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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Importing WMF or EMF content from Microsoft Word (.docx) documents

Word import of codeBeamer has limited support for importing the WMF or EMF content from Word documents. WMF and EMF files are special and non-standard formatted pictures embedded in Word documents but these formats are mostly limited only to Windows operating systems and can be displayed properly only in Microsoft Word variants.

The web browsers does not support WMF/EMF picture formats (maybe except Internet Explorers) so when importing such pictures to codeBeamer the importer tries to convert them to JPEG format.

This conversion needs that either LibreOffice or OpenOffice must be installed on codeBeamer's host. You need to:

Known Limitations:

The converted image will be in JPEG format and will always have 816x1056 pixel size (or smaller due to crop).