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Computed Fields

This page introduces the concept of computed fields, and gives an in-depth explanation of how such fields can be used and what functions are available in codebeamer.

Tracker fields can be defined as read-only computed fields, where the content is calculated from other tracker item fields. Computed fields can be created by specifying an expression or formula in unified expression language. For more information on the language expressions, see the Syntax section.

Some built-in fields, such as Summary, cannot be defined as computed. The Computed as option is not available for these fields at editing.

Use Cases

Use Case 1: Past Deadline Test (for Issue Resolution)

In this use case, de goal is to display whether the item has already passed the scheduled end date. Click Add custom field at the bottom of the Tracker ► Customize ► Fields tab.

Past end date is indicated with red exclamation mark in the item display in codebeamer.

The new custom field is called Past Deadline, and it must be set up as type boolean. The field returns true if the issue is very late. Under the Layout and Content column of the Fields, for the new custom field, the = field is defined as:

not(endDate >= fn:Date("today"))

By checking the box in the List column on the Fields tab, it is possible to have the custom field displayed on the item list or details page. Permissions must be set up under the Permissions tab. A computed field is always read only, write permission is only possible when the field definition is deleted and the field becomes non-computed. For more information about functions available for the computed tracker fields, see the Functions section.

Use Case 2: Weight = Priority * Severity

The goal is to combine issue priority and severity into a new Weight field with the following expression:

Weight = Priority * Severity

Priority is a single choice field with the following choice values:

Severity is a multiple choice field with these defined values:

All choice fields, except Status and Priority, are lists or arrays of values. However, the GUI for static choice fields currently only allows selection of a single value. So in order to access the first/single value of a multiple choice field, he [0] operator must be used, for example, Severity[0].

The highest priority and the highest severity (Blocker) selections both have the lowest ID, so in order to compute a Weight proportional to the logical order of Priority and Severity, such operands must be used that are inversely proportional to the choice value ids.


integer Weight = (5 - * (6 - Severity[0].id)

An empty Priority or Severity would yield an id of null, so the above formula would return the highest possible weight (= 30) for issues with empty Priority and Severity. To avoid this incorrect result, empty values must be handled appropriately.


integer Weight = (empty Priority ? 0 : 5 - * (empty Severity ? 0 : 6 - Severity[0].id)

Use Case 3: Compute columns in an embedded table from the values of other columns

From codebeamer 7.3, a tracker (item) can have tables. A table consists of one or more columns:

The first two columns A and B contain numeric operands and the other two columns should contain the product and sum or total of the operands per row.

When addressing a table column, for example by its attribute or property name tableColumn[0,1], then the whole column is addressed always (an array or vector of column values, indexed by row).

Example for the Matrix table:

1 5
2 6
3 7

The expression A or tableColumn[0,0] would yield [1, 2, 3] and B or tableColumn[0,1] would be [5, 6, 7].

To address the whole table, use the name or attribute of the table, for example, Matrix or table[0], which would yield an array of table rows, where each row is an array of table column values (in the order of the columns).

  [1, 5],
  [2, 6],
  [3, 7]

The index of the first row is 0 and the first table row can be accessed via one of the following ways:

  • table[0][0]
  • Matrix[0]

This would yield [1, 5].

To address the value of Column A (tableColumn[0,0]) in the second row of the Matrix, write:

  • table[0][1][0]
  • Matrix[1][0]
  • tableColumn[0,0][1]
  • A[1]

So how can we define a third column Product, whose value is the product of A multiplied by B (for each row)?

If the Product is defined to be computed as

  • tableColumn[0,0] * tableColumn[0,1]
  • or simply A * B,

Then this would mean a multiplication of two vectors, for example, [1, 2, 3] * [5, 6, 7], an operation not supported by the expression language.

Also the result would be a two dimensional array, and not a one-dimensional column value vector.

The solution is to to use a projection: table.{ row | expression } that iterates over each row in the table and produces an array of values, one value per row according to expression.

The projection or expression is the following:

table[0].{row | row[0] * row[1] }

It reads as follows:

  • Iterate over table[0]
    • for each row(an array of column values)
      • evaluate the expression row[0] * row[1]
  • return an array of the expression values per row

For the example table, the result is the array or vector: [5, 12, 21]

Note that tableColumn[x,y] is a fixed property name text, therefore y is not adjusted when column position is changed. When defining formulas involving table columns, do not rely on the order of columns, instead property names must be checked. This can be done by setting the Show property name check-box in field configuration page.
At other places [y] is used as an index number and not as not text. For example table[x][y] refers to the y-th row in table[x].

Changes from codebeamer 20.11

Caution: The interpretation of table column indices has changed with codebeamer 20.11 and newer, and could break expression written in older versions!

Before codebeamer 20.11, a column index was interpreted as the ordinal index of the column in the table columns list. Adding, removing or re-ordering columns could therefore change the ordinal index of a column.

The ordinal index of Product, that was 2, is now 3, which leads to an inconsistency in table cell access via table column index: table[0][row][3] != tableColumn[0,2][row]

From codebeamer 20.11, a column index is always interpreted as the immutable and unique column id, which is the second index in the immutable and unique column property name.

For example the column id or index of Product (tableColumn[0,2]) is 2, independent of its position. Adding, removing or re-ordering columns will not change the column id or index of existing columns and column access stays consistent: table[0][row][2]==tableColumn[0,2][row]

Using Computed Fields


Unified expression language syntax is used for the formulae of field values. The expression language defines the following literals:

  • Boolean: true and false
  • Integer: as in Java
  • Floating point: as in Java
  • String: with single and double quotes; " is escaped as \", ' is escaped as \', and \ is escaped as \\ .
  • Null: null

In addition to the . and [] operators, the expression language provides the following operators:

  • Arithmetic: +, - (binary), *, / and div, % and mod, - (unary)
  • Logical: and, &&, or,||, not, !
  • Relational: ==, eq, !=, ne, <, lt, >, gt, <=, ge, >=, le. Comparisons can be made against other values, or against boolean, string, integer, or floating point literals.
  • Empty: the empty operator is a prefix operation that can be used to determine whether a value is null or empty.
  • Conditional: A ? B : C. Evaluate B or C, depending on the result of the evaluation of A.
  • Projection: .{alias|expression} is a special operator on collections that iterates over the collection and creates a new collection by evaluating the specified expression or subexpression for each element alias of the original collection.

The precedence of operators in descending order and from left to right is the following:

  • [] .
  • () - Used to change the precedence of operators.
  • - (unary) not ! empty
  • * / div % mod
  • + - (binary)
  • < > <= >= lt gt le ge
  • == != eq ne
  • && and
  • || or
  • ? :

The following words are reserved for the JavaServer Page expression language and should not be used as identifiers.

  • and
  • div
  • empty
  • eq
  • false
  • ge
  • gt
  • instanceof
  • le
  • lt
  • mod
  • ne
  • not
  • null
  • or
  • true
For more information on the Unified Expression Language, see the Java EE 5 Tutorial.

Context Variables

The execution or evaluation context of a unified expression contains the following objects:

Object Type Comment
user UserDto The current user, that executes/evaluates the expression (from codebeamer 9.2).
project ProjectDto The current project the expression is evaluated in.
tracker TrackerDto The current tracker the expression is evaluated in.
this TrackerItemDto The current tracker item the expression is evaluated on.
orig TrackerItemDto In codebeamer 9.3 and newer, users can refer to old or original values of a tracker item during a state transition or update via orig.
If the expression is not evaluated in the context of a tracker item state transition or update, then orig is the same as this.
For example, (dflt(this.storyPoints, 0) - dflt(orig.storyPoints, 0) calculates the difference between the new and the old story points.

It is possible use the dot (.) operator to access attributes of context objects, for example, user.realName or

To access attributes (fields) of the current tracker item (this), users can ommit this. in front of the attribute or field identifier. For example, submitter is equivalent to this.submitter.

To refer to the value of tracker item fields, the following field identifiers are allowed:

  • The field property or attribute name, such as id, name, description, submitter, submittedAt, namedPriority, status, assignedTo, subjects, categories, versions, customField[0], choiceList[2], etc.
  • Field label, but only in the following cases:
    • If the label only consists of alphanumeric characters ([A-Z],[a-z],[0-9]), ‘$‘(dollar sign) and ‘_‘ (underscore).
    • The label does not start with digits ([0-9]).
    • The label does not contain HTML markup.
    • For example, Color is allowed, but Background color, Best.-Nr., Estimated<br/>Effort or <b>v</b><sub>max</sub> (vmax) are not allowed
  • The RESTful field name (lower camel case of field label, with all HMTL markup and not allowed characters removed), for example, color, backgroundColor, bestNr, estimatedEffort and vmax.

The property and label of the field is displayed in their respective columns in the Tracker ► Customize ► Field Properties area.

For static choice fields in codebeamer 9.3 and newer, users can also refer to the following options:

  • The list of defined choice field options: choiceField_$options. For example, status_$options or choiceList[1]_$options
  • A specific choice field option, per option id or lowercase option name: choiceField_$option[idOrName]. For example, status_$option["new"], namedPriority_$option["high"] or choiceList[1]_$option[2]. Instead of choice option names, option ids can be used. Option ids are safer but using option names can be more convenient or easier to understand.

To access individual values of multi-value choice fields, use the [] operator, for example, categories[0], choiceList[2][0].

choiceList[1]_$option[2] refers to the option with id==2 of the choice field choiceList[1], not the third option.

To access attributes of complex field values, such as choice values, use the . operator followed by the attribute. For example,,, Resolution[0].name.

All references, choice and members field values have at least the following attributes:

  • id Integer
  • name Text

To extract attributes from a multi-value field, use a projection. For example, to create a list of the names of all users or roles assigned to the item, users can use the following syntax:


Users can use such a projection in combination with the function valuesInList to check if the item is assigned to some particular users.


fn:valuesInList(assignedTo.{member|}, “bond”, “Project Admin”) ?


The functions introduced in codebeamer 9.3.0 and the previously existing length and join functions allow to define map/reduce expressions, typically but not exclusively, in conjunction with (multi-level) projections. For example, a task has multiple subjects (via the subjects reference field). Each subject is another tracker item, that each has a priority.

String-Related Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
concat String concat(Object...) Converts all parameters to strings and concatenates them to a single result string. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
contains boolean contains(String text, String part) Tests, if the specified text contains the specified part. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
containsIgnoreCase boolean containsIgnoreCase(String text, String part) Tests, if the specified text contains the specified part, irrespective of case. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
endsWith boolean endsWith(String text, String suffix) Tests if the specified text ends with the specified suffix. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
escapeXml String escapeXml(String text) Escapes characters with a special meaning in XML with appropriate escape sequences. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
format String format(String pattern, Object... args) Create a string representation of the specified arguments using a MessageFormat pattern. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
indexOf int indexOf(String text, String part) Finds the first index of the specified part within text, or -1 if not found. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
join String join(String[] array, String separator) Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String, separated by the separator. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
length int length(Object) Returns the length of the passed string, or the number of elements of the passed array or collection. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
printf String printf(String format, Object... args) Create a string representation of the specified arguments using a printf like format. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
replace String replace(String text, String replace, String replacement) Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
split String[] split(String text, String separator) Splits the provided text into an array (at each occurence of the separator). codebeamer 5.4 and newer
startsWith boolean startsWith(String text, String prefix) Tests if the specified text starts with the specified prefix. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
substring String substring(String text, int start, int end) Gets a substring from the specified String, from the start position (inclusive) to the end position (exlusive). codebeamer 5.4 and newer
substringAfter String substringAfter(String text, String separator) Gets the substring after the first occurrence of the separator. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
substringBefore String substringBefore(String text, String separator) Gets the substring before the first occurrence of the separator. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
substringBetween String substringBetween(String text, String open, String close) Gets the substring after the first occurrence of the open string and before the occurance of the close string. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
toLowerCase String toLowerCase(String text) Converts a String to lower case. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
toUpperCase String toUpperCase(String text) Converts a String to upper case. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
trim String trim(String text) Removes leading and trailing whitespace. codebeamer 5.4 and newer

Functions for Random String Generation

Function Signature Meaning Availability
randomString String randomString(int length) Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
randomAscii String randomAscii(int length) Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified and that only contains ASCII characters [32 .. 126] codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
randomAlphabetic String randomAlphabetic(int length) Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified and that only contains alphabetic characters. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
randomAlphanumeric String randomAlphanumeric(int length) Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified and that only contains alpha-numeric characters. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
randomNumeric String randomNumeric(int length) Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified and that only contains numeric characters. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer

The case of function names is significant. Using the fn: prefix is optional when referring to functions.


concat(customField[3], " ", customField[4], " has downloaded and installed codeBeamer.")
fn:format("{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}", submittedAt)

List-Related Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
ascending List ascending(List list) Returns a new list, that contains the items of the specified list in ascending order. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
avg Double avg(List list) Returns the average of all numeric values in the specified list. codebeamer 8.2.1 and newer
descending List descending(List list) Returns a new list, that contains the items of the specified list in descending order. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
dflt Object dflt(Object... value) Returns the first of the specified objects, that is not null. codebeamer 8.2.1 and newer
disjunction List disjunction(Object... values) Returns a new list, that contains the disjunction of the specified values. If the values are lists or arrays, then the disjunction contains those distinct elements, that are not common in all values. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
distinct List distinct(List list) Returns a list with all not null/distinct/unique values in the specified list. codebeamer 8.2.1 and newer
first List first(int x, List items) Returns a new list, that contains the first x items of the specified list, or the list itself, if it does not contain more than x items. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
intersection List intersection(Object... values) Returns a new list, that contains the intersection of the specified values. If the values are lists or arrays, then the intersection contains those distinct elements, that are common in all values.
E.g. intersection( members(project, Role("Project Admin")), members(project, Role("Stakeholder")) )
gives users the list of those users and groups, that have the role "Project Admin" and the role "Stakeholder" in the current project.
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
last List last(int x, List items) Returns a new list, that contains the last x items of the specified list, or the list itself, if it does not contain more than x items. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
List List List(Object...) Create a List from the passed arguments or the passed array.
max Object max(List list) Returns the maximum/largest value in the specified list. codebeamer 8.2.1 and newer
min Object min(List list) Returns the minimum/smallest value in the specified list. codebeamer 8.2.1 and newer
reverse List reverse(List list) Returns a new list, that contains the items of the specified list in reverse order. codebamber 9.3.0 and newer
subtract List subtract(Object... values) Returns a new list, that contains the first value, that should be a list or array, minus all other values, that can be individual values or also lists or arrays.
E.g. subtract(assignedTo, members(project, Role("Developer") ) returns the distinct users, groups and roles, that are assigned to the current item, except those users and groups, that are have the role "Developer" in the current project.
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
sum Number sum(List list) Returns the sum/total of all numeric values in the specified list. codebeamer 8.2.1 and newer
union List union(Object... values) Returns a new list, that contains the union of all distinct values. If values are lists or arrays, then the list/array items are included in the union, not the list/arrays themselves.
E.g. union(assignedTo, supervisors) gives users the distinct union of all groups, users and roles, that are either assignedTo or supervisors of the current itemunion( members(project, Role("Project Admin")), User("KlausMehling") ) gives users the distinct union of all users and groups, that have the role with name "Project Admin" in the current project, plus the user with name "KlausMehling".
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer

For single value attributes, such as status, priority or submitter, users can use valueInList().

