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codeBeamer ALM Performance Monitoring Guide


Starting with 9.3 release, codeBeamer ALM offers a built-in solution for monitoring key metrics of the application and the host operating system. There is no need to install any 3rd party software or to go through a lengthy configuration process before starting to use this solution. As the monitoring subsystem is part of the codeBeamer ALM, it works when the codeBeamer instance is running. The application periodically saves the monitoring log directly to the database used by codeBeamer instance.

Accessing monitoring logs

Users can access monitoring logs though two different pages. Users with System Administrator privileges can find it on the System Admin tab

under the Server Status Dashboard menu.

Look for the System Monitoring section, which is open by default.

It is also possible to allow regular users to access the monitoring data. Such users must be part of group which has Group Admin permission to achieve this.

These users still can not access the System Admin tab, instead they will find a new menu option called System Monitoring under the My Start tab.

This page contains the same information as the Server Status Dashboard / Systen Monitoring section.

Reading the charts

Monitoring dashboards show monitoring logs on a couple of charts, Each chart displays one or more (related) data sets. These charts are not real-time, which means all of them shows the last available data point(s) at the time of the page load.

The top section of each chart contains the data for the selected time period. (By default the last hour.) The bottom part of each chart shows all the available data points. The codeBeamer ALM preserves logs for maximum 3 consecutive days. Users can change the selected time period by dragging across this chart.

Moving the mouse over the chart reveals the data points. When there are multiple data sets on a chart, then all the data points for the same time appear in the popup. Orange dashed lines mark the server restarts.

Comfort features

Synchronize Time Frame checkbox enables / disables the synchronization of the selected time period across all of the charts.

Clicking on the chart dowloads the log entries for the related request id. This feature is only present on Response Time and Queries Count charts and only works with the default logging configuration shipped with the codeBeamer ALM.

Collected Data

At the time of writing the monitoring subsystem collects the following metrics.

Thread & Requests Count chart

  1. Active Thread Count (of the JVM powering codeBeamer ALM)
  2. Available Thread Count (of the JVM powering codeBeamer ALM)
  3. Request Count (number of incoming requests)
  4. REST Request Count (number of REST API calls)

Database Connections Count

  1. Database Active Connections (of the codeBeamer ALM)
  2. Database Idle Connections (of the codeBeamer ALM)

Response Time

  1. Maximum Response Time (of the codeBeamer ALM)
  2. Average Response Time (of the codeBeamer ALM)

Emails Count

  1. Emails Count (sent by codeBeamer ALM)

Queries Count

SQL queries executed by the codeBeamer ALM

  1. Maximum Number of Queries For Single Request
  2. Maximum Query Execution Time
  3. Queries Count
  4. Average Number of Queries For Single Request

Slow Queries & Requests Count

  1. Slow Queries Count (SQL queries executed by the codeBeamer ALM marked as slow by the system)
  2. Slow Requests Count (incoming requests coming into codeBeamer ALM marked as slow by the system)

Memory Usage

Memory metrics of OS hosting the codeBeamer ALM.

  1. Total Physical Memory Size
  2. Commited Virtual Memory Size
  3. Maximum Memory Size
  4. Total Memory Size
  5. Free Physical Memory Size
  6. Free Memory Size

Garbage Collection

Garbage collection of garbage collector(s) of the JVM running the codeBeamer ALM.

System CPU Load

Load metrics of OS hosting the codeBeamer ALM.

  1. System CPU Load
  2. Process Load

Command Executions

Metrics about standalone processes started by the JVM running codeBeamer ALM.

  1. Maximum Execution Time
  2. Command Count

Logged in Users & Licenses Info

The number of logged in users to the codeBeamer ALM. Also shows the used license types (variable).

Free Space

  1. Free Space (storage space remaining on the host OS system)

File Descriptors (available only on Linux)

  1. Open File Descriptors (on the host OS system)

LDAP Login Time

  1. Max Authentication Duration
  2. Authentication Count

codeBeamer statistics

When you click on the codeBeamer statistics section that will show the number of various entities in the system like this:

Downloading Logs and Charts

Codebeamer provides the option to export log information and the charts displayed on the Server Status Dashboard:


The exports will include log files for the choosen period (daily, weekly, all logs) and the interactive charts in a separate HTML file. Users can export only the charts separately by clicking the [Export monitoring charts] button.

Exporting charts are available from codebeamer 22.04 (Felicity). Before Felicity, only the log files are exported, without the interactive HTML files.