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codebeamer X 4.1 User's Guide

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Table of Contents

Manage Workspaces And Permissions

A Workspace is a secure place for teams to collaborate and achieve a particular goal. In codeBeamer X, you get an unlimited number of Workspaces to set up different teams, workflows, and permissions. View and manage Workspaces with filtering options (e.g. name, color, status, category) and grouping them by business or function. A Workspace shows up as a blue card and globe icon, as well as an arrow icon at the top right corner of your dashboard. Hover over them to see quick information about your Workspace.

Create Workspace

With administrator rights, create a Workspace by clicking “Create New Workspace” from your dashboard. Get started with any of the four options: 1) blank Workspace, 2) your own template, 3) previous template, or 4) Intland’s Smart Template. Each Workspace has a unique key assigned by its prefix and category. A SCM Repository (Git, Mercurial, Subversion, CVS) can also be added.

Easily change your Workspace categories with drag and drop.

Create Blank Workspace

Create a new blank Workspace that doesn’t use a template. This is your standard Workspace that generates a default wiki page, permissions, and different types of Trackers (e.g. requirements, risks, tasks, change requests, bugs, test cases, releases) where relevant links are stored.

Remove Workspace

To delete a Workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Open Workspace page
  2. Click More Functions next to the Workspace name
  3. Click Settings
  4. Open Remove tab
  5. Click Remove Workspace
  6. Confirm removal

When you remove a Workspace, its content will no longer be accessible. Only users with administrator rights can see them by clicking the Removed Workspaces icon next to the search function at the top right corner of your Workspace page.

Other notes:

  • Restore a removed Workspace by clicking Restore Workspace.
  • Delete a removed Workspace forever by clicking Remove Workspace one last time.
  • When deleting, all content tied to the Workspace like Trackers and documents are removed.
  • The source code remains on the server unless deleted from the revision control system.

Modify Workspace Settings

Modify general options under your Workspace settings with these steps:

  1. Open your Workspace
  2. Open the Admin tab
  3. Click Workspace settings menu

With administrator rights, edit these settings:

  • Name: identifies the Workspace
  • Key: shorter name that can be used for the Workspace home URL
  • Category: helps categorize or group Workspaces
  • Template availability: allows the current workspace to be used as a template
  • Icon: select or upload a specific icon for the Workspace
  • Trackers: customize functions in the menu bar, effective only if your Workspace is active. Users in your Workspace can see and use modified functions.

Create Workspace With Your Own Template

Create a new Workspace with your own template by uploading a file (e.g. Son, .bson, .zip compressed, .reqif, .reqifz). Copy items like calendars, documents, Trackers, wiki pages, users, and other settings from another template. To allow an existing Workspace to be used as a template, set template availability in the Workspace settings.

Export Workspace Template As File

Export a Workspace template as a file with these steps:

  • Go to Admin
  • Select Workspace
  • Under Export, select items you want to include in the template file (e.g. documents, wiki pages, reports, Trackers)
  • Click OK to export as a file

Mark Workspace As Template

To use a previous Workspace as a template, it needs to be marked as a template. Go to Admin, then Workspace Settings, and switch on template availability for the Workspace you’d like to use.

Create Workspace With Previous Template

To create a new Workspace with a previous template, click My Templates from the dropdown menu. Choose from the available Workspace templates.

Create Workspace And Inheritance Configuration From Template

To set up a live inheritance configuration of items from a template, click Use Template. This allows for real-time updates from the template’s Tracker and notification settings including workflow and permission settings. Reference fields refer to newly created Trackers.

This function is no longer supported in Retina 3.2!

Create Workspace And Copy Configuration From Template

To copy configuration items, users, and wiki pages, click Use Template. Tracker configurations are copied with their workflow, permission, and notification settings. Reference fields refer to newly created Trackers. Wiki pages are copied along with the same permission settings. Users are copied along with the same roles. This type of configuration is not connected live like inheritance.

Unmark Template Usage And Modify Workspace

Disable a Workspace template by unmarking the "Available as template" checkbox in Workspace Settings. Disabled templates will no longer appear in the list of available templates.

Delete Workspace That Uses A Template

When deleting a Workspace that uses a template, it will also be deleted from any inheritance configuration. When deleting, confirm your action to move the Tracker to trash. To remove your Tracker forever, delete it from the trash.

Create Workspace By Re-Using Template File

To re-use a template file you previously exported, select Upload New Template when creating a new Workspace. The file may include Workspace configurations, items, documents, wiki pages, and dashboards. To create a Workspace without certain items, unmark them from the checkboxes.

Create Workspace With Intland’s Smart Template

Intland’s Smart Templates consist of preconfigured Trackers, workflows, documents, roles, and permissions that can be copied easily. Use templates designed for Agile Scrum, Hybrid, Document Management, and Test Management. Use templates for industries like Automotive, Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Avionics. Create your own Smart Template and re-use items by exporting an existing Workspace. Exports can be done under the Admin page of Workspace Settings.

Manage User Account

A user can have multiple roles in a Workspace with relevant permissions. Users are additionally associated with groups that use a different set of permissions. In the System-Admin tab, create a new user account manually or assign a user to a group automatically.

Create User Account

A user must have a codeBeamer X account to participate in a Workspace. Creating a user account requires information like name, organization, email, and more. A user’s email address is used by codeBeamer X’s notification center and is not visible to other users, unless the other user has “user view” permissions. A user may include optional data like phone number, organization name, time zone, and location visible to other users with relevant permissions.

To create an account:

  1. Go to codeBeamer X’s Login page
  2. Click “Register now!”
  3. Fill in the registration form
  4. Click Register to finish

Modify User Account

Make changes to your personal details, preferences, groups, and password under User Profile. System Administrators can edit the email address of any user.

To make changes under User Profile:

  1. Click Edit
  2. Update your information
  3. Click Save

Deactivate User Account

A user account can not be deleted in codeBeamer X, but can be disabled. With a disable account, a user can not log in to codeBeamer X. However, the account and its relevant history remain on the server. A disabled account is not counted by codeBeamer X’s license managers. It also can’t be reactivated due to compliance rules. Only System Administrators can disable a user account under the System Admin page. To disable an account, open User Accounts and switch “Disabled” under Personal details.

A disabled user account loses:

  • Product license
  • Workspace membership
  • Role(s)

Password Recovery

To retrieve a forgotten pattern when logging in to codeBeamer X, click “Forgot password?”. Enter your user name or email address to request a password reset by email.

Manage Workspace Roles

Roles can reflect organizational positions or task-based structures in a Workspace (e.g. Developer, Tester, Stakeholder). To manage roles and related permissions in a Workspace, go to the Users tab of a Workspace. Find all roles on the left side of the page. Add, edit, or delete roles and permissions. With administrator rights, re-use existing permissions. By default, the administrator role for a Workspace holds all permissions.

Add New Workspace Role

To set up your team in a Workspace, add a role with these steps:

  1. Open Workspace
  2. Click Admin, then Members & roles
  3. Select New Role
  4. Set the name of the role and permissions
  5. Hit Save

Tip: set up roles and permissions in advance when initially creating your Workspace.

Create Workspace Role By Re-using Existing Role

When creating a new Workspace role, re-use an existing one with pre-defined permissions. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Workspace
  2. Click Admin
  3. Click Members & roles
  4. Select New Role
  5. Choose a template from the dropdown menu

Modify Workspace Role

Modify user roles to control group level visibility and access to Workplace information like Trackers, forums, documents, builds, SCM, and source codes. Internal teams and business partners can only see and access information set by roles. Users of the same role share the same level of access to Workspace information.

To customize a role:

  1. Open Workspace
  2. Click Admin tab
  3. Click Members & roles
  4. Double click the role you want to customize on the left panel
  5. Select permissions
  6. Edit name and description
  7. Hit Save

Modify Workspace Administrator Role

In codeBeamer X, there is no way to modify permissions under the Workspace administrator role.

Delete Workspace Administrator Role

In codeBeamer X, there is no way to delete the Workspace administrator role.

Delete Workspace Role

In the same location for modifying Workspace roles, delete user roles except for the administrator role. Double click the role you’d like to delete on the Users & Roles page, and then click the bin icon on the editor.

Assign User To Workspace Role

Use two ways to assign a user to a Workspace role. Double click the user’s name on the Members & Roles page and select the desired role. Or drag and drop the role itself to the user’s name.


When creating a new Workspace, choose from existing templates. Save time by copying or inheriting items like tasks, bugs, requirements, and more.

With Intland's Smart Templates, use preconfigured templates with predefined Trackers, workflows, and documents.

Create your own Smart Template by exporting an existing Workspace.

Manage Groups

User groups are categorized by common traits like job title, skill, title, or organization (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Development). Each group has its own permissions within a Workspace. Under your Workspace, go to User Groups to assign a group with one or more role(s). This can be used instead of assigning roles to individual users. Only users with administrator rights can define, add, delete, and manage groups. LDAP group synchronization is available.

Add New Group

To create a new group:

  1. Open System Admin
  2. Click User Groups
  3. Click New Group
  4. Fill in details (group name, description, LDAP/AD)
  5. Edit permissions (if an existing group is selected, permissions are copied automatically)
  6. Hit Save

Create New Group From Existing Group

To create a group by duplicating an existing one, select “Based on”. Group permissions are copied automatically. Edit as needed.

Modify Group

To modify a group, open System Administrator, go to User Groups, then select the group you’d like to update. Click “Edit” at the top of the page. After making your changes, hit Save.

Delete Group

To delete a group, open System Administrator, go to User Groups, then select the group you’d like to delete. Open its details page. Click “Delete” at the top left corner of the page.

Assign User To Group

To assign a user to a group, open System Administrator, go to User Groups, then select the group you’d like to add a user to. Click “Assign users” at the top of the page.

Assign Role To Group

To assign a role to a group, open System Administrator, go to User Groups, then select the group you’d like to assign a role to. Open Users & Roles, then drag and drop a role to a group. This is a convenient way to manage more users with different roles and groups in Workspaces.

Workspace Categories

Workspace categories are used to represent a hierarchy of concepts. Administrators with permissions can create Workspace categories.

Category Administrator Permission

An administrator with the Workspace Category role can manage categories. To set this permission, open System Administrator, then go User Groups.

Create, Modify, And Delete Categories

Workspace categories can be created, modified, and deleted by Workspace Category Administrators. To create a category, open the Workspace and click the + icon. To delete a category, click the three dots next to the category’s name. To modify a category, click “Edit category”.

Manage Workspace Wikis And Dashboards

A Workspace comes with built-in wiki pages for storing knowledge in a transparent, secure, and collaborative way. They capture all information related to existing roles such as comments between users. Wiki pages can be specified with role-based permissions. To set limits and permissions, open your wiki’s Properties, then click Permissions.

Create New Wiki Page

To create a new wiki page, open your Workspace, and then click “Add New Wiki Page”. A wiki consists of a structural page tree, property section, navigation, and content. It can be restructured via drag and drop. In the property section, define permissions, comments, and attachments.

Rearrange Wiki Page Tree

The wiki page tree contains the entire structure including personal and Workspace pages. Click on any wiki page name to load its content. Use drag and drop to easily rearrange the hierarchy of the tree.

Change Wiki Page Permissions

Wiki page permissions are based on the user role and group level, and can be controlled at each page level. To set page level permissions:

  1. Select the Properties by right clicking on the editable wiki page
  2. Click the Permissions tab
  3. Select the checkboxes from the Read and Edit columns for each of the user roles
  4. Click Save to activate the settings

Edit Wiki Page With WYSIWYG Or Office-Edit

Directly edit a wiki page with the “What you see is what you get” editor (WYSIWYG) or Office-Edit. Office-Edit lets you edit on a Microsoft Office Word document. When doing so, the changes automatically syncs with the wiki page after saving. Headers, tables, links, bullets, and other document items are automatically converted. To edit a wiki page, click Edit and choose your edit mode from the dropdown menu.

Lock Wiki Page In Edit Mode

During a wiki edit, the document is locked so that another user can not apply changes at the same time. When in edit mode, a message appears at the top of the page for other users: "Currently locked by @username". It unlocks after the user saves the page or closes the editor.

Save Wiki Page Modifications

After making modifications to a wiki page, hit save. Click the History tab under Properties to see changes. To restore your page to a previous version, select the down arrow next to a version in the History page.

Wiki Page Versions In History

Wiki pages are fully audited. Each modification creates a new version, archived in the History tab under Properties.

Compare Wiki Page Versions

codeBeamer X highlights differences between wiki versions for easy comparisons.

Link Wiki Page With Items Via Association

To link items to a wiki page, open the Link tab under the properties section. See incoming and outgoing links to documents. Create new associations in the Associations tab.

Out-Of-The-Box Plugins In Knowledge Base

Customize a wiki page with numerous out-of-the-box plug-ins from the Knowledge Base, also known as the Activity Stream or “My Current Items”.

Wiki Comparison

To compare wiki pages with codeBeamer X’s baseline, open a wiki page, then click the three dots (More Functions) at the middle of the page. Select pages to compare with different versions or baselines. On the left tree, see the following comparisons:

  • New pages for specific tree levels
  • Modified pages
  • Removed pages
  • Moved pages

Manage Dashboards

On a wiki dashboard, find widgets for managing permissions, exporting content, adding child pages, and more. Unlike a wiki page, you don’t need to type in the content, but rather choose from available widgets with user-selectable layouts. Drag and drop widgets to create your dashboard layout.

Add New Widget To Dashboard

On a dashboard, create informative boards with helpful widgets. Find widgets for managing permissions, exporting content, adding child pages, and more. Unlike a wiki page, you don’t need to type in the content, but rather choose from available widgets with user-selectable layouts. Drag and drop widgets to create your dashboard layout.

To add a new widget to your dashboard, click the Analytics tab at the top of the page. Similar to a wiki page, access a customizable dashboard. Set the dashboard to private or public. Use widgets to visualize data by clicking the + icon (Add widget) at the top of the page.

Report Visualization

On a dashboard, visualize previously saved reports. These visualized widgets include Calendar, Chart, Simple, and Table. The data source is specified by selecting a previously saved report from the dropdown menu. Define the name, size, color, and other settings. Hit Save to make it go live.


A chart widget visualizes previous standalone reports in one view. Switch between chart types. The configuration options for each widget type stay the same.


A table widget visualizes the result of any report in a tabular form. Special fields include:

  • Columns: select the columns from your report to show
  • Column order: change the order of the columns with drag and drop
  • Order by: select the column used for ordering
  • Sort: set the ordering to ascending or descending
  • Page size: the maximum number of items shown in the table


There are three types of widgets: Activity Stream, Item Count Trends, and Risk Matrix diagram. These enable the user to visualize Workspace-related data.

Activity Stream

The Activity Steam widget provides an aggregated view of all recent activities in a Workspace, including wiki pages and item submissions.

Item Count Trends

The Item Count Trends widget displays the number of items created versus the number of items resolved over a period of time.

Risk Matrix Diagram

The Risk Matrix Diagram widget shows the number of requirements, user stories, risks, or epic items related to the likelihood and severity of the risk(s).


The Agile widget helps plan, track, and manage Agile development. Users can monitor, improve, and predict the team’s Agile performance.

Burn Down Chart

The Burn Down Chart widget displays the burn down chart based on open items for a release or sprint. The chart can be filtered by teams.

Current Velocity

The Current Velocity widget displays the velocity of the last known work day within a release or sprint. Velocity (the number of items your team can complete) can be filtered by teams.

Release Stats

The Release Stats widget displays the statistics of a release. Data for these stats are pulled from the release dashboard.

Remaining Time

The remaining time widget displays the number of days left until the planned release date of a release or sprint.

Sprint Break Down Widget

The Sprint Break Down widget displays the status distribution of all items in a release or sprint. This gives a quick overview of the progress made.


The Test widget displays the progress of tests and test results.

Requirements Coverage

The Requirements Coverage widget displays the test or other item coverage of requirements.

Test Runs By Assignee

The Test Runs By Assignee widget displays a bar chart based on all test runs in a Workspace or selected test run Trackers. The chart contains a bar for each user that executed a test run and another bar for a test run with no assignee. The bars show the distribution of results of a given user.

Test Runs By Test Set

The Test Runs By Test Set widget shows a bar chart of all or selected test runs in a Workspace. Each test set is represented by a bar. The chart shows the distribution of results of a selected test set.


Under the Other tab, find additional widgets for displaying data like reviews, wiki markups, and more.

My Current Items

The My Current Items widget displays a list of items assigned to the current user (items that are not closed or resolved). Items are ordered by priority and the last modification date (descending).

