Application Configuration #5848463/HEAD / v2824 |
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Application ConfigurationThis page provides a list of application configurations with which users can manage the various configuration settings of Codebeamer.
Application configuration contains various sections (top level tags), typically each section configures one feature/area of codeBeamer. The sections can contain sub-elements, and each can have several attributes too. This wiki page documents them. Table of Contents
"installation" sectionConfigures installation location and the most important installation attributes. See also: A typical example"installation" : { "cbhome" : "/home/zluspai/cbhome/cb/", "remoteURL" : "http://localhost:8080/cb/remote-api", "setup" : false } "interactive" sectionConfigures interactive parts; allow personalization of texts. Personalize the logo and welcome texts appearing on Codebeamer pages. A typical example"interactive" : { "exportTypes" : "excel", "itemsPerPage" : 25, "pullRequestsPerPage" : 10, "recentHistoryItems" : 5, "verboseErrorPage" : true, "registration-text" : { "format" : "W" }, "slogan-text" : { "format" : "H" }, "welcome-text" : { "format" : "W" }, "login-text" : { "format" : "W" }, "uploadFileSizeLimit" : 5.36870912E9, }, "warnLowDiskSpace" : { "enabled" : true, "minFreeDisk" : 10240, "minPercentage" : 5 } }
CB-EMMA "interactive" : { "footerFilterInformation" : "VISIBLE" // default }
Added 'footerFilterInformation' to configure footer filter information visibility
CB 10.1 "interactive" { "minAvailablePhysicalMemoryPercentage" : 10, "minAvailableMemoryPercentage" : 50, "notEnoughTotalMemoryCheckEnabled" : true }
warnLowDiskSpace's propertiesemailTo separated email addresses to send email to. If empty then sysadmins will be notified "emailTo" : ";"
enabled boolean value to enable/disable the feaute. default: true
emailFrequency how often the email should be sent in seconds default: 86400 //24 * 60 *60 (1 day in seconds) minimum: 3600 //(1 hour)
minFreeDisk minimum free space in MB that triggers the warning email, by default 10 Gbytes. default: 10240 //10GB
minPercentage the minimum percentage of the disk space that triggers a warning default: 5 //5% "diskSpaceVolumes" sectionSince CB 10.0. Multiple disk volumes can be monitored with this property. It has to be used together with warnLowDiskSpace.
name this will be the disk's name in the warning email
path path of disk to be monitored
threshold (optional) minimum free space in MB that triggers the warning email, by default 10 Gbytes. default: 10240 //10GB
Multiple disk volumes example for Windows "diskSpaceVolumes" : [ { "name" : "diskC", "path" : "C:\\", "threshold" : 10240 }, { "name" : "diskE", "path" : "E:\\", "threshold" : 20480 }, { "name" : "diskF", "path" : "F:\\" } ],
Multiple disk volumes example for Linux "diskSpaceVolumes" : [ { "name" : "disk1", "path" : "/dev/sda1", "threshold" : 10240 }, { "name" : "disk2", "path" : "/dev/sda2", "threshold" : 20480 }, { "name" : "disk3", "path" : "/dev/sda3" } ],
Full Example "interactive" : { "warnLowDiskSpace" : { "emailTo" : "", "enabled" : true, "minFreeDisk" : 90000, "minPercentage" : 50, "emailFrequency" : 3600 } }, "diskSpaceVolumes" : { "name" : "linux", "path" : "/dev/nvme0n1p6", "threshold" : 90000 },
"diffView" sectionAvailable since Codebeamer release 2.1.Set the page size to view the diff before the merge operation. The default is 25. The maximum value is 100. "diffView" : { "pageSize" : 5 }
"projectsDir" sectionConfigures project directory, work directory where projects are built and SCM repositories are stored. That is: ${cbhome}/repository/src directory as default. A typical example"projectsDir" : { "text" : "/home/codebeamer/CB/repository/src directory" } "officeedit" sectionOffice Edit feature can be configured in this section. For more information, see: A typical example"officeedit" : { "enabled" : true } "breadcrumbs" sectionBreadcrumbs configuration: configures how the breadcrumbs of CB look like: how the labels in the breadcrumb shortened see: CB:/images/issuetypes/bug.gif A typical example"breadcrumbs": { "middle" : true, "replacementString" : "~" } "pagingConfig" sectionSince CB-Dorothy Paging subconfig: configures how the paging works on few UI elements: the comment and history tabs of items A typical example"pagingConfig": { "commentPagingEnabled" : true, "commentPageSize" : 20, "historyPagingEnabled" : true, "historyPageSize" : 20, "historyChangesPagingEnabled" : true, "historyChangesPageSize" : 50 } "pagingconfig" section(deprecated since CB-Dorothy) Paging subconfig: configures how the paging works on few UI elements: the comment and history tabs of items A typical example"pagingconfig": { "commentPageSize" : 20, "historyPageSize" : 20 } "sysadmin" section(deprecated)
"serviceDesk" sectionThis contains the Service Desk configuration: A typical example"serviceDesk" : { "trackerOrder" : "1,2,3", "title" : { "text" : "myTitle" } } "ie-strict-mode" sectionConfigures of Internet Explorer can access CB in compatibility mode. See: CB:/images/issuetypes/task.gif A typical example"ie-strict-mode" : { "enabled" : true } "monitor" sectionConfigures built in monitoring for CB. A typical example"monitor" : { "mbeanEnabled" : true, "gatherInterval" : 60, // in seconds "timeToLive" : 3, // in days "slowStatementDurationInterval" : 30, // in seconds, "slowStatementTableSize" : 50 }
