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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
The SWS migration is currently in progress, and users may experience some temporary slowness.

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The following docker setup is only for evaluation purposes. Intland Software does not recommend the usage of dockerized databases.
This page requires advanced Docker and Docker-Compase know how.
Tomcat is unresponsive during the codebeamer upgrade. Tomcat and the container will only be available once the upgrade is completed successfully.

Test upgrade in docker without docker-compose

Intland Software does not take any responsibility and is not liable for any damage caused through use of this image, be it indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business, loss of profits, interruption or the like).

It is highly recommended to create daily backups and keep them for several days. For more information on backups, see: How to create a backup

Create volumes

docker volume create codebeamer-db-data && \
docker volume create codebeamer-app-repository-docs && \
docker volume create codebeamer-app-repository-search && \
docker volume create codebeamer-app-logs

Example upgrade from 9.3.0 to 9.4.0

For different version you need to modify the tag in intland/codebeamer:<version>

Create custom network

docker network create codebeamer

Start mysql

docker run -d --name codebeamer-db --network=codebeamer \
-v codebeamer-db-data:/var/lib/mysql/data intland/mysql:5.7.21

Start codeBeamer 9.3.0

docker run -d --rm --name codebeamer-app --network=codebeamer -p 8080:8080 \
-v codebeamer-app-repository-docs:/home/appuser/codebeamer/repository/docs \
-v codebeamer-app-repository-search:/home/appuser/codebeamer/repository/search \
-v codebeamer-app-logs:/home/appuser/codebeamer/logs \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin -e CB_database_JDBC_Username=user -e CB_database_JDBC_Password=pass \
-e CB_database_JDBC_Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \
-e CB_database_JDBC_ConnectionURL="jdbc:mysql://codebeamer-db:3306/codebeamer?autoReconnect=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&emulateLocators=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false" \

You can reach codebeamer at http://localhost:8080.

Do the following steps:

  • Create a new project
  • Create a new git repositry
  • Upload a document

Stop codeBeamer 9.3.0

docker stop codebeamer-app

Start codeBeamer 9.4.0

docker run -d --rm --name codebeamer-app --network=codebeamer -p 8080:8080 \
-v codebeamer-app-repository-docs:/home/appuser/codebeamer/repository/docs \
-v codebeamer-app-repository-search:/home/appuser/codebeamer/repository/search \
-v codebeamer-app-logs:/home/appuser/codebeamer/logs \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin -e CB_database_JDBC_Username=user -e CB_database_JDBC_Password=pass \
-e CB_database_JDBC_Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \
-e CB_database_JDBC_ConnectionURL="jdbc:mysql://codebeamer-db:3306/codebeamer?autoReconnect=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&emulateLocators=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false" \

Following logs

docker logs -f codebeamer-app

The update is successful when the following criteria are met:

  • No exceptions in the log
  • Previously created project, repository found and works in the new container (9.4.0 in the example)
  • Uploaded document available in the new container (9.4.0 in the example)