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What is New in Codebeamer 2.1 (IMPALA)

This page lists and briefly introduces the main features implemented in Codebeamer release 2.1 (IMPALA).

Version Highlights

  • Large-Scale Merge
  • Import ReqIF into Working-Sets as a Non-Admin User
    • Import ReqIF Update Files
  • Programmatic Word Export
  • Highly Automated Project Provisioning
  • Deploy Template Trackers
  • Improved FlexLM Licensing
  • Export Pre- and Post Processing APIs

Large-Scale Merge

Using Working-Sets for variant management has become more efficient with the implementation of the Large-Scale Merge.

Large-Scale Merge is the improvement of the merge view that supports filtering, and merging large amounts of changes to further enhance performance.

Import ReqIF into Working-Sets as a Non-Admin User

ReqIF files can be imported into working-sets other than the Default Working-Set of a project. Besides the project administrators, non-admin user roles with the proper permissions can import ReqIF files as well via the Trackers tab.

Importing ReqIF Update Files

In case changes have been made in the source project the exported ReqIF file of which was imported to your project at the initial ReqIF import, the new ReqIF file containing the changes can be imported again into your project or working-set as a ReqIF update.

Programmatic Word Export

The introduction of the Export to Word workflow action enables the automation of generating Word exports. Tracker items can be exported to Microsoft Word documents if a specific item status change defined in the tracker configuration is completed. The generated .docx documents are stored in document type trackers.

Reports can also be selected as the source of tracker items to be exported to Word via the Export to Word workflow action.

With the use of the 'current item' placeholder in Reports, the tracker items to be exported are dependent on the current item when the configured Export to Word workflow action is started. Using a report containing the 'current item' placeholder as the source of tracker items to be exported, in item context, that is, when the Export to Word workflow action is started, the 'current item' placeholder is replaced with the ID of the actual tracker item the status change of which triggered the workflow action.

The Word exports can also be triggered via Swagger API.

Highly Automated Project Provisioning

New REST/Swagger API endpoints allow the editing of Tracker Tree and Tracker Configuration settings to decrease the time spent on the automation of project provisioning tasks.

Deploy Template Trackers

Multiple projects can be updated during project deployment by updating the template trackers. The configuration settings of the template tracker updated in the source instance are inherited by the derived trackers in the target instance with the deployment of the project.

Improved FlexLM Licensing

Starting from Codebeamer release 2.1 (IMPALA), storing the actual license file is no longer necessary, however, the original FlexLM licensing configuration introduced in Codebeamer release 2.0 (HUSKY) can still be used.

Codebeamer's new solution enables the setup of a license triad configuration for more efficient licensing.

Export Pre- and Post-Processing APIs

When file encryption is required, System Administrators can register a

  • Pre-processing mechanism that decrypts the files before importing them into Codebeamer;
  • Post-processing mechanism that encrypts the exported files.

Important Notes

Since Codebeamer release 2.1 (IMPALA), the built-in PostgreSQL database setup option is no longer available in the Codebeamer installation wizard.