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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Building a Docker Image for Codebeamer

PTC has moved away from providing Docker images and provides a script to create your own Docker images. Read this topic for more information.

This topic contains information about the necessary files and instructions for building a Docker image for Codebeamer.


Before you begin, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

Downloading the Docker Image Builder and Installing Codebeamer

  1. Log in to the PTC Support portal and go to the PTC Software Download page.
  2. Download the following files:
    • The docker-image-builder-<codebeamer_version>.zip file which contains the Docker script.
    • The Linux installer. For example, download the MED-61402-CD-330_2-0-0-2_Linux.bin installer.
      Place this installer in the directory that contains the extracted Docker Image Builder. This directory also contains the file, the docker-compose.yml file, and the Dockerfile.

Using custom context path

Modify the following section in the docker-compose.yml file to customize the application context path:

```   build:
  context: .

Building the Docker Image

Enter the following command to build and start the Docker container in the directory where the docker-compose.yaml file is located:

docker compose up -d --build

This builds the Codebeamer Docker image, creates the container, and starts the Codebeamer application.

Accessing Codebeamer

Once the Codebeamer container is running, you can access Codebeamer by navigating to http://localhost:<portnumber> in a web browser, where <portnumber> in the URL is the number of the appropriate port.

The default port number is 8080, and hence the default address is http://localhost:8080.

Logging in to Codebeamer

You can log in to Codebeamer with the default credentials.


You can customize the Docker Compose configuration in docker-compose.yaml file to match your specific requirements, such as ports, environment variables, and volumes.

Known Issues

During the build process, you may encounter the following error message:

=> ERROR [codebeamer]
failed to solve: failed to load cache key: invalid response status 429

According to the BitBucket documentation, if you encounter this error, you may need to wait for about one minute and then restart the build process.