Example: check if the name of the user that has submitted the item is “bond” or “klaus”:

valueInList(, "bond", "klaus")

For attributes with multiple values (for example, assignedTo, supervisors, subjects, versions, and all custom choice lists), checking for constant values requires valuesInList() in combination with a projection.
For example, to check if the issue owner or supervisors list contains any of the specified users by name:

valuesInList(supervisors.{principal|}, "bond", "klaus")

The function objectIdsInList() is functionally equivalent to:

valuesInList(objects.{object|}, ids)

Example: check if the Resolution field contains a value with ID 2 or 4:

objectIdsInList(resolutions, 2, 4)


valuesInList(resolutions.{resolution|}, 2, 4)

Mathematical Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
Integer Integer Integer(Object value) Returns an Integer, if the specified value is a numeric value, e.g. a Number or a numeric string, otherwise null. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
Number Number Number(Object value) Returns a Number, if the specified value is a numeric value, e.g. a Number or a numeric string, otherwise null. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
random Double random() Generates a pseudo random number in the range [0 .. 1). codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
sin Double sin(Number angle) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (in radians). codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
cos Double cos(Number angle) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (in radians). codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
tan Double tan(Number angle) Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle (in radians). codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
asin Double asin(Number value) Returns the arc sine of a value; the returned angle is in the range [-π/2 .. π/2]. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
acos Double acos(Number value) Returns the arc cosine of a value; the returned angle is in the range [0 .. π]. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
atan Double atan(Number value) Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range [-π/2 .. π/2]. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
toRadians Double toRadians(Number angle) Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
toDegrees Double toDegrees(Number radians) Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
exp Double exp(Number x) Returns ex, where e is Euler's number. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
sinh Double sinh(Number x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value, that is defined to be: (ex - e-x) / 2 codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
cosh Double cosh(Number x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value, that is defined to be: (ex + e-x) / 2 codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
tanh Double tanh(Number x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value, that is defined to be: (ex - e-x) / (ex + e-x), in other words: sinh(x) / cosh(x). codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
log Double log(Number x) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a value: ln(x) or loge(x) codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
log10 Double log10(Number x) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a value: log10(x) codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
sqrt Double sqrt(Number x) Returns the (positive) square root of a value: √x codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
cbrt Double cbrt(Number x) Returns the cube root of the value: ∛x codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
pow Number pow(Number x, Number y) Returns the value of x raised to the power of y: xy codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
abs Number abs(Number x) Returns the absolute value: |x| codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
floor Long floor(Number x) Returns the largest integer value ≤ x. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
ceil Long ceil(Number x) Returns the smallest integer value ≥ x. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
round Long round(Number x) Returns the integer value, that is closest to x. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
signum Integer signum(Number x) Returns -1, 0 or 1, depending on whether the number is less, equal or greater than 0. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer

Net Working Time Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
isWorkday boolean isWorkday(Object context, Date date Check if the specified date is on a work day, according to the work time calendar in the specified context, that should be a project or project aware object, e.g. tracker or tracker item. If context is null, then the system wide work time calendar will be used. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
scrollToWorkday Date scrollToWorkday(Object context, Date date, boolean forward Scroll the specified date to the same time-of-day of the next/previous work day.
If the specified date is already a work day, then the unmodified date and time will be returned.
To scroll to the next/previous work day other than the specified day, use scrollWorkdays(context, date, ±1)
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
scrollWorkdays Date scrollWorkdays(Object context, Date date, int days Scroll the specified date to the same time-of-day the specified number of work days ahead or back. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
scrollToWorkTime Date scrollToWorkTime(Object context, Date date, boolean forward) Scroll the specified date to the next/previous business/working hours.
If the date is already within working hours, then the date will not be modified.
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
scrollWorkTime Date scrollWorkTime(Object context, Date date, int distance, String unit) Scroll the specified Calendar date by the specified distance of net working time.
The distance can be positive, to scroll forward into the future, or negative, to scroll backwards into the past.
The scroll unit can be "d(ay(s))", "h(our(s))", "m(in(ute(s)))" or "s(ec(ond(s)))", where 1 d(ay) = 24 h(ours).
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
workTimeBetween Long workTimeBetween(Object context, Date from, Date until, String unit) Get the net working time between the two specified dates in the specified unit.
If from or until is null, then the result will be null.
If from is after until, then the result will be negative.
The result unit can be "d(ay(s))", "h(our(s))", "m(in(ute(s)))", "s(ec(ond(s)))" or null to return milliseconds.
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer

The functions for net working time are based on the System default and Project specific working time settings.

