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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Automate Project Configuration Deployment using Swagger API

The Swagger documented REST API allows the user to automate the project configuration deployment procedure. In case there are changes in the configuration of a source project which has already been deployed to a target project (and for which you already have a mapping file), you can initiate a new deployment procedure using the Swagger API.

To be able to do this, you need the following two files:

  • A project configuration file exported from the source project (see Export Project Configuration File as Project Template). You need to upload this file to the codeBeamer folder on the Documents tab.
  • A project mapping file generated during the first project deployment procedure. This file contains all the mapping information that you defined during the mapping process in the wizard. By default, this file is uploaded to the Project Mapping Files folder on the Documents tab.

To initiate a project deployment procedure, execute a POST request using the Swagger API:

A project deployment procedure will be initiated in the background (if all parameters are correct). When the deployment is completed, you will receive a notification.