WikiThis page provides a general introduction about the codebeamer wiki and its main features. Table of Contents
What is a Wiki?A wiki is a collection of interconnected pages with a simple text based syntax for formatting. Wiki pages support hyperlinks to other pages. Wikis are also used as a knowledge sharing tool that allow users to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change all content. To better understand the concept of the wiki, see Wiki
See also
The codebeamer wiki implementation includes many source code modules and ideas from the Open Source JSPWiki
codebeamer WikiThe wiki implementation built-into codebeamer is an enterprise-grade tool that helps users capture and manage knowledge in an open, scalable, secured and controlled way. Interrelated artifacts, such as trackers, office or wiki documents, or tasks, can be as structured to satisfy various user needs while allowing a large degree of artifact inter-connectedness.
The wiki can be customized by using the open-source codebeamer plugins and writing own plugins if necessary to create a more effective work environment. For example, a plugin could be created to identify the dependency structure, or a graph of artifact inter-relatedness, and so on. codebeamer wiki allows, for example, the information-flow to be as democratic as a wiki system used by communities, but it also offers the setup of structured document approval mechanism to implement publication processes.
Efficient communication is a key factor in any successful development project, and the wiki can be used to collaborate and to prevent communication problems.
Each project has a separate wiki space accessible on the Wiki tab. A wiki space consists of individual wiki pages that can be organized into a hierarchical structure, cross-referenced in various ways and also browsed by navigating along the links.
Besides maintaining the content of wiki pages, users can:
Wiki Page Structurecodebeamer wiki pages are built up of three main sections:
Structure Tree SectionThe wiki structure tree:
Further settings can be applied by clicking on
Highlight recently updated Wiki pages - if the Day limit field is empty, or its value is 0, the feature is disabled. In case the modification of a wiki page is not older than the specified day, the related wiki page is highlighted in green color.
Show heading numbers - headings are automatically numbered by codebeamer which are visible after saving the content on a wiki page. Select the checkbox to enable this feature.
Documents exported from the wiki do not contain the generated heading numbers regardless the feature is enabled or not.
Search In options (Wiki Page name, Wiki Content, Wiki id) - select the relevant checkbox to enable the coloring feature that highlights the results with different colors when searching within the wiki.Changes can be finalized by clicking on [Save].
Content SectionThe content section is located in the middle part of the page.
A toolbar is available on the top left of the content section:
Fast Links sectionA navigation section on the right-hand side of the wiki page with various links to:
Creating and Editing ContentThe wiki content is saved in Wiki markup syntax which is a simple and flexible language to produce clean and structured online information. Besides the basic text elements (for example, paragraphs, headings), codebeamer offers more advanced options (for example, tables, inline images) and additional markup constructs targeting the developer audience.
codebeamer allows the creation of new documents as well as the editing the contents of existing wiki pages. Creating Content on New Wiki PagesTo create a new wiki page within a project, click on The Add new child Wiki page overlay is displayed where the title of the page and the content can be added.
The toolbar on the bottom left of the editor offers a number of formatting, inserting and view options. To save the changes made on the page, click on the [Save] button.
Editing Existing Wiki Pages
ToolbarThe content of wiki pages can be edited, formatted with the help of the Toolbar located at the bottom left of the page being edited.
Formatting OptionsClick on the
Advanced OptionsClick on the
Link OptionsClick on the
Upload FileClick on the
EmoticonsClick on the
Rich Text OptionsClick on the
Mentioning Members, Teams, AreasSince codebeamer 9.4.0, project Members, Teams, Areas can be mentioned within the rich text editor by adding the @ character and the first few characters of the name of the Area, Team or Member. Performing the above, an autocomplete overlay is displayed where the designated Member, Team, Area can be chosen from:
Mentioning Members, Teams or Areas within the Rich Text editor area will not trigger email notifications.
Copying and Pasting Wiki DocumentsSince codebeamer 5.3, wiki pages and the related children pages can be copied recursively.
To copy a wiki page and its children to the clipboard, select the To paste the wiki page and its children, go to the
The copied wiki page becomes a new child under the (destination) parent page. To see children pages, go to Properties ► Children tab. Upon pasting, a pop-up window displays the hierarchy of pages to be pasted. The pasted pages are added as children pages of the target page. Since the target page does not contain references to these new children page, the new children pages are not visible unless the references are added manually to the destination page.
The document numbers of the new children wiki pages are displayed in the URL field after clicking on the relevant child page, and also in a tooltip when hovering the cursor over the name of the child page on the Children tab.
