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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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codeBeamer 7.7.2. - Focus on improving overall performance

The latest release of codeBeamer, 7.7.2, strongly emphasizes the feature improvements and the overall performance improvement, not forgetting the Jenkins integration. The 15-30% increase in the overall system performance enables teams to work faster with greater system stability. Our Jenkins integration makes it easier to integrate changes to projects. By uploading 70mb of Mercurial dump files, effecting 70,000 files as part of a system review, we were able to reduce the number of queries considerably, providing a significant improvement in performance. Our analysis showed an improvement of up to 30%. Speed gains may vary depending upon the drivers used.

Jenkins integration

Unit tests are run in the background continuously. These allow you to see how many tests are running and for how long, and to map the changes on daily or monthly basis. This provides an overall picture about the stability of your system. We have written an open source Jenkins plugin that works with codeBeamer, it will be available on the official site of Jenkins in the near future.

Enhanced ReqIF Round trip function

Starting with codeBeamer 7.6.0, you could exchange data between codeBeamer and other systems, e.g. IBM Rational DOORS, via Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF). Using codeBeamer 7.7.2, you can upload projects into codeBeamer if your projects are imported from ReqIF.

Improved GraphViz for better data

Using codeBeamer 7.7.2 the presence of the Transition data is better due to the improvement of GraphViz.

Other improved usability functions regarding projects and tracker items

  • Independent project export/import: Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, the export/import of the projects will be independent from database.
  • Improved comparison in work item history: On the work item screen change history (diffs) is not shown completely anymore. You can however, see them on a separate page. In the past you could compare one specific work item version to previous work item version. Using codeBeamer 7.7.2 you can compare work items not only to previous work item version but to any other work item version using this newly developed screen.
  • Performance improvement on comments and notifications: Previously notifications contained all comment history. Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, notifications will contain max. 50 comments to allow you to see the latest changes / requests.
  • Performance improvement on Office Edit: If you were working on editing a document, codeBeamer was continuously checking the changes of your document. The time of checking the changes has shortened. Now, it is 15 minutes. This recent change enables us to provide you with better server service. Note, if you work on a document longer than 15 minutes, it won´t be automatically updated.
  • Performance improvement on work items over 32,760 characters: If you changed 2 work items bigger than 32,760 characters in the history, you have lost some of it. Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, this has changed. You will see work items even with the size of over 32,760 characters in the history. If you create a work item from a work item, you will see the references.
  • Performance improvement on moving work items in documents view: Previously it was slow to move work items using the document view. Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, if you move a work item using Drag & Drop, the tree won´t load. This improves load time and speed of the system.
  • Performance improvement on projects over GB: Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, you can import projects even over the size of 1GB into codeBeamer.
  • Implement new ISQL feature: Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, you can see with one click how heavily your database is overloaded.
  • Improving load time of Tracker tab: Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, you can benefit from a faster load time of our tracker tab.
  • Improved E-Signature feature: We have had a e-signature function for a while now, but now we have improved this feature, requesting not only the password, but also the user name. This development made this feature compliant with FDA regulations.
  • XSS security check: Starting with codeBeamer 7.7.2, you can turn off the XSS security check on your wiki pages (if you want to).