CB 20.11-SP9: From version 20.11-SP9 "enableThreadDump" is added to enable/disable slow request thread dumps, default value is false. "database" sectionThis part configures database connection. See: A typical example"database": { "JDBC_ConnectionURL" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/codebeamer?autoReconnect=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&emulateLocators=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8", "JDBC_Driver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "JDBC_Password" : "...", "JDBC_Username" : "cbroot" } "background" sectionConfigure scheduling of background processes like document indexing (for search). A typical example"background" : { "hour" : 1, "inboxPolling" : 900, "minute" : 5, "period" : 86400 } "login" sectionConfigures login/authentication handling. A typical example"login": { "accountLink" : "${firstName} ${lastName}", "allowToEditEmail" : true, "anonymous" : "", "captchaEnabled" : false, "companyMandatory" : false, "cookiesAllowed" : true, "displayLastActivityDate" : true, "forgetCookies" : true, "gravatars" : false, "log-expiration" : 30, "logoffURL" : "/login.spr", "newAccountRole" : "user", "passwordPolicy" : "", "permission" : "", "phoneMandatory" : false, "postalAddressMandatory" : false, "registration" : "", "recoverablePasswords" : true, "sendLostPasswordPerMail" : true, "showDenyCause" : true, "showPresence" : true, "showRecovery" : false, "inviteByEmailTimeoutInDays" : 1, "passwordResetEmailTimeout" : "PT5M", "newAccountType" : "", // default null/empty "single-signon" : { "user-id-header" : "x-user-global-id" } } "accountLink" can be used to visualize the user's name as follows: - display the user name of the employee "accountLink" : "",
- display the first name and last name of the employee "accountLink" : "${firstName} ${lastName}",
"newAccountType" can be used to configure the new user's license. By default it will be the first product with named license, floating license if named is not available. Format is "productName:licenseType". Product name is defined in the license, licenseType can be:
CB 10.1: From version 10.1 "cookiesAllowed" default value changed to false. "pdfHandler" sectionConfigure the maximum main memory for pdf handler in bytes. A typical example"pdfHandler" : { "max-memory" : 104857600 } "audit" sectionWe can set which events are stored in audit log. A typical example"audit": { "removerjob" : { "days" : 180 }, "loginlog" : { "login" : true, "logout" : true, "systemlogout" : true }, "workitemlog" : { "create" : true, "delete" : true, "remove" : true, "restore" : true, "update" : true }, "artifactlog" : { "create" : true, "delete" : true, "remove" : true, "restore" : true, "update" : true }, "permissionlog" : { "create" : true, "delete" : true, "update" : true } } "hierarchy" sectionRules how field values should be aggregated up/distributed down the issue/item hierarchy Defines a rule how to aggregate a field value up the a item/issue hierarchy, or how to distribute a field value down the item/issue hierarchy A typical example"hierarchy" : { "rule" : [ { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.MinimumRule", "desc" : "Set parent value to smallest child value", "id" : 1, "name" : "Minimum" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.MaximumRule", "desc" : "Set parent value to largest child value", "id" : 2, "name" : "Maximum" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.SummationRule", "desc" : "Set parent value to sum/total of child values", "id" : 3, "name" : "Sum/Total" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.AverageRule", "desc" : "Set parent value to average of child values", "id" : 4, "name" : "Average" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.UnionRule", "desc" : "Set parent value to the union of child values", "id" : 5, "name" : "Union" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.IntersectionRule", "desc" : "Set parent value to the intersection of child values", "id" : 6, "name" : "Intersection" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.DistributionRule", "desc" : "Set child value to parent value", "id" : 7, "name" : "Set" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.DefaultRule", "desc" : "Use parent value as default child value", "id" : 8, "name" : "Default" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.LeastRule", "desc" : "Set child value to least of parent/child value", "id" : 9, "name" : "Least" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.GreatestRule", "desc" : "Set child value to greatest of parent/child value", "id" : 10, "name" : "Greatest" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.FractionRule", "desc" : "Set child value to fraction of parent value", "id" : 11, "name" : "Fraction" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.RetainRule", "desc" : "Retain only child values that are also parent values", "id" : 12, "name" : "Subset" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.MergeRule", "desc" : "Add missing parent values to child values", "id" : 13, "name" : "Superset" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.MeanStatusRule", "desc" : "Set parent status to mean children status", "id" : 14, "name" : "Mean status" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.CloseChildrenOnParentCloseRule", "desc" : "On parent close, close children recursively", "id" : 15, "name" : "Close recursively" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.CloseOnlyIfAllChildrenClosedRule", "desc" : "On parent close, all children must be closed", "id" : 16, "name" : "Close restricted" }, { "class" : "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.CloseParentAfterLastChildCloseRule", "desc" : "Close parent after closing last child", "id" : 17, "name" : "Close upwards" } ] } "listeners" section(deprecated) "scc" sectionConfigures source code control modules. A typical example"scc" : { "hg" : { "mr-pull-url" : "http://localhost:8080/cb/hg/,ssh://soma@localhost/hg/,http://localhost:8000/", "mr-push-url" : "http://localhost:8080/cb/hg/,ssh://soma@localhost/hg/", "webconf" : "scmweb/hgweb.config", "hgserve" : { "port" : 8000, "start" : true, "stop" : true } }, "git" : { "http-backend" : "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend", "mr-pull-url" : "http://localhost:8080/cb/git/,ssh://soma@localhost/git/,git://localhost/", "mr-push-url" : "http://localhost:8080/cb/git/,ssh://soma@localhost/git/", "use-git-auth-script" : true, "daemon" : { "port" : 9418, "start" : true, "stop" : true } }, "svn" : { "mr-access-url" : "svn://localhost/", "svnserve_start" : false, "svnserve" : { "start" : false } } } Since CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) Starting from Carmen release timeout can be configured for both Git and Mercurial SCM with human readable numbers "scc" : { "hg" : { ... "timeout" : "30m" ... }, "git" : { ... "timeout" : "3h" ... } } "date" sectionConfigures date formats. This is the default date and time formatting. Every user can configure his own format, thus you should NOT modify this value here. Timezone: Sets time zone code default for dates like "Europe/London". See the full list on create/update user form Time zone droplist. A typical example"date" : { "date" : "MMM dd yyyy", "datetime" : "MMM dd HH:mm yyyy" "timezone": "Europe/London" } "mail" sectionConfigures email: outgoing SMTP server and related attributes. A typical example"mail" : { "background" : true, "checkConnection" : false, "host" : "YOURHOST", "localname" : "localhost", "onlyToProjectMembers" : false, "password" : "YOURPASSWORD", "recipientsLimit" : -1, "serverPort" : 8080, "serverScheme" : "http", "showProjectNameInSubjects" : false, "smtp-port" : 587, "ssl" : false, "startTLS" : true, "usePersonal" : true, "user" : "YOURUSER", "props" : { "prop" : { "key" : "mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "text" : "true" } } } "document" sectionConfigures document handling/Document Management A typical example"document": { "access-log" : true, "auto_restore_from_trash" : "30s", "display-plain-text-as-html" : false, "log-expiration" : 0, "storage-path" : "" "store-into-db" : false } "storage-path" - Can be a path on the local hard drive. "store-into-db" - If set to true , the binary content of artifacts are loaded into the db.
In case the docs/1 subfolder and its content is missing during an upgrade, an InvalidDocumentFolderException could be received. "documentManagement" SectionConfigure the Document Management. See also: "documentManagement" : { "enabled" : true, "maxFileCountForSingleUpload" : 100, "maxFileSizeBytes" : 5000 }
"search" and "indexer" sectionConfigures searching and indexing A typical example"search" : { "delay" : 9000, "fuzzy-similarity-factor" : 0.6, "incremental-indexing" : true, "length" : 2, "lucene-cfs-ratio" : 0.1, "max-fuzzy-terms" : 10, "max-indexing-size" : "standard", "operator" : "and", "pattern-sufix" : "*", "period" : 6000, "short-word-length" : 3 "full-indexing-activated" : true }, "indexer" : { "full" : { "cronExpression" : "0 0 23 ? * FRI *" } } You can use the 0 0 23 ? * FRI * expression means 'At 23:00:00pm, on every Friday, every month'
"wiki" sectionConfigures how the wiki and wysiwyg editor behaves in the system. A typical example{ "defaultMode" : "wysiwyg", "jsCompressingMode" : "none", "styles" : { "style" : [ { "name" : "commentbox", "text" : "float: right; width: 20%; border: 2px solid #E5E5E5; background: #F5F5F5; font-size: 7pt; padding: 4px; margin-left: 4px;" }, { "name" : "blue", "text" : "color: blue;" }, { "name" : "cyan", "text" : "color: cyan;" }, { "name" : "gray", "text" : "color: gray;" }, { "name" : "green", "text" : "color: green;" }, { "name" : "magenta", "text" : "color: magenta;" }, { "name" : "orange", "text" : "color: orange;" }, { "name" : "pink", "text" : "color: pink;" }, { "name" : "red", "text" : "color: red;" }, { "name" : "yellow", "text" : "color: yellow;" } ] } } "cssStylesToPreserve" PropertyTo avoid dropping of styling from imported data during ReqIF import, add the "cssStylesToPreserve" property to the "wiki" node in the Application Configuration: "wiki": { "cssStylesToPreserve" : "font-family,font-variant" }
"licenses" sectionDefines multiple licenses for (clustered) CodeBeamer servers using the same/shared installation. This may contain several license entries inside: CB tries to load the appropriate one matching with the current host's ID. Note: typically users should not edit this section, but just copy-paste licenses provided by Intland ! A typical example{ "license" : [ { "code" : "34932A47089C0922", "expire" : "Dec-31-2008", "hostid" : "WIN-29-26-ED-D4" }, { "code" : "2D412757B4846E21", "expire" : "Dec-31-2008", "hostid" : "WIN-1D-48-29-CE" } ] } timeoutYou can specify the session timeout for floating licenses in minutes. Default value is 90 min. Minimum value is 60 min. "timeout" : 60,
CB 10.0: timeout unit is changed to seconds "timeout" : 3600,
CB 10.1: timeout is deprecated and no longer processed. Use
License with timeout full example "licenses" : { "license" : [ { "code" : "ABCD1234EFGH56789", "companyName" : "Example Company", "expire" : "Dec-31-2022", "generatedForRelease" : "9.0.0 - ...", "generationTime" : "Apr-15-2020 13:28", "generatorRelease" : "10.2.0-SNAPSHOT1", "hostid" : "LIN-0B:E7:19:C1:5B:18", "store_last_activity_time" : true, "timeout" : 60, "product" : [ { "type" : "ALM +Escalation +Jira integration +Branching", "user" : [ { "kind" : "floating", "licenses" : 10, "type" : "user" }, { "kind" : "named", "licenses" : 20, "type" : "user" } ] } } ] }, "session" sectionSince CB 10.0 Configures the session related settings. A typical exampleCB 10.0 "session": { "floatingLicenseSessionTimeout": 3600, "namedLicenseSessionTimeout": 900 }
CB 10.1 "session": { "floatingLicenseSessionTimeout": 60, "namedLicenseSessionTimeout": 15 }
CB CARMEN-SP4 "session": { "floatingLicenseSessionTimeout": 60, "namedLicenseSessionTimeout": 15, "anonymousSessionTimeout": 60 } floatingLicenseSessionTimeout
"LDAP" sectionConfiguration for LDAP authentication. Typically configured using the UI, see here: A typical exampleSee general.xml for an exmaple "LDAP": { "server" : { "anonymousReadOnly" : false, "base" : "", "password" : "", "referral" : "follow", "url" : "ldap://your-ldap-server:389", "userDn" : "" }, "mapping" : { "address" : "streetAddress", "city" : "L", "company" : "company", "country" : "c", "email" : "mail", "firstName" : "givenName", "lastName" : "sn", "mailSuffix" : "", "mobile" : "mobile", "name" : "sAMAccountName", "password" : "", "phone" : "telephoneNumber", "state" : "st", "status" : "", "timeZonePattern" : "tz", "title" : "", "zip" : "postalCode" }, "realm" : { "enabled" : false, "fallback" : true, "storePassword" : true, "userBase" : "", "userPattern" : "", "userSearch" : "sAMAccountName={0}", "userSubtree" : true }, "cache" : { "enabled" : true, "failureTTL" : 60000, "successTTL" : 300000 } } LDAP user synchronizationSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) Starting from Carmen release there is support to synchronize users in bulk from LDAP server. See: A typical example"sync" : { "syncEnabled" : true, "syncInterval" : "1D", "syncLdapModifyTimestampFormat" : "yyyyMMddHHmmssX", "syncPageSize" : 500, "syncUserBase" : "ou=people", "syncUserSearch" : "uid=*", "syncUserSubtree" : true } "jvm" sectionConfigure who and how often gets a notification email if Codebeamer's memory grows too high A typical example"jvm": { "recipients" : "" } "CTI" section(deprecated)
"report" sectionThe "autocompleteSearchDelay" property has been introduced to avoid the server getting overloaded with calls to fetch user or group suggestions.
To control the auto complete search delay for user reference fields in the report filters as per the user load, add the following node to the Application Configuration: "report": { "autocompleteSearchDelay" : 500 }
The following table provides the description of the "autocompleteSearchDelay" property.
"reports" sectionConfigures limits for Vintage Reports, e.g. the max. number of rows that can be exported A typical example"reports": { "export" : 5000 } "traceability" sectionConfigure the settings of the Traceability Browser. For more information, see A typical example"traceability": { "ignoreRedundantsInBrowser" : true, "ignoreRedundantsInTab" : true, "maxAdditionalLevelElements" : 25000, "maxAdditionalLevelElementsPerItem" : 200, "maxElementsOnIntelligentView": 5000, "maxFirstLevelElements" : 25000, "maxFirstLevelElementsPerItem" : 3, "maxTestRunItemsPerItem": 100, "pageSize" : 50, "maxNumberOfLevels" : 5 } The following table provides the details of the properties:
"review" sectionConfiguration for Reviews. From codebeamer 21.04 you are able to configure which roles would be preselected as Viewers while creating a new Review. Use the preSelectedViewerRoleNames property with a comma separated list of role names. Use empty string to disable the preselection (""). A typical example"review" : { "hideTrackerItemReview" : true "maximumItemsInReview": 500, "preSelectedViewerRoleNames": "Developer,Test Engineer" } Automatic Reviewer Role SettingSince codebeamer release 21.09-LTS (EMMA). See "review" : { "restrictRolesBasedOnFieldConfiguration" : true }
Default value: false.
Finish a Review - Disabling the Omission of Workflow Actions
"review": { "alwaysExecuteOnlyValidTransitions" : true }
Default value: false If set to true :
Disable Reference Update BadgesSince Codebeamer 22.04-SP4 (FELICITY) release.
