You can create an embedded table within a table cell and define a loop for the possible values. See template-items-with-history.docx for embedded tables.
Requirements |
SRS-125 |
To have a comma separated list of values in a single table cell like below.
Requirements |
SRS-123, SRS-124, SRS-125 |
You can achieve that with a custom velocity template, in mergefields.vm.
Basically this will render the list of requirements into one string, and that can be referenced in your template.
I made a small example that will list the field names in customChoiceList with a limitation: it will clear all the " characters, that part can still be improved:
#set($result = "")
#set($notfirst = false)
#foreach($choice in $item.getAsJsonArray("customChoiceList"))
#if ($notfirst)
#set($result = $result + ", ")
#set($result = $result + $choice.get("name").toString())
#set($notfirst = true)
#set($result = $result.replaceAll('"',""))