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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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To list the comments and attachments of the exported items add this piece of Velocity macro to the "properties" part of the export template (where the associations/relations are rendered too...). This will add a link for each attachments of the exported item, and when clicking on this link in Word that will open a browser and show the content of the attachment.

The attachments won't be embedded to the Word document, so when clicking on the link it will need a direct access and authentication to the codeBeamer server.

  #foreach($att in ${describable.attachments})
     #set ($url = „${cbBaseUrl}/rest/item/${}/attachment/${}”)
            <a href=”${url}”>${}</a>
           ## this is a comment, print out owner and creation date and description text as plain text
           ${} - ${att.createdAt}