Date-Related Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
countryCode String countryCode(String country) Get the ISO 3166 2-letter country code for the specified country code or English country name. codebeamer 7.8 and newer
Date Date Date(String date[, String timezone]) Create a date according to the passed argument (and timezone). codebeamer 9.5 and newer
isSameDay boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) Returns true if both dates are within the same calendar day.
This is equivalent to inSamePeriod(date1, date2, "day").
codebeamer 9.3 and newer
inSamePeriod boolean inSamePeriod(Date date1, Date date2, String period) Returns true if both dates are within the same calendar period, e.g. "Year", "Month", "Day", etc.
E.g. inSamePeriod(Date("2019-01-01 00:00"), Date("2019-01-01 12:00", period) returns true for "Y(ear)", "M(onth" and "d(ay)" and false for any other period.
codebeamer 5.4 and newer
roundDate Date roundDate(Date date, String precision) Round a date according to the specified precision. codebeamer 5.4 and newer
shiftDate Date shiftDate(Date date, int distance, String unit) Shift a date by the specified distance in the specified unit (see below).
To shift by net working time, users should use scrollWorkTime (CB-9.3 and newer) instead.
codebeamer 5.4 and newer
timeBetween Long timeBetween(Date date1, Date date2, String unit) Returns the time between two dates in the specified unit (see below), based on 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per hour and 60 seconds per minute.
To get the net working time between two dates, users should use workTimeBetween (CB-9.3 and newer) instead.
The result can be negative, if date1 is after date2.
For example, timeBetween(Date("2018-12-31"), Date("2019-01-01", "Year") returns 0, because the difference between the two dates is less than a year. It's also less than a month or a week.
But it is 1 "d(ay(s))", 24 "h(our(s))", 1440 "m(in(ute(s)))" or 86400 "s(ec(ond(s)))".
codebeamer 9.3 and newer
truncateDate Date truncateDate(Date date, String precision) Truncate a date according to the specified precision. codebeamer 5.4 and newer

The date parameter for the Date function can be either an absolute date or string constants. The absolute date can be specified as "yyyy-MM-dd[ HH:mm[:ss]]". Optionally, the times zone can be specified the following way:

  • "UTC" if the literal represents coordinated universal time.
  • "default", "system", or "local" if the literal represents default, system, or local time of the codeBeamer installation/server.
  • As time zone offset from GMT as "GMT[±][hh[:mm]]".
  • As a time zone abbreviation.
  • If no timezone for the date is specified, the default is the time zone of the current user. If there is no current user or the user does not have a special time zone setting, the default time zone of the codebeamer system.

The date parameter can be also specified with one of the following string constants:

  • "Now"
  • "Today"
  • "Tomorrow"
  • "Yesterday"
  • "Start of this week"
  • "End of this week"
  • "Start of next week"
  • "End of next week"
  • "Start of last week"
  • "End of last week"
  • "Start of this month"
  • "End of this month"
  • "Start of next month"
  • "End of next month"
  • "Start of last month"
  • "End of last month"
  • "Start of this year"
  • "End of this year"
  • "Start of next year"
  • "End of next year"
  • "Start of last year"
  • "End of last year"


endDate >= Date("today")

The precision for roundDate and truncateDate and the unit of shiftDate and timeBetween must be an abbreviation of:

  • "Year"
  • "Month"
  • "Week"
  • "day"
  • "hour"
  • "minute"
  • "second"


roundDate(endDate, "h")
shiftDate(startDate, 30, "min")

User-Related and Group-Related Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
Group ArtifactDto Group(Object idOrName) Returns the user group artifact with the specified id or name, e.g. Group(1) is the user group with id == 1, Group("sysadmin") is the user group with name == "sysadmin" codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
groups List groups(Object... values) Returns a list of groups according to the specified values.
E.g. groups(assignedTo, supervisors) returns a list of all distinct groups, that are directly assigned to or supervisor of the current item.
groups(this, true, assignedTo) returns a list of all distinct groups, that are either directly or indirectly (via role) assigned to the current item.
groups(project, Role("Project Admin")) returns a list of all user groups, that have the role "Project Admin" in the current project.
groups(4711, "sysadmin") returns a list containing the group with id == 4711 and also the group with name == "sysadmin"
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
members List members(Object... values) Returns a list of users, groups and roles according to the specified values.
E.g. members(Group("sysadmin")) gives all users, that are member in the group "sysadmin".
members(project, Role("Developer"), Role("Stakeholder"), Project("Demo"), Role("Tester") gives the distinct set of users and groups, that have the roles "Developer" or "Stakeholder" in the current project, or the role "Tester" in the "Demo" project.
members(assignedTo, supervisors, choiceList[4]) gives the distinct set of all users, groups and roles, that are referenced in the fields assignedTo, supervisors and choiceList[4].
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
Role RoleDto Role(Object idOrName) Returns the role stereotype with the specified id or name, e.g. Role(1) is the role (stereotype) with id == 1, Role("Project Admin") is the role (stereotype) with name == "Project Admin" codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
roles List roles(Object... values) Returns a list of roles according to the specified values.
E.g. roles(assignedTo, supervisors) returns a list of all distinct roles, that are directly assigned to or supervisor of the current item.
roles(project) returns a list of all roles in the current project
roles("ProjectAdmin", "Developer") returns a list with specified named roles
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
User UserDto User(Object idOrName) Returns the user with the specified id or name, e.g. User(1) is the user with id == 1, User("bond") is the user with name == "bond" codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
users List users(Object... values) Returns a list of users according to the specified values.
E.g. users(assignedTo, supervisors) gives all users, that are directly assigned to or supervisors of this item.
users(this, true, assignedTo) gives the distinct set of users, that are directly assigned to this item, or indirectly, because they are member in a group, that is assigned.
users(project, true, Role("Developer")) gives the distinct set of users, that are either directly or indirectly member in the role "Developer" of the current project.
users("klaus", "bond") returns a list containing the users with names "klaus" and "bond".
users("bond", Group("sysadmin"), Project("Demo"), true, Role("Project Admin"), Role("Stakeholder")) returns a list containing the distinct set of user "bond", members of group "sysadmin" and direct and indirect members of role "ProjectAdmin" and "Stakeholder" of project "Demo".
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer

User Permission Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
userInGroup boolean userInGroup(UserDto user, String... groups) returns true, if the specified user is member in at least one of the specified user groups, otherwise false. codebeamer 9.2 and newer
userInRole boolean userInRole(UserDto user, ProjectDto project, String... roles) returns true, if the specified user has at least one of the specified roles in the specified project, otherwise false. codebeamer 9.2 and newer
userHasPermission boolean userHasPermission(UserDto user, String... permissions) returns true, if the specified user has at least one of the specified system permissions (see table below), otherwise false. codebeamer 9.2 and newer
userHasProjectPermission boolean userHasProjectPermission(UserDto user, ProjectDto project, String... permissions) returns true, if the specified user has at least one of the specified sroject permissions (see table below) on the specified project, otherwise false
codebeamer 9.2 and newer
userHasTrackerPermission boolean userHasTrackerPermission(UserDto user, TrackerDto tracker, String... permissions) returns true, if the specified user has at least one of the specified tracker permissions (see table below) on the specified tracker, otherwise false codebeamer 9.2 and newer

The groups parameters for the function userInGroup, are the names of user groups:

User Group Description
sysadmin The System Administrators Group
user The "Regular" User Group

There can be any number of additional user groups.

In most cases, it is more appropriate to check if a user has a specific system permissions (that can be granted via different user groups). For example instead of

userInGroup(user, "sysadmin")


userHasPermission(user, "system_admin")

The roles parameter for the userInRole function are the names of project roles.

Project Role Description
Project Admin The role for Project Administrators.
Developer The role for (Software) Developers in the project.
Stakeholder The role for Stakeholders in the project.
Product Owner The role for Product Owners in the project.
Scrum Master The role for Scrum Masters in the project.
Test Lead The role for Test Lead(er)s in the project.
Test Engineer The role for Test Engineers in the project.
Tester The role for Testers in the project.

There can be any number of additional project roles.

Example: check if the current user has the role Developer or Tester in the current project:

userInRole(user, project, "Developer", "Tester")

In most cases, it is more appropriate to check if a user has a specific project permission (that can be granted via different project roles). For example, instead of

userInRole(user, project, "Project Admin")


userHasProjectPermission(user, project, "project_admin")

The permissions parameters for the userHasPermission function are the names of system permissions:

System Permission Description
wiki_edit_own_page Allows users to edit own Wiki pages.
account_admin_own Allows users to administer own account data settings.
account_modify_own_timezone_dateformat Allows users to administer own timezone and date format data settings.
account_admin Allows users to administer all account data settings (name,e-mail,password, phone number, ...).
account_address_view Allows users to view the address field in all accounts.
account_company_view Allows users to view the company field in all accounts.
account_phone_view Allows users to view the phone field in all accounts.
account_email_view Allows users to view the email field in all accounts.
account_skills_view Allows users to view the skill field in all accounts.
account_role_view Allows users to view user group settings and members.
account_role_admin Allows users to create, administer user groups and assign members.
document_add_global Allows users to add new project-independent documents.
label_public_create Allows users to create new public tags.
label_public_admin Allows users to administer public tags.
system_project_create Allows users to create a new project.
system_admin Allows users to administer the portal.
service_desk Allows users to access the Service Desk.
queries_view Allows users to access Queries.
review Allows users to do Reviews.
api_permission Allows user to access to the Rest / Remote API.
only_api_permission If set, users in groups with this permission cannot use the GUI.

System permissions are granted to user groups and indirectly to all users in that groups.

The permissions parameters for the userHasProjectPermission function are the names of project permissions:

Project Permission Description
wiki_space_view Allows users access to the project Wiki.
document_view Allows users access to the project "Documents".
document_view_history Allows users to view the document version history.
document_add Allows users to add new documents to a project.
document_unpack Allows users to upload and unpack Zip and Tar files.
document_subscribe Allows users to subscribe documents to get email notifications when a document is read or modified by an other user
document_subscribe_others Allows users to subscribe documents for project members to get email notifications when a document is read or modified by an other user.
document_subscribers_view Allows users to view the subscriber list.
tracker_view Allows users to view tracker list and the "Trackers" tab.
tracker_admin Allows users to administer project trackers, set permissions, add custom fields, set default fields, and so on.
tracker_report Allows users to access and execute reports.
cmdb_view Allows users to view the project CMDB.
cmdb_admin Allows users to administer the project CMDB, create categories, set permissions, add custom fields, set default fields, and so on.
branch_view Allows users to view branches.
branch_admin Allows users to administer tracker branches.
baseline_view Allows users to view baselines.
baseline_admin Allows users to administer project baselines.
scm_view Allows users to view the repository hierarchy in this project, even if they don't have access to any of the repositories.
scm_admin Allows users to create new top-level repositories in this project, and to update or delete any existing one.
members_view Allows users to view project members.
members_admin Allows users to administer project members.
member_role_view Allows users to view project role permission settings.
project_admin Allows users to administer all project settings.

