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Importing from excel into several trackers / Example: How to import Test Set Hierarchies

In this tutoral we will demonstrate how to import a complex TestSet hierarchy with several TestSets that contain other TestSets and/or TestCases.

The TestSet hierarchy we want to import is: Test Hierarchy.xlsx. This Excel document contains two sheets: one with the Test Cases and a second with the Test Sets.

Notice the followings:

  • The "Top Level Test Set" contains two other Test Sets: "Test Set1" and "Test Set2"
  • The "Top Level Test Set" will be also parent of the "Test Set1" and "Test Set2" which is enforced by the indentation in the "A" column.
  • The "TestSet1" and "Test Set2" each contains 2 Test Cases.

The attached video illustrates how to import this hierarchy correctly:

What happens in the video is:

  • 1st import: we import to the "Test Cases" tracker from the "Test Cases" sheet: so Test Case are created. If you want to do a more complete import of TestCases with steps then please check this tutorial: Importing and round-trip editing of TestCases with TestSteps in Excel
  • 2nd import: we import to the TestSets tracker: the "Name" and "Status" columns are imported so TestSets are created. This will leave the "Test Cases" table of the TestSets empty.
  • 3rd import: we import to the same TestSet tracker: now the goal is to update the TestSets imported in the previous import so that the "Test Cases" table contains the appropriate Test Sets. The video shows that to update the TestSets choose the "name" field as to find the existing TestSets by their name! During the update "Test Cases" and contained "Test Sets" will be automatically found by their name.

Workaround for legacy Trackers: if TestSet import fails

It may happen if you have a legacy TestSet tracker and TestSet hierarchy import fails with an error like "Test Cases[1].Test Case is not a valid reference value" like this:

To correct this error go to configuration of the TestSet tracker, and configure the "Test Cases" table field, and allow all "Test Set" typed items here: