix screen yields a javascript error "leftTree is not defined"
- CBUG-40663 - TableOfContents wiki plugin cannot use in My Wiki page
- CBUG-40664 - [CB-6.0]OAuth fail from Google OAuth
- CBUG-40691 - Export Multiple Pages to PDF - Bug in Chrome
Change Requests
- CRQ-40155 - Scrollable area within scrollable area: very unfriendly
- CRQ-40309 - Do not use the [+] expand icon to enter spent time values
- CRQ-40563 - If I make a heading in WYSIWYG, the generated markup is "!2 My Heading", but I'd be happier with "!2 My Heading"
- CRQ-40592 - Tables in WYSIWYG should stretch to the full editor width
- CRQ-40630 - Today is 2012 Jan 5, but notification mails talk about "Copyright 2001-2010"
- CRQ-40706 - The plus icon in Spent Hours is not visible unless user is a project admin
- CTSK-39523 - Inplace add, edit, delete comment in Document View
- CTSK-39783 - Synchronize the left- and right-side menus and handling of menu items in Document View
- CTSK-39811 - the file-uploads may go out on the right
- CTSK-40438 - Wiki brower/tree does not support baselines yet
- CTSK-40551 - Define a transparent, scalable, data-driven, task-oriented working method
- CTSK-40585 - Remove the LeadForge tracking code from and
- CTSK-40603 - Add user documentation about the Document View
- CTSK-40604 - Add user documentation about Traceability Matrix
- CTSK-40606 - Add (check) user document for the new import/export capabilities
- CTSK-40645 - Make the "splitter bar" more compact in 2-panel layouts
- CTSK-40646 - Make the footer more compact
- CTSK-40647 - Too much space between the bottom of the 2 panels and the top of the footer
- CTSK-40649 - Make the header more compact
- CTSK-40658 - On the wiki browser make the contents of the description box wrapped
- CTSK-40699 - Introduce a hard-limit for the count of tracker items displayed in Document View
- CTSK-40703 - Introduce a hard-limit for the count of tracker items displayed in Traceability Matrix
- CTSK-40764 - Electronic signature at creating baselines
codeBeamer 6.0-M1 - Release Notes
- BUG-39504 - WysiwygFormatConversionController writes ERROR lines to the log while switching views in the new WYSIWYG
- BUG-39505 - Short "flickering HTML code" while switching to the WYSIWYG view and initializing TinyMCE
- BUG-39506 - Text "visual appearance" in WYSIWYG must be as close as possible to Preview mode
- BUG-39507 - While editing with WYSIWYG its adds a bunch of blank lines to my markup
- BUG-39550 - Inserting table is very problematic in new WYSIWYG editor
- BUG-39552 - NPE in ScmRepositoryManager.findChangeSetsByBranch
- BUG-39566 - Tracker & CMDB errors in CB 6.0 -> create CMDB category, tracker inherit, tracker view does not work
- BUG-39567 - Browsing empty CMDB "Versions" tracker causes Exception
- BUG-39568 - RTF document import Preview
- BUG-39570 - Email address of user is shown without any login on codeBeamer
- BUG-39580 - Large amoung of screen space is unused at the bottom of the screen in Document View
- BUG-39581 - There is a clearly visible delay between the Document View page load and the tree appearing
- BUG-39591 - Dao?.setIndexed should NOT use JDBC batch
- BUG-39598 - Java exception on cancel button of guard in Workflow config
- BUG-39601 - WYSWYG add row into a table results corrupt table
- BUG-39602 - Exception when switching to document view from any other view
