Smart Copy
Smart Copy enables to reuse entire components (e.g. sets of linked work items) from a library, with all their relationships and version history.
For more information, see:
Smart Copy feature.
Export and report Workflow Actions
Two new Workflow Actions are available:
- Export work item - Triggering this Workflow Action will create a configurable export of the Work Item. Target Document tracker, exported file type, name prefix, export templates are configurable.
- Create report - Triggering this Workflow Action will create a configurable report of this Document Item. Target Document tracker, exported file type, name prefix, export templates, order of the documents merge are configurable.
Bi-directional Associations
Between two Work Items, creating bi-directional Associations is now possible. This means Suspected links will inform the users if any of the associated Work Items are changed.
Two-way merge on Work Item level
If there is a bi-directional association between two Work Items and both are changed, users can merge data in both directions. This is an enhancement to the existing merge functionality.
Inspect all changes page
Mergeable items are collected for a tracker on a single page. This is available from Trackers' more option menu, under Tools.
Keep view settings and item focus
codebeamer X now automatically saves users' view settings. Even when navigating away from and back to a Tracker list, the system will maintain the configured view settings, including the column order and width, visibility, etc. The same applies to the Traceability Browser, so there is no need to set up views repeatedly.
Usability improvements / Feature enhancements
- Comments are referable with direct link.
- Work Item duplication available.
- Comment section is collapsible on the Work Item details view.
- Work Item details view layout enables four fields next to each other.
- Connected Work Items in traceability browser are highlighted.
- On Login users will be warned if their client time zone does not match the timezone configured for codebeamer X.
- Tracker tree page is the default landing page for Workspaces.
20895202 Suspected merge dialog - missing change data on Changes tab
20891022 Word export - LaTex plugin is not exported
20886666 Import/export - Not possible to export to Excel after a failed Excel import
20859897 Trackers - Static field dependencies - Inconsistent combination of options exists in the allowed values list of a choice field
20831324 Cardboard - displaying cards with assigned to value throws error if Assigned to field is not multiple
20831069 Session expiration leads to data loss
20814052 Clicking on last lines of an item description will lead the focus to jump to the top of that description
20796430 Test Runs: Reported bug(s) are captured incorrectly on test case run level (child test runs)
20792413 SAML SSO login from OKTA leads to classic login
20792214 Renamed default fields show their previous name in List view
20777790 Exporting Traceability Browser result to Excel generates a 0 byte document
20770609 Doc view - error when creating child folder
20758315 New user registration invitation brings user to login screen instead of registration screen
20758249 List of values is missing in 'Repositories' type choice list
20747400 Math plugin no longer converts formula on cbx 4.1
20740562 Test Set Start/End Date fields are not displayed in the Tracker Calendar view
20705182 Search on document view sometimes not finds the item
20686784 "Paste as plain text" on Chrome and Chromium Edge sets the window's scroll position to the top
20594132 Traceability browser - Release options are not loaded
Other defect fixes
20898765 Document view - If the vertical menu is getting displayed instead of the horizontal one, some items are getting displayed outside of the left tree's box
20895728 Document view - Cut and paste an item in document view - the active item disappears from the left tree
20895464 Advanced Smart Copy - Field Mapping - If field mapping is changed the new field's options are not loaded
20895415 Advanced Smart Copy - Field Mapping - If a field is ignored and then gets a field again the available values are not loaded/displayed
20895243 Installer - Linux - On finishing post-install process restart.spr gives 500 error
20895175 Work item view/edit - Create a Work Item with filling multi choice users field cause duplication on the created Work Item reference dialog
