Service Packs for Codebeamer 21.09
Codebeamer 21.09-SP14 Release Notes
Release date: 15th of August 2023
Security Announcement:
Security Vulnerabilities Identified in Codebeamer - CVE-2023-4296.
- BUG-9708342 - JIRA username and password are available in clear text when synchronizing with JIRA.
- BUG-9468450 - Coverage browser causes Codebeamer to crash.
- BUG-9458652 - Downgrade of performance in some cases at MB.
- BUG-9083033 - Child working-set cannot handle if an item is moved into another folder in Default Working-Set.
- BUG-8513836 - Cannot exclude previously included and saved trackers from existing Working-Set error.
- BUG-8491781 - Fix already existing shared trackers to a working-set using Working-Sets.
- TASK-9672653 - Excel import test step reuse bug fix to 21.09.
- TASK-9523997 - MassSuspectedMerge#clearAll method infinite loop fix.
- TASK-9551670 - HTML Injection / Reflected cross-site scripting 21.09
Codebeamer 21.09-SP13 Release Notes
- BUG-8765278 - Jira user password must always be provided by the Jira Connector administrators
Codebeamer 21.09-SP12 Release Notes
- EPIC-8498399 - Mutual SSL TCPS for Oracle connection
User Stories
- US-8712573 - Jira 9 Cloud Connection support
- US-8607148 - Mutual SSL TCPS for Oracle connection
- BUG-8602920 - Tracker Views - An error occurred while loading Report Selector widget when editing the Intelligent Document Views
- BUG-8573856 - Tracker Views - Upgrade from 21.09-SP10 to 21.09-SP11 triggers invalid JSON data in Tracker Views
- BUG-8497644 - Test Run with manually filled in parameter cannot be properly finished if Actual result is mandatory
- BUG-8435804 - Name field loses permission in the created working set
- BUG-8416280 - Reference field points to wrong project in working set tracker after working set creation
- BUG-8413189 - Why Codebeamer set Summary field permission to None at working set creation?
- BUG-7827800 - Invalid permission for tracker in working set
Codebeamer 21.09-SP11 Release Notes
User Stories
- US-7652522 - Geolocation collection should be configurable
- TASK-7238015 - ReqIF Export - Raise the retention period of the exported .reqifz files to 7 days
- BUG-8396549 - Trackers hierarchy destroyed on Trackers tab
- BUG-8371228 - Deploying Template Project with Horizontal Deployment Destroys Derived Projects
- BUG-8367263 - Codebeamer not responding due to ongoing Review processes
- BUG-8367232 - Assigned To value disappears in Working Set
- BUG-8122506 - DOORS Bridge - Specific DOORS history entries can cause an inconsistency between task.revision as task_revision table
- BUG-7843838 - Improve Review HUB set statuses feature performance significantly
- BUG-7832856 - Working Set extension fails with IllegalStateException: Duplicate key error
- BUG-7791928 - Improve Review HUB creation performance
- BUG-7777656 - Swagger API Response definitions are missing Exception mappings
- BUG-7635579 - ArtifactFileCleanerJob throws an SQL Exception
- BUG-7603278 - Mass review - Reason for Rejection value is preselected
- BUG-7603274 - Mass review - Mandatory if field stays mandatory in Mass Review, but not mandatory in simple Review
- BUG-7563396 - Null Pointer exception at Working Set merge
- BUG-7388539 - Reviewed by filter finds irrelevant reviews
- BUG-7360063 - Unable to merge to Default Working Set in case of 2 references
- BUG-7064719 - Tracker Views - Incorrectly stored Intelligent Table View Configuration persists after upgrade to 21.09+
- BUG-6747312 - Mass review - Function is not consistent in case of closed e-signature window
- BUG-6740660 - Horizontal Deployment - Project contains invalid references after a full and clean deployment
- BUG-6687650 - Selective Deployment - Import fails due to a state transition action
- BUG-5994663 - Run at and Run by values do not change at second run if "Clear previous results" deselected
- BUG-5838651 - Test Management - Default Type is wrong if new folder is created in Test Case/Set Document view and Edit view
Codebeamer 21.09-SP10 - Release Notes
Please note that 21.09-SP10 is released with a new version of PostgreSQL (12.10)
Release date: 7th of July 2022
User Stories
- US-7597754 - 21.09-SP10 should support PostgreSQL 12.10 version
- TASK-7578456 - Revert mxGraph version to previous one
- TASK-7134312 - Backport: Working Sets - Can not add tracker to existing working set .
- TASK-7106097 - Backport: Mixed order of tracker item became item id order after Copy To or Move To
- BUG-7603226 - Backlog sorting does not work
- BUG-7544339 - Mass suspected merge can fall into infinite loop
- BUG-7378523 - Test Runner: Duplicate conversation id corrupts image upload
- BUG-7355298 - Report execution with shared fields loads too much unnecessary results
- BUG-7318184 - WorkingSet creation fails with ERROR support.workingset.WorkingSetSupport - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempt to update non head revision
- BUG-7311672 - Performance and integrity problems in test coverage
- BUG-7304587 - Exporting Comments/Attachments Results in Syntax Errors
- BUG-7243124 - Jira sync does not sync Sprints after import
- BUG-7061638 - Empty tracker view in baseline
Codebeamer 21.09-SP9 - Release Notes
Please note that 21.09-SP9 is released with a new version of Tomcat webserver (8.5.78)
Release date: 13th of May 2022
- EPIC-6441630 - Tracker item review: Disable role selector during signing even for users with multiple project roles if user must sign in a specific role
User Stories
- US-6828989 - As a developer I want to use the latest version of Swagger-UI
- US-6828982 - As a developer I do not want to keep unused modules of codemirror
- US-6627247 - Tracker item review: Set review role automatically
- TASK-7185267 - Backport - ReqIF Export - exporting a baseline limits the exported items to 500
- TASK-7088094 - Backport - Not possible to record Spent Effort on Task items
- TASK-7050113 - Backport: Several data are missing from the Excel document exported from Traceability Browser when the traceability result loaded from a saved preset
- TASK-6928061 - Config Deployment - UI - Should not support work item references
- TASK-6462578 - Refactor query countTrackerChoiceOptionHistoryEntries to use EXISTS
- BUG-7254034 - Saving view might clear view structure
- BUG-7233261 - Swagger - Requesting a report with a Shared field in columns leads to "tracker cannot be null" error
- BUG-7157028 - Performance problem with Test Run coverage on test servers
- BUG-7083447 - cbQL error at Excel export when the cbQL expression is long (longer than 1024 chars) and it contains a "#" character too
- BUG-7056531 - Ranking is reset after release property change
- BUG-7008710 - PUT /item will corrupt data by clearing technical fields
- BUG-7007964 - Content of uploaded HTML file is compromised
- BUG-6992151 - User session cannot be closed - customer has to wait for the session timeout
- BUG-6930193 - Horizontal Deployment - Calculated fields' recalculation failure causes following imports to fail the same way
- BUG-6896332 - Swagger - Unable to get item history
- BUG-6886521 - Order of recalculation will not be complied
- BUG-6859251 - Excel import fails due to incoherent attribute with multi value calculations
- BUG-6772819 - Word export - special characters are distorted in exported document
- BUG-6748454 - Errors in TM - User not able to link a test case to a requirement / User not able to create a test run
- BUG-6741270 - Excel Round-trip removes pictures from the Description after import
- BUG-6700676 - Depends on doesn't work during state transition if the base field is computed
- BUG-6648156 - Reqif - different import result when importing to the same or different project
Codebeamer 21.09-SP8 - Release Notes
Release date: 29th of April 2022
Please note that this service pack version is only tested using MySQL 8 database however our changes should be compatible with Oracle and PostgreSQL databases as well.
- BUG-7083858 - Review Hub shows wrong Upstream references and causes database performance degradation
Codebeamer 21.09-SP7 - Release Notes
Release date: 22nd of April 2022
This version was not officially released.
- BUG-6887712 - Froala editor - Inserting markup from 'Advanced options' required user credentials in a pop-up
- BUG-7048930 - mxGraph - It is not possible to save the diagram in the Documents tab
Codebeamer 21.09-SP6 - Release Notes
Release date: 4th of March 2022
User Stories
- US-6687661 - Support dynamic registration of RMI caches
- TASK-6662493 - Do not load all slow queries and request info into memory
- BUG-6736963 - Horizontal Deployment - Project export fails in case a wrong cbQL is present in a Report
- BUG-6731447 - Child items not in sequence after Excel export in tree outline
- BUG-6687901 - Fix depends on performance problem
- BUG-6681290 - Mass review is unsuccessful if state transition needs required fields
- BUG-6680486 - Browsing pagination results keeps the scroll position
- BUG-6661464 - Computed field which is used for assigning roles/permission does not work on updated instance
- BUG-6566796 - Click here to create new Downstream Reference" does not work for references to working sets
- BUG-6549848 - Branch reference is visible in Tracker Document view Upstream/Downstream references
- BUG-6528075 - SQLException when traceability browser uses trk_tmp table
- BUG-6215924 - ResolvePageViewManager putCustomViewFromMetadata can cause NPE
Codebeamer 21.09-SP5 - Release Notes
Release date: 4th of February 2022
Please note that SP5 is released with a new version of tomcat (8.5.75)
Please note that dockerized version of SP5 is released with Oracle Linux 8.5
- EPIC-6577988 Host ID Independent ReqIF IDs
- EPIC-6592914 Mass Review: Enable users to mass update fields becoming mandatory in the resulting status
User Stories
- US-6577989 Configurable ReqIF Base ID
- US-6620511 Enable users to mass update fields becoming mandatory in the resulting status
- TASK-6602456 Project Configuration Deployment - Make document type tracker deployment configurable
- TASK-6532036 Update log4j2 jar to 2.17.1 version
- BUG-6606809 Work Item Edit page freezes when clicking Cancel button
- BUG-6606494 Horizontal Deployment - Deployment fails due to a shared field which is used in a tracker query/view
- BUG-6573155 item tree empty in Document View if a baseline is selected, but Table view shows all items
- BUG-6566798 Tracker baselines not visible for the user who created it
- BUG-6544712 Project export contains work items even if it shouldn't based on the settings
- BUG-6448446 Mention user option is not showing user suggestion list after pressing space
- BUG-6439293 ReqIF - change ReqIF ID in ReqIF exports
- BUG-6435945 Nullpointer exception when moving item from Requirements to User stories with change handler
- BUG-5298791 Tracker item details hangs when saving lots of Wiki fields
Codebeamer 21.09-SP4 - Release Notes
Release date: 14th of December 2021
- BUG-6442373 - Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-442288 and CVE-2021-45046 with possible RCE
For more information, see:
Apache Log4j vulnerability and fixes
Codebeamer 21.09-SP3 - Release Notes
Release date: 10th of December 2021.
- EPIC-5567458 - Only Import Attribute Content from ReqIF
- EPIC-5567437 - Export Baselines to ReqIF
- EPIC-6120339 - Selection of mail notification in user preferences
- EPIC-6027293 - API support for tags
- EPIC-6027088 - Suppress unfatal signature and validation log messages
User Stories
- US-6365122 - As a system administrator I want to configure API throttling for given time period. For more information please refer to
API Throttling
- US-6339253 - As a system admin I do not want to use the default DB password during installation
- US-6166016 - Add possibility to execute performance test as an external tool
- US-6046485 - ReqIF export in background process
- US-6438623 - Ability to use Office Edit using Document Trackers
- US-6439313 - Member filters should provide as default project members and groups mapped to the project.
- BUG-6166337 - Exporting only Wiki pages seems to export whole project
- BUG-6430120 - Round-trip Excel import fails in case of updating items existed before upgrade/deploy
- BUG-6411800 - Product backlog rank lost after horizontal deployment
- BUG-6406016 - Some Working Sets created in 21.04 are not recognized in 21.09
- BUG-6397300 - ReqIF - tracker cannot be chosen for the reference
- BUG-6391448 - ReqIF - mapping is not reused if tracker was renamed
- BUG-6386783 - The Report could not be executed (with/and without Shared Fields) on PROD environment
- BUG-6386241 - ReqIF - export contains values that are not content in Codebeamer
- BUG-6385724 - ReqIF - load mapping does not work
- BUG-6366025 - Tracker outline is mixed after Excel Round-trip import
- BUG-6365005 - Export to Office: Error: "There are no items to export"
- BUG-6360481 - ReqIF - Field is mandatory after ReqIF import to an existing project , but not mandatory when creating a project with ReqIF
- BUG-6356342 - Mass Review menu item is visible even if item review is turned off
- BUG-6344616 - Slow performance in created Working set
- BUG-6339804 - Jira Synchronization changes the Mandatory settings of Summary and Description fields
- BUG-6335656 - Horizontal deployment ruins kanban board configuration
- BUG-6334423 - Table-Widget: Attempt to order-by shared field throws Null Pointer Exception
- BUG-6306042 - Test Run browser not working on the fresh installation of Emma (21.09) with trial license
- BUG-6292899 - Renaming roles can mess up field permissions
- BUG-6269859 - Working set creation fails because permission error
- BUG-6269834 - Versions matched, upgrade is necessary in the log at every Codebeamer service start in EMMA
- BUG-6268987 - Usability issues with Height 3 Text fields
- BUG-6232311 - Modifying items in Working set tracker cause errors while other working set is creating
- BUG-6225204 - Changes are not consistent in item History after ReqIF import
- BUG-6174482 - Values of multiple choice field disappear in the created Working set
- BUG-6157939 - Child items incorrectly imported from Excel
- BUG-6148182 - Cannot add external reference to Working Set
- BUG-6126901 - Tracker items - "Revert state of Field(s) back to this Version" overlay shows confusing difference
- BUG-6119138 - Deployment: NPE during reference extraction
- BUG-6111595 - New lines are removed after wiki conversion
- BUG-6080479 - MS Project (Deprecated) MPP Import does not import the time
- BUG-6074525 - Unable to distinguish items to be merged with no summary
- BUG-6008274 - Inconsistent aggregation rule results
- BUG-5998233 - Horizontal Deployment - Dependency to another project is shown when a working set exists
- BUG-5969158 - Data entered in Document Edit View may lost because of missing system warning
- BUG-5637204 - Old reports show wrong information since migration to PostgreSQL
- BUG-5505219 - Word export does not consider the user's timezone
- BUG-4487693 - Coverage Browser - Filtering - inner filter field in some field does not work
- BUG-4275776 - Possible data loss in Document view when leave message appears with open editor
- BUG-1966631 - Reports and filters don't work when default fields are reconfigured
- BUG-6339254 Planner - User for Me is only displayed in case Include all users / groups are selected
Codebeamer 21.09-SP2 - Release Notes
- BUG-6356360 - Report and Tracker View performance enhancement for MySQL 8
Codebeamer 21.09-SP1 - Release Notes
Release date: 3rd of November 2021
- If you want to enforce CodeBeamer to accept unknown properties in Swagger JSON payloads, you can use "swagger" : { "failOnUnknownProperties" : false } setting in Application Configuration.
- Please note that this release is only available in docker version.
- BUG-6273997 - Slow history tab on Item details page
- TASK-6293446 - Swagger API - Configurable FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES on ObjectMapper