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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Setting up Import and Export

Follow the steps given below to set up the process of importing and exporting an encrypted file.

  1. Click cb-fileprocesslistener.jar to download the required .jar file.
  2. You can use the FileImportListener and FileExportListener interfaces to implement your variation of processing, and annotate them with @Component.
  3. Compile the created files in a jar and move it to your Codebeamer installation folder \tomcat\webapps\cb\WEB-INF\lib
  4. Under the System Admin tab, click the Application Configuration link and enable the file processing by adding the following code to it:
    "fileProcess" : {
    "preProcessEnabled" : true,
    "postProcessEnabled" : true
    For more information, see Application Configuration.
  5. Restart your Codebeamer instance to see the applied changes.