20895162 Windows Installer does not complete with error 2755
20893305 Document view - folder creation - the new folder is not in focus in the main panel
20892271 Library based Smart Copy - Reference and Target tracker fields do not show the option in alphabetical order
20892263 Library based Smart Copy - Target tracker field does not handle long tracker names
20890729 Reports - The Summary field values are wrapped
20889429 Document view - Search - The left tree should be expanded, the items should be highlighted
20889425 List view - Unnecessary empty place next to the item names
20887857 Review hub - "Choose roles and members" dialog - the already selected users/roles/groups are not listed
20886615 Workspace - Invitation mail navigates to wrong URL
20886590 Workspace - Tracker overlay is still displayed above tracker creation dialog
20884875 Review hub - The "Add new items to the review" search gets into a loading loop.
20884517 Work item view/edit - Confirmation leave pop-up appears when clicking on Reply button
20880698 Review hub - Review statistics tab loading for long but there is no loading animation
20880421 Login/registration - Password forgot and reset page's design is not correct
20880333 Reports - Create new report left tree content is out of the borders of the component
20880272 Review hub - Switching to Relations tab gets failed with Console error: 500
20878561 Licensing - Wrong message on disabled user's login
20878559 Review hub - review page - reference items does not open
20877384 Risk matrix - matrix colors cannot be changed
20877339 Cardboard - Clicking on New Item opens the menu at the wrong place
20877332 Trackers - Opening Item from Historically filtered Cardboard View in Dialog shows new version
20876053 Reports - Console error on saving new report
20876046 Sidebar - without unsaved modification open another item in sidebar - the "Saved" notification appears, the other item does not open
20876017 Trackers - Signature Login does not always work during Tracker Configuration
20876008 Field settings - Single select Members type field with multiple datasource - Selecting value on picker from different source won't deselect previous value
20875955 Workflow Action - Workflow action's Propagate suspects settings aren't saved
20874122 Work item view/edit - Edit/"Mass..." option and add the Verifies/Multicountry gets into a loading loop with console error.
20874058 Work item view/edit - after a canceled downstream reference item creation - the details tab should be displayed
20874038 Tracker Item Review - The Approve Review dialog is under the status switch dropdown
20874031 Workspace settings - Pressing "Enter" in Name or Key fields triggers the "Remove workspace" button
20873982 Bug for "Sidebar - Editing item on sidebar and switch to another one" when editing a wiki text
20873979 Document view - tree item sequence issues when new item is getting added
20873898 Document view center panel description edit - existing content is not shown in editor
20872713 Import/export - Wrong message shown during Round-trip Excel Export
20872709 Test case - downstream reference item from center panel contains item that only can be upstream one
20872683 Editor - Inserting dashboard as artifact link into a widget/wiki page/description/comment does not work
20872627 State transitions - Guard - Options field - list of options and the configure field value is not consistenc
20872619 Bug for 400 Error on Copy/Paste wiki page
20869834 State transitions - Change handler - Save a "Changes" configuration with "Changed" option - errors in the console, the "changed" option is not saved
20869824 Test Mgmt - Reusing test step with custom test step fields does not save the new test step
20869823 Login/registration - Password policy is not applied during Forget password
20869785 Test cases - creating a folder causes access denied for a sysadmin user
20869783 State transitions - Update referring items action - defined value for members - roles field is not applied
20869553 Bug for Workspace name breadcrumb navigates to Wiki instead of Tracker tree
20868989 Login/registration - through the registration process, the "Time zone change" popup appears
20867721 List view - Open an item from the list view and switch to another one - the "Show comments" option is missing
20867655 Document view - Doc tracker - hover over an item - additional options are displayed below the item instead of next to it
20861075 Fields settings - In case of "Same as" permission configuration, the ID field is selected instead of the configured one
20852963 State transitions - Guard condition - Cannot set value for any field type
20850928 Work item view/edit - Number of displayed items dropdown displays faulty
20850373 Sidebar is not getting refreshed after clicking from one sidebar of a work item to another
20847149 State transitions - Workflow actions - choice field with Multiple datasource options does not loaded
20847116 State transitions - Can not remove added mandatory fields from Trigger state transition action
20847018 Advanced Reuse - Items are not copied with the modified mapping
20845695 State transitions - Trigger state transition action - Options field - the status options are available instead of the field options
20845595 Workspace - Workspace trackers menu is dislocated
20845580 List view - On List view the item's more options places are not consistent
20845376 Associations - Association creation failed with error
20841114 Test mgmt - In case of renamed test case items, the test step edit causes error in the console
20832637 Document view - Main panel won't get the selected item into focus if its not at least 10 places lower
