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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Word Export - How to Increase the Maximum Number of the Exported Work Items?


When exporting a large number of items to Microsoft Word, the following error is received:

com.intland.codebeamer.controller.importexport.export.mergefieldword.DocxMergeFieldExporter$ExportAppError: Error inside export application: Caused by: CB Response: 500, Response Body: { "exception" : "HttpMessageNotReadableException", "message" : "Too many items in one request (4967), max is 3000." }

Is it possible to increase the maximum?

Observed on

  • Codebeamer X 4.3


Add the below setting to the Application Configuration:
"interactive" : {
    "maxAllowedWordExportItemCount" : 5000

Exporting more than 5000 work items can cause performance issues.

Additional Information

Application Configuration

Word Templates in CB 9.3 and higher

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