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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Create a Background Job to Update a Working-Set

Since Codebeamer release 22.04-SP1 (FELICITY), a new endpoint is available to start a job that merges changes from the source working-set into the target working-set, completely replacing the content of the specified target trackers:



To create a background job to update a working-set,

  1. Use the POST/v3/jobs/working-set-update endpoint in Swagger.
  2. Provide the necessary information in the Request body section.
  3. Click Execute.

Default schema of the Request body:

  "projectBaselineId": 0,
  "source": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "target": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "trackers": [
      "baselineId": 0,
      "cbql": "string",
      "tracker": {
        "id": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"

When source or target is the default working-set, this should be omitted. Parameters used in the Request body:

Parameter Description
"name" The name is not a required field.
"type" The type is not a required field.
"projectBaselineId" The "projectBaselineId" is a mandatory field. If left empty, HEAD is used.
"trackers" The "trackers" field should only be specified if not all items are to be updated.
"baselineId" The ID of the baseline.
The "baselineId" in "trackers" should only be used if the "projectBaselineId" or HEAD are not the required baseline for the given tracker.
"cbql" The "cbql" field is used to filter items. If not set, all items are updated.


  • Default working-set with tracker ID 1234
  • Custom working-set with working-set ID 5678

Merging all items from the default working-set into a custom working-set:

  "target": {
    "id": 5678

Merging only item1 and item2 from the default working-set into a custom working-set:

  "target": {
    "id": 5678
  "trackers": [
      "cbql": "(summary = 'item1' OR summary = 'item2') AND IN (1234) AND IN (101)",
      "tracker": {
        "id": 1234

Merging all items from a custom working-set into the default working-set:

  "source": {
    "id": 5678