Diagram Editor
Diagram Editor is a customized mxGraph Graph Editor.
You can find more information about mxGraph and Graph Editor at mxGraph GitHub
Diagram Editor can be used to create and update diagrams in codeBeamer. You can use it where wysiwyg is integrated, so for example in descriptions, comments ...
Create Diagram
Editor can be started by clicking on "Advanced options" toolbar icon and select "Insert or Edit Diagram" icon.
Editor is displayed in a window.
Now you can add elements from the palette.
Click on Save button and the diagram is displayed in wysiwyg editor.
Insert Diagram
You can create diagrams in Documents and these can be reused in several places.
When you created a diagram in Documents then you can reuse it by clicking on "Advanced options" toolbar icon and select "Insert from Documents" menu item.
Select a diagram and click on Insert button.
The selected diagram is displayed in wysiwyg editor.
Diagram or Image
Starting from codeBeamer 9.0.0 if you are in WYSIWYG editor the diagrams are rendered as Images but after saving the Work Item the rendered Description diagrams will be in SVG format in order to add clickable links or other Rich contents. For more information please visit the mxGraph
(might contain a newer version than shipped with codeBeamer) website.
During Word Export, the diagrams will be converted to printable image format (because exporting SVG is currently not supported).