20831171 Baseline - In baseline mode, the edit (pencil) icon is displayed next to the Summary value
20830948 Doc. mgmt - In baseline mode, the "Upload Document" button is available on the work item page
20830947 Doc. mgmt - In baseline mode, the "Upload Document" button is available on the sidebar
20830946 Doc. mgmt - In baseline mode, the "Upload new version" option is available in the document view's context menus
20829546 Document view - The Duplicate option is available in baseline mode
20829541 Baseline - In baseline mode - Send to review options are missing from the context menus
20829531 Baseline - In baseline mode the "Set as default view" icon should be hidden
20829529 Wiki - In baseline mode, the Duplicate should not be enabled in the left tree context menu
20829528 Wiki - In baseline mode, the Properties should be not be enabled in the left tree context menu
20826340 Wiki - Link's arrow icon is enormous
20826339 Trash - content is not available
20822671 Import/export - NullPointerException occurs during Tracker export to Word and PDF
20821494 Document view - Create a new item - The Description field is not visible
20821493 Updating Work Item in Planner updates the name of the Work Item with ticket number until refreshing the page
20821415 Sidebar - Editing an item on sidebar in Cardboard View or Planner view opening another one on sidebar won't save the changes
20821414 Sidebar - Editing an item on sidebar in Document View or Planner view and opening another one on sidebar won't open the new item
20821386 Associations - In baseline mode, the HEAD version's Suspected badge is available instead of the baseline one
20821379 Associations - Suspected dialog shows the HEAD version's discrepancies instead of the baseline version
20821376 Document view - Library panel's icon remains active after closing it with X
20821372 Baseline - Open a tracker in document view baseline mode - if the previously focused item does not exist in baseline mode 500 error appears
20821353 Associations - In baseline mode, the association is missing from the deleted item's associations tab
20821211 Work item view/edit - Downstream references tab - the Name column should be wider by default
20821210 Associations - Merge tab - Error in the console
20821032 Field settings - Double-click on Save causes exception
20820878 Document view - Duplicate item rearrange the items' list
20820314 References - Bi-directional Suspected dialog - on the Changes tab, the referenced item is displayed instead of the current one
20820306 References - Suspected dialog - the referenced item is displayed on the Changes tab, instead of the current one
20819068 Work item view/edit - the Duplicate option is missing from the More context menu
20819026 Document view - Open an item and delete it - the default tree opens
20818613 Document View - uploaded zip with folder in it should be selected after upload
20817266 Work item view/edit - Saving a high story point value in dialog view goes into loop
20817265 Associations - Associate a dashboard - its url is invalid
20816678 Workspace page - context menu appears wrong
20816564 Highlighting does not work in document view tree filter
20810132 Document tracker - document view - new item focus issue - new items only get focused when left panel is clicked first and an item is selected
20809554 Tracker configuration - Fields tab actions menu is out of position
20809528 Trackers - Export workflow action - Exported excel file's name doesn't contain prefix
20809527 Workspace - Workspaces categories are center-aligned instead of top
20807983 Work item view/edit - The page is not scrollable if a work item is opened in full-screen mode
20804463 Doc. mgmt - File upload option is available against permission
20800943 Dashboards - Breadcrumb should be the same as the top bar menu name
20799035 Doc. mgmt - Document type trackers are available in the top menu despite of the document management is disabled
20798553 Create Report action: Error during state transition
20796382 Description is not shown in Dialog unless the field is currently edited for new Work Items
20795464 Associations, References and Suspected links - Previously cleared suspection appears for bi-directional suspection
20795460 Associations, References and Suspected links - Reverse suspection's arrow appears next to tracker if the user tries to add it as a reverse suspected association
20795442 Associations, References and Suspected links - Suspected badge doesn't appear in work item field
20794986 Associations, References and Suspected links - Reverse suspected badge shows the wrong item and doesn't display the change
20794032 Document View - Moved tracker node with child items automatically gets expanded on destination tracker
20794019 Document View - Tree Node with Child Items gets expanded automatically if it is the active item
20793837 Planner - The exclamation mark of unsaved changes has no tooltip
20792496 Test mgmt - Test step reference items are broken into lines
20792306 Documents - Upon adding a document to a newly created folder with the "Add document" button, the containing folder is not expanded automatically
20792248 Traceability - There is no space between Active preset label and preset's name
20789664 Review hub - Cannot create new review, TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'substr')
20789582 Document view move animation - Item seems to be moved against document tracker's config (Allow item name duplications)
20789581 Field settings - "--" status is missing from the "Mandatory in status" dropdown
20787457 Doc mgmt - console error after trying to download document without doc permission
20779363 Work item view/edit - Date picker can be opened for Submitted at field for items in Accepted status
20777853 Editor - Spaces between paragraphs are inconsistent
20776502 Traceability - Traceability browser - Add field button generates console error and does nothing on Level 2 if tracker option is empty
20775170 Import/export - Export - Second export process will start on excel tab but will export word file
20775137 Field settings - Unable to set Severity on Bugs although it has the same permission as Priority
20775133 Cardboard - Previously modified item is highlighted too after status change
20774939 Trash - item deletion enabled with app config
20774448 Wiki - Error toast message and console error apperas if changing tab during edit of wiki page properties and saving afterwards
20773045 Document View - Create new documents dialog does not show if all the documents were deleted from the destination folder before until a reload
20773009 Test Runner - Saving a finished Test Run does not close the dialog
20770607 Work item edit from sidebar - if user sets a value from popup, the sidebar closes after saving the dialog value
20770603 List view - Options type field's Clear selection doesn't quit from edit mode
20770601 Document view - Comments - Search comments label and Magnifying glass icon could overlap each other
20770190 Test runner - Test Runner doesn't follow test cases' and test run's progress
20769056 Import/export - Tracker item Office export - The filter does not work on the configuration items dialog
20768804 Editor - single choice dropdown value can't be changed
20768796 Editor - bool dropdown option not register change at first try
20766075 Work item view/edit - The dropdown of multi options choice field disappears immediately if opened a second time
20765972 Work item view/edit - "Show comments" tooltip is missing
20765589 Field Settings - Editing from Choice Option to Work Item or Tracker does not work
20765569 List view - Abbreviation is applied even there is enough space for the full name
20763095 Work item view/edit - Error in console on entering into edit mode with single select language field
20761351 Document View - Folder is not opened after item uploaded in it
20761318 Login page is unusable on smaller screens
20761317 Document View - Item is in focus after moved to another tracker
20760032 Trackers - open a tracker with an open sidebar - the open in dialog button is disabled
20759843 Reports - Won't get the saved displayed item number of a report if changed without saving
20759519 Workspace - Modify the tracker groups - Invalid notification
20759517 Tracker tree - Workspace settings - move a tracker into another group while the tracker tree is open, causes errors in the console
20759421 Permanent links - share view - the selected item is not focused
20758317 Document view - Focus won't find item in left tree if it's a child
20758235 Document view - Metadata fields' setup resets after navigating back to a tracker
20756632 Cardboard - "Show empty lanes" option is not stored
20756628 Trackers - after login the default view should be displayed
20756610 Traceability - Error in console on overwriting saved preset
20756555 Licensing - User is unable to login if the license is expired
20751604 Test runner - Report bug - Save and New button will save the new bug item but won't open a new dialog for a new one
20750263 Editor - Mentioning someone in a Comment results in NullPointerException upon Save
20747404 State transitions - Create a new sequential id/number workflow action - Field dropdown contains invalid values
20747053 Work item view/edit - Reference field's design is odd if reference item has a long name without spaces
20746062 Doc. compare - cannot step into comparison mode from trace mode
20744925 JIRA sync: Weblink created in JIRA are pointing to CB interface
20742992 State transition - Unable to add new status to tracker, error in console
20742927 Traceview filter - saving then loading traceview filter in docview causes server 500 issue
20740595 Test runner - Completed test run - the buttons look disabled, but the report bug and more functions buttons are enabled
20740469 Creating new item in dialog gives error message and error in console
20740461 Test mgmt - Sorting of test cases in test runs are odd (if thye were created from test cases' document view)
20739413 Cardboard - Items' coloring is delusive if selecting one on cardboard view and moving another one
20737837 Dashboard - Widget - After copying a widget to the same dashboard it takes a long time for the page to refresh
20737755 Work item view/edit - History mode - Fields seems to enter edit mode, able to edit decimal field after that can't navigate to other page by clicking on any link
20737754 Import/export - User import result dialog is too wide
20736803 Import MS Office - Cancel button immediately terminates the import
20736195 Review hub - Deleted Workspaces reports appear as [object Object] during creation
20733862 Traceability Browser - Field settings doesn't contain relevant fields
20733861 Traceability Browser - Loaded Preset is different from Saved one
20732926 Field settings - Choice field - Choice field (workspaces) loosing its datasource config on change
20732923 Field settings - Choice field - Choice field loosing its datasource setting on change
20723892 State transitions - Update item properties action - user is missing from the list of values
20716120 Sidebar - shadow missing when the panel opens on the left side
20710117 Work item view/edit - It is possible to switch status in history mode
