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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Fixing Invalid Views Caused by 'EMMA-Upgrade_026' Upgrade Script

Validating the Status of the Script

Running the EMMA-upgrade_026 upgrade script may affect certain views, making them to be invalid.

Use the below query to check whether the EMMA-upgrade_026 upgrade sript was run.

SELECT 1 FROM upgrade_statements WHERE statement_id = 'EMMA-upgrade_026' AND status = 'FINISHED';

If the result is 1, it means the script was run.

Reverting Invalid Views

It is highly recommended to create a database and configuration backup before running the scripts!

To revert the invalid views after the upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Connect to the proper backup database where the affected views are working correctly.
  2. Run the proper script generator from below:
    -- MYSQL
    SELECT CONCAT('UPDATE object_revision SET description = ', description, ' WHERE object_Id = ', object_id, ' AND revision = ', revision) as 'script'
    FROM object_revision
    WHERE type_id = 47; 

    -- ORACLE
    SELECT ('UPDATE object_revision SET description = ' || description || 'WHERE object_Id = ' || object_id || ' AND revision = ' || revision) as script
    FROM object_revision
    WHERE type_id = 47;

    -- Postgtres
    SELECT ('UPDATE object_revision SET description = ' || description || 'WHERE object_Id = ' || object_id || ' AND revision = ' || revision) as script
    FROM object_revision
    WHERE type_id = 47;
  3. Validate and save the output.
  4. Connect to the codebeamer database. Ensure to update the database in case of an issue.
  5. Stop codebeamer, if running.
  6. Run the generated scripts.
  7. Start codebeamer.
  8. Validate the views.