Wiki Page PropertiesThe wiki page Properties menu can be used for the following purposes:
To modify the properties of a wiki page, click on
By changing from All to another value, the versions excluded by the change will be deleted permanently from the database!
Commenting Pages and Attaching FilesAdd questions, answers or notes as comments attached to any page by clicking on Comments & Attachments tab ► Add Comment.
The wiki editor-type pop-up window allows users to add comments and also to browse for documents to attach.
These attachments are used for sharing content with other users and to include in the owner page, for example to display inline images. Click on the
AssociationsAssociations are used to list and add related artifacts (for example, wiki pages, tasks, bugs, functions, etc.).
LinksThe Incoming Links tab lists artifacts referring to the current wiki page:
The Outgoing Links tab lists artifacts which the current page contains references to:
Children PagesChildren pages can be organized into a tree hierarchy, using any grouping based on the user demands. When a project is created, only the root of the page tree exists, and it grows as new pages are created. When editing a wiki page and a new child page is to be created, the simplest way to add a child page is to add the name of the child page between square brackets: [codebeamer]
After saving the modifications, a link appears on the wiki page pointing to the not yet existent codebeamer child wiki page.
By clicking on the link, the Wiki Editor overlay is displayed allowing the user to add content to the page.
The wiki page number is assigned once the new child page has content, and the page is visible on the Children tab.
The children pages of a document are displayed on Properties ► Children tab.
NotificationsUser can subscribe to individual wiki pages to keep track of the changes made by going to Properties ► Notifications.
Click on [Save] to confirm the subscription.
PermissionsWiki page Permissions can be set on user role and group level. Read and Edit permissions can be controlled for each wiki page in a way similar to that of the Document Manager. To set page level Read and Edit permissions:
This applies to Document Approval feature which is not supported anymore and was completely removed in release 8.0.1.
The Document Approval Workflow approvals for the relevant page are listed on tab Approvals.
HistoryThe page content is fully audited and versioned. To see details on the page history, click on Properties ► History tab.
The below details are displayed on the History tab:
To see a previous version of the wiki page, click on the relevant version number under the Version heading.
To compare the content of, and see the differences between two versions, select checkboxes of the page versions to be compared and click on the [Compare Selected Versions] button.
The new content is highlighted in green color, while the removed content is displayed with red background.
To restore the page content to a previous version, select the checkbox of the relevant version number ►
Click on Display this version to see the content of the page at that stage.
Click on Compare to latest version to compare the content to that of the current page.
BaselinesTo see the list of related Baselines, go to Properties ► Baselines tab.
Two different Baselines can be compared by selecting the related checkboxes and clicking on the [Compare Selected Baselines] button.
See also:
Importing Items and Wiki Pages from RTF
Importing Requirements from RTFTo create issues from RTF documents, select a requirement type tracker ► click on Rules of importation:
Importing Requirements from Non-RTF Documentscodebeamer allows to import .doc and .docx files. A document ► RTF ► Wiki conversion is performed during the import. This requires OpenOffice or LibreOffice to be installed on the server. The feature is available for importing requirements type trackers only.
Importing Wiki Pages from RTF (Microsoft Word Documents)codebeamer can convert Rich Text Format files to wiki markup. Click on the Import From Word link to import.
Known Limitations of Importing RTF
Generating Specification Documentscodebeamer can export issues from requirements trackers into .doc files.
Select the relevant requirements tracker ► more ► Export to Word.
The generated document is in MHTML format - a multipart HTML document format that is natively supported by newer Microsoft Word version. The .doc extension makes Word the default editor for created file.
Customizing the Microsoft Word OutputIt is possible to freely customize both the content and the formatting of the document generated from requirements. The output document is in MHTML format.
The content is generated by rendering two Velocity
The following objects are available in the Velocity context and can be used in template:
Generating Documents: Exporting Wiki Pages to PDF, RTF and HTMLThe content of wiki pages can be exported to
For example, generate a PDF Document from the wiki pages with IDs 1004 and 1005 using the ExportWiki plugin with the following statement put in a wiki: [{ExportWiki id='1004,1005' format='pdf'}]
The above generates the Export as PDF link on the existing wiki page creating a document when selected: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
Customizing the PDF OutputThe ExportWiki plugin offers both content customization and formatting customization options beyond the parameter selections defined in the ExportWiki documentation, however, these require XSL-FO
codebeamer relies on the open source Apache FOP
codebeamer transforms the HTML output of a wiki page to XSL-FO using the INSTALL_DIR/tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/classes/xhtml2fo.xsl stylesheet which can be edited to fine tune the output. Changing the Font Set to Support Asian and Eastern European LanguagesFor Asian or Eastern European language characters, the formatter needs to be switched to use character sets that support special Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Czech, Hungarian, etc. glyphs. Four separate font families support such characters in addition to the default Helvetica.
To switch, uncomment the appropriate section in WEB-INF/classes/xhtml2fo.xsl (around line 65) and restart codebeamer: <!-- Remove this if you want to use Eastern European, Chinese, Japanese or Korean character support --> <xsl:attribute name="font-family">Helvetica</xsl:attribute> <!-- Uncomment this for Eastern European support (arial*.ttf) --> <!-- <xsl:attribute name="font-family">Arial</xsl:attribute> --> <!-- Uncomment this for simplified Chinese serif character support (simsun.ttc) --> <!-- <xsl:attribute name="font-family">SimSun</xsl:attribute> --> <!-- Uncomment this for Japanese serif character support (msmincho.ttc) --> <!-- <xsl:attribute name="font-family">MSMincho</xsl:attribute> --> <!-- Uncomment this for Korean serif character support (batang.ttc) --> <!-- <xsl:attribute name="font-family">Batang</xsl:attribute> --> -->
Known Limitations of the PDF/RTF Export
Editing Wiki Pages Using Microsoft WordEdit wiki pages using Microsoft Word. See
Wiki as a Framework - Combine Content using PluginsUsing these enhanced features, users are able to reference codebeamer documents, tracker items, reports or forums, and also to add graphical charts, graphs or even UML class diagrams.
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet. For detailed information about plugins and the wiki markup syntax, see
Advanced Wiki ManagementMost of the complex or dynamic content of a wiki page, (for example, reports, charts, Microsoft Excel or graphs) is served by plugins. Internal codebeamer contents such as reports, documents, tasks, requirements, bugs and other artifacts can be embedded into wiki pages.
Embedding Documents into Wiki PagesThe document You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet. can be embedded into this page [{ExcelPlugin id='22950'}]
with the ExcelPlugin using the syntax above.
Result: ExcelPlugin plugin failed: Failed to convert XLS to HTML: Document (id: 22950) not accessible by user (id: 2853) Embedding Spreadsheets into Wiki PagesEmbedding the BestContentPlugin using the syntax: [{BestContentPlugin max='5' projectId='37' entityType='WIKIPAGE' title='Best Wiki pages'}]
By editing the embedded spreadsheet, the content of the wiki page changes.
Embedding Ratings into Wiki PagesRatings can also be embedded into a Table, using the following syntax: [{Table |(vertical-align:top;) [{BestContentPlugin max='5' projectId='37' entityType='WIKIPAGE' title='Best Voted Wiki pages'}] |(vertical-align:top;)[{BestContentPlugin max='5' projectId='37' title='Best Voted Forum posts'}]|(vertical-align:top;)[{BestContentPlugin max='5' projectId='37' entityType='DOC' title='Best Proposals in Documents'}] }]
To integrate with external systems or customize own wikis, the plug-in mechanism is the primary extension point.
See also:
Embedding Reports into Wiki pagesEmbed reports into Wiki pages using the Report Wiki plugin. For example: [{Report id='22556'}] Project and Key Fields
Two additional fields can be used for displaying and sorting in merged reports: Project and Key. The Project field represents the codebeamer project which the tracker belongs to. The Key field is the internal tracker key in the system.
Collaborative Section Review
This function is available since codebeamer 10.0 release.
This feature only works in wikitext tracker fields.
codebeamer offers a simple way to collaboratively review blocks of texts within the wiki content. This function builds on the commenting capabilities of the platform.
Users can start a review from the WYSIWYG editor by selecting some text and creating the first comment. After that, other users can add further comments to the review comment thread.
Creating a Section ReviewAny user with the following permissions can initiate section reviews:
Specific steps for the process are as follows:
Adding Comments
Further comments can be added to a section review. Comments form a thread and are displayed as replies to the initial comment. The following permissions are required to add new comments:
Lacking the above permissions, the user sees a read-only list of the existing comments, and a warning message appears notifying the user about the missing permission.
Ending a Section ReviewEnding a review involves editing the tracker item. Users with permissions to edit both the tracker item and the wiki field can remove the triangles from the wiki content which closes the review.
Ending a review does not delete the comments created during the review. Comments are still displayed on the Comments & Attachments tab.
Hiding Section ReviewsThe triangle indicators can be hidden in the read-only mode of the tracker item by switching off the related option on the Preferences overlay.
For more information about the user preferences, see
Triangles always show up in the editing view of trackers and items, and also while inline editing the wiki field. |
Fast Links
![]() codebeamer Overview codebeamer Knowledge Base Services by Intland Software |
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