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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Database Migration from PostgreSQL 12.x to PostgreSQL 16.x

This page provides information on how to migrate from PostgreSQL 12.x to PostgreSQL 16.x.


New releases of Codebeamer will only support PostgreSQL 15.x and 16.x, databases, so PostgreSQL 12.x databases must be migrated to PostgreSQL 15.x/16.x. Postgres 15.x/16.x cannot interpret the data format of 12.x by default.

Two methods are available for this migration:

  • Database dump/restore
  • The pg_upgrade tool


Codebeamer must be stopped before starting to create dumps to avoid any changes in the data during the export. Execute the following steps:

  1. Dump the PostgreSQL12.x database.
  2. Restore the dump in a PostgreSQL 15.x / 16.x database.
  3. Run VACUUM ANALYZE; command to reorganize PostgreSQL indices. For better performance, it can be started parallel using the following command: VACUUM (PARALLEL 4, ANALYZE); where 4 is the number of allocated processors in server.

For more information on both steps, see page Create and Load PostgreSQL Dumps.

Using pg_upgrade

The pg_upgrade is an official PostgreSQL tool that enables the migration of PostgreSQL databases during major PostgreSQL version upgrades.

For the documentation of the tool, see PostgreSQL: Documentation: 16: pg_upgrade.

Once the upgrade is complete, run the VACUUM ANALYZE; command to reorganize PostgreSQL indices. For better performance, it can be started parallel using the following command: VACUUM (PARALLEL 4, ANALYZE); where 4 is the number of allocated processors in server.