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Tags:  swagger Wiki

Wiki Information

This page describes the meaning and use-cases for the "contextId", "contextVersion" and "renderingContextType" properties on the POST /v3/projects/{projectId}/wiki2html endpoint.

Render a wiki page as HTML in a specific context

POST /v3/projects/{projectId}/wiki2html converts the wiki markup to HTML.

Payload example:

  "contextId": 1096,
  "contextVersion": 1,
  "markup": "Hello __World__!",
  "renderingContextType": "TRACKER_ITEM"


  • "markup"*: Required. Any Wikitext field markup can be added here. You may obtain the markup of existing entities with other endpoints, for example:
    • GET /v3/items/{itemId}/
    • GET /v3/items/{itemId}/fields
    • GET /v3/wikipages/{wikiId}/
  • "renderingContextType": The type of entity to be used as a context for rendering the HTML markup. This has only two possible values: TRACKER_ITEM or WIKI.
  • "contextId": The id of the codebeamer entity to be used as a rendering context.
  • "contextVersion": The version of the codebeamer entity to be used as a rendering context.

Figure 1: Schema representation of the POST /v3/projects/{projectId}/wiki2html endpoint on the Swagger dashboard.

When having renderingContextType: WIKI, contextId and contextVersion should be referring to an existing Wiki page. Likewise, in case of TRACKER_ITEM, these will have to match with an existing Tracker Item.

context refers to the entity where the references have to be considered: for example, when indicating in markup attachments simply by name like [123.png], these will be searched among attachments of the item given as context.