"review" : { "hideReferenceUpdateBadges" : true } Default value: false If set to true:
"IPFilters" sectionConfigures IP filters, see: CB:/images/issuetypes/task.gif A typical example"IPFilters": { "IPFilter" : [ { "name" : "global", "text" : "Allow from" }, { "name" : "source_view", "text" : "Allow from" } ] } "testManagement" sectionConfigures TestManagement, see: A typical example"testManagement": { "allowTiming" : true, "autoCopyExpectedResults" : true, "createTestRunForEachTestCase" : false, "disableEditingBuiltInFieldsName" : true, "forceCopyOnReRun" : true, "includeTestsRecursively" : false, "rerunClearsResults" : true, "runOnlyAcceptedTestCases" : true, "stopTimerWhileRepotingBug" : false, "testRunnerShowsBlock" : true, "testRunnerShowsEndRun" : true, "testSetAllowDuplicates" : false, "reviewNeededForFormalTestRuns" : false, "maxStepReuse" : 2 "massTestSetRunGenerationEnabled" : false, "maxTestCasesInTestSetOnCreation": 1000 } Mass Test Run GenerationConfigures the availability of the mass test run generation. "testManagement": { "massTestSetRunGenerationEnabled" : false }
Default value: false. Set the value to true to enable the mass test run generation. "testCoverage" sectionAutomatic Submission of ResultsBy default, coverage browser results load immediately and automatically. But it is also possible to change this behavior to edit the filters before the results are shown. To disable the results loading automatically, add the the following section: "testCoverage" : { "automaticSubmitDisabled" : true }
If automaticSubmitDisabled is set to true, the user must click the [GO] button to apply the filters and load the results. If automaticSubmitDisabled is set to false or this section is not present in the application configuration, the results load automatically.
Default Preselection of TrackersThe number of the preselected trackers is limited to five by default when using the below filters in the specified coverage browsers:
See "graphviz" section(deprecated) "slack" sectionChatOps / Slack integration configuration, see: A typical example"slack": { "enabled" : true, "slackWorkspaceConfig" : { "botOauthToken" : "xoxb-293664950436-nt431xjdRPi0yNXTn5FUfLEl", "clientId" : 2.9467519112729364E11, "clientSecret" : "6552958917b339ca9f827b241752487f", "notificationsEnabled" : true, "slackWorkspaceName" : "MTS", "slackWorkspaceUrl" : "", "teamId" : "T8NKV5M3R", "verificationToken" : "JfiBw7Pc1cHaROjYHyVbykE7", "notificationChannel" : { "text" : "notifications" } } } "GeoIP" sectionConfigure GeoIP service: how the IP address of a new registered user is translated to country/geo-location A typical example"geoIp": { "requestUrl" : "" }[] "projectImport" sectionProject-import configuration A typical example"projectImport": { "showConfirmDialogFileSizeLimit" : 5 } since EMMA 21.09"projectImport": { "showConfirmDialogFileSizeLimit" : 5, "enableImportingFromNotSupportedCodebeamerVersions" : false } "uploads" sectionConfigures which kind of files can be uploaded to codeBeamer. For details see: A typical example"uploads": { "filter" : { "orderAllowDeny" : false, "denyMime" : [ { "text" : "image/svg+xml" }, { "text" : "text/html" } ], "allowMimeRegexp" : { "text" : ".*" } } } "metadatas" sectionSee: Document/Directory custom attribute definitions in display order. A typical example"metadatas": { "metadata" : [ { "displayName" : "SAP Document Number", "key" : "sapDocNo", "object" : 1, "type" : "text" }, { "displayName" : "SAP Document Version", "key" : "sapDocRev", "object" : 1, "type" : "int" } ] } "tracker-filter" sectionThe "tracker-filter" property can only be configured in Codebeamer version 2.0 and newer. Consider the side effects on the performance before changing the configuration.Configure the number of trackers displayed in the tracker selector drop-down lists. "tracker-filter" : { "limit" : 25 }
The below table contains the description of this property.
"trash" sectionConfigures project trash behaviour. In earlier versions it was not allowed to delete work items permanently from trash. Staring from version 9.1.0, it is configurable (not allowed by default). If you delete items from the trash then it may have effect on baselines. A typical example"trash": { "possibleToDeleteOnlyItems" : true } AttributespossibleToDeleteOnlyItems = false - If it is true delete work items from trash is allowed ("true"/allowed, "false"/not allowed) "cbSystemProperties" sectionSet JVM system properties. A typical example"cbSystemProperties": { "props" : [ { "prop" : { "key" : "svnkit.http.methods", "text" : "Basic,Digest,Negotiate,NTLM" } }, { "prop" : { "key" : "WIKI-MAX-LINE-LENGTH-IN-KB", "text" : "20" } } ] }, The buffer size for JSPWikiMarkupParser can be reduced by adding a WIKI-MAX-LINE-LENGTH-IN-KB system property that should be set to 20 to reduce the buffer size to 20000. "websocket" section(deprecated) Since CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen), this parameter should be used: "urlValidator" sectionWiki markup and Wiki Link/URL fields can contain valid URLs like "" in the form of [] Available since CB 10.0 These URLs can only contain valid URLs, but sometimes users may want to add:
System Administrators in the Application Configuration can configure codeBeamer to allow such URLs like this: "urlValidator" : { "schemes" : "doors,myscheme", "regexp" : "skype:[a-z][a-z0-9\\.,\\-_]{5,31}\\?call" }
The example above allows URLs as below: doors:// skype:askypeuser?call
The rules are:
Note: this is just an example of a simplified regexp which accepts simple Skype urls like "skype:skypeuser?call". For a more complete Skype url regexp see:
"validatorConfig" sectionUser validation can be configured since 10.1 version. This contain pattern to match against described as Java regex expressions, and validation messages as text. Below are the default config as example, this does not need to be configured. Only configure changes apart from the default values. Make sure to use the correct key and escape the patterns. "validatorConfig" : { "userFormValidator" : { "messages" : { "en" : { "" : "User name is required, and must start with an alpha-numeric character, and can contain only alpha-numeric and \" # - _ . @ / \" characters. Its length must be between 2 and 50 characters.", "user.title.nomatch" : "Title can contain only alpha-numeric and \" . , - \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "user.firstName.required" : "First name is required, and can contain only alpha-numeric and \" # - _ . @ \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "user.lastName.required" : "Last name is required, and can contain only alpha-numeric and \" # - _ . @ \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "" : "Phone is required.", "" : "Phone can contain only alpha-numeric and \" + - ( ) \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "" : "Invalid phone number.", "" : "Mobile/IP Voice can contain only alpha-numeric and \" + - _ . ( ) \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "" : "Company is required.", "" : "Company can contain only alpha-numeric and \" + - & @ . , \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "user.industry.required" : "Industry is required.", "user.address.required" : "Address is required.", "user.address.nomatch" : "Address can contain only alpha-numeric and \" + - . , / \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "" : "City is required.", "" : "City can contain only alphabetic, and \" - \" characters. Its length must be less than 70 characters.", "" : "Zip/postal code must be at least three characters.", "" : "Zip/postal code can contain only alpha-numeric and \" - \" characters. Its length must be less than 15 characters.", "" : "Country is required.", "user.state.nomatch" : "State/Province can contain only alphabetic, and \" - \" characters. Its length must be less than 50 characters.", "user.skills.nomatch" : "Skills can contain only alpha-numeric and \" . , - < > ( ) [ ] \" characters.", "user.dateFormatPattern.required" : "Date format is required.", "user.timeZonePattern.required" : "Time zone is required.", "" : "Email system error, please contact Intland.", "" : "The entered e-mail address is not allowed.", "error.user.inactivation" : "Account is under activation.", "error.user.exists" : "Account name is already reserved.", "" : "Email address is required.", "" : "The entered e-mail address is not allowed.", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPassword.empty.message" : "New password must be provided", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordAgain.empty.message" : "New password must be provided", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPassword.notMatching.message" : "New password must match", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordAgain.notMatching.message" : "New password must match", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPassword.notValid.message" : "Password is not valid: {0}", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordAgain.notValid.message" : "Password is not valid: {0}", "passwordPolicy.module.notEnforced.label" : "Not enforced", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneUpperCaseLetter.label" : "uppercase letter", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneLowerCaseLetter.label" : "lowercase letter", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneNumber.label" : "number", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneSpecialLetter.label" : "special letter (@#$%^&+=!*()_-[]\\{\\}|\')", "passwordPolicy.module.minimalLength.label" : "Minimal length is", "passwordPolicy.module.middle.label" : "must contain at least one:", }, "de" : { "" : "Der Benutzername muss angegeben werden, und zwischen 2 und 50 Zeichen lang sein, muss mit einem alphanumerischen Zeichen beginnen, darf nur alphanumerische Zeichen sowie \" - _ . : , ; = @ $ & ! * ( ) / \\ ? % + ~ # [ ] \" enthalten.", "user.title.nomatch" : "Titel kann nur alphanumerische und \" - _ . : , ; = @ $ & ! * ( ) / \\ ? % + ~ # [ ] \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 70 Zeichen.", "user.firstName.required" : "Der Vorname muss angegeben werden, darf aber nur max. 70 Zeichen lang sein.", "user.lastName.required" : "Der Nachname muss angegeben werden, darf aber nur max. 70 Zeichen lang sein.", "" : "Die Telefon-Nr. muss angegeben werden.", "" : "Telefon kann nur alphanumerische und \" + - ( ) \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 70 Zeichen.", "" : "**Invalid phone number.", "" : "Mobile/IP Voice kann nur alphanumerische und \" + - _ . ( ) \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 70 Zeichen.", "" : "Die Firma muss angegeben werden.", "" : "Firma kann nur alphanumerische und \" + - & @ . \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 70 Zeichen.", "user.industry.required" : "Die Branche muss angegeben werden.", "user.address.required" : "Die Strasse und Haus-Nr. müssen angegeben werden.", "user.address.nomatch" : "Adresse kann nur alphanumerische und \" - _ . : , ; = @ $ & ! * ( ) / \\ ? % + ~ # [ ] \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 70 Zeichen.", "" : "Die Stadt muss angegeben werden.", "" : "Stadt kann nur alphanumerische und \" - _ . : , ; = @ $ & ! * ( ) / \\ ? % + ~ # [ ] \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 70 Zeichen.", "" : "PLZ muss angegeben werden, und mindestens 3 Ziffern haben.", "" : "Postleitzahl kann nur alphanumerische und \" . , - \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 15 Zeichen.", "" : "Das Land muss angegeben werden.", "user.state.nomatch" : "Bundesland kann nur alphanumerische und \" - _ . : , ; = @ $ & ! * ( ) / \\ ? % + ~ # [ ] \" Zeichen enthalten. Maximale Länge sind 50 Zeichen.", "user.skills.nomatch" : "Fähigkeiten kann nur alphanumerische und \" - _ . : , ; = @ $ & ! * < > ( ) / \\ ? % + ~ # [ ] \ \\n \" Zeichen enthalten.", "user.dateFormatPattern.required" : "Das Datumsformat muss angegeben werden.", "user.timeZonePattern.required" : "Die Zeitzone muss angegeben werden.", "" : "E-Mail Systemfehler, bitte benachrichtigen Sie Intland.", "" : "Die eingegebene E-Mail Adresse ist unzulässig.", "error.user.inactivation" : "Benutzer Konto ist noch nicht aktiviert.", "error.user.exists" : "Benutzer Name ist bereits reserviert.", "" : "Eine E-Mail Adresse wird benötigt.", "" : "Die eingegebene E-Mail Adresse ist unzulässig.", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPassword.empty.message" : "Ein neues Passwort muss angegeben werden", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordAgain.empty.message" : "Das neues Passwort muss nochmal angegeben werden", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPassword.notMatching.message" : "Die Wiederholung stimmt nicht mit dem neuen Passwort überein", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordAgain.notMatching.message" : "Die Wiederholung stimmt nicht mit dem neuen Passwort überein", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPassword.notValid.message" : "Das neue Passwort ist nicht zulässig: {0}", "validation.ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordAgain.notValid.message" : "Das neue Passwort ist nicht zulässig: {0}", "passwordPolicy.module.notEnforced.label" : "Nicht erzwungen", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneUpperCaseLetter.label" : "Großbuchstabe", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneLowerCaseLetter.label" : "Kleinbuchstabe", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneNumber.label" : "Zahl", "passwordPolicy.module.minimumOneSpecialLetter.label" : "Sonderzeichen (@#$%^&+=!*()_-[]\\{\\}|\')", "passwordPolicy.module.minimalLength.label" : "Die minimale Passwort-Länge ist", "passwordPolicy.module.middle.label" : "muss mindestens eines der folgenden Zeichen enhalten:", } }, "patterns" : { "userNamePattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9+\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,50}", "userTitlePattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,70}", "namePattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,70}", "userPhonePattern" : "^[\\p{Digit}+\\-() ]{1,70}", "userMobilePattern" : "^[\\p{Alnum}+\\-_.() ]{1,70}", "userCompanyPattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9+\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,70}", "userAddressPattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9+\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,70}", "userCityPattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,70}", "userZipPattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9\\-\\\\ ]{1,15}", "userStatePattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9\\-_.:,;=@$&!*()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\\\\ ]{1,50}", "userSkillsPattern" : "^[\\p{L}0-9\\-_.:,;=@$&!*<>()/\\?\\%\\+\\~\\#\\[\\]\ \\n\\\\ ]+", "validEmailPattern" : "^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*((\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}){1}$)" } } } "wordExport" sectionSet word export properties A typical example"wordExport" : { "maxParallelProcesses" : 3, "timeoutSeconds" : 3600, "restLoaderPageSize" : 50, "jvmArguments" : "-Xmx3G", "debugLogging" : false, "runJdwp" : false, "jdwpPort" : 5005, "enableLegacyWordExports" : false } Added export application URL and run/cleanup period values. Since CB 10.1"wordExport" : { "wordExportServerUrl" : "http://localhost:8081", "apiKeyTimeToLive" : "1D", "cleanupPeriod" : "1D", "cleanupTimeToLive": "5D", "reRunPeriod" : "1H" } Since CB 21.04"wordExport" : { "auditTrailLimit" : 100 } Limit used when exporting tracker audit trail. Number of changes exported is 25 by default and can be changed with above config option. Since CB Felicity
"wordExport.pdfConvertMethod" sectionStarting from Carmen release PDF conversion for word documents will be disabled by default. To enable it, add the "pdfConvertMethod" property to "wordExport" config section. Valid values are: "aspose" and "msword" Since CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) AsposeAspose can be enable with a valid Aspose license
License must be provided through system variables:
In case of issues because of the dot "." character in the variable name, configure the following in the application configuration: "wordExport" : { ... "jvmArguments" : "-Xmx3G -Daspose.license.path=<path>" ... },
To enable custom Arial font for PDF generation, use the "aspose.arial.font.path" system variable with the path of the font file.
In case of native installation, the jar must be provided on the classpath or added to [java_jre_folder]/lib/ext/ directory. Deodorized version of codebeamer already contain this jar
Jar: aspose-words-19.2-jdk16.jar MS WordTo enable MS Word PDF conversion through Jacob framework, cb-office application must run on Windows machine with MS Word application installed. If PDF export fails with exception "Failed to create desktop folder: ..." means that cb-office app failed to fix this bug "fileCache" sectionSet temporally file storage properties. Restart of a single node server or restart of all nodes in a cluster will result in data loss in this temporally storage. Since CB 10.1. A typical example"fileCache": { "timeToLive" : 432000, // in seconds "cleanupPeriod" : 86400 // in seconds } "workflowAction" sectionSet workflow action properties scriptTimeoutInSeconds (since 10.1)Possibility to set timeout of script execution in workflow actions. A typical example"workflowAction" : { "scriptTimeoutInSeconds" : 2 } "" file sectionSystem properties can be defined by adding an on the configuration path. This file will be loaded before the application configuration is loaded. The following variables can be set:
Not configurable:
Since CB 10.3 "signature" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) "signature" : { "usernameRequired" : true (default) / false },
During electronic signature generation for not FDA-compliant industries (e.g.: automotive), it is acceptable that the username is prefilled in the default codeBeamer login popup where the user identifies itself (it has no effect on SSO login screens).
For more information please read this page:
"applicationApi" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) "applicationApi" : { "basicAuthAllowed" : true (default) / false, "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/cb" },
"excelExport" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) "excelExport" : { "exportMultiValuesToMultiRows" : true (default) / false, "addDescriptionToExcelExport" : true / false (default), "exportDatesAsUserFormattedStrings" : true / false (default), "masterTemplateFile" : "..." },
"excelImport" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) Configuration to import excel files through either JVM or remote mode. A typical example"excelImport" : { // common config "maxRows": 10000, "maxColumns": 100, "maxCells": 1000000, // jvm config "maxParallelProcesses" : 3, "jvmArguments" : "-Xmx3G", "runJdwp" : false, "jdwpPort" : 5006, "jdwpSuspend" : false, "timeoutSeconds" : 3600, // remote config "remoteUrl" : "" },
Since codebeamer 21.09-LTS (EMMA)
The maxParallelProcesses parameter has been deprecated since codebeamer 21.09-LTS (EMMA).
Since CB Felicity
"notification" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) A typical example"notification" : { "enableWebsocket" : true (default) / false, "waitBeforeNotifyInSeconds" : 0, "notificationThreadPoolCoreSize" : 1, "notificationThreadPoolMaximumSize" : 1, "notificationThreadPoolKeepAliveTimeInSeconds" : 0 }
Please note that websocket will keep one connection alive per browser tab, it means if you have a proxy server with connection count limit, you need to monitor is and change it according to the usage of it
Please note that changing notification thread pool will only take effect after restart.
"deployment" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) A typical example"deployment" : { "enabled" : false (default) / true, "waitBeforeJobExecutionInSeconds" : 5 },
"dbperf" sectionSince CB 20.11-LTS (Carmen) A typical example"dbperf" : { "delay" : 60, "lobRepetition" : 500, "period" : 14400, "tablesThreshold" : 1.3 },
"latexPlugin" sectionSince CB 20.11-SP2 A typical example"latexPlugin" : { "defaultFontSizePx" : 24 } "query" sectionA typical example"query" : { "enabledLeadingLikeReferenceFilter" : true, "isqlMaxItemResultCount" : 2000, "maxItemResultCount" : 40000 }
The value of maxItemResultCount can be increased, however do this with caution! Increasing the number of returned rows may introduce performance issues.
"features" sectionSince CB-DorothySection dedicated to configure features.
List of available features
A typical example"features" : { "enableDocumentEditView" : true } "webSecurity" sectionSince codebeamer release 21.09-LTS (EMMA). Configuration to enable or disable Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection. A typical example"webSecurity" : { "csrfEnabled" : true } "csrfEnabled" - The default value is:
"externalScripts" sectionControls whether codebeamer loads and uses external JavaScript and CSS files. This feature is disabled by default. Available from codebeamer 22.04 (Felicity). A typical example"externalScripts" : { "enabled" : true } "ReqIF" sectionConfiguration to control the compression of the ReqIF .zip file, and to generate thumbnails for images. Available from codebeamer 21.09 (Emma). A typical example"ReqIF" : { "identifier" : "<unique identifier of the codebeamer instance>", "enableExportPngConversion" : false, "enableExportCompression" : false }
"emailPreferences" sectionConfiguration to control the accessibility of the Email Delivery Customization settings in the User Preferences. For more information, see: A typical example"emailPreferences" : { "emailPreferenceSettingEnabled" : true }
"commentsAndAttachmentFieldPermissionConfig" sectionConfiguration to enable the field level permissions for Comments/Attachments. A typical example"commentsAndAttachmentFieldPermissionConfig" : { "enabled" : true }
"sqlDebug" sectionSince codebeamer 21.09-SP10 (EMMA) release.
Configuration to enable SQL logging for writing SQL statements into JSON files.
This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, either the "seleniumMode" or the "forcedLoggingMode" value needs to be set to true.
A typical example{ "sqlDebug" : { "seleniumMode" : false, "forcedLoggingMode" : false, "anonymousAccess" : false } }
Parent requests have 2 components:
To force SQL logging, use the CbParentRequestForcedSqlLogging parameter.
To force parentRequestId to a specific value, use the CbParentRequestForcedId parameter.
See also:
Application LoggingSince CB 20.11-SP4 CB_LOGFILE_SIZELog files will be rolled when they reach this size threshold. Default value is "5000 MB". Log4j2 compatible units can be used. CB_LOGFILE_TTLLog files will be deleted after this time period. Default value is 7d (7 days). Log4j2 compatible units can be used.
Simplified implementation of the ISO-8601 Durations standard. The supported format is PnDTnHnMnS, with 'P' and 'T' optional. Days are considered to be exactly 24 hours.
"massEdit" sectionSince codebeamer release 21.09-LTS (EMMA). See
Default configuration: ... }, "massEdit" : { "disableCheckMandatoryFieldsCheckbox" : false, "enabled" : true, "showResults" : null, "showResultsDefault" : false }, ...
If no massEdit configuration is present, the defaults are as shown in the example above.
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