This functionality has been replaced by
Synchronizing Trackers with Atlassian JIRA©.
Bi-directional synchronization between Atlassian JIRA© and codeBeamer
codeBeamer 7.8.1 and newer also allows bi-directional synchronization between codeBeamer projects (that were originally imported from JIRA) and the original JIRA project.
For a visual guide of configuring the integration, please refer to the following video
Import JIRA project
Choose New Project from the codeBeamer Projects menu, and then:
You can only import projects from a JIRA server, that can be accessed from codeBeamer via the JIRA REST API (Version 2).
You need to provide:
- the address (URL) of the JIRA server and
- the username and
- the password of a JIRA user at this instance.
The specified user should have JIRA Administrator access, otherwise informations about user groups, group members and issue types cannot be imported completely.
Click on Connect, to retrieve the list of available projects on this JIRA server (accessible to the specified user):
Select the project you want to import and then click on Next:
- You can specify an alternative name for the imported project or simply accept the default JIRA name.
- You can accept the original JIRA project key, or specify a different one.
- If you do not specify a special category, the JIRA project category will be used.
Click on Next and then on Finish to start the import.
Imported JIRA project data
The following data will be imported for the selected JIRA project:
- The selected project itself
- The project roles including role members, that can be either
- users or
- user groups including group members
- project versions
- project components
- project issues
All JIRA users referenced by entities of the project to import, will also be imported into codeBeamer, if no such user (with the same user name) already exists.
Only these user attributes will be imported:
- user name,
- first/given name,
- last/family name,
- email address,
- avatar/picture
All imported users will be initially disabled,
- because their password cannot be imported and has to be reset manually, before such a user can log into codeBeamer.
- to not exhaust the available number of codeBeamer user licenses.
User groups
User groups referred to as project members will also be imported, including the group members (users).
Roles will be imported as appropriate Roles of the imported project.
No Permissions
Permissions cannot be imported, because the JIRA Permission Scheme is not compatible with the codeBeamer permission model.
Instead, all imported entities will get default permissions in codeBeamer:
- User Groups
- Roles
- Trackers
- Fields
- State Transitions
No Notifications
Notifications and Watchers are not imported.
Project versions will be imported as items of the Releases tracker in the imported project.
Project components will be imported as items of the Components tracker in the imported project.
Issue Types
Issue Types will be imported as Trackers in the imported project.
All standard issue fields will be imported and mapped to the appropriate Tracker Item Fields, except:
Standard custom fields of the following types will also be imported as custom Tracker Fields:
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Number Field
- Text Field (single and multi line)
- URL Field
- Date (Time) Picker
- Select List (single and multiple choice)
- User Picker (single and multiple users)
- Group Picker (single and multiple groups) (only CB-7.8.1 and newer)
- Version Picker (single and multiple version)
Custom fields of types other than listed above will not be imported or be imported as fields of the basic type.
No Screens
Screens will not be imported.
Workflows (States and State Transitions) will be imported in codeBeamer 7.8.1 and newer.
But only if codeBeamer (via the specified username and password) has administrator access to the JIRA Administration Web GUI, because the JIRA REST API (at least Version 2), has no method to get the workflow scheme id for a given project
codeBeamer 7.8.0 and older cannot import JIRA workflows and will therefore setup default States and Transitions.
Select Lists
The defined values for
- Statuses
- Resolutions
- Priorities
as well as all custom
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Select Lists
will be imported as Options of the appropriate/target Tracker Choice Field.
Because Sub-Tasks in codeBeamer always have the same type than their parent tasks, Sub-Task types are not imported as Trackers.
Instead, Issues of Sub-Task types are imported as Children (of the same type/in the same tracker) than their parent item.
Issue Comments and Attachments will be imported as Comments/Attachments.
CB-8.3 and newer will also import (and export) comment visibility restrictions, but only, if the visibility of a comment is restricted to a single role:
- JIRA can restrict comment visibility to a single role or group.
- CodeBeamer can restrict comment visibility to multiple roles and/or participants (member fields), e.g. "Submitter", "Assigned To", "Owner".
The only common restriction is therefore a single role.
Issue Links
Issue Links will be imported as Associations, but only if the target/linked entity is a version, component or an issue in the same project.
Work Log
The issue Work Log will be imported as items of the Timekeeping tracker in the imported project and will be shown as Time Recordings for Subject under the References of the imported issue.
Issue History
The issue history will be imported as History.
No Labels
Labels are not imported.
No Votes
Votes are not imported.
No Watchers
Watchers are not imported.
After the Import
The amount of work, that is necessary after the initial import, depends on the intended use of the imported project.
If this is a migration from JIRA to codeBeamer, then you typically will have to:
- Enable imported users and assign appropriate licenses (this must be done by a System Administrator)
- You only need to re-assign a password, if codeBeamer is not connected to an LDAP (Active Directory) authentication service.
- Also user specific settings like language, timezone and date format.
- Verify project access
- Check permissions of imported project roles
- Check members of imported project roles
- Verify issue tracker configurations
- Check permissions of imported roles
- Check permissions of imported workflow/state transitions
- Check field configuration
- Field name, type and choice options have been imported
- Other field settings to check
- Allowed/Default values
- Mandatory (in status)
- Permissions (imported fields are initially unrestricted).
- Distribution/Aggregation rules
Updating imported JIRA project from original JIRA project
The primary intention for the JIRA project import, is the migration from Atlassian JIRA© to Intland codeBeamer.
In this scenario, codeBeamer becomes the master of the imported data and the original JIRA project will be abandoned.
If, for any reason, you need to continue using JIRA, and on the other hand, also want to refer to/extend selected data from JIRA in codeBeamer, you can setup manual or automatic (periodic) JIRA to codeBeamer project replication (only CB-7.7.0 and newer).
In this second scenario, JIRA remains the master (working system) for the project, and codeBeamer only maintains a (read-only) project copy.
- The data flow is only in one direction: from JIRA to codeBeamer.
- Modifications of shared data must be done exclusively in JIRA and will then be replicated (periodically) to codeBeamer.
- Modifications of shared data on codeBeamer side are nevertheless possible, but be aware, that such modifications will be silently overwritten by the next update from JIRA.
- This allows seamless shift of ownership to codeBeamer, as soon as you decide to abandon the JIRA project and stop replication.
- But it is safe, to extend the imported data on codeBeamer side
- Add and maintain additional project roles, members, trackers, fields, issues, associations, comments and attachments
- Such extensions will be private to codeBeamer and not visible in JIRA
- There will be no (duplicate) notifications in codeBeamer about replicated modifications from JIRA.
- If you want to be notified about changes of shared data, then you must configure notifications in JIRA.
- But there are notifications about modifications of codeBeamer extensions
The JIRA to codeBeamer project replication is available for all JIRA projects imported into codeBeamer 7.7.0 and newer.
Please enable automatic/periodic replication only after you have completed the post import tasks described above.
If you need to re-configure imported trackers, please disable automatic/periodic replication first, in order to avoid conflicts.
To configure (start, stop and invoke) the JIRA project replication, go to the Jobs tab of the project Admin page.:
To change the Remote JIRA Server address or login, click on the "Update the project from the remote Atlassian Jira © project, where it was originally cloned from. " job.
To change the replication interval, click on the job interval and enter the new value, e.g. 15min or 2h:
- The smallest allowed interval is 2min, but be aware that this can cause heavy system load, if many projects need to be replicated.
- An empty interval (default) disables the automatic/periodic execution, but you can still run the job manually (see below).
You must Save changes of job parameters and/or job intervals, in order for them to come into effect!
To manually run a job, click on the
The job will be executed immediately in the background.
Even if a job is scheduled for periodic execution, you can run the job manually at any time. This will adjust the next scheduled execution accordingly.
To reload/refresh the displayed last/next job execution times, click on the Refresh symbol in the title of the last column.
Bidirectional synchronization of imported JIRA project with original JIRA project
codeBeamer 7.8.1 and newer also allows bi-directional synchronization between codeBeamer projects (that were originally imported from JIRA) and the original JIRA project.
In this third scenario, JIRA remains the master (working system) for the project, but codeBeamer maintains a (read/write) project copy.
- The data flow is in both directions: from JIRA to codeBeamer and from codeBeamer to JIRA.
- Modifications of shared data can be done in either system and will then be synchronized (periodically) with the other system.
- Issue Types and Issue Fields to be shared must be defined in JIRA and will then be automatically synchronized between JIRA and codeBeamer
- But it is safe, to extend the imported data on codeBeamer side
- Add and maintain additional project roles, members, trackers, fields, choice options, states and transitions
- Such extensions will be private to codeBeamer and not visible in JIRA
- There will be no (duplicate) notifications in codeBeamer about replicated modifications from JIRA.
- If you want to be notified about changes of shared data, then you must configure notifications in JIRA.
- But there are notifications about modifications of codeBeamer extensions
Only this selected information in shared issue trackers will be synchronized back to JIRA:
- Issues
- Status
- Shared attributes/fields
- Comments and attachments
- Work Log
For all other entities, modifications in JIRA will be imported to codeBeamer, but modification in codeBeamer will remain private to codeBeamer.
This allows to add additional codeBeamer specific
- Roles
- Members
- Trackers
- Releases
- Components
- Associations
You can also add additional codeBeamer specific fields to shared issue trackers, or even extend shared user/role/reference/choice fields, to also allow codeBeamer specific values.
Please enable automatic/periodic synchronization only after you have completed the post import tasks described above.
If you need to re-configure imported/shared trackers, please disable automatic/periodic synchronization first, in order to avoid conflicts.
To configure (start, stop and invoke) the JIRA project synchronization, go to the Jobs tab of the project Admin page.:
Click on the "Update the project from the remote Atlassian Jira © project, where it was originally cloned from. " job.
and choose to Synchronize: Bi-directional. The default is: One-way (Replication from JIRA to codeBeamer only).
To change the synchronization interval, click on the job interval and enter the new value, e.g. 15min or 2h:
- The smallest allowed interval is 2min, but be aware that this can cause heavy system load, if many projects need to be synchronized.
- An empty interval (default) disables the automatic/periodic execution, but you can still run the job manually (see below).
You must Save changes of job parameters and/or job intervals, in order for them to come into effect!
To manually run a job, click on the
Even if a job is scheduled for periodic execution, you can run the job manually at any time. This will adjust the next scheduled execution accordingly.
To reload/refresh the displayed last/next job execution times, click on the Refresh symbol in the title of the last column.