Project permissions are granted to project roles and indirectly to all project members with that roles.

The permissions parameters for the userHasTrackerPermission function are the names of tracker permissions:

Tracker Permission Description
issue_add Allows users to create new items in a tracker.
issue_view Allows users to see own items in a tracker.
issue_view_not_own Allows users to see all items in a tracker.
issue_edit Allows users to edit own items in a tracker.
issue_edit_not_own Allows users to edit any items in a tracker.
issue_mass_edit Allows users to mass edit multiple items in a tracker.
issue_close Allows users to close items in a tracker.
issue_delete Allows users to delete items in a tracker.
issue_history_view Allows users to see the history of items in a tracker.
issue_escalation_view Allows users to view issue escalation schedules in a tracker.
issue_attachment_view Allows users to view issue comments or attachments in a tracker.
issue_comment_add Allows users to add comments to issues in a tracker.
issue_attachment_add Allows users to add attachments to issues in a tracker.
issue_attachment_edit Allows users to edit/delete any issue comments or attachments in a tracker.
issue_attachment_edit_own Allows users to edit/delete own issue comments or attachments in a tracker.
issue_subscribe Allows users to subscribe notifications on a single tracker item.
issue_subscribe_others Allows users to manage subscriptions of other users for notifications on a single tracker item.
tracker_subscribe Allows users to subscribe notifications on the whole tracker.
tracker_subscribe_others Allows users to manage subscriptions of other users for notifications on the whole tracker.
tracker_subscribers_view Allows users to view subscriptions of other users for notifications on the whole tracker.
admin_public_view Allows users to administrate (create, update and delete) public views on the tracker.
issue_association_view Allows users to see tracker item associations.
issue_association_edit Allows users to edit (create, update and delete) tracker item associations.
issue_suspected_merge Allows to merge tracker item.
branch_merge Allows to merge branches.

Tracker permissions are granted to project roles via Tracker ► Customize ► Permissions, and so indirectly to all project members in that roles.

Suspected Reference Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
hasSuspectedLink boolean hasSuspectedLink(TrackerItemDto) Returns true if the given tracker item has suspected links. codebeamer 9.4.0 and newer
hasUpstreamSuspectedLink boolean hasUpstreamSuspectedLink(TrackerItemDto) Returns true if the given tracker item has upstream suspected links. codebeamer 9.4.0 and newer
hasDownstreamSuspectedLink boolean hasDownstreamSuspectedLink(TrackerItemDto) Returns true if the given tracker item has downstream suspected links. codebeamer 9.4.0 and newer

Example: check if the tracker item does not have suspected links:


Example: check if the tracker item has upstream suspected links and does not have downstream suspected links:

hasUpstreamSuspectedLink(this) and !hasDownstreamSuspectedLink(this)

Downstream Reference Functions

Calculations using a downstream reference function lead to increased load on the server. Consider using realistic data for detailed load tests.
Function Signature Meaning Availability
downstreamReferences(this) List downstreamReferences(TrackerItemDto upstreamItem)
Returns list of downstream referenced items from the specified upstream item with the given filter criteria. Criteria can be specified fluently by calling additional functions on the lazily built list result:
  • List trackerTypes(String... trackerName): include only downstream referenced items from the specified tracker types. Default: all tracker types.
  • List sharedFieldNames(String... sharedFieldName): only include references which are tagged with any of the specified shared field names (global types). Default: no restriction.
  • List trackerIds(Integer.. trackerId): include only downstream referenced items from the specified trackers. Default: all trackers.
codebeamer 22.10-LTS and newer
Note that (this) can be omitted from the formula. Both downstreamReferences(this) and downstreamReferences yields the same results.

Using downstream reference functions has the following restrictions:

  • Downstream and upstream references cannot be mixed in the same formula. Example of a restricted formula:
  • The calculation is done only one level down on the reference chain (nested downstreamReferences function calls are not allowed). Example of a restricted formula:

When a restricted formula is used, it is not possible to apply the settings at editing or to save the modified tracker configuration.

The downstreamReferences expression can be used together with other filters.

Example: list those items by item name to which this tracker item has downstream reference, and the tracker type is task or user story.

downstreamReferences(this).trackerTypes("task","user story").{item|}

Example: list those items by item name to which this tracker item has downstream reference, and the name of the shared field is "shared_field_name1" or "shared_field_name2".

downstreamReferences(this).sharedFieldNames("shared_field_name1","shared_field_name2").{item |}

Example: list those items by item name to which this tracker item has downstream reference, and the tracker id is <ID of Tasks tracker> or the test case tracker id is <ID of Test Cases tracker>.

downstreamReferences(this).trackerIds(<ID of Tasks tracker>,<ID of Test Cases tracker>).{item |}

Example: list those items by item name to which this tracker item has downstream reference, and the tracker id is <ID of Tasks tracker> or the test case tracker id is <ID of Test Cases tracker> and the name of the shared field is "shared_field_name1".

