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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Often appearing request is that the user wants to completely customize how the items appear in the Word export. Example scenarios:
  • Some of the items should not appear in the export: how to hide them ?
  • A part of the items should be exported completely different than the others. For example the user don't want to render the description for the "Folder" items, just their name, but want to show the full description of the normal "Requirements".

When such scenario happens the best is to start with a clean Word template and do the rendering of your items in Velocity on your own. The attached simple Word template shows such a scenario: just prints out the exported items in one big table.

Single Table Template.docx

The key is that all the code is in the blue block of the template: there you generate a big HTML content as you need it.

This is the main Velocity script in the template:

The result is: