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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) settings

Encrypt Personal Details

codeBeamer’s capabilities to handle personal data have been updated to make version 9.1 GDPR-ready. Starting from this version, you can simply encrypt the personal (account) data of disabled users in a way that cannot be reversed. This facilitates compliance with the requirements of the new EU data protection regulation which comes into effect on 25 May 2018.

When the Account administrator opens a User's Personal Details page the Encrypt Sensitive User Data menu item will appear for already Disabled Users. By clicking selecting the given feature all personal information will be encrypted locally and after saving the User Profile the User Personal Information will never be recognized.

Permanently delete Work Items from database

Project Administrator can now delete permanently work items even if this changes previously used in baselines. You can perform this removal of work items at your own risk, and will be notified of this risk before making the irreversible change. Using this tool the application will delete all related information from the database without a trace even this modification will change the version history of other work items or Baseline history. Project Administrators will be able to Delete Work Items permanently using the Project / Trash feature when enabled in general.xml using the trash / possibleToDeleteOnlyItems="true" attribute. More information is available about these settings here.

This addition to codeBeamer’s functionality facilitates compliance with GDPR.

Cookie Policy Bar

Starting from codeBeamer 9.2.0 System Administrator is able to set up a Cookie Policy Bar what will be visible for all visitors during the codeBeamer site usage. These settings are available under System Administration / GUI menu item and also configurable by using the general.xml file. This addition to codeBeamer’s functionality facilitates compliance with GDPR.