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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Create a Mercurial Project in Eclipse

First, create a Bug/Task item in codeBeamer: remember the item's id highlighted on this screenshot:

Figure: A New Issue in codeBeamer


Open your Eclipse IDE with Mercurial Eclipse installed in it, and go to Java perspective. Select New > Other item from the context menu, then look for Mercurial > Clone Existing Mercurial Repository:

Figure: Create a New Project in the Eclipse IDE
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

Click Next and setup the URL and authentication data according to your settings:

Figure: Clone codeBeamer Managed Mercurial Repository
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

After clicking Finish to start the clone process, a new project is generated in your workspace using Mercurial.

Commit a Change to the Project

To correctly identify you as an author, MercurialEclipse must be configured using Window/Preferences > Team > MercurialEclipse. Set Mercurial Username field to the codeBeamer user like this:

Figure: Set MercurialEclipse Preferences
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

Edit the source code to fix the issue. Changed but uncommited files are marked by a small icon (white star). When your change is ready, commit it to your local clone. This doesn't require any connection with codeBeamer server. Select Team >Commit item from context menu on the changed item (or the parent of more changes):

Figure: Commit Changes to Project (local)
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

We recommend that you associate your commit with an issue ID. Do this by adding hash-issue_number to the first line of the commit message, for example: #1234, #5678 (more than one issue can be associated with a commit). If a commit is made without a valid issue ID, CodeBeamer project settings determine whether it is allowed.

Several commits can be made for the next step, pushing to codeBeamer.

Push Changes to codeBeamer

When you're ready to share your work with the team, your local source code changes should be pushed to the codeBeamer server. The push URL might differ from the clone (or pull) URL. Select Team >Push item from context menu on project root, give URL and authentication data (ssh is used as push URL in our example):

Figure: Push Changes to codeBeamer Managed Mercurial Repository
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

Figure: Selecting Changesets to Push
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

You will get a short explanation message about the result of the operation. Always read it carefully, because it might contain information about failure as well (e.g. a hook is rejected push because of unallowed author). After a successful push your changes are shared over codeBeamer and you can check the association between the commits and their related issues:

Figure: Association of Issue with Change in codeBeamer GUI

Now this work procedure can be started again from changing items in the project with Eclipse IDE.

Setup SSH on the Windows Platform

Additional setup is necessary on the Windows platform to use the MercurialEclipse plugin via SSH: read more about it in Mercurial Client on Windows.