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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
The SWS migration is currently in progress, and users may experience some temporary slowness.

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Configuring Graphviz for codeBeamer

Some codeBeamer features (such as the Tracker Workflow Transition Graph) require the Graphviz package to be installed on the codeBeamer server.

To see if/which version of Graphviz is installed execute this command:

dot -V


On Windows, Graphviz is shipped with the default codeBeamer (6.0 or higher) distribution.


On Linux (and other Unix flavours), Graphiz must be installed separately. It is strongly recommended to install it from your distribution using a package manager.

For more information please refer to


The codeBeamer 7.8+ requires a newer version of Graphviz package: the Grapviz version shouild be later than 2.36.0.

If your Ubuntu distribution does not come with this version you can install this using the PPA here.

Do this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gviz-adm/graphviz-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz4

SUSE linux

sudo zypper install graphviz