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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Tags:  diagrams mxGraph
IMPORTANT! The information on this page is unverified and unsupported. Always double-check the accuracy of the solutions provided. Evaluate and test the impact on any environments!

Diagrams - Couldn't Render Diagram Because of Wrong Format


When working with the Diagram Editor in codebeamer, changes to the diagram are not saved and the editor displays the message: "Couldn't render diagram because of wrong format".

Observed on

  • codebeamer 21.09-LTS (EMMA)
  • Linux OS


If codebeamer is running on a Linux OS platform, ensure to go through these setup instructions: Configuring PhantomJS for codeBeamer

Additional Information

To get additional information about this error printed in the codebeamer logs (to analyze or submit them to Support), follow the below steps:

  1. As a System Admin, go to System Admin Logging Configuration
  2. Turn on DEBUG level logging by entering:
  3. Reproduce the problem
  4. Gather the timestamp
  5. Go to System Admin ►Server Status Dashboard ►Download Logs ► Export daily logs and obtain the zipped log file.
  6. Undo Step 2 by reverting the logging level back to normal:, or to any other value set before the change.

For any other Support options, questions, or inputs, visit: