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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Authentication and Access Control in codeBeamer

The product operates with User Accounts. A User must have an account to log in. An account can be created manually from the New Account dialog or by the LDAP authentication system at the first login.

See Access Control on Basics: Projects, Roles, Groups, Members and Users, Building Communities Around Your Projects, Managing Projects

Access Control Concepts

All data in the sytem is organized into projects. Projects are secure collaborative workplaces where users can share, discuss, contribute, coordinate and find project information. A registered user can create projects provided they have sufficient group permissions. When a user creates a project, the Project Administrator role is assigned to that user. Typically the project administrator is responsible for managing project resources.

You can have as many projects as you like on a server, where each project name on the server must be unique. In codeBeamer we use the terms such as users, accounts, members, groups and roles.

Hidden Artifacts

When you remove the Read permissions on an artifact (task, document, document folder, forum or source code), you hide those artifacts from members who have no read permission. It is a useful practice for higher confidentiality of sensitive information such as project plans, budget data or other information.

For tracker artifacts, there is fine grained control of access-permissions where you can hide an issue (or task) from a member if the issue and member have no association. Even better, you can also hide specific fields from specific members. You can restrict Read permissions on some tracker fields. For example, you can hide the Estimated Hours, Spent Hours or other fields from all members in the Customer role. You can also hide attachments, comments, and association fields in the issues (or tasks).