The Forums feature was introduced in codeBeamer 6.0 and this feature
is deprecated since version 7.1.
To learn more about converting Forums to Trackers and thus retain posts, check You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet..
Use discussion forums to communicate with other team members, consultants, customers and stakeholders. All discussions are captured and later you can search stored communications. You can watch threads and subscribe to forums to be informed when new messages are posted. You can set access controls on each discussion forum. You can assign Inboxes to be polled on a periodic basis for e-mails that you wish to copy to a forum.
Figure: A Project's Forums.
Figure: Topics in a Discussion Forum.
Configuring Forums visibility
The Forums visibility can be configured in codeBeamer installation directory/general.xml (default settings):
<showForum enabled="false" />
- enabled - if true, Forums displays on Project Admin page Tabs in the top menu section and can be checked
Posting Messages
Use the
New or
Submit New Topic buttons to post a new message.
Posting Messages with Attachments
Your message can have the following types of attachments, and more: screenshots, images, documents or binary files.
Editing Messages
Click on the
Edit icon to edit a message's content.
Deleting Messages
Click on the
Delete icon to delete a message.
Posting Messages to the Project Summary Site
The project administrator is able to post project specific messages to the project
Summary site to share messages with all project team members. This differs from a regular forum posting facility in that these posts appear in the project forum as well as in project
Summary site. The posts will be also displayed in the
Recent News section.
Searching in Forums
Full text search is available on all forums, regardless whether the work item is an announcement, news item or other message type.
Administering Forums
A Project administrator or a user with sufficient permissions can create or delete forums and set permissions. The administrator can customize forum names, types and permissions. You can subscribe to forums for automatic e-mail notifications on new posts.
Figure: Customizing Forums.
Deleting a Forum
When deleting a forum all data in the forum will be lost.
To delete a forum:
- Click on the Forums tab,
- Click on the Customize tool-tip link of a forum,
- Click on General,
- Click on Delete.
Adding Forums
To add a new forum to your project:
- Click on the Forums tab,
- Click on Add New Forum link,
- Fill in the form,
- Click on Add.
Changing Forum Name, Type and Description
Project and forum administrators can change the forum name, type and description. On deleting a forum, all data in the forum will be deleted including its attachments.
To change the forum name, type and description
- Click on the Forums tab,
- Click the Customize tool-tip link,
- Click on General,
- Edit name or description,
- Click on Save.
Access Permissions
You can edit the access permissions of the project members on a forum.
To edit forum access permissions:
- Click on the Forums tab,
- Click the Customize tool-tip link,
- Click the Permissions tab,
- Select each roles' permissions,
- Click on Save.
Figure: Forum Access Permissions.
You can subscribe to be notified on new posts. You will receive email notifications of new posts. Specify who should be notified when a new topic or message is submitted to this forum.
To edit notification subscriptions:
- Click on the Forums tab,
- Click the Customize link,
- Click on Notification,
- Select the accounts,
- Click on Save.
Importing Emails into Forums
Importing Emails to Forums