My Reviews

The My Reviews widget displays a list of the specified user's reviews.


The Tile widget displays data (title, subject) and previously defined hyperlinks for navigation purposes.

Wiki Markup

The Wiki Markup widget makes a wiki markup reusable on the dashboard.

Change Dashboard Layout

A dashboard can render widgets in grids. Choose from predefined configurations with different number of columns and sizes. This setting (called Responsive) is found in the Widget's editor. The options are:

  • 4-2-1
  • 3-3-1
  • 1-1-1
  • 4-4-1
  • 2-1-1
  • 6-3-1

Dashboard Permissions

To limit access permissions on a dashboard, open the dashboard’s properties, select related roles in the Workspace, and grant read or write access.

Manage Documents In Integrated Documents Management Module

With the Documents Management module, store documents and secure role-based access for users to share, download, upload, and track documents. Information about users, dates, and actions are displayed. Prior versions can be restored as well. With the live-edit mode, directly edit Excel, Word, and PPT documents.

Upload Document

Upload different types of files in the Documents Management module with the built-in browser or drag and drop. The maximum size of a document you can upload is currently 5 GB. Create directories to structure your data within the module’s directory tree, navigation, and property sections. In the property section, define document permissions and notifications.

Allow Duplicates

To allow duplications of documents with the same name, open the Document Tracker, and head under the General tab.

Check “Allow item name duplications” and hit save. From now on upload multiple documents with the same name.

If this option is not allowed, define the upload method by selecting “Create new documents” at the bottom:

  • (Default) Create new version: upload a new document with a new name
  • Skip existing: skip uploading a new document
  • Create with new name: new document is uploaded with new name

Upload Zip File

To upload a zip file, choose from two upload methods:

  • Save button: file is uploaded as one archived file item
  • Unpack archive file button: zip is unpacked and the contained files are uploaded into the document Tracker

Upload Manager

The Upload Manager is a visible log of uploaded documents. It displays the upload’s file name and the action taken.

When uploading, click the bottom right corner of the module to minimize the upload screen. The upload runs uninterrupted after you close the Upload Manager window. Choose to pause, restart, or cancel during your upload.

Edit Document With Office Edit

Directly edit documents with Office Edit.

Document Versions in Archive

When making edits with Office Edit, saving your document automatically archives the previous version in the history.

Restore Older Document Version

Older document versions are stored separately and can be restored. To restore a document version, open the editor by clicking the document’s ID. Go to the History tab and select "Revert state of field(s) back to this version".

Link Document To Items Via Association

To link items to one or more documents, open the properties section under the Link tab. Items can be linked to one or several documents. See incoming links and outgoing links to documents. Create new associations in the Associations tab.

Search In Document Content

Beyond the general search option, search in document content. Click the gear icon in the header of the tree panel to open Settings. Select the document content option, fill in your keywords, and hit save to search.

Download Documents As Zip File

To download documents as a zip file, right-click document files on the left panel of your Document view. Click “Download selected”. The tree structure is kept with its content zipped as a file.

Download Selected Documents

From the document Tracker's tree structure, download items by making your selection and right clicking on one of them. Select “Download selected” from the dropdown menu. You can also download documents by clicking on the item’s ID on the main panel, then selecting the name of the document.

Document Tracker Content Folder On Main Panel

To see the content of a folder, click the folder name in the document Tracker. View the content on the main panel of your Tracker.

Store Document In Document Tracker

When exporting a Tracker's content to office, store the document in the document Tracker. Select the Store option, and then select your Workspace and document type Tracker. In the case of an existing document with the same name, select Overwrite to update the existing document. Or select Rename to keep both files.

Send Document To Requirement

Send a reviewed document to Requirement to transform its requirement(s). Open the Details tab of the reviewed document item. Select "Send document to requirement", and then choose your target Workspace and document type Tracker. See results in Preview, and then hit Finish.

Copy And Move Document

To move your document to another document type Tracker, open the Details tab of your document item. Select “Move to…”, and then choose your target Workspace and Tracker. In the dropdown menu, only a document type Tracker can be selected.

Sort Documents

For folders and document items, the default ordering is A-Z. For Z -A, click "Documents name" at the top of the page. If name duplication is allowed, order duplicated items by different fields.

Share Folder And Items

To share a folder and its content or selected items from a document type Tracker, create a permanent link. Select "Share with others" at the top right of the page. The previous result and the URL can be copied or shared with other users, groups, and email addresses with set configurations. Sharing a folder from a document type Tracker makes its content visible. A shared folder is highlighted in the tree and its content visible on the main panel.


Trackers are essential item containers or tables in relational databases and classes via object oriented programming. Trackers define properties (fields), reference fields related to items in other Trackers, and similar foreign keys. They also define behaviours, permissions, workflows, escalation rules, and notifications. Other Tracker types include requirements, tasks, bugs, change requests, releases, risks, test cases, and more. Easily create and manage Tracker types in codeBeamer X.

Manage Trackers

Create Tracker And Define Permissions

With Workspace administrator rights, set up Trackers and permissions defined by roles. Create Trackers and set default properties, workflows, and permissions according to Tracker types.

Customize Tracker Attributes

With administrator rights, customize Tracker attribute. On the Fields tab, add custom fields (type text, integer, date, boolean), calculated fields with syntax, fields with different data sources (options, work/configuration items (CMDB), users, Workspaces), or tables with individual width and height. Define role-based permissions for fields that are unrestricted, single, or different per status. Standard fields for managing Trackers are not removable, including summary, description, and status. Dynamic pic-list fields with dependencies for parent and child hierarchies are defined via association and distribution rules.

Create New Tracker Field

Use the Fields management page to create, remove, and customize a Tracker and its preconfigured fields. Create computations as well. Newly created fields are listed or hidden, and can be categorized on the Layouts page.

Create New Custom Field

To create a new custom field, open your Tracker’s Configuration page under More Functions. Click “New choice field” at the middle of the Fields page. From the dropdown menu, select “New custom field.” In the editor, add fields like label, description, data source, and more. The "List" checkbox is used to configure which fields should be displayed (as table or list columns).

Create New Choice Field

A choice field allows selection from a list of choices. To create a choice field, open your Tracker’s Configuration page under More Functions. Click “New choice field” at the middle of the Fields page. In the editor, customize your choice field settings. The "List" checkbox is used to configure which fields should be displayed (as table or list columns).

Modify Custom Field

To modify a custom field, open your Tracker's Configuration page. Select the Fields tab and find custom fields in the Type column. Hover over the field's name and click the down arrow at the right side of the Layout and Content column. Click Edit to update.

Delete Custom Field

To delete a custom field, open your Tracker’s Configuration page. Hover over the field's name and click the down arrow at the right side of the Layout and Content column. Hit Remove to delete. Check audit trails by selecting the Audit Trail tab from your Configuration page.

Set Displayed Field Labels

To configure a displayed field label, open your Tracker's Configuration page. Hover over the field's name and click the down arrow at the right side of the Layout and Content column. Select the Fields tab and click Edit to customize your label of a specific field.

Set List View Field Visibility

To make a field visible, click the eye icon at the right side of the page. Select a field from the dropdown menu to display at the top of the page. To save your view, click the Filter icon, then hit Save in the Standard filter tab.

Set Field As Mandatory In Specific Status

With permissions, set a field as mandatory in a specific status. Open the Fields tab in your tracker's Configuration page, and then click the field’s name you’d like to set as mandatory.

Set Allowed Field Values Per Status

To limit field values based on different statuses, open the Field Configuration page. In the case of pre-configured options for selected fields, set the options per status in the Allowed value column by opening "Allowed/default field values".

Set Default Field Values Per Status

To set default field values per status, open the Field Configuration page. In the case of pre-configured options for selected fields, set the options per status in the Default value column by opening "Allowed/default field values".

Set Permission Model To Fields

To limit access to specific fields, open the Field Configuration page to modify permissions.

Set Field Permissions To Unrestricted

To set unrestricted field permissions, open the Field Configuration page and locate the Permissions column. When creating a new custom or choice field, permissions are always set to single. This can be changed by selecting the unrestricted option from the dropdown menu.

Set Field Permissions To Single

To set field permissions to single, open the Field Configuration page and locate the Permissions column. Click the permission name, and then select the single option from the dropdown menu.

Set Field Permissions To Per Status

To set field permissions to per status by specific roles, open the Field Configuration page and locate the Permissions column. Click the permission name, and then select the per status option from the dropdown menu. When selecting this option, statuses are displayed based on the Tracker's State Transition diagram. By default, users are assigned edit permissions. Change this to special permissions for different statuses by clicking the down arrow next to the default label.

Set Field Permissions By Roles

To limit field permissions by specific roles, open the Field Configuration page and locate the Permissions column. Click the permission name to assign roles. If the status-based field is set to special, click the grey space to assign users in different statuses. You can also set default value permissions at the top of the page for each status and role.

Set Field Distribution Rules

For users with parent/child hierarchies of configuration and work items, define dependencies between parent and child field values. To ensure that parent items are not closed until all child items are closed, use distribution rules under the Distribution rule column on the Field Configuration page. See standard distribution rules below:

Rule Description Applicable for
Set Set child field value to parent field value All fields
Default Set child field value to parent field value, but only if the child field is empty All fields
Least Set child field value to the least of parent and child field value All fields
Greatest Set child field value to the greatest of parent and child field value All fields
Fraction Set child field value to a fraction of the parent field value Numeric fields
Subset Remove child field values that are not parent field values Multiple choice fields
Superset Add missing parent field value to child field value Multiple choice fields
Close recursively Upon close of a parent, close all child values Status
Close restricted Deny closing a parent, as long as all child values are open Status

Set Field Aggregation Rules

Set aggregation rules when an item’s parent field values depend on child values. Aggregation rules can be set under the Aggregation rule column on the Field Configuration page. See standard aggregation rules below:

Rule Description Applicable for
Minimum Set parent field value to the minimum of all child field values All fields
Maximum Set parent field value to the maximum of all child field values All fields
Sum/Total Set parent field value to the sum/total of all child field values Numeric fields
Average Set parent field value to the average of all child field values Numeric fields
Union Set parent field value to the union of all child field values (all distinct field values that appear in any child) Multiple choice fields
Intersection Set parent field value to the intersection of all child field values (all common field values that appear in every child) Multiple choice fields
Mean status Set parent status to a mean/average status of all children Status
Close upwards Close the parent, after the last child has been closed Status

Set Field Dependencies

To define field dependencies between different fields of the same item, open a field by clicking its name under Data source. Create dependencies between selected fields.

Set Computed Field

A custom field can be computed by specifying an expression or formula. It defines read-only Tracker fields calculated from other Tracker item fields.

Calculate Field Value

To help search and filter your database, calculated field values are stored immediately.

Static Dependency

To create static dependency:

Create two choice fields “A” and “B” under the Tracker configuration‘s Fields tab.

Set available options for field A.

In field B, set field A as “Depends on” under Data source.

Set available options for field B.

Hit Save.

Note: options chosen for field B are forbidden for field A.

To set static dependency, go to the Fields table under the Layout and content column, and then click the Depends on <fieldName> link.

When choosing an option from field A in the first column, add one or more options from field B in the second column.

Workflow Configuration

Each Tracker has its own customizable BP (business process) along with codeBeamer X's workflow BPM (Business Process Management). The workflow can be configured in the Tracker customization section under the State Transition tab. When creating a new Tracker, a standard workflow is provided. There are two basic workflow elements: 1) states equivalent to concept of nodes and 2) transitions equivalent to directed edges in a graph. When there are no additional status options, add new status options or delete existing ones. To set a status transition on the user interface, you can select the initial status, target status, and name your transition. With a Graphviz installation on codeBeamer X, transitions are visualized on a UML state diagram. For each transition, permissions per role, optional conditions, and guards can be defined. Conditions define the context or which Trackers they are for. Guards allow users to pass transitions if the items match specific criteria. Optional workflow actions are defined for automatic implementation.

Workflow Diagram

A workflow provides better control for critical tasks or requirements where changes have strong impacts on resources and deliverables. To access a workflow diagram, open the Tracker’s Configuration page and head under the State Transitions tab. Trackers use a simple and flexible process to model business process workflows. View your work progress under Item status.

There are different status meanings that indicate which phase an item is in:

  • Open (pending) – this is the default status
  • Obsolete
  • In progress
  • Resolved
  • Closed

There can be different statuses in the same phase. Each status is indicated by its own color.

Statuses reflect a progressive direction from open to closed.

In a workflow diagram, it’s important to mention actions that call for specific events in specific tasks. Actions can be displayed as parameters, improving reusability and transparency.

Default Workflow Tracker

By default, Trackers consist of a configurable workflow diagrams (except for test runs and teams Trackers). In test run Trackers, workflow diagrams are not configurable. In team Trackers, there are no workflow diagrams.

Add New Status

View your work progress under Item status. To create a new status, open the Tracker’s Configuration page. Under the State Transitions tab, click “Add status”.

There are different status meanings that indicate which phase an item is in:

  • Open (pending) – this is the default status
  • Obsolete
  • In progress
  • Resolved
  • Closed

Modify Status

To modify a status, open the Tracker’s Configuration page. Under the State Transitions tab, click “Add status”. Select a status name to modify ID, name, color, description, and meaning of the status.

Delete Status

To delete a status without items in that specific status, open the Tracker’s Configuration page. Under select the State Transitions tab, click “Remove option”.

Add New State Transition

Trackers hold state transitions where workflows are enabled. This allows for smooth control over Tracker item lifecycles (business processes) and associated workflows. To define a new state transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and head under the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select State Transition. In the open dialog, enter transition specifications.

To specify transitions, you must add the statuses From and To:

  • Because a transition is a status change, From and To must be different
  • There can only be one transition with the same From and To status per Tracker

Set Transition From Status

To set a transition in a specified status, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Select a status in the From field.

Set Transition To Status

To set a transition in a specified status, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Select a status in the To field.

Name Transition

To name a transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Add name.

Set Transition Description

To set a description for a transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Add description.

Set Transition Permission

To set permissions for a state transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Add permissions under Permitted.

Add Transition Condition

To add conditions to a state transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Add conditions. You can choose from the following options:

  • Expression
  • Leads back to previous subject item status
  • Subject approved
  • Subject rejected

Add Transition Guard

To add guards for a state transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the State Transitions tab. Click “More” for the dropdown menu, and then select the State Transition option. Click “Add” to define guards under the Guard section.

Add Transition Action

Workflow actions can be associated with a state transition.

Choose from the following actions:

  • Update item properties
  • Trigger state transition
  • Update referring items
  • Create new Upstream/Downstream referring items
  • Create new sequential ID/number
  • Execute custom script
  • New Baseline
  • New Workspace Baseline
  • New Tracker Baseline
  • Remove item attachments
  • Send a custom email to specific recipients
  • Start a new review
  • Validate the user signature (password)

Modify Status Transition

To modify general properties, permissions, conditions, or guards of a state transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page. Go to the State Transitions tab, and then click the transition name to edit properties. You can also edit a transition by clicking the transition’s arrow icon on the workflow diagram.

Add, Edit, Delete Workflow Action

To add, edit, and delete workflow actions, open the Tracker’s Configuration page. Go to the State Transitions tab, and then click the transition name to edit actions.

Workflow Action - Update Item Properties

When you update item properties for a workflow action, the field selector shows all Tracker items you can update, including source/subject of the triggering event.

For each selected field, you can choose whether to:

  • Set or
  • Clear

Workflow Action - Update Referring Items

When you update referring items with the action selector, you also have to set:

  • Relation between Tracker items (source/subject of the triggering event)
  • Workspace to update items in (if there are target Trackers in other Workspaces other than the current one)
  • Tracker to update items in
  • Status of the items to update

There are two types of updates for referring items:

  • Updates referred from an item (outgoing). Example fields: Parent (Requirement) -> Requirements -> New
  • Updates referred to an item (incoming). Example fields: (Also read as its children) Requirements for Parent -> Requirements -> New

Workflow Action - Create New Referring Items

This workflow action creates new referring items. Head under the Tracker Item Details page and select from the Create Downstream Reference menu.

When you update referring items with the action selector, you also have to set:

  • Relation between Tracker items (source/subject of the triggering event)
  • Workspace to update items in (only if the target Tracker is in another Workspace)
  • Tracker to create items in

Workflow Action - Create New Sequential ID/Number

This workflow action is used to store Tracker specific sequential and consecutive ID/numbers in custom fields (source/subject of the triggering event). Example: With the Orders Tracker, you want the order items to have sequential and consecutive ordering numbers. To do so, define your Order No as a custom Orders field with a type Integer (or Text).

Workflow Action - Execute Custom Script

This workflow action executes a script on a workflow transition.

A System Administrator must carefully review and approve the workflow transition script. Then, upload the script file to the "config/scripts/workflow" directory below codeBeamer X’s installation.

The action has three parameters:

  • Script Type: script type/language
  • Script Path: file name of the script to execute
  • Veto on exception for whether a script execution error should abort the triggering event (true), or be logged (false)

These script languages are currently supported:

  • Groovy
  • Java Script

Writing the workflow action as a script has advantages:

  • Deployment is easier: there is no need to compile, deploy, and restart the codeBeamer server for development
  • Code is more compact: Groovy’s advanced features allow for shorter code
  • Quick to adapt: requirement changes are easier to adjust by updating the Groovy script

There are a few disadvantages:

  • Scripts can be a potential security risk
  • No compile time errors/warnings – errors can only be detected at run time

Workflow Action - Create New Baseline

This workflow action creates a new Baseline.

The action has three parameters:

  • Scope
  • Name
  • Description Name

Scope can be:

Tracker: create a new Baseline for the tracker item (subject/source of the triggering event)

Workspace: create a new Baseline for the entire Workspace item (subject/source of the triggering event)

Name and description includes:

  • (a constant) Value selected via the appropriate value editor
  • Copied from text field in the Tracker item (source/subject of the triggering event)
  • Computed as the result of an expression in the Tracker item (source/subject of the triggering event)

Workflow Action - Add New Workspace Baseline

This workflow action creates a new Workspace Baseline.

The action has three parameters:

  • Workspace
  • Name
  • Description

Of the new Workspace baseline.

The scope can create a new Baseline in the entire Workspace of the item (subject/source of the triggering event).

Name and description includes:

  • (a constant) Value selected via the appropriate value editor
  • Copied from text field in the Tracker item (source/subject of the triggering event)
  • Computed as the result of an expression in the Tracker item (source/subject of the triggering event)

Workflow Action - Add New Tracker Baseline

This workflow action creates a new Tracker Baseline.

The action has three parameters:

  • Tracker
  • Name
  • Description

It can create a new Baseline in the entire Workspace of the item (subject/source of the triggering event).

Name and description includes:

  • (a constant) Value selected via the appropriate value editor
  • Copied from text field in the Tracker item (source/subject of the triggering event)
  • Computed as the result of an expression in the Tracker item (source/subject of the triggering event)

Workflow Action - Remove Item Attachment

This workflow action removes an item’s attachment.

To open this action, go to guard conditions and click “Add”.

The guard has three parameters:

  • Name
  • Description (not mandatory)
  • Condition

Workflow Action - Send Custom Email To Recipients

This workflow action sends a custom email to specified recipients.

The action has three parameters:

  • Recipients: email addresses are required and , specified as
    • Users
    • Groups
    • Roles
    • User fields of the Tracker item (subject/source of the triggering event)
  • Subject: name of the Velocity template file for the email subject line (required)
  • Content: name of the Velocity template file for the email body/content (required)

Workflow Action - Start New Review

This workflow action starts a new review process that gives control over:

  • Specific item statuses: where reviews are performed
  • Reviewers: set of users exclusively allowed and qualified to review and approve the item in the specific status
  • Review configurations:
    • Types of electronic signatures (reviewer authentication) required for submitting votes
      • None – user login is sufficient
      • Password – user must enter password
      • Username and password – user must enter username and password
    • Function and role of the reviewer
    • Number of approvals (positive votes) for the item to be considered reviewed and approved
      • Designated status of approved items
    • Number of rejections (negative votes) for the item to be considered declined
      • Designated status of rejected items

To set a review status, add workflow action “Start a new review” to status entries or incoming state transitions to trigger the review.

Workflow Action - Validate User Signature (Password)

This workflow action is for state transitions. It enforces regulatory requirements with the use of electronic signatures.

To use this action, first define a custom Tracker text field to hold the user signature and password.

The name or label of the field should be Signature or Password. Use either and the GUI’s input field will be a plain text field instead of a password field.

Set the signature field as either optional or mandatory.

Delete State Transition

To delete a state transition, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and then select the State Transitions tab. Click the Remove icon next to the transition you’d like to delete.

Suspect Guard

Add suspected support for state transition guards, conditions, and calculated fields. Set whether an item has suspicions in calculated fields or guards and conditions in workflow actions.

"Suspected reference" guard has:

  • Suspected Link
  • Upstream Suspected Link
  • Downstream Suspected Link

Review Guard

With a review guard, set restrictions on a Tracker’s state transitions.

Require that an item is reviewed before it gets moved to a specific status.

To add a guard, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and then select the State Transitions tab. Click Edit on a transition, then click Add link next to the guard list.

After the guard is set up, codeBeamer X checks for any review on the item in the Review Hub whenever you’d like to execute the transition.

Tracker History Audit Trail

The Audit Trail displays the history of configurations made in a customized Tracker. Tracked changes include general Tracker, field related, and state transition changes.

The Audit Trail includes the following:

  • Tracker Changes - Customization changes done from the General tab
  • Field Changes - Configuration changes done on fields
  • Workflow Changes - Customization changes done on state transitions
  • Transition Diagrams - State transition diagrams for Baseline versions and head revisions
  • Permissions - Permission configurations listed by roles
  • Permission changes - Field and Tracker permission changes listed over time

Figure: Field Changes in Audit Trail

Image plugin failed: Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin
(com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginException:Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin)

Tracker Changes

To check for Audit Trails of a specific Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Audit Trail tab. Select the Tracker option.

Field Changes

To check for Audit Trails of a specific field, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Audit Trail tab. Select the Field option.

Workflow Changes

To check for Audit Trails of a specific workflow, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Audit Trail tab. Select the Workflow option.

Transition Diagrams

To check for Audit Trails of a specific transition diagram, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Audit Trail tab. Select the Transition Diagram option.


To check for Audit Trails of a specific permission, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Audit Trail tab. Select the Permissions option.

Export Audit Trail

To export Audit Trails, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Audit Trail tab. Select the Export to Word option.

Workspace Configuration Diagram

To visualize reference relations between Trackers as a diagram, go to the Tools tab and select Workspace Configuration Diagram. To change the visibility of Trackers, click on Trackers in the left tree.

When opening the configuration diagram, the last selected Tracker list is displayed.

Delete Tracker

To delete a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Select the delete option for your Tracker at the bottom of the page.

Modify Tracker General Properties

To modify the general settings of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab.

Modify Tracker Name

To change the name of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Find the option to modify under the Name section.

Modify Tracker Key

To modify the key of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Find the option to modify under the Key (short name) section.

Modify Tracker Default Layout

To modify the default layer of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Find the option to modify from the dropdown menu.

Modify Tracker Description

To modify the description of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Find the option to modify under the Description section.

Enable/Disable Tracker Workflow

To enable or disable the workflow of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Find checkbox options to enable or disable workflow and transition actions.

Enable/Disable Tracker Visibility

To enable or disable the visibility of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the General tab. Under the Tracker’s overview, find checkbox options to hide or display a Tracker next to “Visible”.

Create Tracker From Template

Easily create a new Tracker based on another Tracker template. First mark the Tracker you’d like to use as “Available as template” in the Tracker’s Configuration page under the General tab. Then go to Workspaces to create a new Tracker. Select the template Tracker from the dropdown menu. When using a template, the entire configuration is copied.

Change Tracker Template

When changing the template of a Tracker, you get a warning message that the new template will replace all current settings of the Tracker. This causes a loss in data, configurations, and references. These modifications can not be reversed.

Modify Tracker Permissions In Permission-Role Matrix

To modify permissions of a Tracker, open the Tracker’s Configuration page, and select the Permissions tab. Only permitted users can edit the permissions of specific roles.


By setting Permissions for each Tracker, users decide which roles should have access to different actions. Actions include:

  • Item - View if Owner: allow users to view items submitted by or associated to them. Owner fields: Submitted by, Assigned to, Owner
  • Item - View Any: allow users to view any item
  • Item - Add: allow users to submit new items to a Tracker
  • Item - Edit Any: allow users to edit any item
  • Item - Edit if Owner: allow users to edit items submitted by or associated to them
    Owner fields: Submitted by, Assigned to, Owner
  • Tracker - Mass Edit: allow users to update multiple items contained in a Tracker
  • Item - Close: allow users to close items (if workflow is deactivated)
  • Item - Delete: allow users to delete items
  • Item - History View: allow users to view history of items
  • Item - View Comment/Attachment: allow users to view comments and attachments
  • Item - Add Comment/Attachment: allow users to add comments and attachments
  • Item - Edit Comment/Attachment - Any: allow users to edit/delete comments and attachments
  • Item - Edit Comment/Attachment - Own: allow users to edit/delete own comments and attachments
  • Public View - Admin: allow users to administer public views of a Tracker
  • Item - View Associations: allow users to view Tracker item associations
  • Item - Edit Associations: allow users to edit and delete Tracker item associations
  • Item - Export: allow users to export Tracker items

Manage Tracker Views

A tracker’s document view displays items as paragraphs of a single document, available for requirements, risks, change requests, user stories, and test case Trackers. There are three panels: 1) node tree in the left, 2) document in the middle, and 3) properties, libraries, and releases in the right. Items can be organized and restructured via drag and drop.

The table view shows Tracker items ordered in a tree. Parent items can be expanded to show its children items.

The cardboard view focuses on work progress with items presented in the form of cards. Each column represents a different work status.

The test coverage browser view gives a quick overview of requirements verified by test cases plus information like how.

The traceability browser view shows the correlation of any number of Trackers in a desired order, with a visualized focus on dependencies. It displays corresponding items to selected Trackers and Tracker types.

For every Tracker, codeBeamer X provides out-of-the-box views for browsing items (e.g. all items, all open items, all items assigned to me). Subsets of items are filtered in a table view. Any user with administrator Tracker permissions can edit and delete public views. Define personal or public viewing access (set/unset default), choose layout displays (e.g. Table, Document View), and select the visibility of field conditions. The criteria for conditions can be added by using the condition tree or grouping operators.

Document View

For document view, find the dropdown option at the top of the page. Change the Tracker view by clicking the chevron down icon and selecting a desired view. By selecting a different view, the page loads automatically.

Cardboard View

For cardboard view, find the dropdown option at the top of the page. Change the Tracker view by clicking the chevron down icon and selecting a desired view. By selecting a different view, the page reloads automatically.

List View

For list view, find the dropdown option at the top of the page. Change the Tracker view by clicking the chevron down icon and selecting a desired view. By selecting a different view, the page reloads automatically.

Default Field Filter In Tracker View

Every Tracker view has a filter icon at the top right section of the page. Click to display a filter panel with different attributes and values.

Click the + icon for an overlay of fields with default options. Select any and set the value(s) to filter.

Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

Common Reference Field Filter In Tracker View

Every Tracker view has a filter icon at the top right section of the page. Click to display a filter panel with different attributes and values.

Click the + icon for an overlay of fields with common reference fields. Select any along with Workspaces and Trackers where reference items can be found. Start typing a reference name in the field box at the bottom of the page; auto complete finds matching items. Add as many needed.

Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

Custom Fields Filter In Tracker View

Every Tracker view has a filter icon at the top right section of the page. Click to display a filter panel with different attributes and values.

Click the + icon for an overlay of fields with custom, default, and common reference options. Grouped by Workspace and Tracker names, select any and set the value(s) to filter.

Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

AND/OR Logic Filter

If you filter with more than two attributes, you can add AND/OR logic filters. By default, conditions use the AND logic.

To add logic filters on two conditions, click the -/+ icon next to Add filter. See conditions numbered in the open dialog. Use this numbering to identify conditions with 1 AND 2 or 1 OR 2 to define your logical phrase.

Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

Complex AND/OR Logic Filter

If you filter with more than two attributes, you can add AND/OR logic filters. By default, conditions use the AND logic.

To add logic filters on two conditions, click the -/+ icon next to Add filter. See conditions numbered in the open dialog. Use this numbering to identify conditions with AND, OR, and round brackets to define your logical phrase.

Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

Order Options In List View

To order options in list view, click the column’s header. The first click displays items in ascending order. The second click displays items in descending order.

Order Options In Cardboard View

To order options in cardboard view, select Order in the dropdown menu at the top of the page. By default, options are in ascending order.

Group Options In List View

To group options in list view, click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page to display the filter panel.

At the bottom of the panel, find Group by section and select any field to group items.

Hit Go to reload the page. Groups are highlighted in the list.

Group Options In Cardboard View

To group options in cardboard view, click Swimlane in the dropdown menu at the top of the page. Cards are grouped by selected options, displayed as swimlanes that you can expand and collapse.

After selecting options, three new swimlane elements are displayed next to the dropdown menu – use to define the order of cards. Click the arrow button to expand or collapse all swimlanes at once.

Create Tracker View

To create your own Tracker view, click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page.

Create conditions, define logic (optional), set visible columns (for list and document view), and hit Save.

Name your Tracker, set to public or private, add description (optional), and hit Save.

After saving, your new Tracker is selected and active, also displayed in the View dropdown menu.

To set it to default, click the pipe icon next to its name.

Default View

To select a view, find the View dropdown at the top left section of a Tracker.

Select a view to reload your page instantly.

To set a view to default, click the pipe icon next to its name.

Modify View To Public/Private

To modify a view, select from the View dropdown at the top left section of a Tracker. Click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page.

In the view settings, modify these conditions at any time. Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

When modifying a default view, save it as a custom view. The default view itself doesn’t change.

When modifying a custom view, modify the current view or create a new view based on the current view. Find either in the dropdown menu of the Save button.

Change the properties of the current custom view by selecting Properties in the dropdown menu of the Save button.

Delete Public/Private View

You can delete custom views, but not default views.

To delete a custom view, select and the view and click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page. On the filer panel, find the dropdown menu of the Save button and hit Delete.

Reference Filter In Tracker View

Click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page to display the filter panel.

Under Reference Filters, select upstream/downstream references.

To filter by a specific reference, select reference item(s) on the filter panel.

Traceability Filter In Document And List View

Click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page to display the filter panel.

Select the Traceability filter tab to choose initial levels, filters, order by, visible columns, and ancestor/descendant item visibilities.

Set levels, filters for these levels, and hit Go.

The traceability is displayed in a list or document view.

In list view, select horizontal or vertical displays by selecting view mode at the top of the filter panel.

Resize And Reorder Columns In List View

In list view, resize and reorder columns.

Hover over the header row between two columns to trigger the resize cursor. Click and drag the column separator to resize the column’s width.

Reorder displayed columns by dragging and dropping the headers.

Historical Filter In Tracker View

Find historical filters at the bottom of the filter panel.

With historical view, display items by a Baseline or date.

Other options include the Release and Sprint start or end date.

Hit Go to reload the page based on the new filters.

Manage Information Type For Folder And Item

Filter items with the Type attribute by selecting folders and/or information meanings by values.

Manage Hidden Field In Saved Report Or View

Hide a field to make it unavailable from the filter list.

Saved filters and views with hidden fields operate the same as before.

Manage Tracker Item

A Tracker holds work and configuration items. Work items consist of requirements, tasks, or user stories – where users can work on these items on a daily basis. Configuration items are where you manage and handle items like releases.

Create Item

In a Tracker, users with Item-Add permissions can create new items in document, list, cardboard, and out-of-the-box views.

Edit Work Item With Froala Or Office-Edit

Work and configuration items can be directly edited with the built-in “What you see is what you get” editor (Froala). You can also edit items with Office-Edit. To do so, open your item and select "Edit via Office" from the More Functions dropdown menu. Hit Save to apply changes automatically.

Item Versions In History

Item modifications are stored as different versions in the History tab. Find detailed item versions with highlighted differences for comparison.

Compare Versions In History

To compare different versions of an item, open the modified item and head under the History tab.

Select any two of the item versions, then click Compare Tracker to see highlighted differences.

Associations And References

References are relations bound to Reference Fields of Tracker items.

Reference fields are similar to foreign keys in relational databases. They can:

  • Be required/mandatory
  • Refer to multiple items
  • Refer to items from multiple target Trackers
  • Refer to a specific subset of target Tracker items

Associations are ad hoc relations between Tracker items and any of the following:

  • Other codeBeamer X entities like items or documents
  • External resources from the web

Unlike a reference, an association does not have a defined value set, severity, or permissions.


When using an association, an item can be linked to any document, wiki, or other ad hoc. Ad-hoc links can be created by anyone and show suspected links. To add an association to an item, either 1) drop the item into the center panel from another work location in document view, or 2) go to the item’s details and click “Add Association”.

Modify Association

Open the Tracker item details and select the Associations tab.

Item associations are displayed in a table.

At the end of every row there is a caret down icon where you can select Edit to modify an association.


  • Association type
  • Item order
  • Suspect and suspect direction
  • Comment

Delete Association

Open the Tracker items details and select the Associations tab.

Item associations are displayed in a table.

At the end of every row there is a caret down icon where you can select Edit to modify an association.

When you create or modify an association, check for suspect links by activating the suspect link function.

Check the Reverse direction box to reverse suspect direction.


When using a reference, establish a link between Tracker items and control role-based permissions for each reference field. Define a reference in the property section under the Fields tab. Each Tracker has a reference field with the property name “subjects”. Additional reference fields can be added by a user with Tracker administrator rights. To add more reference fields, select a choice field and change the data source to “work/config items”. Create a foreign key in the target Tracker to generate the source Tracker of a Workspace. Select “new referring item” in the target Tracker to link it automatically. If you create the item independently in the target Tracker, you may link the source Tracker manually.

Modify Reference

To modify a reference, switch to edit mode and click the arrow icon next to the reference name.

Modify by:

  • Selecting a Baseline or a version to refer to
  • Activating a suspect link by checking Propagate suspects
  • Setting suspect direction by checking Reverse or Bi-directional

Restore predefined settings of a reference by selecting “Set default values“

Delete Reference

To delete a reference, switch to edit mode and click the X icon next to the reference name.

Create New Referring Item

To create a new referring item, open the Tracker item details and click “Add downstream reference” or “new item” at the top left corner.

Any Tracker in the Workspace referring to another Tracker is listed on the displayed panel.

After creating a new referring item, it automatically links to the previous item in the reference field.

Suspected And Reverse Suspected Relation In Reference

To set up a suspected and reverse suspected relation in a reference, switch to edit mode and click the arrow icon next to the reference name.

To set up a suspected reference, check the Propagate suspects option.

To change a suspected direction, check the Reverse or Bi-directional option.

With the traceability matrix, define dependencies between Tracker items. Check "Propagate suspects" to change the dependency of item A (A <- B). B is marked as suspected.

In document view, suspected links are displayed in three places:

  • Open Relations on the right panel of item A or B to see a red suspected icon below the referenced item.
  • Hover cursor on the item's summary for two arrows to appear. These show the item’s upstream/downstream references and associations. When the associated target item is modified, it gets flagged as a suspected link.
  • Open the item's properties to find flagged items in Traceability.

Re-use requirements from the Library by copying items linked to the original item via association. When an original requirement is changed, it gets flagged as a suspected, notifying the user for review. When an item is linked to another item via association, the user can decide whether codeBeamer X should propagate a suspected link. When an associated target item is changed, it gets flagged as a suspected link, notifying the user. Accept or reject changes by clicking the suspected link.

Mass Merge Of Suspected Changes

If two related items have the same Tracker type, you can merge the values of one item to another.

Click the suspected badge to open the merge dialog. Merge attributes one-by-one, or use the switch button in the table header to merge all attributes together.

Hit Save to apply your merges.

Work Item Collaborations

Add comments and attachments and/or delete Tracker items with the right permissions.

Add Comment/Attachment

A comment can be added in three places:

  • On the right side of a Tracker item details page and timeline panel
  • Under the Comments/Attachments tab of a Tracker item details page
  • In document view via quick comment on the Tracker items summary

Click the editor in any of these pages to make a comment instantly.

Add an attachment to either a description or comment. Use the editor toolbar to browse or drag and drop an item.

Modify Comment/Attachment

To modify a comment or attachment, hover your mouse over an existing comment. With permissions to edit the comment, a pencil icon appears.

Click the pencil icon to edit, then hit Save on the editor toolbar to update the comment.

Delete Comment/Attachment

To delete a comment or attachment, hover your mouse over an existing comment. With permissions to delete the comment, a trash icon appears.

Click the trash icon to delete.

To delete an attachment, click the down arrow and hit Delete.

Document View

In document view, read and edit items in the form of paragraphs. Each item is displayed as a numbered paragraph. The numbers mirror the hierarchy of items.


In document view, click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page to display the filter panel.

Define your criteria and hit Go to see the filtered item list.

Use the Traceability filter to create Personal or Public views specific to the tracker. Saved and predefined views are found under the View dropdown menu at the top of the page.

When a Tracker item is displayed after filtering, parent items are displayed even if they don't satisfy the filter conditions.

Filter By Status

To filter by status, click Add filter on the filter panel. Under Default fields, select Status.

Filter a status by Tracker specification or meaning. A status meaning can contain more than one status depending on the field configuration.

Filter By Last Modified Date

To filter by last modified date, click Add filter on the filter panel. Under Default fields, select Modified.

Filter by:

  • Range: predefined date range
  • Specific dates: specific from and/or to date
  • Relative range: ranges by workdays, weeks, months, quarters, years, and before/after today

Hit Go to apply modifications.

Filter By Suspected Alert

To filter by suspected alert, click Add filter on the filter panel. Select the option under Suspected references.

Filter by:

  • Suspected link: display items with suspected links
  • Downstream suspected link: display items with downstream relations to suspected links
  • Upstream suspected link: display items with upstream relations to suspected links

Filter By Existence Of References

To filter by existence of references, click Add filter on the filter panel. Select the option under References.

Filter by:

  • Downstream reference to: items with downstream references to a Tracker or specific item
  • Upstream reference to: items with upstream references to a Tracker or specific item
  • Has downstream reference: items with downstream references
  • Has upstream reference: items with upstream references

Navigating Document View

A document view contains the following three panels:

  • Left panel: requirement tree
  • Middle panel: generated document itself
  • Right panel: item details, editable fields, relations, and the timeline. Open this panel by clicking "Show right panel" next to the item's summary. This contains the details of the item, the Editable fields, the Relations, and the Timeline..

All items in a Tracker appear in the requirement tree and document itself. Use the report query in the action bar control to find specific items. The requirement tree shows parent-child hierarchy with Tracker names.

Easily navigate by clicking on an item in the document. Clicking an item in the tree automatically loads the corresponding paragraph. Open the Properties tab by clicking "Show right panel" next to the item's summary.

Resize the panel width between the tree and document by moving the gray separator. To hide the requirement tree, click the left arrow icon “Hide left panel” next to Search. To close the right panel, click the X at the top right of the panel.

Collapse/Expand Left Tree

To collapse and expand nodes, click the arrow icons.

Another option is to open the node’s menu by right-clicking a tree node. Use the displayed options to collapse or expand your current node. If your node holds child items, the option to expand all child items is available from the context menu.

Change Width of Left Tree

Change the width of the left tree by dragging the gray bar between the tree and main panel.

Left Tree Configuration

To configure the left tree, click the gear icon on the tree panel’s header.

Under Settings, configure what to display and what search results to indicate.

Choose to show or hide:

  • Item IDs
  • Numbering
  • Items marked with suspected links
  • Child counts

When you search in the tree, choose to highlight with predefined colors:

  • Attachments
  • Item titles
  • Item IDs
  • Item descriptions

Hit Save to apply modifications and reload the page.

Show Item IDs In Left Tree

To display item IDs in the left tree, open the tree settings and select from the item IDs checkboxes.

Show Numbering In Left Tree

To show numbering in the left tree, open the tree settings and select from the numbering checkboxes.

Show Suspected Alerts In Left Tree

To show suspected alerts in the left tree, open the tree settings and select from Marked items with suspected links.

Show Child Counts In Left Tree

To show child counts in the left tree, open the tree settings and select from Show child counts.

Filter Left Tree

Without filtering the main panel, filter the left tree by typing in the filter field on the header of the tree panel.

Click the gear icon to open settings and choose what fields you want to search in. Matching items are highlighted by predefined colors which you can set in settings.

Organize Items In Tree

Organize items in your tree by:

  • Moving elements in the requirement tree
  • Adding new items
  • Deleting existing items

Create Item In Left Tree Context Menu

To create a new item in your tree, right-click on a Tracker item to open the context menu.

Click “In New...” to create:

  • New item: as the last item on the same tree level
  • New child: newly create item as the child element of the current item
  • New item after this: follows the current item on the same level
  • New item before this: comes before the current item on the same level

Copy/Paste Item In Left Tree Context Menu

To copy and paste an item in your tree, right-click on a Tracker item to open the context menu.

Choose from these options:

  • Cut: marks the item for move
  • Copy: marks the item for copy
  • Copy to...: copies the item directly to a desired place
  • Move to...: moves the item directly to the desired place

With successful cut and copy, an on-screen notification confirms the item is copied to a clipboard.

Paste options include:

  • Paste as new child: paste items from clipboard as child elements
  • Paste above this: paste items from clipboard before the current item on the same level
  • Paste below this: paste items from clipboard after the current item on the same level

Change Item Order In Left Tree Via Drag And drop

Change the order of items in your tree easily with drag and drop.

After dragging one or more items, possible drop areas are highlighted in green. Dropping an item to a new area reloads the page with the new updates.

Delete Item In Left Tree

To delete an item in the left tree, right-click on the item to open the context menu and hit Delete.

View And Edit Item

To view and edit an item, click the item’s description or name. The item then becomes editable on the main panel of the page. Double click the item’s name in the tree to open a detailed editor.

Perform State Transition Via Status Field

To change an item’s status in document view, click the down arrow next to the status badge.

Click on an available transition listed in the panel. If the item has all required fields filled, the transition is executed immediately.

If the item has any empty required fields, a dialog opens. Set the required fields and hit Apply to activate your transition.

Edit Item Summary And Description

With proper permissions, edit the summary and description of an item on the main panel.

To edit the summary, click to switch to edit mode. After your modifications, click outside of the field to save.

To edit the description, click to display the editor. After your modifications, hit Save on the editor toolbar.

Rename Item In Left Tree

To rename an item in the left tree, right-click on the item to open the context menu and select Rename. Hit the save icon next to the item name.

Drag And Drop Item On Main Panel To Create Association And Reference

Add a relation to an item by using drag and drop from another browser page.

Open two pages (A and B). Drag the item from page A with the 6-points icon.

Move it over to another item on page B.

There are three options when dropping an item:

  • Link to this Creates a reference: creates a reference between the two items
  • Depends on Creates an association: creates a depends on association between the two items
  • Related to Creates an association: creates a related to association between the two items

Add Quick Comment On Main Panel

To add a quick comment on the main panel, hover your mouse over a Tracker item. Click the comment icon that shows up next to the item.

Create Reference In Menu

In the references menu you can:

  • Create new downstream reference with requirement: possible Trackers are listed in the first section of the menu. These are the same ones you see when clicking on the Create Downstream Reference menu under the item details page.
  • Generate new item in the current Tracker: at the bottom of the list, select Add new item to create a new item in the current Tracker.

Create Referring Items With + Icon

To create referring items easily, hover your mouse over a Tracker item on the main panel. Click the + icon that shows up on the left of the item.

Click Add downstream reference or the + icon to display an overlay. Select a Tracker to create a new downstream reference.

The newly created item will contain a reference to the current one.

Create New Item With + Icon

To create a new item easily, hover your mouse over a Tracker item on the main panel. Click the + icon that shows up on the left of the item.

Click Add downstream reference or the + icon to display an overlay. Select a Tracker to create a new item.

Panel Properties

View and modify item details in the properties panel by double clicking an Item in the left tree. Or click “Show right panel” next to the item's summary.

Display Fields In Details Tab

To display fields in the Details tab, hover your mouse over a Tracker item on the main panel. Click “Show right panel”.

Find these tabs:

  • All: see and edit all item properties
  • Editable: see and edit all editable item properties
  • Relations: see item references and associations
  • Timeline: see item status changes, comments, attachments, and worklogs. Review or add comments.

The right panel can be closed with the X icon at the top right side. Click on another item on the main panel to refresh the right panel and display updated data.

Edit Field Values In Details Tab

With permissions, modify items that are editable on the right panel.

Simply click the field to make edits. To save, click outside of the field.

Edit wiki fields (e.g. pre-action, description, test parameters) by clicking a field. Hit Save on the editor to apply modifications.

View Reference And Association In Relations Panel

View item relations on the relations panel.

They are grouped as:

  • Upstream references
  • Downstream references
  • Upstream associations
  • Downstream associations

Add Association In Relations Panel

To add a new association, click New association at the top of the relations panel.

In the dialog, set the association type, suspect link, comment, and items.

View Comment, Attachment, Status Change, And Worklog In Timeline Panel

On the timeline panel, view comments, attachments, status changes, and worklogs.

Search for timeline items with the input field at the top of the panel. Start typing to filter items.

Use the Sort button to list items in ascending or descending order.

To make items visible, click the filter button and select from the following:

  • Show comments
  • Show attachments
  • Show status changes
  • Show worklogs
  • Show reviewed comments

Document Traceability View

Display upstream and downstream references of Tracker items (including custom Trackers) from any Workspace by using the Traceability Browser filter in Document Traceability view. Upstream and downstream references are any type of items added from your selected Trackers.

Save your view as public or personal.

Document View Comparison

Visually compare differences between Baselines in document view. Click the three dots at the top right of the page (next to the eye icon) and select "Compare Baselines" from the dropdown menu. The differences are highlighted.

Requirement Management

Handle Tracker requirements by types in the same Workspace. Edit requirements in table or document view.

MS Office Import, Export, And Round-Trip

With Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, MS Project) import items into Trackers. On a Tracker’s action bar, find the “more” menu and select “Attach a file” or drag and drop to upload your document.

When importing a Word document, your file should be structured using Word formats. Make sure to use appropriate header styles for headers and normal text styles for descriptions. Different header styles generate parent-child relationships between items.

A preview is shown before finalizing your import. codeBeamer X generates three panels: 1) tree structure in the left, 2) content in the middle, and 3) import rules for conditions plus statistics in the right. Define import rules with actions, filters, conditions, and logic selectors like AND/OR. Default rules can be added, modified, or deleted. Overwrite actions by using the switch toggle during your import.

When importing an Excel document, your file should be structured using Excel formats. Make sure the first row contains header information like property or field names. During the import, codeBeamer X automatically pairs headers to the closest matching fields in the target Tracker. Use the option to map cell-data from the Excel to Tracker fields. Add hierarchies by structuring your Excel with columns and indented data. Use advanced data conversion with scripts like JavaScript, Groovy, and JEXL. The import can be aborted at any time.

Export an entire Tracker or selected items into MS Office. For Word and Excel, generate a simple data document or a Round-trip document.

Exporting data using a Round-trip document allows you to make changes offline. It also allows external users to collaborate on the document with changes made back into codeBeamer X. Notifications are sent when there are any changes in the document. Modified items are highlighted where users can decide to apply or decline before being reflected into codeBeamer X.

Use customized templates for Word and Excel in Documents Management. These templates contain scripts and special tags in order to control what content should be exported and how the exports should look. In the Export to Office dialog, upload a template file from local files or from a specific directory available in Documents Management. The Word export template uses Apache velocity scripts. The Excel export template uses JETT, an open-source engine for handling templates.

Import With Word

Import items into a Tracker with Microsoft Word. Your Word document should be structured using Word formats. Make sure to use appropriate header styles for headers and normal text styles for descriptions. Different header styles generate parent-child relationships between items.

On a Tracker’s action bar, find the “more” menu and select “Attach a file” or drag and drop to upload your document.

codeBeamer X generates three panels: 1) tree structure in the left, 2) content in the middle, and 3) import rules for conditions plus statistics in the right. Rules are what you’d like items to do if defined conditions are met. Define import rules with actions, filters, conditions, and logic selectors like AND/OR. Default rules can be added, modified, or deleted. Overwrite actions by using the switch toggle during your import. A preview is shown before finalizing your import.

Import With Excel

Import items into a Tracker with Microsoft Excel. Major features include:

  • Import data to a Tracker and create new items
  • Excel 2003 & 2007 (*.xls, *.xlsx) formats are supported
  • First Excel row is used as the header. The second row and ones that follow are used as data (customizable).
  • Map columns to item fields (configurable)
  • Import item hierarchies with indented data
  • Customize date and numbers
  • Format is customizable and other detailed data conversion

Before importing an Excel file, it should follow these rules:

  • Any Excel sheet can be imported. By default, the last selected sheet is imported.
  • The first row in your Excel should contain header information, like field names. It can contain any description text. The best approach is to use labels which match closely to Tracker columns in codeBeamer X. If your data comes from codeBeamer X, keep the header as is. The rows below should contain data (customizable).