- BUG-39618 - D&D screws up requirements ordering
- BUG-39621 - YUI's CSS overrides our CB's font settings
- BUG-39636 - Requirement tree does not respect the selected baseline (you see the latest revision even if a baseline is selected)
- BUG-39637 - When looking at a baseline version in Document View, all editing should be disabled
- BUG-39645 - 3 minor layout problems in the left-side panel
- BUG-39647 - SQL syntax exception on creating new "Document view" with using Status filter and choosing status values *in the popup*
- BUG-39650 - Requirement tree does not respect the selected view (and its filters)
- BUG-39655 - Requirements Document View does not appear in IE
- BUG-39658 - Two tables can not be created on oracle, because these use oracle reserved words
- BUG-39669 - "No enum const class com.intland.codebeamer.persistence.dto.base.Position.Last" exception when I drop an item to the root of the requirement tree
- BUG-39673 - RTF import does not work with the attached RTF documemt
- BUG-39677 - Excel import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- BUG-39700 - WYSWYG copy/paste from Word documemt results <h1> ... </h1> conversion issue
- BUG-39711 - RTF import to tracker does not work with IEs
- BUG-39714 - Encoding issue when previewing a comment in Document View
- BUG-39725 - Documemt View editor can't edit (') character
- BUG-39733 - IllegalArgumentException("error.project.noadmin.would.exist")
- BUG-39738 - Dropping an issue results in "update non-head revision" exception
- BUG-39740 - ActivityStreamPluginTests.assertNthActivityRecond fails very often
- BUG-39741 - I can't edit and save wiki pages
- BUG-39743 - Review of ArtifactDaoImpl
- BUG-39749 - TrackerItemRemotingTests.testFinders fails with Oracle
- BUG-39761 - From tracker document view a wrong request is posted
- BUG-39762 - "summary" and "description" passed to createrelatedissue.spr is HTML-entity-ized: "hatvan tonnára" is passed as "hatvan tonnára"
- BUG-39803 - Excel import check for Excel 2007
- BUG-39823 - after the "strict" merging policy to cbdev-git is introduced I can not send a pull request
- BUG-39856 - WYSWYG rendering problem
- BUG-39870 - Links to display attachments of issues contain also task_id
- BUG-39886 - Wiki rendering & WYSWYG at the
- BUG-39889 - The action-menu on the right side does not work on the documents view
- BUG-39923 - Tracker exception
- BUG-39950 - Right side panel in the document view can't perfectly handle international character at initial load
- BUG-39951 - The middle part of a markup text gets interestingly trimmed off when moving from WYSIWYG to markup mode
- BUG-39953 - All images embedded with the [!...!] syntax are rendered into "Invalid link" in Document View
- BUG-39959 - Reference box is not shown when looking at a baseline in Document View
- BUG-39985 - Since the recent changes in association schema, AssociationDao.findByTrackerItems() fails with an SQL syntax error
- BUG-39989 - New upload widget inserts wrong wiki code for non image files
- BUG-39994 - Word -> tracker import has images, the images are missing from the attachment
- BUG-39995 - images are too small in the generated word documents
- BUG-39998 - In doc view the "View" and the "more" menus are not aligned in line
- BUG-40014 - empty merge pull-request dialog has scrollbars, why?
