OpenID Connect (OAuth2) #5376270/HEAD / v341 |
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Single Sign-On via OpenID Connect (OAuth2)Starting with release 9.3, codebeamer also supports Single Sign-On
The option is available since codebeamer 10.0
Enable OpenID by environment variable (default = true) CB_openId_enabled=true Automatic OpenID login is configurable.
Environment variable CB_openId_automatic=true Application JSON: "openId" : { "automatic" : true } Interactive authentication at Web GUIWhen interactively accessing the codebeamer Web GUI via a Web Browser (User Agent), codebeamer will act as the Client Application and also as the Resource Server in the OpenID Connect
User account matching is done via the first non-empty value of the following user infovalues
Any whitespace in the resulting codebeamer user account name will be removed.
The option is available since codebeamer 10.0
User account matching is configurable in the following way.
Environment variable CB_openId_client_resolveUserBy="email, username" Application JSON "openId" : { "client" : { "resolveUserBy" : "email, username" } } Available options: email, ssoId, username Default values: ssoId, username, email
User account matching is done via the first non-empty value of the configured user infovalues An interactive user logout at codebeamer will
If the Authorization Server offers front-channel logout
Example 1: Sign In with GoogleWhen using the Google Example 2: Sign In with MITREid ConnectWhen using the MITREid Connect
Upon logout from codebeamer, the user will be redirected to the OpenID Connect Server's logout page:
REST-API authentication via OAuth2If a 3-rd party Client Application wants to access an OpenID Connect OpenID ProviderYou can choose public OpenID Providers, e.g. or you can setup your own (certified) corporate OpenID Connect provider, e.g.
One codebeamer instance can only have a single OpenID Provider.
OpenID Client RegistrationThe Client registration process depends on the chosen OpenID
After successful registration, the Client must also have:
OpenID Connect ConfigurationThe configuration for OpenID Connect is stored in System Admin → Application Configuration in the section openId.
See also ![]() In CB-9.3, you could only configure one OAuth/OpenID Connect server and client: "openId" : { "client" : { "clientId" : "", "clientName" : "Your codebeamer Instance", "clientSecret" : "lkfjdu736ei7hJF#3", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "SECRET_BASIC", "scope" : "openid, profile, email", "redirectUris" : "", "userName": "preferred_username", "reuseDefaultAccount" : true }, "server" : { "issuer" : "", "authorizationEndpointUri" : "", "tokenEndpointUri" : "", "jwksUri" : "", "userInfoUri" : "", "introspectionEndpointUri" : "", "revocationEndpointUri" : "", "endSessionEndpoint" : "" } }
In CB-9.4 and newer, an OAuth/OpenID Connect provider can have it's own
and different client configurations
E.g.: "openId" : { "server" : { "issuer" : "http://my.oidc.provider" }, "authentication" : { "clientId" : "cbAuth", "clientName" : "cbAuth@test-pc", "clientSecret" : "AIJ0OWXu ...", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "client_secret_basic", "scope" : "openid, profile, email, phone, address, offline_access", "userName": "preferred_username" }, "introspection" : { "clientId" : "cbIntro", "clientName" : "cbIntro@test-pc", "clientSecret" : "wEDO8i3Q ...", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "client_secret_basic" }, "reuseDefaultAccount" : true, "forceOAuth" : false, "cacheSuccessTTL" : "10min", "cacheFailureTTL" : "15min", "validatorCacheTTL" : "60min", "symmetricKeyValidatorCacheTTL" : "24hours", "audienceWhitelist" : "a,b" }
If an OAuth/OpenID Connect provider does not require different clients for OpenID Connect authentication and OAuth2 access token introspection, then you do not need an extra introspection configuration: Introspection will be done with the authentication configuration.
In that case you can also use client as an alias for authentication.
In CB-9.5 and newer, you can also configure the mapping of OpenID Connect provider specific user information "openId" : { "server" : { ... }, "client" : { ... }, "user" : { "name" : "preferred_username", "firstName" : "given_name", "lastName" : "family_name", "email" : "email", "phone" : "phone_number", "mobile" : "mobile_number", "language" : "locale", "timeZonePattern" : "zoneinfo" }, ... }
"server" : { "issuer" : "" }
Otherwise you have to provide information for all the necessary server end-points manually, e.g.: "server" : { "issuer" : "", "authorizationEndpointUri" : "", "tokenEndpointUri" : "", "jwksUri" : "", "userInfoUri" : "", "introspectionEndpointUri" : "", "revocationEndpointUri" : "", "endSessionEndpoint" : "" }
Please note: Although Google
If an OAuth/OpenID Connect provider does not require different client configurations
The set of claims about the End-User, that will be returned from the User Info Endpoint
Using the claims
Please consult the /.well-known/openid-configuration it actually supports.
The optional user section (CB-9.5 and newer) is only required, if the OpenID Connect
In CB-9.4 and older, or if you do not specify a provider specific userclaims "user" : { "name" : "sub", "title" : null, "firstName" : "given_name", "lastName" : "family_name", "company" : null, "industry" : null, "address" : "address.street_address", "zip" : "address.postal_code", "city" : "address.locality", "state" : "address.region", "country" : "", "language" : "locale", "timeZonePattern" : "zoneinfo", "email" : "email", "phone" : "phone_number", "mobile" : null, "skills" : "profile", "sourceOfInterest": null, "divisionSize" : null, "teamSize" : null }
Even if you do not specify a full custom user mapping, you can still override the default username := "sub" mapping via the userName setting in the client/authentication configuration, e.g. "userName" : "preferred_username".
The left (target) side of the user info mapping is the codebeamer account (UserDto) attribute name and these names are fixed. But you only have to specify those attributes, that you actually want to map. At least name and email are required, all others are optional.
The right (value) side of the user info mapping is a comma-separated list of the claims "user" : { "name" : "preferred_username, name", ... }
will only assign the value of the name claim to the codebeamer user name, if there is no preferred_username claim. Precedence is from left to right.
To map aggregated claims "user" : { ... "address" : "address.street_address", "zip" : "address.postal_code", "city" : "address.locality", "state" : "address.region", "country" : "", ... }
A value of null for a user attribute, explicitly marks this attribute as do not map. Simply omitting the attribute has the same effect.
The attribute names divisionSize and "teamSize" are a little bit misleading, because they are not numbers but strings. So you can actually assign department name/ids or organizational unit names/ids to these fields, e.g. "user" : { ... "divisionSize" : "department_number", "teamSize" : "", ... }
Please note, that codebeamer user accounts do not have attributes for nickname, middle_name, gender and birthdate. The mapping of the picture is currently also not supported.
Please note, that the Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS
Instead you get something like: { "iss": "", "aud": "", "sub": "248289761001", "upn": "", "unique_name": "Jane.Doe", "sid": "S-1-5-21-72543-3645445-326572-242", ... }
The actual response depends on the ADFS
We suggest, to reconfigure ADFS E.g. "openId" : { "server" : { "issuer" : "" }, "client" : { ... }, "user" : { "name" : "unique_name", "email" : "upn", ... }, ... }
In CB-9.4 and newer there are also direct openID settings:
Since 21.04-SP1 white list for audience can be set
Since 21.04-SP2 expiration time for certificates can be set
Since CB-10.0 redirectUri must be set "openId" : { "authentication" : { ... "redirectUri" : https://<domain>/(cb)/login/oauth/authenticate.spr ... } } OpenID Configuration Using PingFederateYou can create a Codebeamer PingFederate OAuth client to verify the authenticity of the access tokens received by the Codebeamer server.
For a given Codebeamer server, you must first enable OpenID on the PingFederate server.
On the PingFed server under OAuth Settings ► Authorization Server Settings, ensure that the following check boxes are selected:
To create this OAuth client, complete the following steps:
For example, if the Codebeamer Client id is CB_Client, the openId will appear as: "openId" : { "allowSignUp" : true, "audienceWhitelist" : "", "cacheFailureTTL" : "15min", "cacheSuccessTTL" : "10min", "enabled" : true, "forceOAuth" : false, "reuseDefaultAccount" : false, "server" : { "authorizationEndpointUri" : "", "introspectionEndpointUri" : "", "issuer" : "", "jwksUri" : "", "registrationEndpointUri" : "", "requestTokenUri" : "", "revocationEndpointUri" : "", "tokenEndpointUri" : "", "userInfoUri" : "" }, "client" : { "authType" : "ACCESSTOKEN", "clientId" : "CB_Client", "clientName" : "CB_Client", "clientSecret" : "cbTest", "domain" : "", "introspectUserResolveAttribute" : "ssoid", "redirectUri" : "", "refreshTokenScope" : "WINDCHILL_READ", "scope" : "openid, profile, email, WINDCHILL_READ", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "client_secret_basic", "userName" : "sub", "userResolveResource" : "INTROSPECTION" }
DPT-Specific KeysThe following keys are DPT-specific and are required when using OAuth configuration for DPT:
Also, the oAuthConfigId specified in the OSLC configuration, must match the issuer key value specified here under openId OAuth configuration.
For instance: "oslc" : { "enabled" : true, "oAuthConfigId" : "", . . . }
Multiple OAuth2/OpenId Connect providersIn CB-9.4 and newer, you can configure multiple OAuth/OpenID Connect providers, each provider having it's own
and different client configurations
E.g.: "openId" : { "issuers" : [{ "server" : { "issuer" : "http://my.oidc.provider" }, "authentication" : { "clientId" : "cbAuth", "clientName" : "cbAuth@test-pc", "clientSecret" : "AIJ0OWXu ...", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "client_secret_basic", "scope" : "openid, profile, email, phone, address, offline_access", "userName": "preferred_username" }, "introspection" : { "clientId" : "cbIntro", "clientName" : "cbIntro@test-pc", "clientSecret" : "wEDO8i3Q ...", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "client_secret_basic" } }, { "server" : { "issuer" : "", "authorizationEndpointUri" : "", "tokenEndpointUri" : "", "jwksUri" : "", "userInfoUri" : "", "introspectionEndpointUri" : "", "revocationEndpointUri" : "", "endSessionEndpoint" : "" }, "client" : { "clientId" : "", "clientName" : "Your codebeamer Instance", "clientSecret" : "lkfjdu736ei7hJF#3", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod" : "client_secret_basic", "scope" : "openid, profile, email", "userName": "preferred_username" } }], "issuerDiscovery" : "webFinger", ... }
But the default issuer discovery
If that is not sufficient, you have to specify the alternative method of issuer discovery
The bean or class must either
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Authentication
M2M tokens cannot always be used for the retrieval of user information from the OpenID servers.
Applying the "username" configuration, the API call uses the relevant user for the authorization. The user must have an API access.
With the usage of the "usernameAttribute" configuration, codebeamer collects the username from the token according to the defined attribute name. In case of array type claims, codebeamer uses the first element.
Flow of the API callsWithout M2M configuration
M2M configuration with username
M2M configuration with usernameAttribute
ResumeeWith OAuth2/OpenId Connect authentication in affect:
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