To start your import, go to your Tracker’s action bar. Find the “more” menu and select “Attach a file” or drag and drop to upload your file. Configure the details in the import process that follows.

Simple Export To Word/Excel

Export several work items (requirements, tasks, bugs) with a simple export. Open your Tracker, switch to list view, find the "more" menu, and select "Export to Office”. This export includes fields available in View and items that match your current view.

Round-Trip Export To Word/Excel

Export several work items (requirements, tasks, bugs) with Round-trip export:

  • Export and view, read, or print a Word document
  • Edit item descriptions or summaries in Word
  • Attach pictures or use rich formatting capabilities in Word
  • View comments by other users on the exported items
  • Add new comments to items
  • Import changes made in Word to the original Tracker
  • During import, you have the option to review all changes and selectively import the ones you want

To export items from codeBeamer X to a Round-trip document, open your target Tracker. Find the “more” menu and select "Export to Office". Choose "Selection" to export only selected items. In the next dialog, select “Round-trip”. A Word document is generated with the items displayed in the current view – the file is downloaded automatically. The file name contains the current Workspace and Tracker names.

Re-Import Modified Round-Trip File

After editing a Round-trip Word document, import changes back to codeBeamer X by selecting "Import from Word or Excel" under the More Functions menu of your Tracker.

Upload Customized Template In Documents Management

Word and Excel Templates use scripts (e.g. Groovy). With administrator rights, review these templates and scripts to ensure there are no malfunctions, malicious attacks, or security problems. You can create customized templates to show up under codeBeamer X’s custom templates. Select “Export to Office” under the More Functions menu and fill in export details. Click “Manage custom template” to upload your own template.

Export Word/Excel With Customized Template

To export a Word or Excel document using a customized template, the template should be uploaded in codeBeamer X. Select “Export to Office” under the More Functions menu and fill in export details. Click “Manage custom template” to upload your own template.


The Library stores requirement Trackers that can be used to build a product. When the original item changes, the suspected link function and diff tool helps you decide on applying changes to copied requirements.

Access the Library by clicking the book icon at the right side of your page in document view, next to the filter icon.

Expand/Collapse Tree In Library

To expand or collapse a tree in the Library, head under the Configuration page. Select items in different Workspace Trackers to list. Hit Save to make the items visible in the tree. To remove items, select from the checkboxes.

Filter Expanded Requirement With Text Filter

Filter expanded requirements in the Library by using text filters. Simply select “Type to filter” at the top of the Library page.

Filter Expanded Requirement With Status Filter

Filter expanded requirements in the Library by using status filters. Find the "All" dropdown menu, and select the meaning of different statuses: Open, Resolved/Closed, Closed, Resolved.

Insert Item In Requirement Library

Under the requirement section in the Library, insert items to a Tracker by opening the Configuration page. Select requirements then hit Save for them to appear in the tree. Re-use Tracker requirements with drag and drop.

Link Requirement With Test Case

Under the requirement section in document view, easily link requirements with test cases.

Open the Library at the top-right of the page, then head under the Configuration page. There are three options:

  • Link test case items to a requirement by creating a reference
  • Create an association with "depends on"
  • Create an association with "related to"

Use drag and drop to set association types. The Tracker is loaded on the right side of the page.

Traceability Browser

The Traceability Browser offers end-to-end traceability down to the source code, needed to meet compliance with regulatory standards. The Traceability Browser is a table that correlates Trackers and Tracker types in a desired order. It visualizes the dependencies between items with neighboring Trackers. Find the Traceability Browser in any Tracker from the “more” menu. Or select the Traceability Browser from the Tools menu as an initial Tracker. Set dependency links for associations, references, and current item statuses. In an initial Tracker, a custom Tracker view can be applied to filter for relevant item dependencies.

Selected Trackers in the result table can be saved as permanent links, reloaded, and shared with other Workspace users. With administrator rights, store and delete configuration presets. Export to Excel for management and store for audit and regulatory purposes.

Select Trackers And Tracker Types

The Traceability Browser is a table that organizes Trackers and Tracker types in a desired order. It visualizes the dependencies between items with neighboring Trackers. Set downstream and/or upstream associations and references.

With initial Trackers, you can:

  • Add only specific Trackers from the current Workspace
  • Define filters, set AND/OR logic between filters, and predefine ordering by causes (not possible when ancestor/descendant)
  • Set visibility settings:
    • Show ancestor
    • Show descendant
  • Add fields to the traceability view

In Level 1, you can:

  • Add only specific Trackers from the current Workspace
  • Define filters, set AND/OR logic between filters, and predefine ordering by causes
  • Set visibility settings:
    • Associations: downstream, upstream
    • References: downstream, upstream
    • Show folders and information
  • Add fields to the traceability view

After setting Trackers and Tracker types in all levels, select “show dependencies” to see table results. The first column belongs to selected initial Tracker(s); other columns represent other levels.

Share Permanent Link And Save Preset

Create a permanent link of your table results by clicking "Share with others" at the top right of the page. The page reloads with previous results and an updated URL. Copy and share the URL with other users, groups, or email addresses.

Workspace administrators can store Traceability Browser configuration presets at the Workspace level. To do so, hit Save Current Settings on the action bar.

Name your preset with a unique name.

Load Preset

To load a preset in the Traceability Browser, click Load/Manage Presets.

Delete Preset

To delete a preset in the Traceability Browser, click Load/Manage Presets and view a list of previously stored presets. As a Workspace administrator, click Delete Preset to remove a stored preset.

Export Traceability Browser

To export a Traceability Browser table into MS Office, click “Export to Office” located above and under the table.

  • Excel export: export the result table into Excel (.xls format). untick "Merge interconnected cells (long-running operation)" to speed up the export of larger Excel files
  • Word export: export the result into Word (docx format) and build a tree in the document containing traceability Tracker items with detailed information. Use a template and configure which data of the Tracker item to display.

Item Traceability

Find the Traceability tab in every page of an item by double clicking the item. Under the Traceability tab, three levels of downstream and upstream traceability loads by default. Reload the page with other options:

  • Whether to show associations (not just references), default true
  • Show number of levels up to 10
  • Whether to show item descriptions, default false
  • Whether to show SCM commits as items, default false
  • Do not show redundant items (just like in the Traceability Browser), default value is configurable in general.xml (see below)

Risk Management

codeBeamer X's Risk Management helps identify, analyze, mitigate, and reduce risks during crucial processes for developing safety-critical and complex embedded products. It facilitates compliance with ISO 14971. Identify risks and potential failures in the early development and engineering process to avoid user risks while saving development costs and time.

Risk Management Lifecycle

Plan your Risk Management Lifecycle by using codeBeamer X's BPM. Use a standard workflow for identifying, planning, reducing, and mitigating risks. Use standard attributes such as hazard, triggering event, harm, likelihood, severity, risk, planned risk mitigation, likelihood after mitigation, severity after mitigation, and risk after mitigation.

Risk Matrix Diagram

The Risk Matrix Diagram displays the number of requirement items according to related risks. In the risk Tracker, the risk property is a preconfigured computed field that calculates the risk value automatically by multiplication of likelihood and severity values. The diagram is drawn as a matrix: Y Axis for Likelihood and X Axis for severity. The diagram can be configured, and the axis can be reversed.

Image plugin failed: Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin
(com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginException:Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin)

Image plugin failed: Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin
(com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginException:Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin)

Configuration Inheritance

To configure the matrix, use special custom fields in the risk Tracker or via the Risk Management tab in the tracker customization page. Newly created risk Trackers contain these fields by default:

  • Likelihood intervals: configured by custom choice fields
  • Severity intervals: configured by custom choice fields

Set these intervals as background colors of the matrix under the Risk Management tab in the tracker customization page.

Test Management

codeBeamer X's quality assurance and testing module enables controlled testing of software, hardware, products, and systems. It ensures you meet compliance with even the most complex industry standards typically found in safety-critical industries.

Requirements-Based Testing

Use requirements-based testing in codeBeamer X manually. With a requirements node, derive and link to multiple test cases either recursively for each child requirement or for the selected node. This works only if the “verifies” field is configured. The “verifies” field is a reference field in the test case Tracker, linking the selected requirement.

Create Test Case From Requirement

Generate test cases under the requirements section in document view. Click the + icon (add downstream reference or new item) next to the requirement and select the target test case Tracker from the dropdown menu.

This immediately generates a test case for the requirement in the selected Tracker of the Workspace.

Create Test Step, Test Case, Test Set

A test case is a detailed procedure that fully tests a feature or an aspect of a feature. A test case consists of detailed descriptions, pre-actions, test steps, post-actions, and test parameters. Use a test case Tracker item found in the Test Cases Tracker.

Execute pre-actions before test steps to initialize the environment and populate test data. Execute post-actions after test steps to close open resources and clean up the environment. Post-actions should be executed regardless of the actual result of the test case, unless documented otherwise. Test parameters are a solid way to enhance testing scenarios.

A test step is the first step in a test case procedure and includes an action, expected results, and actual results.

A test set logically contains related test cases and test steps. It is associated with a list of releases to for implementation and a list of configurations to be used during implementation. Test sets are maintained in the “Test Sets” CMDB category.

A test configuration is one possible configuration under product testing. Tests can lead to different results depending on configurations used. Configurations should be recorded for effective testing. They are stored in the "Test Configurations" CMDB category.

A test run is the actual execution of a test set or test case using a specific release and test configuration. All test cases or test sets that have been executed are maintained in the “Test Runs” Tracker.

Modify Test Step, Test Case, Test Set

To modify a test step, test case, or test set, use the proper test case or test set Tracker. Double click the item to open the editor and make modifications.

Delete Test Step, Test Case, Test Set

To delete a test step, test case, or test, use the proper test case or test set Tracker. Right click on the item in document view. You can also delete from the table view. Select the items, click Actions, and then hit Delete.

Create Test Set From Selected Test Case

A test set run is stored in a test run Tracker. It holds information about a single run of a test set on a certain platform and version.

To create a test set, use the proper test case or test set Tracker. Click "New Item" to add a name for the test set. At the bottom of the page, add a test case from the test plans library on the right side of the page with drag and drop. After saving, your test set is ready to run.

Add Test Case To Selected Test Set

To add a test case to an existing test set, use the proper test case or test set Tracker. Find test cases and sets at the bottom of the page. Select Edit to add a test case by selecting from the right tree.

Re-use Test Step, Test Case, Test Set

To re-use a test step, test case, or test set, find the library on the right panel and use drag and drop. Decide whether to create a copy or maintain a reference to the original item. If there is a reference to the original test item that changes, the copied test item updates automatically. Break the reference relation by editing your test item.

Test Parameter

Use a test parameter when editing the definition of a test case or test set. Parameter values can be displayed as a wiki table. Define a parameter by using ${parameterName} in the wiki text of a test case.

Parameters can be used in the following:

  • Name of the test case
  • Description of the test case
  • Pre- and post- actions of the test case
  • "Action" and "Expected result" fields of the test step

Provide Parameter Values In Wiki Table

Provide parameter values to a wiki table by adding a wiki formatted table in the wiki editor. The table contents are used as parameter values.

The values are taken from a wiki table if:

  • There is a header row in the table. The text in each header is used as a parameter name.
  • There is no header – the first row is used as a parameter name. Rows below the table header are used as values.

You can define a table as a multi-row parameter set. When running a test case, it runs multiple times, one for each row with a value.

Test Execution

Create a new test run out of a test case and test set by choosing the specific release and test configuration. When creating a test run, decide how to distribute your run with other users by either creating a shared single test run or multiple test runs with roles/groups. Roles/groups are not expanded to individual users.

When a test case, test set, or test run includes a test parameter, a “Using parameter…” side bar appears in the test execution. The test execution displays:

  • Currently resolved parameters with actual values
  • Warning message with listed values for missing parameters
  • Multiple rows of available parameters with the number of executions needed to complete all parameter sets

Choose a different parameter set manually by clicking “Select”. In the open dialog, see parameter sets yet to be executed. Select the next parameter to run and/or decide to skip parameters in the test execution if needed. When skipped, a special result “Partly Passed” is used. Review each test execution in the Test Run tab by clicking "Show detailed view".

Once a test run is completed, re-run the tests if needed:

  • Re-run all tests: re-run all test cases in the test set regardless of the results
  • Re-run selected tests: choose to re-run individual tests
  • Re-run failed or blocked tests only: choose to re-run only failed or blocked tests
  • Run the remaining open tests: re-run only missing tests (this option appears if some tests were not run due to being closed manually)

Test Runner Window

The Test Runner is your primary interface for running tests.

It helps guide you through tests and steps for implementation. It also records the result of every step (passed or failed) until completion. If any defects are identified during test runs, conveniently report bugs with the Test Runner.

On the Test Runner, the top area shows your progress for the entire test set and/or test case run (with the number of passed and failed tests). Find configuration and release information of the current run, navigation buttons to easily move through tests, and the browser to see outstanding test cases. This works if the test is not marked as sequential, which forbids random execution order.

Main functions include:

  • See test case name, description, and attachments.
  • Use a timer next to the test name to measure the duration of a test execution. Pause the timer to get accurate results in the case of temporarily suspending the test. Use the timer to collect temporal data and help plan for upcoming test cycles.
  • Find files attached to the current test case. Click a file name to download.
  • View or hide pre-action, post-action, and test steps. This is followed by the previously explained properties of the current test case: pre-action, test step, and post-action. These parts may be hidden if not filled for the test case.
  • Set pass step, fail step, and block step on the current step or entire test.
  • Use the Report Bug button to quickly report a bug in a current run.
  • Select Clear Step to clear passed, failed, and blocked results on a test step. This does not clear the value "Actual Result".
  • Select Save&Next on a test case to save a test’s current result or close if the result is in.
  • Select Pause Run to save a test case result and close the dialog, but leave the test open.
  • Select End Run to complete and close an entire test run.

Test Run In Excel

Manage test case results (=the Test Runs) with the Test Runner. When executing a set of tests, the Test Runner shows up next to the test. Use it to enter test results and close completed test runs.

Export your test run in an Excel document to execute your test outside of codeBeamer X:

  • Users will be able to export a Test Run to an Excel document
  • Use the generated Excel document to easily fill in test results
  • After completing your test run in the Excel, import it back to codeBeamer X for smooth integration

Bug Report

When executing a test run, report a bug at any point. To do so, click the “Report Bug” button to suspend the Test Runner and display the bug reporting dialog.

Choose a bug Tracker to report your bug in.

A bug report captures details like:

  • Test case properties in execution
  • Configuration and release used
  • Results of each test step

Re-Use Bug In Test Runner

When reporting a bug in the Test Runner, select from previously reported bugs.

Test Coverage Browser

The Test Coverage Browser is a metric that shows verified test requirements and user stories of a product. It shows the number of test cases and the overall coverage status. Use it to analyze the results of latest test runs and the test coverage of requirements/user stories. Access the Test Coverage in the Tools menu by clicking "Test Coverage".

The Test Coverage Browser has three main sections: 1) requirement/user story tree of a selected Tracker, 2) assigned test cases, and 3) test runs. Find information such as statuses by color, coverage, number of verified test cases, requirements/user stories, and coverage analysis.

Filtering options include:

Image plugin failed: Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin
(com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginException:Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin)

The Statistics section shows aggregated coverage statistics. This information is computed based on filters, matched with the coverage tree. Statistics are grouped by Trackers.

Export the test coverage to Office Word or Excel, containing information from the tree, statistics table, and filters.

SCM Repositories

codeBeamer X supports GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket for external Version Control Systems.

Get full traceability and source code links for requirements and tasks. In the Tracker item details under the SCM Commits tab, find associated SCM commits. Each SCM Commit is stored in the repository. When installing a SCMLoop, the following syntax in the commit message can associate the SCM Commit to any Tracker item. E.g. codeBeamer X #1234 Comment (1234 is the unique Tracker item ID) (Annex D – SCR).

Connect GitHub Repository

Connect your GitHub repository with these two actions:

  1. Create a user with the same username as the pusher in the external VCS
  2. Add the secret token of the webhook to codeBeamer X’s configuration

To configure a secret token in codeBeamer X, go to the System Administrator page and open Application Configuration:

  • Add "scc" node if not existing in your json (json root level)
  • Add "github" node if not existing in your json under "scc" node
  • Add "secretToken":"<secret_token_of_the_webhook>" under "github" node

After, configure the GitHub webhook.

Connect GitLab Repository

Connect your GitLab repository with these two actions:

  1. Create a user with the same username as the pusher in the external VCS
  2. Add the secret token of the webhook to codeBeamer X’s configuration

To configure a secret token in codeBeamer X, go to the System Administrator page and open Application Configuration:

  • Add "scc" node if not existing in your json (json root level)
  • Add "github" node if not existing in your json under MEMBER VS USER node
  • Add "secretToken":"<secret_token_of_the_webhook>" under "github" node

After, configure the GitHub webhook.

Connect Bitbucket Repository

Connect your Bitbucket repository with these two actions:

  1. Create a user with the same username as the pusher in the external VCS
  2. Add the secret token of the webhook to codeBeamer X’s configuration

To configure a secret token in codeBeamer X, go to the System Administrator page and open Application Configuration:

  • Add "scc" node if not existing in your json (json root level)
  • Add "bitbucket" node if not existing in your json under "scc" node
  • Add "baseUrl": "" under "bitbucket" node
  • Add "username": "<bitbucket_username>" under "bitbucket" node where bitbucket_username is a bitbucket username with access to the repository, necessary for bitbucket API calls
  • Add "password": "<bitbucket_password>" under "bitbucket" node where bitbucket_password is the password for the given bitbucket user, necessary for bitbucket API calls

Save configuration to encrypt your password.

After, configure the Bitbucket webhook.

Release Management

Release (Version) Management maintains and tracks different versions of project deliverables, the planned and release schedule, and issues to resolve in each version. Use Release Management for effective project management supported by various methodologies, such as Agile. Release Management is not only applicable to software development, but any type of project with milestones to reach, manage, and report. Configure with Hybrid methodologies like traditional Waterfall, V-Model, Waterfall with overlapping phases, or Waterfall/V-Model methodologies with Agile implementation.

codeBeamer X releases are modeled as configuration items, leveraging CMDB functions.

Define And Create Release/Milestone

Define and create a release or milestone in codeBeamer X with specific properties by selecting “New Sprint” in the release configuration Tracker. codeBeamer X’s sprint is a type of release development that uses the Scrum framework. In codeBeamer X, view a list of all sprints indented under their parent. Sprints consist of metrics like the number of outstanding or finished items under parent releases. They display statistical aggregation of parent to children information. More functions:

  • A release can be created, updated, and deleted updating items in the configuration Tracker
  • A release has its own customizable properties
  • A release has its own lifecycle driven by customized workflows
  • A release can have children in any depth divided into sprints or sub-releases
  • A release can be commented on along with attachments
  • A release can hold associations to other entities in codeBeamer X

Release Dashboard

Access the Release dashboard by clicking the Releases view for each release or sub-release. On the dashboard, find a statistical overview of releases. Monitor the overall progress of your development with releases and sprints in real time.

To see a list of items associated with a particular version, expand the details by clicking the icon next to the release name. Items are color coded: green indicates resolved, white indicates outstanding. See overdue items and apply various filters like status, users, priority, type, and Workspace. Access burn-down charts to monitor velocity, a prediction of how much a development team can successfully complete in a fixed period of time.

Display Associated Release/Sprint/Milestone

Expand a release to see detailed information about sub-releases, sprints, and milestones.

See three charts with sprints, story points, and the item number process.

Next to them, find status activity and progress of the release.

Click “Show details” next to the sprint name to open your dashboard.

Navigate release planner, cardboard, and coverage pages.

Burn-Down Chart

To display the burn-down chart for a release, open the Release dashboard and find the option above the filters. Individually configure your chart – it does not affect the Release dashboards of other users.

Choose to display or hide:
  • Burn down
  • Velocity
  • New items
The data sourceholds item numbers and story points.

Move Open Items To Release/Sprint

To move an open item to a release or sprint, click the down arrow at the top right corner of a release/sprint summary.

On the menu, send an open item to another sprint or backlog. Open item numbers are indicated in brackets.

Change Release Status

To change a release status, open the Release dashboard and click the down arrow next to the status badge. Select the transition option.

Release Planner

Click the Release planner view for a release or sub-release. The Release planner is where a Workspace is planned with daily task estimation, release, and sprint management. Prioritize items or assign specific releases via drag and drop (e.g. move an item from a Workspace backlog to sprint). Use the Agile method to estimate the complexity of items expressed as story points. Enter a story point value on the center panel or editor. Story point values are automatically aggregated on the right panel. View your release and sprint information on the left panel.

Assign a user with responsibilities under a release in two ways:

  • Use the Planner
  • Assign user to a specific role or group and fill in the release property field

Item Assignment To Release/Sprint/Milestone From Backlog

To assign a user to a specific release or sprint, open the Product backlog under the release planner page. Drag and drop a release or sprint – possible drop areas are highlighted.

To move allitems from a sprint or release, find the option from the sprint’s context menu.

When you assign an item to a selected sprint, the page reloads with the applied changes.

Item Prioritization

With administrator rights, prioritize items manually by changing the ordering via drag and drop in the Planner.

Use options Send to top, Send to middle, and Send to move items around in the list.

Work Assignment And Story Points

The planner helps balance the workload of your team, especially when using the Agile method with story points.

Assign users to items in two ways:

  1. Overlay Editor: click the item on the main panel to edit properties on the right panel
  2. Drag and drop: drag the item and drop it on a team user on the left panel under the sprint list

See item numbers and story points next to each user.

Multiple Assignments To Sprint Or Members From Grouped Planner

On the filter panel, group items by properties.

Items are listed under highlighted group names on the main panel.

On the left panel, use the 6-point icon to drag and drop highlighted groups on a sprint or user in one go.

Use Table Header In Planner

The planner’s main panel holds a table and sticky header. Easily change the visibility of columns by clicking the eye icon at the right-side of the panel.

Under the context menu, remove or re-order table items with drag and drop.

Filter Options In Planner

Use filters on planner items with Workspace and Trackers related to the current release. Filter by any default, references, custom fields, and other options similar to the Tracker view.

To set filter conditions, click Add filter, then select your field to set its value.

Hit Go on the main panel to reload your page.

Order Options In Planner

To set ordering options in a planner, open the filter panel. Select one or more fields to order by, ascending or descending, and hit Go. If you select order by, ordering via draganddrop is not possible.

Group Options In Planner

To set group options in a planner, open the filter panel. Select functions or fields to group.

Grouped items are highlighted on the main panel. Use the 6-point icon to drag and drop items and assign groups in one go.

AND/OR Logic Option In Planner

Add AND/OR logic to refine your filtering for more than two attributes. By default, conditions use the AND logic.

Open the filter panel and add two conditions by clicking the -/+ icon next to Add filter. Use the given conditions and numbering – enter your values. Define your logical phrase by using 1 AND 2 or 1 OR 2.

Hit Go to activate the changes.

Default View In Planner

Select a default view in a planner from the View dropdown menu at the top leftsection of your page.

Selecting a view reloads the main panel instantly.

To set a view to default, click the pipe icon next to the view's name. Click the X icon to remove from default.

Create Custom Public/Private View In Planner

To create a custom public or private view in a planner, open the filter panel.

Set conditions like name, public or private, and an optional description. At the top of the filter panel, hit Save to apply the filters as its own view.

Modify Custom View In View Manager

To select your own custom view from the View dropdown,click the filter icon at the top right corner of the page.

Modify conditions under the displayed settings. Hit Go to apply and view your changes.

When modifying a custom view, choose to modify the current view or create a new view based on the custom view. From the Save dropdown menu, hit Save.

Change the properties of the current custom view by selecting Properties on the Save dropdown menu.

Delete Custom View

While you can not delete default views, you can delete custom views.

Open the filter panel by clicking the filter icon at the top right corner of the page. Select the custom view you’d like to delete. From the Save dropdown menu, hit Delete.

Switch View In Planner To Kanban Board

In Release Management, easily switch between release, planner, and cardboard dashboards.

To change your view, use the view buttons at the top right corner next to the filter button.

Create Reference Item In Planner

Create a new downstream reference for an item by using the context menu next to the summary field. Select a Tracker under the Downstream reference menu.

Use Multiple Selection Option In Planner

Select multiple items to manage them in one go. Select checkboxes by hovering your mouse over the items. Select your items and use drag and drop to assign them to releases, sprints, teams, and users.

Release And Sprint Visibility

Open a planner under a specific release/sprint to see all of its sub-releases, sub-sprints, along with the product backlog.

Click a sub-sprint on the left panel to display assigned items on the main panel.


Use the Kanban methodology to help visualize and manage your workflow. Track and move items, trigger status changes, and define your workflow. Use the cardboard view to easily manage items assigned to different releases, sub-releases, and Trackers. Get an overview of expended resources and WIP (Work in Progress) limits, important for understanding current gaps. Configure swimlanes and more filter options.

Work In Progress (WIP) Limits

Work in Progress (WIP) at each workflow stage is limited, pulling new work only when there is available capacity within the local WIP limit.

Set WIP minimum and maximum column conditions under the cardboard page. Click the gear icon at the top right under the filter icon to display cardboard configuration options.

Set your conditions and hit Save to apply modifications.

Free capacity and overloaded values are indicated at the top of the column.

Group And Filter Options In Cardboard

In cardboard, find the swimlane dropdown at the top right corner of the page.Select the option to group cards in a field. These groups become swimlanes you can expand and collapse.

When selecting an option for a swimlane, three new elements are displayed next to the dropdown field. Define the order of cards in a swimlane. Switch button to turn visibility on and off. Arrow button to expand or collapse all swimlanes at once

Filter general options on the filter panel.

Manage Views In Cardboard

At the top left section of the Trackerview, select any default view in the View dropdown.

Selecting a view reloads the page with the changes instantly.

Set a view as default by clicking the pipe icon next to the view's name. Click the X icon to remove from default.

From the View dropdown, select your view. Click the filter icon atthe top right corner of the page to open the settings.

Modify conditions and hit Go to see applied changes.

When modifying a default view, hit Save to save a custom view based on the modified default view. The default view itself won't be changed.

When modifying a custom view, choose to modify the current view or create a new view based on your custom view. From the Save dropdown menu to save, hit Save.

You can also change the properties of the current custom view by selecting Properties on the Save dropdown menu.

While you can not delete default views, you can delete custom views.
To delete, open the filter panel by clicking the filter icon at the top right corner of the page. Select the custom view you’d like to delete. From the Save dropdown menu, hit Delete.


codeBeamer X’s backlog is an ordered list of open items to be addressed. There are different types of backlogs:

Product backlog: consists of open items not scheduled to a release or sprint. In every release planner, find the product backlog tab at the bottom of the left panel.

Release backlog: consists of open items scheduled to a specific release, but no sprint. Prioritize items in this backlog via drag and drop.

Sprint backlog: consists of open items scheduled to a specific sprint, but not yet executed.

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) Support

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) teams are supported with codeBeamer X’s teams and Tracker types. Cross-assign items in areas, teams, and team users. Use @team and @area to mention team users.


A Baseline is a snapshot of a Workspace at a particular point in time, including digital content such as: requirements, Tracker items, wiki pages, documents, comments, or attachments. It configures and saves your content across Workspaces. It also lets you go back in time to an earlier version of your Workspace. Compare Baselines and get statistics on what changed over time. Changes are highlighted with information on when the change was made and by whom. Baselines are signed with a unique electronic signature by each user.

Create and compare Baselines for specific Trackers and document directories. codeBeamer X’s BPM Workflow engine automatically creates a new Baseline with default workflow actions.

Baseline Content

A Baseline captures the state of your digital content in a particular time, such as marking a particular state of a source code in a Version Control System.

Creating a new Baseline creates a snapshot of your requirements, Tracker items, wiki pages, documents, comments, and attachments. It lets you go back in time to an earlier version of your Workspace. Compare Baselines and get statistics on what changed over time. Changes are highlighted with information on when the change was made and by whom. Baselines are signed with a unique electronic signature by each user.

A Baseline is useful for audit purposes, including any deviations in previous versions. It’s also useful for a certification of approval and maintaining wiki pages for multiple product releases.

A Baseline is a read-only directory of all documents and revisions in a document tree branch, including hierarchy and structure.

Baseline Wiki Page

A Baseline wiki page stores all its content, documents, references, and revisions.

When browsing a wiki page on a Baseline, references are resolved even if target documents have been modified or deleted.


A Baseline is read-only because it stores references to specific document revisions that already exist; it does not copy document data.

A document revision can be referenced by any number of Baselines at the same time.

A document revision referenced in a Baseline is not deleted unless the Baseline holding the reference is deleted. The same goes for deleting a document in a document tree branch or Workspace.

After creating a Baseline, you can not edit or remove items from it.

You can not define permissions for individual items. Item permissions in a Baseline are solely controlled by the Baseline.


To create a new Baseline on the item Tracker, set subject/source of the triggering event.

Tracker Item

When creating a new Baseline, a snapshot of the requirements and Tracker items is saved.

Comment And Attachment

When creating a new Baseline, a snapshot of the comments and attachments is saved.


When creating a new Baseline, a snapshot of the associations is saved.

Suspected Alert

When opening a Baseline, suspected alerts are activated. These can not be cleared by users.

Create Baseline Without Electronic Signature

When creating a new Baseline, choose to not use an electronic signature – simply leave the signature textbox empty.

Create Baseline With Electronic Signature

When creating a new Baseline, choose to leave an electronic signature by using your user password in the signature textbox. After saving, the username and signature's date is visible.

Create Workspace Level Baseline

When creating a new Baseline at a Workspace level, a snapshot of the entire Workspace is saved.

Create Tracker Level Baseline

To create a new Baseline at a Tracker level, open your selected Tracker, click the More Functions menu, and then select "Create Baseline".

Browse Baseline

To browse a Baseline, click the Baseline’s name on the Baseline list. A new window is loaded with the Baseline’s content.

Compare Baselines

To compare two Baselines, select the Baseline names and click “Select Button to Compare” at the top of the Baseline page. The loaded view displays differences between the two Baselines separated into categories. View detailed modifications under each category tab in the result view.

Delete Baseline

To delete a Baseline, select the Baseline and hit Delete at the button of the Baseline page.

Reports And Queries

codeBeamer X supports reporting across Workspaces and available Trackers. When a Workspace is configured, it can run for an unlimited amount of time. Customize conditions, fields, criteria, and more for every Tracker. Export your report to various formats like Excel, PDF, and XML.

A query’s independent ad-hoc search and filter mechanisms use cbQL across Workspaces. Filter Tracker items including texts, number fields, or reference conditions. Use the query widget for defining the most useful queries without having to know the cbQL language. An advanced mode is also possible for defining cbQL expressions. Save new queries and find existing ones on the query interface. When creating a new query, add a name and optionally add roles from Workspaces to share the query plus its description.

Create Report And Query

Create a report and query with codeBeamer X’s Analytics, Reports, and New Report functions. A report can be created as a Simple report with several options on the visual user interface. Or use the cbQL query language with Advanced report.

Simple Report

The Simple report option lets you create reports on a visual interface without having to enter queries in the cbQL language. The Simple report builder generates a cbQL query in the background. To reveal underlying cbQL query, switch to Advanced mode.

A Simple report lets you select multiple Workspaces as long as you are a user of the Workspace.

With proper role permissions, select multiple Trackers from a list using the Tracker selector.

By default, no Workspace and Tracker is selected.

To create a Simple report, define at least one condition.

It’s possible to click Go with no Workspace and Tracker selected – as long as there is one condition defined, a preview with a review of the item and permission is displayed.

It’s also possible to click Go with no Workspace, Tracker, or condition defined.

In the Fields section, find Default and Common Reference fields based on the Workspace and Tracker selected. Find available fields by typing in the Search field.

Add fields with drag and drop:

  • A condition with drag and drop
  • 'Group by' criteria with drag and drop
  • ‘Order by’ criteria
  • Drag and drop action
  • Make a column visible in a report by dragging the field from the preview’s header section to possible areas highlighted on your page

Click the + icon to add a condition. By default, multiple conditions are applied with the AND logic. To set AND/OR logic, find the option under the Conditions section. Define a valid logic phrase, meaning numbers that represent filter conditions (e.g. 1 AND (2 OR 3).

Hit Go to preview your newly added conditions. Hit Save to apply changes to the previously saved report.

Group report results with set conditions. In the “Group by” section, click the + icon. Hit Go to preview, and then hit Save to apply changes to the previously saved report.

Order report results with set conditions. In the “Order by” section, click the + icon. Hit Go to preview, and hit Save to apply changes to the previously saved report.

Advanced Report

Use the Advanced report option to enter a query that is Workspace independent with ad-hoc search and filter mechanisms across multiple Workspaces using the cbQL query language.

The cbQL query language makes it possible to create reusable queries. Its syntax is similar to the SQL.

The cbQL has four different parts:

  • SELECT keyword and projection. This option allows you to see additional information about a group of Tracker items. Add aggregation functions, filters, or alias names.
  • WHERE keyword and condition list. The WHERE keyword is required if the cbQL contains SELECT keyword.
  • GROUP BY keyword, field, or alias list. This option allows you to create a group from condition results based on the definition.
  • ORDER BY keyword, field list, and direction. This option allows you to order results (by direction) and add fields.

Switch from Simple to Advanced report where Workspaces, Trackers, and conditions are already defined, revealing underlying cbQL query.

Edit Item Details In Result Table

Edit item details in the result table by permissions. Simply click on the result table to open the right panel. View item details and choose to edit with inline edit. Items are editable based on user role permissions.

Save Report

To save a configured report, click “Save As”.

Mandatory field:

  • Name

Optional fields:

  • Description
  • Permissions

Shared Report

Save a report as private or shared. To share a report, the creator of the report has to define “read” or “write” permissions for user roles in a Workspace.

Open your Workspace to view available roles.

You can set multiple roles to have permissions to read, write, and edit a report. Define the access level “read” or “write” for each role.

By default, every role is set to ”read”.

Modify Report And Query

With the “write” access, modify a previously saved report and query.

To edit, open the report’s result page and click “Edit report” to load the report editor. After making edits, hit Save to overwrite the existing report configuration.

Delete Report And Query

With the “write” access, delete a previously saved report and query.

To delete, open the report’s result page and then the dropdown menu next to “Edit report”. Select “Delete report”.

Find/Load Report

Find a previously saved report by opening the “Analytics/Reports/Find reports” menu.

Search based on the report name.

Order the list of reports based on name, description, modified by, and modified at.

Filter based on report type:

  • Own reports
  • Shared reports
  • Own and shared reports

To open a report, click on the report’s name.

Export Report

With the “read” or “write” access, export a previously saved report and query.

To export, open the report’s result page, click More Options, and then select “Excel export”.

Choose to download the report or store it in codeBeamer X as a Document.

Working With Report Job

Use the report job function to send a report to a predefined and automated list of recipients.

Open a previously saved report and click “+ Add Job”. Define the job’s name, frequency, and recipients.

You can define a report only if the number of items is more than the user-defined integer value.


  • Send the report to those with “read” access. You can select multiple roles. Send to a maximum number of 40 users per role

Report frequency:

  • Daily
    • Once per day
      • User-defined start time (1-hour iteration)
  • Weekly
    • Reoccurrence: days (multiple-selection option)
    • How many times on these days: once per day, every 4 hours
      • User-defined start time (1-hour iteration)

Manage (edit, disable, stop, delete) previously saved jobs:

  • In the “Analytics/Reports/Find reports” menu, click Manage jobs
    • Edit by clicking the job’s name
    • Disable/stop the job
    • Delete the job
  • For existing reports, edit the job by clicking “Edit job”
    • Edit by clicking the job’s name
    • Edit recipients
    • Edit job frequency
  • For existing reports, click “Manage jobs” next to the edit and add buttons (depending on if the open report has a job already set)
    • Edit by clicking the job’s name
    • Disable/stop the job
    • Delete the job

Integration And Data Exchange With Existing Tools

Access codeBeamer X’s resources and exchange data with tools via the REST API and various formats. According to ISO 26262, codeBeamer X’s tool qualification does not integrate further third party tools like MS Office or LDAP. The end user must evaluate the usage of any third party tools within the safety lifecycle.

Import Process

codeBeamer X does support the import of various data formats.

The user must evaluate the product for importing files within the safety lifecycle.

Import Tracker

To import a Tracker item in a Tracker page, click More Functions next to the View selector. Select “Import”.

Import items with:

  • Microsoft Word file
  • Microsoft Excel file
  • CSV file

When importing a Word document, your file should be structured using Word formats. Make sure to use appropriate header styles for headers and normal text styles for descriptions. Different header styles generate parent-child relationships between items.

When importing an Excel document, your file should be structured. The first row of your Excel should hold header information. The rows below should hold the rest of your data (customizable). Major features include:

  • Import data to a Tracker and create new items
  • Excel 2003 & 2007 (*.xls, *.xlsx) formats are supported
  • First Excel row is used as header. The second and below rows are used as data (customizable).
  • Map columns to item fields (configurable)
  • Import item hierarchies with indented data
  • Date and number formats are customizable, with other detailed data conversion

When importing a CSV file, it’s a similar process to using Excel. There are a few differences and constraints to know:

  • Use two quotes for escape characters ("" escapes "), no other characters are escaped
  • Compatible with Microsoft Excel and other programs that have adapted the format for data import and export
  • Pay attention to leading and trailing white spaces in unquoted fields
  • CSV import is specified by RFC4180

Import Wiki

To import a wiki document from Microsoft Word, click More Options at the top of the Wiki page. Select “Import from Word” and choose a method:

  • Overwrite the page with imported content
  • Append imported content at the end of the page

Import User

With appropriate permissions, import user information with Excel.

Open the System Administrator page, head under User Accounts, and click “Import from Excel”.

Export Process

Export various formats in codeBeamer X. The user must evaluate the products used to open exports within the safety lifecycle.

Export Item

To export a single item, open the Tracker item details page.

Find the hamburger icon, then select “Export to Office”. In the dialog, export an item as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel formats.

Export Tracker Audit

To export audit information from all tabs to Microsoft Word, open the Tracker Audit from the Tracker Configuration page. Select “Export to Word” at the top of the page.

Export To PDF

To export to PDF, open the More Functions menu of your Tracker. Find the PDF option under the “Export with” section.

Export Tracker

To export a Tracker its items (requirements, tasks, bugs), open the More Functions menu of your Tracker. Select “Export to Office”.

See fields and items matching the current view.

To view and export items a different way (e.g. change exported fields or ordering), create a custom view for the Tracker.

To export specified items, select “Export to Office” from the More Functions menu. This exports previously selected items.

Export Workspace

Export a Workspace configuration file to use as a project template. Below the Administrator menu, open Workspace Settings. Under the Export tab, select artifacts to include in the template file, and then click Export. To export only a subset of Trackers, select Trackers via checkboxes. This generates a list which you can manually export.

Export Wiki

To export a wiki page, open More Options, select the wiki page, and then click "Export to Word". Decide if you’d like to download the document or store in a document Tracker.

Export User

To export users, open the System Administrator page. Under User Accounts, export users to an Excel file.

Round-Trip Export And Import

Use a Round-trip Word document to export or import items. Open your Tracker and select “Export to Office” in the “more” menu. Choose “Selection” to export only selected items. In the dialog, select “Round-trip”.

codeBeamer X generates a Word document with items displayed in the current view – the download starts immediately. The generated file name contains the current Workspace and Tracker name.

After editing the Round-trip document, import the changes back to codeBeamer X by clicking “Import from Word or Excel” in the “more” menu of your Tracker.

In the dialog, select the Round-trip option and upload. Review the updated areas indicated in your Round-trip document. Hit Save to apply the changes and see the summary of changes.

Template-Based Word Export

To export to Word or Excel with a customized template, the template should be uploaded in Manage Custom Templates. Click “Export to Office”, review the details, and then select the template previously uploaded under the Template section.

Traceability Browser Word Export

To export the traceability table to Word or Excel, click “Export to Office” above and below the traceability table.

  • Excel export: export the result table into Excel. Untick "Merge interconnected cells (long-running operation)" to speed up the export.
  • Word export: export the result table into Word. Build a tree in the document with item details. Specify templates for the import to configure which Tracker data to display.

Review Word Export

Export a review in Review Hub. Open the review page and select the Export icon. Select your template. Convert the tile to PDF by selecting the Convert to PDF checkbox. When ready, hit Export.

Coverage Browser Word Export

Export a test coverage under the Test Coverage page. Open the Tools tab at the top of the page and select Test Coverage. Click “Export to Office” above or below the coverage table.

  • Excel export: export the coverage table into Excel.
  • Word export: export the coverage table into Word. Build a tree in the document with item details of the test coverage.

Risk Matrix Word Export

Export all risk matrix to Word or Excel. Open the Risk Matrix Diagram under the More Functions menu. Find the option to export.

Test Run Word Export

Export a test run report to Word. Open the dropdown menu at the top of the test run’s editor, then select “Export to Office”.

Test Case Word Export

Export a test case to Word. Open the test case type Tracker, select More Functions at the top of the page, then select “Export to Office”. Choose a template to export for review. The file can be converted to PDF by selecting the Convert to PDF checkbox. After specifying your export settings, hit Export.

JIRA Connector

codeBeamer X provides bi-directional synchronization with Atlassian JIRA. Import projects from JIRA into codeBeamer X by creating a new Workspace. Provide the JIRA’s URL, username, and password to retrieve a list of available projects in JIRA to import, including roles, users, project versions, components, and items. To continue using JIRA with codeBeamer X, set up a manual or automatic synchronization system. By default, JIRA and codeBeamer X synchronizes in one direction – it can be changed to bi-directional. Set up a synchronization interval in the job interval. The smallest allowed value is 10 minutes. An empty interval disables automatic periodic synchronization. Execute the job manually by clicking the run job symbol.

The user must evaluate JIRA usage within the safety lifecycle.

Connect To JIRA In Tracker Level

To connect a JIRA instantly in a Tracker level, open the Tracker page and select “Synchronize with JIRA” under the More Functions menu.

Under JIRA Connector Settings, configure your JIRA server details. Click the pencil icon at the bottom of the dialog to display a list of JIRA projects.

Select the JIRA project and item type to synchronize.

Connect To JIRA In Tracker Level - Import Direction

Under JIRA Connector Settings, select the Import Data option.

This imports only the modifications from JIRA into codeBeamer X. Modifications from codeBeamer X are not uploaded into JIRA.

Connect To JIRA In Tracker Level - Export Direction

Under JIRA Connector Settings, select the Export Data option.

This imports only the modifications from codeBeamer X into JIRA. Modifications from JIRA are not uploaded into codeBeamer X.

Connect To JIRA In Tracker Level - Bi-Directional

Under JIRA Connector Settings, select the Synchronization Data option.

This synchronizes modifications between codeBeamer X and JIRA bi-directionally.

Import Users From JIRA In Workspace Level

Under JIRA Connector Settings, check the users under the References section to display JIRA users including users not in codeBeamer X.

JIRA Credential Validation

When setting up a JIRA connector, make sure to have your:

  • Server IP address
  • Username
  • Password

JIRA Permission Validation In Connector

JIRA synchronization is permitted for expressed references.

Under JIRA Connector Settings, verify the references section. By default, users, groups, epics, and teams are disabled.

Store Historical Entries For Synchronization Data

Under JIRA Connector Settings, set synchronizations (import, export, date, time, user, changes) to keep in the history.

After a successful sync, view your history by clicking the JIRA Connector history icon.

Workflow Synchronization From JIRA To codeBeamer X

codeBeamer X can synchronize workflows automatically if the JIRA user has “Administrator projects” permissions. Otherwise, sync your workflow manually by:

  • Changing the user
  • Syncing as administrator
  • Syncing from file
  • (Choosing not to sync)

Disable JIRA Synchronization

To disable synchronization, open JIRA Connector Settings and hit Remove at the bottom footer.

Periodic Synchronization

Under JIRA connector settings, set run periods for syncing imports and exports. The minimum value is 10 seconds.

After setting your value, manually start the sync. After the sync time is calculated, it runs automatically.

Save/Load Synchronization Setup

Under JIRA Connector Settings, map your desired fields.

Click “Save as link” to download your settings in a json file.

To reuse the settings, use the link to load your settings. When saving the json file, mappings load instantly.

User Authentication With LDAP

Manage user authentication with an existing LDAP/Active Directory server. Or head under User Accounts to import and update user information from the LDAP/Active Directory. Configure your settings in User Authentication under the System Administrator page.

When logging into codeBeamer X for the first time with successful LDAP authentication, a codeBeamer X account is created automatically with LDAP attributes (email address, name, phone number, etc.) stored and mapped in codeBeamer X.

The user must evaluate Active Directory/LDAP usage within the safety lifecycle.

Review Hub

codeBeamer X’s Review Hub is a snapshot of Tracker items, releases, or reports at a specific point in time. When a set of items like tasks and requirements is ready for review, you can invite contributors (reviewers and moderators) to approve and decline items. Set up notifications to alert users when an item is under review. Decide to restart a review in the case of newer item modifications. Choose to restart all review items or only those that were modified.

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General Concepts

A review in codeBeamer X consists of a set of items. A review always contains a specific version of the item (depending on when the review was created). Review contributors can discuss an under review. There are two options to take:

  • Approve the item: when the reviewer finds no issue
  • Mark as 'Needs More Work': when the reviewer finds an issue or deems the item underdeveloped

The Review page makes it easy to hold discussions, and approve or reject items.

There are two types of contributors in a review:

  • Moderator: can edit, close, and restart the review, and add or remove contributors from the review
  • Reviewer: can approve or reject an item in review, and can add comments – but can not edit the review

Start and Edit a Review

Initiate a review with the following options:

  • In the Review Hub
  • In a Tracker: use the More Functions menu and select one of the following options:
    • Send to Review: creates a review for all Tracker items, reflecting child-parent hierarchies of original items – does not update when a review restarts
    • Send Selection to Review: creates a review for selected Tracker items
  • In a report: for all items returned by a specific report
  • In a release: for all the items currently assigned to a specific sprint or release

Tracker Review

codeBeamer X’s Tracker Review is a snapshot of Tracker items at a specific point in time. When a set of items like tasks and requirements is ready for review, you can invite contributors (reviewers and moderators) to approve and decline items.

Select Multiple Workspaces

When creating a new review in the Review Hub, select multiple Workspaces from the dropdown menu.

Select Multiple Trackers

When creating a new review in the Review Hub, select multiple Trackers from the dropdown menu.

Work Item Hierarchy

When sending a single Tracker for review in the Review Hub, maintain the hierarchy of your items.

Report Review

To start a review for items returned by a specific report, head under More Options and select “Send to review”. Or head under the Review Hub and select “Report review” from the review types.

Release Review

To start a review for items assigned to a specific sprint or release, open the Review Hub and select “Release review” from the review types. Choose your Workspace and specific sprint or release to start a review.

Send To Review

To start a review for all selected items in a specific Tracker, report, or release, open the Review Hub and select “Send to review”.

Send All Items In Tracker To Review

When creating a review for all items in a Tracker, child-parent hierarchies are reflected from the original items. Hierarchies do not update when restarting a review.

Send Selected Items In Tracker To Review

To start a review for specific items in a Tracker, head to List view in your document view and choose “Selection to Review”.


To start a review for your Workspace Baseline, open the Review Hub and select your Baseline when creating a review. Any item modifications are visible as Baseline versions in the review.

Contributors In Review

There are two types of contributors in a review:

  • Moderator: can edit, close, and restart a review, and add or remove contributors from the review
  • Reviewer: can approve or reject an item in review, and can add comments – but can not edit the review

A closed review is read only, meaning reviewers can no longer accept or reject items. When restarting a review, items can be set to read only. The purpose of restarting a review is to incorporate any modifications made after the original review was initiated, displaying item versions at the time of the restart.

Multiple Reviewers

When creating a review, invite multiple contributors to review items. Under the Review Hub’s “Select reviews” page, select more than one reviewer for your current review. Reviewers can make reviews but need specific permissions to update reviews.

Mandatory Electronic Signature

When creating a review, electronic signatures can be set as mandatory for all users or a number of users in the Review Hub. Select checkboxes for “Requires signature to finish the review" or "Requires signature from reviewers”. With these requirements, the user is asked to use the account’s password to sign the review in the Signature field. Select the “Sign with username and password” checkbox to allow signing with a username. Set the minimum number of signatures needed for an item.

User Group And Role As Reviewer

When creating a review in the Review Hub, choose users, groups, and roles as reviewers.

Replace Individual Review Contributor

If a review contributor is unable to participate in a review, replace the contributor in the Review Hub. Open the Editor to remove and add reviewers.

Edit Review

To edit a review, open the Review Hub and select the review you’d like to edit. Click the Edit icon at the top of the page. Modify your review properties and hit Save.

Edit Review Name

With moderator rights, edit the name of a review. Open the Review Hub, select your review, and then click Edit to rename.

Edit Reviewer In Existing Review

With moderator rights, edit the reviewers in an existing review. Open the Review Hub, select your review, and then click Edit to modify reviewers.

Edit Moderator In Existing Review

With moderator rights, edit the moderators in an existing review. Open the Review Hub, select your review, and then click Edit to modify moderators.