20710102 Review hub - Cannot create new review, TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'substr')
20710098 Test mgmt - cannot set value for custom reference type fields via inline edit
20710083 Work item view/edit - Accepted status item - Cannot edit fields on the cbX UI, the response contains an invalid "editable: false"
20709981 Work item view/edit - Custrom date field - Picker dialog save issue
20707706 Doc. mgmt - Right-click on an item/folder in the three causes error in the console (in some cases)
20707705 Doc. mgmt - select a folder with at least one another item/folder - the context menu does not open
20702336 Work item view/edit - Month value is not editable on the custom date field picker dialog
20702208 Work item edit - choice options multi field does not lose focus when user clicks away
20702107 Workflow status - Console error when click under the workflow status field
20700369 Work item view/edit - Single select country/language selection not works
20700355 Test mgmt - Test Sets - Test cases disappeagring from list on ticking checkbox
20700352 Work item view/edit - Multiple clicks required to switch to edit mode on various fields
20696062 Export PDF with the remote export server is not possible
20695870 Work item view/edit - Cancel not working for multi language/country fields
20695867 Work item view/edit - Duration field cannot be saved after clearing the value
20694866 Search item - search does not find the item if the number copied or typed too fast
20693859 Work item view/edit - The custom duration field appears to have been saved as an unacceptable value
20693774 Doc. compare - Share comparison - Shared comparison doesn't display differences
20693753 Work item edit - fields only get editable when user clicks twice
20693749 Doc. compare - Baseline Compare - Focus is continuously changing between two items on compare
20691090 Licensing - "Upload Document" button is available for the users with Reviewer/Viewer license
20688456 Work item view/edit - Locked item drop-down menus looks editable and after the user chose a value it is unable to close the dialog
20688400 Test mgmt - Test Case Work Item is locked after edit and discard changes on its Test Step
20688350 Test mgmt - Test Case steps - The horizontal scrollbar is not floating
20686660 Test mgmt -Data loss occurs when all custom test steps field is mandatory and only the Action field is saved and applied
20686659 Test mgmt - Rearranged step fields - If test step fields are not in the common order copying test step from another test case will rearrange the step's fields
20683965 License warning badge not cleared after license update
20683206 Work item view/edit - Clicking on user link directs to dashboard page
20683201 E-Signature - username field - unnecessary X icon
20683180 Work item view/edit - single select reference type field - uncheck the defined value and click on Save causes errors in the console
20683145 List/Document view - choice fields - "-" value is missing
20681793 Work item view/edit - choice options fields - in some cases the bottom of the dropdown is not visible for the user
20681777 List view - version badge is displayed in below the item name
20681444 Tracker item review - Review status change - Sidebar won't go automatically into edit mode after review approve/reject only after clicking again in cardboard view
20681041 Doc. mgmt - Locked document item - The "Upload Document" button is enabled
20673965 Cardboard view - card menu does not appear well
20671564 Review hub - Null pointer exception occurs for reviewers when expands the References section on the main panel
20667406 List view - In line edit - Using "UP"/"Down" key saves the first choice option
20667395 Work item edit - dropdown and date fields are editable in history mode
20664104 Work item edit - item is locked by someone message appears twice
20663015 Adding screenshot has issues on sidebar reply comment
20662037 Work item edit - locked item - cut and paste is possible in currently locked items in list view
20661979 Import/export - Previous warning messages appear on "User import result" dialog
20660574 Work item view - reference field with suspected and version badge looks unacceptable
20660568 Work item view - long reference field value is not slashed
20659429 Planner - columns are not removable
20659413 Planner - logical form is not evaluated after reopening filtered planner
20656726 Permanent links - filter is not recovered when only grouping and order applied
20656526 Document tracker - Console error during item selection on list view
20656501 System admin - save the application config causes ?invalid? notifications
20656343 Document view- tree panel context menu does not contain send item to review menu option for folders
20656127 Test mgmt - Test run "Items" dropdown value is not informative
20654366 Dashboard - table widget - header buttons are not visible
20654205 State transitions - edit a custom status - a new status has been created OR the modification lost
20654188 Dashboard - copying widget to another dashboard not works
20654187 Dashboard - widget can be dropped on the currently used dashboard
20644529 Cannot add URL type field to Report Conditions
20644528 URL field is cleared by "Mass edit - Clear" function
20644526 URL type field cannot be added to Filters
20644521 URL field is not displayed correctly on Doc/List view and Sidebar
20602408 Document view - Metadata fields cover description
20563789 Cardboard/Calendar view - More actions context menu inconsistency
20513132 Cardboard - Opened Work Item dialog remains open after visit the same Tracker Item