- BUG-40021 - create-related-issue wysiwyg plugin does not handle attachments
- BUG-40023 - The same view appears multiple times in the view selector tree
- BUG-40024 - View selector overlay for traceability matrices can't correctly remember my previous choice
- BUG-40036 - Missing indicator of required fields
- BUG-40062 - View selector doesn't remember my previous choices
- BUG-40076 - Traceability matrix doesn't refresh automatically
- BUG-40078 - After the right pane in Document View reloads, it does not reposition itself to the previous position
- BUG-40079 - Colored texts behave as "blocks" instead of "inlines" in WYSIWYG
- BUG-40099 - Add Issue Comment layout problems
- BUG-40102 - TrackerItemAttachmentManagerTests.testReindexingOnCommentCreation() fails on Oracle
- BUG-40115 - NPE when merging a pull request
- BUG-40144 - The new "Document view" link is always shown, even if the tracker does not support document views
- BUG-40156 - Content of the wiki section is "null" when going to inplace editing mode
- BUG-40162 - Empty sidebar displayed beside personal pages
- BUG-40167 - Cannot see the "suspected link" marker in the Doc View tree
- BUG-40175 - All images are missing from the docs exported from trackers
- BUG-40182 - Wiki content appears twice when editing it
- BUG-40189 - Clearing suspected links doesn't work
- BUG-40201 - Wiki section editing fails to find section if the section title contains an invalid link
- BUG-40204 - UnsupportedOperationException in WysiwygFormatConversionController.saveDefaultEditingMode()
- BUG-40206 - NPE in AssociationManager.findLinksOfTypeBetween()
- BUG-40207 - overhelming information on reletad issues
- BUG-40210 - Assigned to can't be selected
- BUG-40229 - SCM Notification Dialog layout problems
- BUG-40232 - MS Word import into tracker, converter deployment fails
- BUG-40270 - No spell checking in WYSIWYG
- BUG-40277 - WikiPageRemotingTests.testRenderContent() fails
- BUG-40278 - WikiMarkupProcessorTests.testSectionEditingLinks() fails
- BUG-40279 - WikiPageRemotingTests.testUploadDownload() fails
- BUG-40280 - Headings has changed with the latest JSPWiki.jar change
- BUG-40281 - ParseException ("codeBeamer 5.4.4" not found) in BreadCrumbsTag
- BUG-40287 - No diff information is provided in issue Description
- BUG-40351 - After entering some spent time on an issue, ActivityStream reports its priority was modified
- BUG-40390 - Issues Editing with comment causes extra information in email notification
- BUG-40401 - suboptimal query
- BUG-40407 - The Wiki to requirement menu from the WYSWYG disappeard
- BUG-40409 - Timetracking Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot format given Object as a Number
- BUG-40420 - 3 testcases in the ActivityStream tests fail (regressively)
- BUG-40429 - "visible for" field is practically unusable on smaller screen
- BUG-40439 - WordExportTests.testNestedRequirements() fails
- BUG-40441 - !5 type headings are not properly indented by the TOC plugin
- BUG-40471 - yesterday I was able to push to the cbdev-git: I should not be
- BUG-40477 - UI design of the "Add Issue Comment" overlay
- BUG-40481 - CommitServletTests.testCommitPermissionRequired() fails
- BUG-40491 - ActivityStreamPluginTests.testTrackerItemAttachmentActivities() because it can't distinguish between comments and attachments
- BUG-40501 - The tracker's description can not be changed
- BUG-40552 - Some HTML code leftover in the Add Wiki Child Page popup
- BUG-40554 - RTF Export - Libre Office font bug
- BUG-40558 - hudson test got stuck when executing the libreoffice converter
- BUG-40570 - Section editing "duplicates" the next section if that has a smaller heading
- BUG-40582 - overlay dialogs look bad if used after a normal modal dialog
- BUG-40589 - NullPointerException in showLicenseInformation_jsp
- CBUG-20914 - Concurent modification is not recognized
- CBUG-39465 - With IE8 neither drag & drop nor upload works
- CBUG-39682 - Logo lässt sich nicht uploaden
- CBUG-39696 - Codebeamer arbeitet nicht mit jre 64 bit
- CBUG-39732 - Documents cannot be uploaded on Firefox 8.0
- CBUG-39814 - Transition menu is not available
- CBUG-39855 - Permission denied when moving of folder with administrator account
- CBUG-39882 - Adding more than 2 attachments to a wiki page the same time will cause NullPointerException
- CBUG-39884 - Result of the filter function in Notification setting of Wiki's property setting is wrong
- CBUG-39936 - The logo cannot be changed for Participate
- CBUG-39945 - Filtering of projects doesn't work
- CBUG-40106 - Exceptions under codeBeamer
- CBUG-40154 - Public project - join - project isn't in list of projects.
- CBUG-40160 - Named licensing: When there is no license left, a user is created anyway
- KBUG-39875 - when the file name has space, a problem exists
- KBUG-39913 - "add comments" overlay dialog is not properly closed (repainted) on IE8
- LHBG-40635 - [Tracker!] Function and understanding of permission and understanding wrong
Bugs for CB-5.x
- EBUG-39151 - Tracker cannot sync each transition's default Field setting and all the entered default value for each transition on the succeeding tracker disappeared
Change Requests
- CRQ-39557 - Row count of the WYSIWYG text-areas should depend on the initial value when that is specified (especially in inplace mode)
- CRQ-39627 - Hide the "HTML" button in the toolbar of the WYSIWYG
- CRQ-39638 - Revise the baseline UI in Document View
- CRQ-39639 - Layout improvements on the 2-panel setup and splitter in Document View
- CRQ-39653 - Shrink the "page top area" (tag box, command box, description box) in Document view
- CRQ-39674 - RTF Import dialog changes
- CRQ-39746 - Limit Activity Stream entry size max 200 bytes.
- CRQ-39775 - Grouping commands in the tree popup menu
- CRQ-39782 - When looking at a baseline in Document View, allow the context menu for the tree, but only the "read" type operations
- CRQ-39817 - CreateUpdateRequirementController.getTrackersByProject() should use a StringBuffer to build the JSON
- CRQ-39869 - Simplify the "topmost action area" in Document View
- CRQ-39941 - jstree trees should use the + and - node icons to expand and collapse
- CRQ-39946 - Both sides of associations should be versionable for suspect links to be able to support baselines
- CRQ-39984 - new ui for importing/uploading content to wiki pages
- CRQ-40026 - Layout & usability changes after introducing the view selector for traceability matrices
- CRQ-40047 - Welcome text appears on all private wiki pages. Should that appear only on the default user page?
- CRQ-40060 - Traceability matrix: do not initialize the view selector trees unless it's necessary (the selector overlay is opened)
- CRQ-40061 - When opening the view selector, 4 tree initialization requests are sent (instead of 2)
- CRQ-40120 - Simpify Wiki information "line"
- CRQ-40123 - Add some explanation to the user when he tries to move to the tr. matrix without selecting two applicable tracker views
- CRQ-40133 - Review the look of the collapsed and expanded state of the "reference box" in Document View
- CRQ-40159 - Move the Traceability Matrix link from action bars to the appropriate "more" menus
- CRQ-40165 - Modify the field name "Subject" to "Verifies" in the default "Tests" tracker configuration
- CRQ-40187 - Add some padding to the right-side wiki page panel
- CRQ-40224 - Preformatted text should appear in the greyish box also in WYSIWYG
- CRQ-40286 - Wiki pages are represented with a "folder"(?) icon in wiki page trees, instead of a "page" pictogram
- CRQ-40302 - can not access wiki help
- CRQ-40565 - While section-editing a wiki page, CTRL-leftarrow opens/closes the left-side wiki page tree instead jumping to the first character of the current word
Feature Requests and Questions
- REQ-39023 - Too small history list for adding associations
- REQ-39836 - Automatically generate graph from workflow transitions
- REQ-39920 - Supporting subscript and superscript formatting from wiki markup
- REQ-39932 - Supporting quoted text from wiki markup
- REQ-39933 - Supporting comments from wiki markup
- REQ-40032 - wysiwyg support in Google Chrome Browser
- CTSK-39414 - Complete the "import issues from RTF" feature
- CTSK-39517 - Test the new WYSIWYG with the real content received from our customers
- CTSK-39518 - Test the new WYSIWYG with rich content pasted from the system clipboard
- CTSK-39583 - WYSWYG completition focus tables + text
- CTSK-39593 - Wiki RTF import
- CTSK-39599 - Wiki -> Tracker converter
- CTSK-39614 - "New Requirement" in the requirement tree
