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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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User Accounts and Login

codeBeamer operates with user accounts. A user must have an account before logging in and participating in a project. When creating an account the user's name, password and e-mail address are required and other optional data may also be entered. The e-mail address will be used by the notification service and will not be visible to other users in the notification, except if the particular other users have certain ('member view') privileges. The optional data that can be entered includes telephone number, mobile number, organization name, time-zone and location. These personal data fields are visible to other registered users with the appropriate permissions.

See also Authentication and Access Control in codeBeamer

Creating User Accounts

To create an account:

  1. Click on the Login tab,
  2. Click on Not a member yet? Register now! link,
  3. Fill in the registration form,
  4. Click on the Submit button.

Figure: Creating a New User Account.

Login into codebeamer

Once you have created an account you can login to CodeBeamer. If you do not have an account you can create it from the Not a member yet? Register now! link which leads to the New Account form. To login, enter your user name and password and click on Login. To log in with a different user name you need to log out first and then log in with the new user name.

Figure: CodeBeamer Login Dialog.

Upon a successful login, you are taken to the My Start site.

SSL Login

SSL Login performs the login to the server using SSL (Secure Socket Layer). All communications between your browser and the server will be encrypted for secure transmission.

In order to allow only secure connections, please contact your system administrator.

CodeBeamer is shipped with a self-signed not-trusted certificate. To obtain a trusted certificate please contact your provider.

The SSL connection is sometimes slower than the simple non-encrypted connection.

Change User Account Data

You can change your password, name, e-mail address, telephone number, time zone and date formats.

View your Account Data

To View your Account

  1. Click on My Start,
  2. Click on My Account

Figure: Show your Account Information.

Change your Account Data

To Change your Account

  1. Click on Edit Account,
  2. Edit your changes,
  3. Click on Submit

Figure: Edit your Account.

Your codeBeamer account, personal wiki, issues and starred items are selectable from the codeBeamer My Start menu and (configurable) from your My Start wiki page:

System Administrators are allowed to modify usernames and email addresses

System Administrators can edit the email address of anybody by default. If you would like to switch it off then please change the general.xml:

<login allowToEditEmail="false" ...

Encrypting user accounts

System Administrators can encrypt disabled user accounts, see Managing Users and User Groups page for details.

Logout from codebeamer

When clicking the Logout link, CodeBeamer will close the current session. By default, your browser cookie will be cleaned up.

Licenses and Sessions

When a logged in user exits from the web browser without logging out, the session will remain open for 90 minutes and the floating license will not be freed up for this period. When the session is inactive for 90 minutes (no transmission), CodeBeamer will close the session, log out the user and free up one floating license automatically. Multiple sessions (logins) of the same user may not function, depending on the license usage. Two login sessions on the same machine use one license. When the user accesses floating licenses, two login sessions on different machines will use 2 licenses.

By using MS Internet Explorer you can have more than one parallel sessions with different user names. Some Netscape and Mozilla browser versions do not support this feature.

For more information on licenses please see this page: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet..

Using codebeamer without an active session

When an anonymous user is configured then it is possible to browse codeBeamer without an active session. In this case a login highlight message is displayed at the top to draw the user's attention to this.