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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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What is new? - 7.7.1

Team concept

codeBeamer's new team concept lets you manage teams (create teams, batch assign members to teams), use the Release Planner to assign work items to teams, and to monitor and measure the work of each team based on release statistics. These release stats (including a burndown chart, and story points) may be filtered by teams.

The Resource Extraction Plugin gives you an overview of all the work items assigned to each team. What's more, the tasks on the Kanban cardboard may now be filtered based on what team they were assigned to, giving you the ability to granularly manage and monitor the work of each team.CB:/images/space.gif

Improved usability regarding relationships between tracker items

Drag and drop associations

You can now simply drag and drop tracker items to create associations between artifacts in the Document View. This feature also works across browser windows, offering a convenient way to manage associations.

Copying data when creating referring items

Another new feature lets you copy data when creating a new referring item from an artifact. For instance, you can simply generate a task from a requirement, copying all the relevant information needed, which saves a lot of manual work.

Generate risks and tests from user stories

To support Agile development, you can now generate risks and test cases directly from user stories (no need to use requirement work items).

New licenses

codeBeamer's latest version 7.7.1 offers two new license types:

The Service Desk License gives you the ability to create a custom service desk, letting your users submit bugs, change requests, etc. and give you feedback using a convenient user interface.

The Reviewer License lets you give restricted access to your clients, partners, etc. to review and comment on certain work items. Reviewer users are not able to make changes to artifacts, but they can vote and rate items, as well as comment on them to provide feedback.

+ Usability Improvements

Further usability improvements include an updated ReqIF import function, and using the PASTE command to past images in Chrome, IE 11 or Firefox. We have also fixed bugs, and implemented further usability changes to the Release Planner, codeBeamer's search function, and the Excel import feature to name just a few.