- CTSK-39640 - Implement reordering of issues in the requirement tree
- CTSK-39652 - Add new WYSIWYG editor to New Issue/Edit Issue pages
- CTSK-39666 - WYSWYG implementation in Document view
- CTSK-39695 - LibreOffice's Word -> RTF converter usage
- CTSK-39698 - Test drag & drop between the tree and the document view
- CTSK-39710 - Replace the old WYSWYG editor to the new one in all CB instances
- CTSK-39717 - Partial and full reload of the right-side pane in Document View
- CTSK-39723 - Create a configuration dialog for the tree
- CTSK-39734 - Make the tree menu adaptive
- CTSK-39735 - Implement copy/paste between trees of same-type trackers
- CTSK-39737 - "Create task from the selected text" in the WYSIWYG at Document View
- CTSK-39756 - "Delete" in the tree context popup menu in Document View
- CTSK-39759 - Reference selector should use overlay instead of popup
- CTSK-39776 - Integration tests for the serverside code around the Document View
- CTSK-39777 - Review the URL names, HTTP methods, and URL security around Document View
- CTSK-39779 - Bring common functionality from TrackerTreeController to TreeControllerSupport
- CTSK-39808 - Add a new field for storing tree preferences
- CTSK-39813 - New interwiki link type [REQ:1234]
- CTSK-39830 - Clean up the Requirement Word export templates
- CTSK-39833 - Unit tests for the Requirements Word Export feature
- CTSK-39837 - Export the requirements references to Word
- CTSK-39838 - Export the requirement numbering into Word
- CTSK-39839 - Write a howto about customizing the Requirement Word template
- CTSK-39857 - Optimize BrowseTrackerAction.loadReferences()
- CTSK-39887 - Visualize suspect links in the document view
- CTSK-39892 - Tree based Artifact Explorer widget
- CTSK-39928 - Wiki UI improvements
- CTSK-39935 - Fully replace the old WYSWYG editor to the new one
- CTSK-39947 - Change Layout of add/edit comments screens
- CTSK-39960 - Test suspect links with automag(t)ical creation of them by workflows
- CTSK-39961 - New screen "Traceability matrix"
- CTSK-39962 - Add editablity to traceability matrices
- CTSK-39992 - Write the "Add some optional comment..." watermark to the comment boxes below wiki editors
- CTSK-40005 - Select inputs for traceability matrix
- CTSK-40087 - Default tracker views (ID < 0) should be supported by the traceability matrix
- CTSK-40088 - Issues along the dimensions of the traceability matrix should be sorted by using the view's own sorting
- CTSK-40089 - Add tests for TraceabilityMatrixController
- CTSK-40091 - Add a (better) navigation path for the Document View
- CTSK-40092 - Add a navigation path for traceability matrices
- CTSK-40095 - Remove the "rectangle" part from the tree open/close icon
- CTSK-40097 - Clean-up and close 6.0-M1
- CTSK-40105 - Move the logic in AssociationHelper to AssociationManager
- CTSK-40107 - Traceability matrix should be editable only if the user has "issue_update" permission on both trackers that represent its 2 dimensions
- CTSK-40111 - Add dnd to the tree of the wiki browser
- CTSK-40125 - Add the "Rename" item to the context menu of the wiki browser tree
- CTSK-40132 - The import from word link/drop-area is missing from the latest wiki page gui
- CTSK-40153 - Mark suspected links in the tracker tree
- CTSK-40179 - WordExportTests.testExportRequirement() fails
- CTSK-40181 - TrackerItemManagerCommentTests.testReindexingOnCommentCreation() fails
- CTSK-40200 - When user lands on a wiki page the tree should expand & select that wiki page
- CTSK-40408 - Wiki double section editing?
- CTSK-40433 - User Navigation History Filter
- CTSK-40462 - inline editing of wiki sections does not work on IE6/7
- CTSK-40478 - CBES compatibility with CB 6.0
- CTSK-40500 - Product sheet for codeBeamer RM
- CTSK-40561 - Write user documentation for the RTF -> wiki import feature (and its limitations)