Edit Deadline In Existing Review

With moderator rights, edit the deadline in an existing review. Open the Review Hub, select your review, and then click Edit to modify the deadline.

Edit Signature Requirement In Existing Review

With moderator rights, edit the signature requirement in an existing review. Open the Review Hub, select your review, and then click Edit. Choose from "Requires signature to finish the review" and "Requires signature from reviewers" checkboxes.

Find Review

With user permissions, find reviews made by reviewers and moderators in the Review Hub.

Under the dropdown menu, select to display all reviews or only open reviews. Group reviews by Workspace or Tracker.

Default View: Open Reviews

The Review Hub’s default view is set to “Open Reviews”.

All Reviews

Under the dropdown menu at the top of the Review Hub page, click “All Reviews” to display all reviews whether open or closed.

Group Reviews By Workspace And Tracker

To group reviews by Workspace and Tracker, select Grouping from the dropdown menu at the top of the Review Hub page. Choose from three options:

  • No grouping
  • Group by Workspace
  • Group by Workspace and Tracker

Restart Review

A moderator can restart a completed review. When restarting, items can be set to read only. The purpose of restarting a review is to incorporate any modifications made after the original review was initiated, displaying item versions at the time of the restart.

Click the restart icon at the top menu bar to open the Restart review dialog.

Select multiple options to restart your review:

  • Only not reviewed
  • Only items updated or suspected after the previous review
    • Consider all items with updated downstream references
    • Consider all items with updated upstream references
  • All items that need more work
  • All items in the current review
    - Set all items as not reviewed
  • Set all items not reviewed as “Needs more work” in the current review

In the dialog, find options to modify reviewers, moderators, and viewers.

Add or remove items one-by-one if needed.

Restart Review For Not Reviewed Item Only

On the Restart review dialog, find the checkbox for “only not reviewed”.

Select this option for your new review to contain only the items not reviewed previously.

Restart Review For Item Updated After Last Review Only

On the Restart review dialog, find the checkbox for “only items that were updated or became suspected after starting the last review”.

Select this option for your new review to contain only the items that were updated after starting the previous review, or if a reference became suspected.

Restart Review For All Items That Need More Work

On the Restart review dialog, find the checkbox for “all items that need more work”.

Select this option for your new review to contain all items that were marked as “needs more work” in the previous release.

Restart Review For All Items

On the Restart review dialog, find the checkbox for “all items in the current review”.

Select this option for your new review to contain all items from the previous review with their current versions.

Restart Review With Multiple Options

When restarting a review with multiple options, conditions are merged.

Review Item

To review (accept or reject) items in the Review Hub, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Review Hub and open a review. Find reviews you have access to according to your role (reviewer, viewer, moderator). You can also access the review with the review link sent to your email inbox from codeBeamer X (depending on review settings).
  2. On the review page, accept or reject items using the check or X icon. To reject an item, it is mandatory to add a comment. Add a comment in the dialog or click the comment icon next to the item in review. Comments are added to an item within the review and not in the original Tracker.
  3. To accept or reject all review items at the same time, click the check or X icon at the top menu bar.

Display Review Item As "Summary Not Readable" Without Read Permission

If a user does not have permissions to read a review item, the item is indicated with “Summary not readable”.

Filter Review Item

At the top left corner of the review page, find the dropdown filter.

Filter review items by:

  • All items (default)
  • Items I have approved
  • Items that need more work
  • Items I have reviewed
  • Items I have not reviewed
  • Items with my comments
  • Items with comments
  • Items updated since the review was created

Approve Review Item

To approve a review item, click the Approve icon next to the review item on the main panel. Withdraw your approval at any time before finalizing the review.

Reject Review Items

To reject a review item, click the X icon (“This item needs more work”) next to the review item on the main panel. When rejecting an item, it is mandatory to add a comment. Add your comment in the dialog, then hit Save.

Withdraw your rejection at any time before finalizing the review.

Different Types Of Review Item Comments

Display the Comments panel by selecting the comment icon next to the review item on the main panel.

Add different types of comments on a review item:

  • Comment (default)
  • Question
  • Problem
  • Change

After adding your comment or feedback, click the Save icon on the editor.

Version-Related Review

When creating a review item, select a Baseline to connect your current version or different item versions.

Relation And Reference In Review Item

Display relation and reference items of a review on the main panel.

Display Badge For Content Change After Review Started

In the case of a newer item version after a review has started, the item is indicated by “New version available” under the item summary on the main panel.

Click the badge to view the changes.

Review Details In Right Panell

Review details of your item versions by clicking “Show right panel” next to the review item summary on the main panel.

Properties are not editable, only visible.

Relations are listed under the Relations tab at the top of the panel.

Click the X icon at the top right corner to close the panel.

Approve All Review Items At The Same Time

To approve all review items in one go, click the check icon at the top menu bar. Withdraw your approval at any time before finalizing the review.

Reject All Review Items At The Same Time

To reject all review items in one go, click the X icon at the top menu bar. Withdraw your rejection at any time before finalizing the review. When rejecting all items, it is mandatory to add a comment in the dialog.Your comment is applied to all review items.

Enter Mandatory Reject Comment

When rejecting an item, it is mandatory to add a comment in the dialog. Hit Save after adding your comment.

Finish Review

To finish a review, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Review Hub and open the review that you want to close.
  2. On the review page, click the Finish icon in the header of the main panel. The Finish Review window opens.
  3. To set (or modify) the status of review items, click the Set Statuses button. The Status Mapping window opens.
  4. If applicable, select a status: approved, rejected, or mixed/not reviewed items
  5. codeBeamer X has provided a status mapping for all review items based on the review settings. If necessary, change the default mapping for any of the items.
  6. When you are finished setting the status for review items, click Finish Review to close the review. If necessary, you can click Back to go back to the Finish Review window. You can also close the review in this window by clicking Finish.

Change Work Item Status When Finalizing Review

On the Finish Review dialog, modify item statuses by selecting approved, rejected, or mixed/not reviewed. Click “Set Statuses” to apply the changes.

Status options are set in the Tracker configuration page. E.g. If you select “Completed” for approved items, the status of all approved items automatically updates to “Completed”.

Execute Valid State Transition When Finalizing Review

When finalizing a review, click the "Execute only valid transitions" checkbox to change the status of a review item only if the Tracker’s workflow configuration allows a transition.

View Review

Review Feedback Page

Access the Feedback page by clicking the Feedback icon above the main panel.

The Feedback page lists all comments added to review items on the Review page and before the review started (e.g. when an item is part of another review or if a finished review is restarted). Add, review, or reply to comments on the Feedback page.

Add these types of comments:

  • Comment
  • Question
  • Problem
  • Proposed change

Comments and replies are listed in hierarchical orders with the most recent comments appearing at the top.

Review Statistics Page

Access the Statistics page by clicking the Statistics icon above the main panel.

At the top section of the Statistics page, find general information about a review: who started the review, signatures, Baselines, start date, close date, and more. The “Overall reviewer statistics” chart provides an overview of votes received by reviewers.

See the progress of each reviewer under the Review result section.

See how many reviewers approved, rejected, or have yet to review items under the Items section.

History Page

Access the History page by clicking the History icon above the main panel.

The History page provides a summary of the review's life cycle: start date, close date, and list of contributors.

Feedback Page

Access the Feedback page by clicking the Feedback icon above the main panel.

The Feedback page lists all comments added to review items on the Review page and before the review started (e.g. when an item is part of another review or if a finished review is restarted). Add, review, or reply to comments on the Feedback page.

Add these types of comments:

  • Comment
  • Question
  • Problem
  • Proposed change

Comments and replies are listed in hierarchical orders with the most recent comments appearing at the top.

Add Different Types Of Comments In Review

At the top of the review’s feedback page, find “Add comment” to add a comment to the review.

Click the down arrow to select from these options:

  • Add comment (default)
  • Add question
  • Add problem
  • Add proposed change

After selecting, write your comment in the dialog.

Filter By Comment Type

At the top of the review's feedback page, find the Filter dropdown menu.

Filter by:

  • All comments (default)
  • My comments
  • Question
  • Proposed change
  • Comment
  • Problem

After selecting, the feedback table reloads instantly.

Feedback Page: Display Comment From Original Item

If an item has any comments added before the start of a review, comments are displayed on the feedback page.

Feedback Page: Display Comment From Previous Review

If an item has any comments added from a previous review, comments are displayed on the feedback page.

Display Overall Reviewer Statistics As Pie Chart In Statistics Page

The “Overall reviewer statistics”chart provides an overview of all votes received by reviewers.

See the number of:

  • Approved items
  • Needs more items
  • Not reviewed items

Display Link/Photo Of User Who Closed Or Signed Review In Statistics Page

At the top of the review’s Statistics page, see user information of the main review data.

The started, finished, and signed rows contains the user’s name, photo, and link to the user’s details page if given by the user.

Display Progress Bar Per Reviewer In Statistics Page

See the progress bar per reviewer in the Review result section of the Statistics page.

In the table, see the reviewer’s username, photo, signature date, and progress of review items.

Statistics Page

Review items are listed under the Items section of the Statistics page.

Columns consist of:

  • Name: item name, version, ID, link to the item
  • Needs more work: how many reviewers marked the item as needs more work
  • Approved: how many reviewers marked the item as approved
  • Not reviewed: how many reviewers need to review the item
  • Comments: how many comments were added to the item

Review History Page

The Review History page displays all changes made to the review.

Columns consist of:

  • Summary: review name, ID, link to the review
  • Started: review start date and time
  • Deadline: review deadline date and time
  • Reviewers: users with reviewer role
  • Moderators: users with moderator role
  • Viewers: users with viewer role
  • Finished: review finish date and time

Use Comments Stream In Review

When reviewing an item in Review Hub, use the comments stream on the right side of the review page. By default, only review comments are displayed. Click “Show item comments” at the top to display item comments.

With the comments stream, filter for different comment types in a review (e.g. comment, question) and accept, reject, or open comments.

Important rules:

  • Accept and reject can only be applied for review comments by the owner of the comment
  • Accept and reject comments can not be edited, replied to, or re-accepted/re-rejected

Mention a Workspace user in a comment to invite the user via the “Viewer” role. The invited user gets a notification with the content and review link. With the “Viewer” role, the user can comment or reply to the review.

Visualize review comments by selecting “Show review comments” under Filters.

Exporting Review

To export a review, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Review Hub and open your review to close.
  2. On the review page, click the Export icon at the top of the main panel. The Exporting review window opens.
  3. In the Use template field, select the template that you want to use for exporting the review.
  4. To export the file as a PDF, select the “Export to PDF” checkbox.
  5. To export the file as an Excel, select “Microsoft Excel”.
  6. After setting the export settings, hit Export.

The export takes a few seconds. When done, download the file.

Export Review Item To Excel

To export a review to Microsoft Excel, select the option on the Exporting review dialog.

Other options include:

  • Export comments
  • Export to PDF
  • Generate absolute links (to codeBeamer X)

Export Review Item To Word

To export a review to Microsoft Word, select the option on the Exporting review dialog.

Other options include:

  • Export comments
  • Export to PDF
  • Generate absolute links (to codeBeamer X)
  • Use template

Basic Functionality

codeBeamer X operates with User Accounts. A user must have an account before logging in and participating in a Workspace. When creating an account, the user's name, password and email address are required, and other optional data may also be entered. The email address is used by codeBeamer X’s notification service and is not visible to other users, unless the other user has certain ('user view') permissions. The optional data that can be entered includes telephone number, mobile number, organization name, time-zone, and location. These personal data fields are visible to other registered users with appropriate permissions.


codeBeamer X offers three licensing options: ALM, Reviewer, and Viewer. With these license types, the user has different capabilities in the system. To set a selected license type for a user, go to User Accounts on the System Administrator page. With system administrator rights, click on the user's name to edit the License type. By default, the ALM license is selected. Check the number of free and used licenses under the Licenses tab.


To access codeBeamer X, it is required to authenticate your account.

To first create an account:

  1. Click “Register now”
  2. Fill in the registration form
  3. Click “Registration“

You can access codeBeamer X with an activated user account from the Login page.

Login With Valid Credentials

To login to codeBeamer X, enter your username and password and click “Login” from the Login page. To log in with a different username, make sure you’re logged out and log in with the new username. After successfully logging in, you are taken to codeBeamer X’s default dashboard page.

Login With Invalid Credentials

If either your username or your password is invalid, an "Invalid user credentials!" error message is displayed.

If you forgot your password, click “Forgot password?” to request a password reset with your username or email address.

Login With LDAP/AD Credentials

If there is an LDAP/Active Directory server configured on codeBeamer X, a user from the AD server can login to codeBeamer X without registering.

Email Notifications

codeBeamer X sends notifications emails about Workspace items, documents, wiki pages, workflow transitions, status changes, and more.

Item Notifications

When an item is submitted or modified in a Tracker, email notifications are sent to users subscribed to the Tracker. Modify email settings for a Tracker in the Notifications tab under the Configuration menu. Under the Any notifications section,add or delete users by name or role (users are notified of any updates).

Under the Status change notifications section, set subscribed users to receive notifications only with status changes on items.
Under theNotifications by Tracker section, set subscribed users to receive notifications only for selected statuses..

Full-Text Search

Use full-text search to search tasks, bugs, Wiki pages, users, attachments, and Workspaces. The search finds items within seconds, based on indexing and taking place in the background. The search automatically syncs with any changes made. Place tags or labels on relevant items found, and share with your team.

Full-text search is provided for:

  • Documents: including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, RTF, PDF, HTML, wiki, and text documents
  • Workspaces: name, description and category fields
  • Tracker items: all fields, comments, and attachments (same file formats in document search are supported)
  • Reports: name and description fields

Simple Search

A simple syntax is used for word based searches. The simple search field is found at the upper right corner of every codeBeamer X page. By default, prefix search is used (e.g. search for “org” and find items containing “org” and organizations).

Use ID numbers to find items easily (e.g. search for ID number “#2000” and find items related to the ID.)

System Audit Trail

With system administrator rights, use the Audit tool to analyze and export these user interactions:

  • User logins, logouts (including system logouts)
  • Item or artifact modification actions (create, update, delete)
  • Permission changes (Trackers, Tracker fields, roles, user groups)


Find login and logout times by users under the Logins tab.

Display Logins

To display login/logout information, set the filter values and click Go.

Results are displayed in three columns:

  • User: link to the user's account
  • Event type: user login, user logout, user system logout
  • Created at: time of the event

Filter Logins

Filter logins by:

  • User: select one or more users
  • Event type: (all options can be combined)
    • User login
    • User logout
    • User system logout
  • Range: date range can be defined by predefined constants or custom dates


Create, update, or delete artifact actions.

Display Action

To display item actions and information, set the filter values and click Go.

Results are displayed in seven columns:

  • User: link to the user's account
  • Artifact: link to the artifact
  • Event type: type of the current action
  • Workspace: name of the related Workspace
  • Tracker: name of the relate Tracker
  • Message: link to the diff viewer
  • Created at: time of the event

Filter Action

Filter actions by:
  • User: select one or more users
  • Event type: (all options can be combined)
    • Artifact create
    • Artifact delete
    • Artifact remove
    • Artifact restore
    • Artifact update
    • Create
    • Delete
    • Remove
    • Restore
    • Update
  • Workspace: select one or more Workspaces
  • Tracker: select one or more Trackers
  • Range: date range can be defined by predefined constants or custom dates


Create, update, or delete permissions for Trackers, Tracker fields, roles, or user groups.

Display Permissions

To display permissions, set the filter values and click Go.

Results are displayed in seven columns:

  • User: link to the user's account
  • Artifact: link to the artifact
  • Event type: type of the current action
  • Workspace: name of the related Workspace, if possible
  • Tracker: name of the related Tracker, if possible
  • Message: link to the diff viewer, if available
  • Created at: time of the event

Filter Permissions

Filter permissions by:
  • User: select one or more users
  • Event type: (all options can be combined)
    • Artifact permission create
    • Artifact permission delete
    • Artifact permission update
  • Workspace: select one or more Workspaces
  • Tracker: select one or more Trackers of the selected Workspaces
  • Range: date range can be defined by predefined constants or custom dates

Audit Configuration

In audit configuration, control which event to log.

Login event types:

  • User login
  • User logout
  • User system logout

Item event types:

  • Item update
  • Item create
  • Item remove
  • Item restore
  • Item delete

Artifact event types:

  • Artifact update
  • Artifact create
  • Artifact remove
  • Artifact restore
  • Artifact delete.

Permission event types:

  • Artifact permission create
  • Artifact permission delete
  • Artifact permission update.