downstreamReferences(this).trackerIds(<ID of Tasks tracker>,<ID of Test Cases tracker>).sharedFieldNames("shared_field_name1").{item |}

Example: list those items by item name to which this tracker item has downstream reference, and the tracker type is task or user story. List only those items by item name that are referencing the field with the field id "17", if a reference is through another field, do not list the item.

downstreamReferences(this).trackerTypes("task","user story").{item | item.fieldId == 17 ? : null}

Special Functions

Function Signature Meaning Availability
Item TrackerItemDto Item(Integer id) Returns the tracker item with the specified id, e.g. Item(123456) codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
Project ProjectDto Project(Object idOrName) Returns the project with the specified id or name, e.g. Project(1) is the project with id == 1, Project("Demo") is the project with name == "Demo" codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
projects List projects(Object... values) Returns a list of projects according to the specified values.
E.g. projects(choiceList[6]) returns all projects, that are referenced in the choiceList[6] of the current item.
projects(6378, 1542, 21746) returns a list of the projects with the specified ids (or names).
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
Tracker TrackerDto Tracker(Object... idOrName) Returns the tracker with the specified id or the tracker with the specified name in the specified project, e.g. Tracker(1234) is the tracker with id == 1, Tracker(project, "Bugs") is the tracker with name == "Bugs" in the current project, Tracker(Project("Demo"), "Tasks") or short Tracker("Demo", "Tasks") is the "Tasks" tracker in the "Demo" project. codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
trackers List trackers(Object... values) Returns a list of trackers according to the specified values.
E.g. trackers(subjects.{subject|subject.choiceList[5]}) returns all trackers, that are referenced in the choiceList[5] of all subjects of the current item.
trackers(project, "Bug", "Task") returns a list of all Bug and Task trackers in the current project.
trackers(Project("Demo"), "Customer Requirement Specifications", "System Requirements Specifications") return a list with the Customer - and System Requirement Specifications trackers of the "Demo" project
codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer
typeOf String typeOf(Object object) Returns the type of the specified object: ["User", "Group", "Role", "Project", "Tracker", "Item", "Option", "Object", "Array", "List", "Date", "number", "boolean", "string", "undefined"] codebeamer 9.3.0 and newer

Function Examples

The priority of the task should reflect the highest priority of all subjects:


A bug refers to one or more builds, that are affected by this bug (via a custom reference field, for example, choiceList[1]).
Each build is a configuration item, that itself refers to a release (via the Versions field). Different builds can belong to the same release.
The field Detected in (Release) of the bug should now be automatically computed to reflect the releases of all builds affected by this bug:

Nested projections can be used.

Example of a nested projection execution:

List result;
for (Object build in choiceList[1]) {
  for (Object version in build.versions) {
return distinct(result);

Example: the severity of an item should be the highest severity of all subjects:



first(1, ascending(subjects.{subject|subject.severities.{severity|severity}}))

Note that Severity is a choice list/field, so the field value is a list of choice options. By default, only one list element is allowed. Severity choice options are ordered descending from highest to lowest, so users must use min or first in order to get the highest severity.

Example: Show the last two comments on the tracker item:

join(first(2, reverse(distinct(attachments.{attachment|attachment.description}))).toArray(), "\\\\")

That reads as:

  • Collect the comments of all attachments:
  • Remove all duplicates and empty comments:
  • Reverse the order of comments (last comment first):
  • Extract the first 2 comments (due to reverse order, these are the last/newest 2 comments in descending order):
    first(2, ...)
  • Concatenate the comments into a single string, separated by a Wiki line break:
    join(... .toArray(), "\\\\")

Computed Field Dependencies

A computed field can use reference fields in its formula. Before codebeamer 9.5, these computed field values were recalculated when the item was updated. Starting from codebeamer 9.5, the field value can be recalculated whenever an item the formula depends on is updated. For this to work efficiently, codebeamer must store the dependencies of the custom fields. It is possible to check these dependencies by clicking on the Compute Dependencies link under the computed field formula text area. This parses the formula and show the dependencies if the custom field has any. The list consists of the the trackers and fields on which the formula depends. The Fields checked during update section shows every field per tracker on which the computed field depends. When these fields change, the computed field is updated.

The dependency list cannot be computed automatically in the following cases:

  • When the formula is very complex.
  • When the fields used in the formula refers a tracker type not a tracker explicitly.

In these cases, users can add a dependency manually using the select lists under the text area.

  • Project and Tracker: the tracker of the referring field on which the formula depends.
  • Field: the field on which the formula depends.
  • Referred Tracker: a tracker referred by the field. If an item from this tracker referenced through the field is updated then the formula is recalculated.
Whenever the formula is changed, the manually added dependencies are cleared and users must add them manually again.

Unsupported Functions in Reports and Filters

The following functions do not store any values in the database; therefore, they are unsupported in Reports and filters:

  • hasSuspectedLink
  • hasReferringReview
  • hasUpstreamSuspectedLink
  • hasDownstreamSuspectedLink
  • userHasPermission
  • userHasProjectPermission
  • userHasTrackerPermission
  • referringIssues
  • Date