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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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About the Interfaces

There are two interfaces you can implement: FileImportListener and FileExportListener. Both the interfaces have only one method:

void preProcessImportedFile(String path) throws FileProcessException


void postProcessExportedFile(String path) throws FileProcessException

The parameter path is the file location absolute path.


To modify or overwrite the files, the path, name, and extension of the file should always be the same. Codebeamer searches for the file in the provided path that is given as a parameter in the path. Any changes to the existing file name or its specified path can cause errors.

Ensure that you annotate the listeners with @Component for Codebeamer to be able to find it. Listener implementation should be in a sub-package of com.intland.codebeamer.event.impl.

During implementation, you can ignore the FileProcessException if there is anything unusual.