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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
The SWS migration is currently in progress, and users may experience some temporary slowness.

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Default context path

The context path of the codeBeamer application defines the URL that users will access the application from. By default codeBeamer uses cb means the web app can be accessed from a URL like http://localhost:8080/cb.

Change context path

To change context path of the codeBeamer do the following:

  1. Stop codeBeamer instance
  2. Create a new directory into CB/tomcat/webapps/ with the name of new context path
  3. Copy all files from the original context path directory (default is /cb)
  4. Start the application
  5. Now you can access codeBeamer with the new url htp://localhost:8080/newdirectory

Upgrade codeBeamer with different context path

  1. Run codeBeamer installer and select upgrade
  2. Copy NEW-CB/tomcat/webapp/cb directory to NEW-CB/tomcat/webapp/old-contextpath directory
  3. Start upgrade script
When accessing codeBeamer via any 3rd party solution (e.g. webseal), please ensure the same context path is configured in the proxy as on codeBeamer server.
E.g. when codeBeamer is accessed locally by http(s)://localhost:8080/cb the external url should also be configured as http(s)://proxyurl/cb