Excel Templates #597447/HEAD / v11323 |
Excel TemplatesTable of Contents
Excel ReportingExporting Using Customized Excel TemplatesThe customized Excel exports are available in the Export To Office menu on tracker pages, and also on Document View page. After the Export To Office dialog opens, users can select an Excel export option.
Managing Excel TemplatesOnce the Excel template is complete, it can be uploaded to the Document Management. The directory where these templates are stored is accessible by clicking on the Manage custom templates link on this dialog. The .xls or .xlsx files uploaded to this directory can be selected form the Use template drop-down list. Writing Excel TemplatesWhat are the Excel Templates?Excel templates are .xls or .xlsx files which contain certain scripts and special tags. These scripts manage how the content is exported. During exporting a template, the scripts are evaluated for the input codebeamer entities (the bugs/issues/tasks/requirements from the tracker), and the result is put into the result Excel document. Those parts of the original template which do not contain special scripts are preserved (for example, charts). The Excel export uses the JETT
Simple Properties ExportTo create an export template, start with a new clean Excel sheet and put the relevant scripts into cells of the template. For example, the following Excel sheet exports the status and description of an item (bug, requirement, and so on) to Excel:
During the export, codebeamer checks the scripts added to the template Excel document. If a script, for example ${items.description} is found, this script is evaluated for each exported items (TrackerItemDtos), and the result of the evaluation is put into the export document. If the script is using the "items" variable, the script is executed once for every exported item, and a new row is automatically created in the result document. Special "Items" Variable: Implicit Collection ProcessingUsing the "items" variable in a script that automatically recognizes it, that single row containing the ${items.description} is evaluated for every issues. The result is added in new rows below each other. The template:
Exporting Issue PropertiesThe properties of an issue can be accessed using a simple expression language which uses the common $ and "dot" notation used in many scripting languages. For example the ${items.description} is used to access the item.getDescription() java "getter".
The export engine uses the JEXL expressions Accessing Custom or Customized Fields by Their LabelsCertain fields, for example name, id and description , are always available in all trackers. To access the properties of such fields, use the ${items.description} . Custom fields are, however, more difficult to access.
There is a Module custom field defined in this tracker, which is stored in the customField(0) property. This is visible if the Show property name checkbox is selected. To get the Module value, the ${items.getCustomField(0)} expression should be used in Excel templates. This method limits the reusability of your template in case the Module fields are stored in different physical properties in different trackers. For this reason, it is better to access such fields by using their label as expression: ${fields.getByLabel(items,"Module")}
This finds the field with label Module on item, and return the field's value. Accessing and Formatting Custom Date Fields
This feature is available since codebeamer 23.04 (HUSKY).
Custom field values can be accessed by using the following property access: ${items.getCustomField(0)}
In case the date cell formatting is to be applied from a custom template, the date type custom fields should be accessed by using the following property access: ${items.getCustomFieldDate(0)}
Alternatively, these fields can be accessed by their labels. For further information, see section
Choice Option FieldsChoice option fields can be accessed through getChoiceList(<index>) method. These are collections, therefore their values are retrieved by querying collection items. For single option choice fields the item with 0 index has to be retrieved. To get, for example, the value of a choice field with property name choiceList[1] , use the following: ${items.getChoiceList(1).get(0).getName()}
Accessing fields by label is also possible: ${fields.getByLabel(items,"<field label>").get(0).name}
See the attached example template for exporting user added fields. This example is for a standard Bugs tracker with the following added fields:
The template file contains two sheets, one for accessing the fields by property names, and a second for getting the fields by their labels. Multichoice FieldsIf a field is configured for multiple choice options (see below), and can have more values, its items have to be iterated through as described in section
For example: <jt:if test="${item.getChoiceList(1) != null}"><jt:forEach items="${item.getChoiceList(1)}" var="choice"> ${choice.name}</jt:forEach></jt:if>
Difference in syntax to be used when referring to, for example,
See: example template for exporting multichoice fields
The caveat of the above script is that it puts each choice value to a new line. The following groovy script with our groovy tag puts the choice values into a single cell, separated by a "," character. This script prints out the values of the Category field to a cell. <cb:groovy template="false" silent="false">cats = fields.getByLabel(item,"Category"); result = []; cats.each({result.add(it.name)}); return result.join(",");</cb:groovy> Available Variables in ScriptsThe following objects are accessible in the scripts:
For more information about the Java objects and their properties, refer to the JavaDoc file codebeamer-api-<version>.zip that you can find in your Codebeamer installation at the following path: \CB-<version>\tomcat\webapps\<context>\, for example: \CB-\tomcat\webapps\cb\codebeamer-api- Explicit Processing of Collections and Content FilteringIn many cases, the "items" variable can be used to create export rows, and to implicit processing as seen before. However, you may want to filter the output data and export only a part of the issues of a tracker. For example, to export only some issues which were created today or yesterday:
The content of the template:
The jt:forEach tag iterates over all issues in the "items" collection (which is the exported issues), and repeats all cells between the start and end of the jt:forEach tag.
The current issue is exposed as "item" variable, therefore, the cells inside the jt:forEach should refer to the issue properties using that.
The jt:if tag is used to filter which item is added using a simple logic expression. The item.submittedAt contains the submit date of the issue, the "yesterday" date constant always refers to the start (midnight) of yesterday. As expected, the elements inside the jt:if tag appear only if the condition is true. Tags AvailableThere are many more tags and more tag options available than the jt:forEach or jt:if tag in the previous example.
It is important that tags must be closed i.e. if a <jt:forEach> tag is opened there must be a matching </jt:forEach> tag appearing at the end of the block.
Some examples:
For the complete list of available tags, see the JETT tag documentation JT:Formula TagThe jt:formula tag is used to create cells with Excel formulas inside. The engine evaluates the expression and places the Excel formula in the cell. Examples:
Advanced Script Tags and Groovy/Velocity ScriptsWhile simple property access and JEXL expressions For such cases, the Excel export contains a few tags that can execute Groovy The ability to execute scripts is controlled by the following environmental variables, which are set to false by default: CB_ALLOW_GROOVY_IN_EXCEL_TEMPLATES=false CB_ALLOW_VELOCITY_IN_EXCEL_TEMPLATES=false CB_ALLOW_DEFAULT_SCRIPT_IN_EXCEL_TEMPLATES=false While the above variables are set to false, scripts are not executed in Excel templates and an error message is shown after exporting to Excel. The following tags are available:
Example 1 The following tag: <cb:groovy>Groovy name:${item.name}</cb:groovy>
Sets the cell if the exported item's name is "my bug" Groovy name:my bug
Example 2 Using a Regexp <cb:groovy template="false" silent="false"> email = item.submitter.email; domainRegexp = /@(.*?)\./; matcher= (email =~ domainRegexp); return matcher[0][1];</cb:groovy>
It extracts the domain names from the email addresses of the issues. For example if the submitter is "zluspai@intland.com", the scrip puts the "intland" text to the cell.
Limitations of using scripts:
The cb:groovy tag can run as a template or as a script.
As a template, the script is evaluated as a Groovy Simple Template which has following characteristics:
For example: <cb:groovy>Hello ${world}</cb:groovy>
As a script, the script-text is evaluated as some Groovy code:
For example: <cb:groovy template="false" silent="false">item.submittedAt</cb:groovy> Auto-Sizing ColumnsThe cb:autosize advanced tag auto-sizes the columns to fit their content automatically. By placing the starting <cb:autosize> tag to the first columnm, as well as the closing </cb:autosize> tag to the last column, and the result Excel sheet is sized for those columns.
Advanced Functions and ExpressionsBesides the accessing bean's properties, the expressions can also access static java methods directly. Use the fully qualified class name as prefix. For example, the following expression calls a static method, a String object: ${java.lang.String.format('Hello %s', 'world')}
The output is the obvious "Hello world".
The other advanced function is that you can access the static methods on Apache Commons' StringUtils ${StringUtils:substringAfter(item.name, "-")}
Filtering by DatesFor filtering issues by dates, the render variables contain the following date constants automatically. These are mostly self explanatory, the "begin" means the first second of the mentioned date/range, the "end..." means the "last..." second of that: today tomorrow yesterday thisWeek thisMonth lastMonth thisYear thisQuarter previousQuarter beginOfToday endOfToday beginOfTomorrow endOfTomorrow beginOfYesterDay endOfYesterDay beginOfThisWeek endOfThisWeek beginOfNextWeek endOfNextWeek beginOfLastWeek endOfLastWeek beginOfThisMonth endOfThisMonth beginOfNextMonth endOfNextMonth beginOfLastMonth endOfLastMonth beginOfThisYear endOfThisYear beginOfNextYear endOfNextYear beginOfLastYear endOfLastYear beginOfQuarter endOfQuarter beginOfPreviousQuarter endOfPreviousQuarter
Certain dates can also be referenced by using a text description, and convert it to real Date using the dates.get("...expression...") function. For example: //same as beginOfQuarter: dates.get("Start of this quarter") // same as endOfQuarter dates.get("End of this quarter")
To get a specific date use this method, which returns 1st of September in 2014: dates.get(2014, 9, 1)
To get a relative date from today use past() function,for example to get the day 180 days ago: dates.past(180)
To create a date using the current user's default date or datetime format use: // parses date or datetime dates.parse("Sep 01 2014") // parses only date, ignores time dates.parseDate("Sep 01 2014") // parses a date with time dates.parseDateTime("Sep 01 12:34 2014")
Example: Rendering Data in Multi-RowTo create an export where an issue appears in multiple rows, use a jt:forEach tag which spans multiple rows. All those rows are repeated and the expressions inside are evaluated. The template is:
And the output is:
To remove the blank line, the jt:forEach tag should be put before the "Name" text in the same cell.
Hyperlinks Back to codebeamerTo render a hyperlink that points back to codebeamer, use the following: <jt:hyperlink address="${cbBaseUrl}${item.urlLink}" value="${item.id}"></jt:hyperlink>
As result, the item's "id" becomes a hyperlink which can be clicked on inside the Excel. It opens the same item in a new browser window.The hyperlink tag does not support implicit iteration, and does not work with the items variable. Therefore, the following would not work: <jt:hyperlink address="${cbBaseUrl}${items.urlLink}" value="${items.id}"></jt:hyperlink>
A forEach iteration
Executing SQL QueriesEven if it is advised to query data using the DAO and Manager objects, sometimes it cannot be avoided to have SQL in the template. The ability to execute SQL queries is controlled by the following environmental variable, which is set to false by default: CB_ALLOW_SQL_IN_EXCEL_TEMPLATES=false While the above variable is set to false, SQL queries are not executed in Excel templates and an error message is shown after exporting to Excel. By using the "jdbc" object, you can execute SQL queries. For example:
This exports users' names and emails from codebeamer to Excel. Adding ChartsCharts can also be included in the Excel templates. These automatically pick up and display the exported data. Charts can be created by performing the steps described in the following subsections. Export Source Data for ChartsPrepare the data to be visualized in the chart. That is performed the usual way by referring to properties of items, or, by using tags, for instance. There is one requirement for the data export, however. In our example we are defining a pivot chart using named ranges to feed the charts with data. This means that the export data must have a header line too, as highlighted on the following screenshot.
Put Sample Data Into the Excel Template for Charts
The sample data is not needed in the final Excel export, it should be removed from the final result. In order to remove that, wrap the sample data in a <jt:if test='false'> condition: |<jt:if test="false">|...sameple data|</jt:if>
Create Named Ranges on Sample DataAfter the sample data is included, you should define a named range To define a named range, go to:
The named range should also contain the static header cell above the range. As in this screenshot it should contain the "Module" text too.
Define Charts Using Named RangesNow as the named ranges is defined on the sample data, a chart can be created based on that. Insert a Pivot Chart and Pivot Table:
The Pivot Table and Pivot Chart is ready, both are showing the sample data and referencing the sample data being exported. Re-Bind Named Ranges to the Real Data Being ExportedThe named range should be defined during the Export to point to the real data. This is done by adding a special <jt:name> tag which defines the new named range. For example, the "module" named range is generated from the scripts in the $H1$1:$H$2 range, therefore, that is rebound by using this tag: <jt:name name="module" formula="$[$H$1:$H$2]" />
Exporting Charts and Example TemplateOnce the template with charts is ready,
See the Template-with-charts.xlsx as an example to define exports with charts. It demonstrates:
Tips and Tricks & FAQsAvoid Excel Cell Limits: Cut Long ContentExcel has certain limitations of the content In order to fix this, the description should be abbreviated during export by using the following expression: ${StringUtils:abbreviate(items.description, 1000)}
If this limit is exceeded, Excel displays a "Repaired Records: String properties from /xl/sharedStrings.xml part (Strings)" error when opening the result Excel file. The Description and Other Wiki Fields, Content is Exported as Wiki SourceWhen you have a description field or other wiki type field and export this to Excel, then the Excel export contains the wiki source instead of the same output as shown inside codebeamer.
If __bold text__ is imported back to codebeamer, it is shown as bold text. This simplifies "roundtrip" exporting (from codebeamer, to Excel, then back to codebeamer).
Converting Exported Content to Plain Text Using a Groovy scriptIf you want to export codebeamer content to Excel without Rich Text tags, the text must be converted. The following Groovy script converts exported text to plain text, without Rich Text tags: org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(textFormatter.formatAsText(...))
Specifically, the above script includes two parts: textFormatter.formatAsText(...) org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(...)
The first part of the script (textFormatter.formatAsText(...)) does the following:
As a result of HTML4 escaping, certain artifacts can appear in the converted text. For example, the script converts " to ", since " is the equivalent HTML entity of ". The second part of the script (org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(...)) unescapes the text, which means it undoes the escaping in the last step of the first script. For example, it converts " back to ". Exporting Codebeamer Content Using Microsoft WordMicrosoft Word can display full HTML content or Rich Text formatting. When exporting content from the wiki using Word, the output content matches the text inside codebeamer. Using Regular ExpressionsRegular expressions (Regexp Example: You would like to extract the domain name from the emails of the user who has reported issues.
The following users/emails has reported issues: zluspai@javaforge.com zoltan.luspai@intland.com
The domain names like "javaforge" or "intland" should be extracted and written into cells. For this, a report showing the number of bug reported by companies could be made. The result should be: javaforge intland
Then, you can use Regexp and the following groovy script which extracts the "domain" part: <cb:groovy template="false" silent="false"> email = item.submitter.email; domainRegexp = /@(.*?)\./; matcher= (email =~ domainRegexp); return matcher[0][1];</cb:groovy>
An alternative way is to use a "Regexp:findFirst()" custom function which can extract the first match of a Regexp. This produces the same result: ${Regexp:findFirst(item.submitter.email, "@(.*?)\.", "$1")}
The Regexp:findFirst() function accepts these parameters:
Additionally the "Regexp:findAll()" function is available which works similar to the "findFirst" method, yet scans for all matches and puts the results to a List (of Strings). |
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