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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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External Widget API Reference

An API abstraction which provides an interface for a frontend application running inside an IFrame within codebeamer to communicate with the codebeamer UI via the postMessage API of the browser.


constructor(window: MessageBroker, widgetId: string, origin: string | OriginPolicy);

Initializes an API instance.


  • window - A window-like instance which provides the postMessage interface. Usually just simply window.
  • widgetId - A unique string to represent this widget API instance.
  • origin - Either the origin / host of the codebeamer instance as a string, a custom OriginPolicy instance to use when sending / receiving cross-window postMessage messages, or the "*" string literal if the host is unknown. In the latter case, the origin will not be checked and information leak may occur if the widget is loaded in a malicious environment.
  • Interface OriginPolicy- Defines callbacks to customize origin checking behavior.
    • checkOrigin(origin: string): boolean; - is called each time a response is received for a particular API call. Should only return trueif the host is a codebeamer instance, and it is trusted. An example implementation could use a whitelist.
      • origin - The origin / host of the window where the response is received from.
    • provideOrigin(): string; - is called to provide the origin / host of codebeamer each time an API function is called. The underlying postMessage message will only be delivered if the parent window of the widget matches this.


authenticate(): Promise<AuthenticatePayload>;

Request a JWT token for the currently logged-in user. The token may expire.

  • Interface AuthenticatePayload:
    • token: string - A JWT token for the active user.


getBaseURL(): Promise<GetBaseURLPayload>;

Requests the Swagger API's base URL, including the proper context. Ex.:

  • Interface GetBaseURLPayload:
    • baseURL: string - BaseURL of the Swagger API.


getConfig(): Promise<GetConfigPayload>;

Requests the user provided configuration for this particular widget instance.

  • Interface GetConfigPayload:
    • config: any - Arbitrary user configuration.


getSelectedItem(): Promise<GetSelectedItemPayload>;

Queries which tracker item is selected on the codebeamer UI. May only work on certain pages. It may return undefined if there is no tracker item selected.

  • Interface GetSelectedItemPayload:
    • itemId: string | undefined - ID of the currently selected Tracker Item, if applies. undefined otherwise.


onSelectedItemChange(callback: (item: string) => void): () => void;

Registers a callback to be called whenever the user selects a tracker item on the codebeamer UI. May only work on certain pages.


  • callback - A function to be called when the selection changes.


reloadItem(config: ReloadItemPayload): Promise<void>;

Asks codebeamer to reload a Tracker Item if it is present on the UI. May only work on certain pages.

  • Interface ReloadItemPayload:
    • itemId: string - Tracker Item ID to reload.


resize(height: number): Promise<void>;

Asks codebeamer to resize the IFrame window vertically inside the UI. Only works on the Tracker Item Details page.


  • height - Preferred height in browser pixels.