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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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codebeamer Development

The following pages contain information about development opportunities and processes with codebeamer, such as:

  • codebeamer API-reference, -extensions and plugin development,
  • Wiki plugin development,
  • Jenkins plugin development,
  • Word template development for codebeamer, etc.
Some pages contain procedural information, while others only refer to the pages containing documnetation of the related developer tools of the processes in question.

codeBeamer Developer's Guide

This manual is intended for developers and describes concepts that you need to understand in order to use codeBeamer Web APIs to extend it using its various extension points.

codeBeamer is a Spring based Java application, running as a Web Service in an Apache Tomcat® container.


The Apache Tomcat® provides the container for the codeBeamer (cb) web application and is responsible for

  • Accepting and handling incoming HTTP requests
  • Providing threads for the request processing
  • Routing the requests to the codeBeamer web application via the appropriate filters.

The tomcat server configuration, e.g.

  • Listen ports,
  • Request protocols,
  • Thread pool parameters

are defined in /tomcat/conf/server.xml in the codeBeamer installation directory.

The request routing and filter configuration for the codeBeamer (cb) Web Application is defined in /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/web.xml in the codeBeamer installation directory.

The context for the codeBeamer application is provided by the Spring Framework, not via Tomcat:

  • Bean instantiation and lifecycle management
    • Application startup and shutdown
  • Dependency injection
  • Transaction management
  • Internal request routing according to the path of the request URL to the appropriate controllers

The standard application context for codeBeamer is defined via applicationContext.xml in /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/lib/cb.jar.

Customer specific application context enhancements can be defined via my-applicationContext.xml in /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/classes.

To add custom beans, e.g. Listeners or Workflow Actions:

  • Add the compiled bean classes to /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/classes.
  • Or, if the beans are packed into a JAR, add the JAR to /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/lib.

Depending on the type of bean, you may also have to deploy additional resources, e.g.

  • Custom resource localizations via my-ApplicationResources[locale].properties in /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/classes
  • Velocity template files have to be added to the appropriate /tomcat/webapps/cb/config/templates sub-directory, e.g
    • /email - for email subject and body templates
    • /wiki-plugin - for Wiki plugin templates
    • /widget - for dashboard widget templates

In order for custom beans (e.g. Listeners or Workflow Actions) to be recognized and used by the Spring Framework

  • a <bean> configuration must be added to /tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/classes/my-applicationContext.xml
    • e.g.
      [{ColorCode syntax='java'
      <bean id="exampleBean" class="com.intland.codebeamer.example.ExampleBean">
  • or (preferred), it will be automatically detected by the Component scan during CodeBeamer startup, if
    • the package of your custom bean is a sub-package of com.intland.codebeamer,
    • and the bean is annotated to be a
    • e.g.
      [{ColorCode syntax='java'
      package com.intland.codebeamer.example;
      import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
      public class ExampleBeam {

Standard codeBeamer Bean types


Controllers are the HTTP Request end-points.
They are responsible for validating and handling incoming requests and producing an appropriate response.

Depending on the type of controller or end-point, the request/response body can contain HTML or JSON.

Controllers should be annotated as @Controller and each HTTP end-points as @RequestMapping, where the value is the path in the request URL relative to the web application context path (/cb).

For example: The definition of the TrackerController and it's Legacy REST API (v1) end-points for

  • POST http://{server}:{port}/cb/tracker
  • GET http://{server}:{port}/cb/tracker/{trackerId}
    [{ColorCode syntax='java'
    package com.intland.codebeamer.controller;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
    import org.springframework.ui.Model;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus;
    import com.intland.codebeamer.controller.ControllerUtils;
    import com.intland.codebeamer.manager.TrackerManager;
    import com.intland.codebeamer.persistence.dto.TrackerDto;
    import com.intland.codebeamer.persistence.dto.UserDto;
    public class TrackerController {
        private TrackerManager trackerManager;
        @RequestMapping(value = "/tracker", method = RequestMethod.POST)
        public TrackerDto createTracker(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestView("TrackerDetails") TrackerDto tracker)
                                        throws AccessRightsException, ChangeVetoedException, IllegalArgumentException, ArtifactNameConflictException {
            UserDto user = ControllerUtils.getCurrentUser(request);
            trackerManager.create(user, tracker, request);
            return tracker;
        @RequestMapping(value = "/tracker/{trackerId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public TrackerDto getTracker(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable("trackerId") Integer trackerId) {
            UserDto user = ControllerUtils.getCurrentUser(request);
            TrackerDto tracker = trackerManager.findById(user, trackerId);
            if (tracker == null) {
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException("/tracker/" + trackerId);
            return tracker;
        @RequestMapping(value = "/proj/tracker/workflowGraph.spr", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public String displayTransitionsGraph(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("tracker_id") Integer trackerId, Model model) throws AccessRightsException, PluginException {
            UserDto user = ControllerUtils.getCurrentUser(request);
            model.addAttribute("graphHtmlMarkup", result);
            return "/bugs/tracker/workflowGraph.jsp";

The first two methods are Legacy REST API (v1) end-points.

The @ResponseView annotation will make sure, that the return value and any throw exceptions will be transformed into a proper JSON response.
The @RequestView annotation can be used, to transform the JSON request body into an internal codeBeamer entity.
Use @RequestBody get the raw JSON content.

The third method is an HTML endpoint.

The return value is the (relative) path to the HTML page or JSP to return (View).
The page will show the data added to the specified Model.

Alternatively, you could return Model and View (JSP path) as a ModelAndView object.


An EntityControllers is a special type of controller, that is responsible for a specific type of codeBeamer entity, e.g

  • User
  • Project
  • Tracker
  • Tracker Item

Typically an EntityController will convert the information from the received request into internal Data Transfer Objects (DTO) and then pass them on to the responsible EntityManager (see below).

E.g. the TrackerController shown partially above is the controller for Tracker entities, that are represented within codeBeamer as TrackerDto objects.

Data (Model) to be returned will be converted into an appropriate View, e.g.


An EntityManager is a special type of component, that is responsible for the lifecyle (create, update, delete) and retrieving of codeBeamer entities of a specific type, e.g.

  • UserManager is responsible for Users, User Groups and User Licenses,
  • ProjectManager is responsible for Projects, Project Roles and Project Members,
  • TrackerManager for Trackers and their configuration (Permissions, Fields, Workflow, ...)

The EntityManager is also responsible for applying proper entity access control and informing any ''Entity''Listeners about lifecyle events on their managed entity.


An EntityDAO is a special type of component, that is responsible for the persistence (create, update, delete) and retrieving of codeBeamer entities of a specific type in the database.

Data Access Objects use MyBatis to map Data Transfer Objects to Database objects (tables, rows, views, columns) and vice versa, and to create, update, delete and retrieve data in the database via JDBC.

The EntityDAO is also responsible for maintaining the application level EntityCache, which is an EHCache of the most recently used entities of that type.

Each EHCache and also the EHCacheManager is itself a component.


We have learned about some special types of components already above:

  • EntityManagers
  • EntityDAOs
  • EntityCaches

There are a lot more:

  • DefaultEntityListeners
  • EntityContextMenuBuilders
  • etc.
Custom Components

Some of the default codeBeamer controllers and managers allow to add custom add-ons/plug-ins to extend their basic functionality: