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From codeBeamer-9.3 or higher, general.xml is not available, instead of, the configuration data is stored into the database. How to configure the values please refer to Application Configuration.

Table of Contents

This wiki page is about documenting the various settings of general.xml which is the main configuration file for codeBeamer.

The general.xml contains various sections (top level tags), typically each section configures one feature/area of codeBeamer. The sections can contain sub-elements, and each can have several attributes too. This wiki page documents them.

If the attribute has some default value that will be listed here too, like: setup="false" means that the setup attribute has false as default value.

See also: Post-installation Configuration

"installation" section

Configures installation location and the most important installation attributes.

A typical example

<installation cbhome="/home/zluspai/cbhome/cb/"


Attribute Description
cbhome Home directory where the codebeamer repository is
remoteURL URL pointing to remote API, like: "http://localhost:8080/cb/remote-api"
setup = true If the setup wizard should run or not?

Internal Attributes

Attribute Description
customerTrackerId The id of the tracker to store the users when remote registration
bugTrackerId The id of various trackers where bug/feature/question can be reported
submitterId the id of the default submitter that will add the remotely registered users to the customers tracker
hostIdFieldName names of the various fields in the tracker where bugs are reported
licenseGenerationUrl="" the url where the license is remotely generated from the installer during the installation
notifyOnExpiration=false see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
disableRemoteIssueReportUrl if the remote issue reporting appears in the footer
disableRemoteIssueReporting if the remote issue reporting is disabled

"interactive" section

Configures interactive parts; allow personalization of texts. Personalize the logo and welcome texts appearing on Codebeamer pages.

A typical example

<interactive recentHistoryItems="5" itemsPerPage="25" verboseErrorPage="true" exportTypes="excel">
   <registration-text format="W"></registration-text>
   <slogan-text format="H"></slogan-text>
   <welcome-text format="W"></welcome-text>
   <login-text format="W"></login-text>
   <!-- <logo width="0" height="0" ></logo> -->
   <warnLowDiskSpace enabled="true" minFreeDisk="10240" minPercentage="5"/>


Attribute Description
recentHistoryItems = 5 The number of recent items to show in the main menu
itemsPerPage = 25 The default items per page size of paginated lists
verboseErrorPage = false Limit information printed out on error page, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
languages The allowed/available languages as a comma-separated list of ISO 639 2-letter language codes
showProjectBrowser = true If the project browser is enabled, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
cardboardMaximumColumns = 10 Maximum number of columns on Cardboard
executeAsEnabled If the Workflow transitions allow "execute As" , see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
maxAllowedWordExportItemCount=3000 Maximum number of items in a word export.
itemKeyAndIdTemplate A velocity template string used for rendering the tracker item key and id string. Only the following variables are accessible by the template string:
  • masterId: if the item is a branch item then this is the ID of the respective item on the Master branch otherwise the ID of the item itself
  • masterKey: if the item is a branch item then this is the key of the Master branch otherwise the key of the tracker itself
  • id: the ID of the item
  • key: the key of the tracker of the item
  • branchId: the ID of the branch (if the item is a branch item)
  • branchKey: the key of the branch (if the item is a branch item)
    <interactive itemKeyAndIdTemplate="${masterKey}-${masterId} #if ($branchName) (${branchName}) #end"/>

"interactive" sub-elements

Interactive section contains few sub-elements which can be used to customize Company logo, login page as described here: Branding: Company Logo, Colors and Texts

The sub elements are look like this, each element can contain a wiki text (if the format="W") which configures the appropriate text appears on codeBeamer pages.

<interactive ...>
  <registration-text format="W"></registration-text>
  <slogan-text format="H"></slogan-text>
  <welcome-text format="W"></welcome-text>
  <login-text format="W"></login-text>
  <!-- <logo width="0" height="0" /> -->


User can configure if/when codeBeamer should send email about low disk space to System administrators. For details see: Monitoring, Logging & Profiling

"projectsDir" section

Configures project directory, work directory where projects are built and SCM repositories are stored. That is: ${cbhome}/repository/src directory as default

A typical example

<projectsDir>/home/codebeamer/CB/repository/src directory</projectsDir>



"officeedit" section

Office-edit can be configured in this section, see: Office Edit for configuration options see: Office Launcher Installation

A typical example

<officeedit enabled="true"/>


Attribute Description
enabled=true If the Office-edit feature is enabled
authentication = "url" Office edit authentication type, can be "url" or "msofba" or "basic"
lockingEnabled = true If the item will be locked while editing it in office ?

"breadcrumbs" section

Breadcrumbs configuration: configures how the breadcrumbs of CB look like: how the labels in the breadcrumb shortened see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

A typical example

<breadcrumbs replacementString="~" middle="true"></breadcrumbs>


Attribute Description
replacementString = "~" the replacement string
middle = true abbreviate in the middle if this value is true, otherwise in the end
lastLabelMaxSize = 100 the max size for the
labelMaxSize = 50 the max size for labels in breadcrumb in the middle of the list
abbreviateLast = false if the last label is abbreviated ?

"pagingconfig" section

Paging subconfig: configures how the paging works on few UI elements: the comment and history tabs of items

A typical example

<pagingconfig commentPageSize="20" historyPageSize="20" />


Attribute Description
commentPagingEnabled = true if the paging is enabled on the comments of the Work Items
commentPageSize = 20 the number of comments to appear on a page
historyPagingEnabled = true if the paging is enabled on the history of the Work Items
historyPageSize = 20 the number of history items on a page

"sysadmin" section

Configuration for the default system admin user , see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

A typical example

<sysadmin userName="bond"/>


Attribute Description
firstName= "System" The attributes for the new System-admin user during new installations
lastName= "Administrator"

"serviceDesk" section

This contains the Service Desk configuration: Service Desk

A typical example

<serviceDesk title="myTitle" trackerOrder="1,2,3"/>


Attribute Description
enabled = true If the Service Desk feature is enabled?
title The title displayed in ServiceDesk
description The description of ServiceDesk
trackerOrder Comma "," separated ids of trackers which are the trackers listed on the ServiceDesk page

"ie-strict-mode" section

Configures of Internet Explorer can access CB in compatibility mode. See: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

A typical example

<ie-strict-mode enabled="false"/>


Attribute Description
enabled="true" True means IE can not access CB in compatibility mode

"monitor" section

Configures built in monitoring for CB, see You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

A typical example

<monitoring enabled="false"


Attribute Description
enabled = false if the JMX monitoring is enabled ?

"database" section

This part configures database connection. See: Post-installation Configuration

A typical example



Attribute Description
JDBC_Driver The jdbc driver class name
JDBC_ConnectionURL The jdbc url points to the database
JDBC_Username The database user name
JDBC_Password The password for the db user
JDBC_Default_Statement_Timeout The timeout of sql statements in seconds.
JDBC_Password_Storage The type of the storage: external, encrypted, plain. By default plain. Storage types of database password

"database" section sub-elements

Optionally can contain sub-elements JDBC connection properties like:

   <prop key="defaultRowPrefetch">50</prop>

Optionally can contain sub-elements for properties for the database provider. Can be used to configure Derby database, see here: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

	<prop key="jvmArgs">-Xss2048k -Xmx512M</prop>
	<prop key="startupArgs">...something...</prop>

"background" section

Configure scheduling of background processes like document indexing (for search).

A typical example

<background hour="1" minute="5" period="86400" inboxPolling="900" />


Attribute Description
inboxPolling frequency for inbox polling in seconds
memoryLog frequency for memory logs
period frequency for background processes in seconds
delay delay between background runs in seconds
hour Run background proceses at a specified time of the day

"login" section

Configures login/authentication handling.

A typical example

See general.xml shipped with CB to see a complete example.

<login permission="" logoffURL="/login.spr" registration="" showDenyCause="true" showPresence="true"
		accountLink="" newAccountRole="user" anonymous="" gravatars="false"
		cookiesAllowed="true" forgetCookies="true" displayLastActivityDate="true" sendLostPasswordPerMail="true"
		phoneMandatory="false" companyMandatory="false" postalAddressMandatory="false" passwordPolicy=""
		log-expiration="30" captchaEnabled="false" showRecovery="false" allowToEditEmail="true"
                inviteByEmailTimeoutInDays="1" passwordResetEmailTimeout="PT5M">
		<single-signon user-id-header="x-user-global-id">


Attribute Description
registration == "" mode of registration: "" means Immediate registration, "email" for email registration, "sysadmin" for sysadmin registration, see: Managing Users and User Groups
newAccountType The new account type: the user License type + ":" + followed by the user-license
newAccountRole= USER comma separated ids of roles used as default roles for new accounts
permission name of the permission required to login
logoffURL The url to forward to after logoff
accountLink alias name for the users, can use parameters ${id} ${account} ${email} ${lastName} ${firstName} ${company} ${city}
displayLastActivityDate whether to display accounts' last activity date
anonymous user name or id for anonymous user
notificationSender email address of the sender for notification emails
notificationAddress this email address will also be notified during registration
cookiesAllowed=true if cookies are allowed for auto-login
forgetCookies=false should be forgot after logout
recoverablePasswords Whether passwords should be recoverable this option is mandatory fon SVN managed repositories
passwordPolicy Regular expression to check the validity of entered passwords, e.g.
requires passwords to be at least 6 chars long and to contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit and one special character
log-expiration User session log entries older than this number of days will be purged from the session history, or 0 to keep log entries forever.
showDenyCause=true Should in case of failed authentication, the cause be shown (could be used to improve attacks)
gravatars = false If using the gravatars is enabled.
showPresence = true If the User interface can show presence information about logged in users.
systemAdminProjectTakeover = false If system admins can join as project admin to any project.
captchaEnabled = false If the captcha authenticaion is enabled
phoneMandatory = false If these fields are mandatory during registration ?
companyMandatory = false
postalAddressMandatory = false
synchronizationHost The optional hostname of the account synchronization server, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
showRecovery = false If the password recovery is enabled, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
allowToEditEmail = true If sysadmin can edit email addressed: see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
social-providers-enabled = false If the login using social providers (Facebook etc...) is enabled. The providers are configured by the "social-provider" sub-element individually.
It is used to set the timeout in days for email invitation. The default value is 1 day.
passwordResetEmailTimeout It is used to set the timeout in days or in ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS for password reset link. The default value is 5 minutes (PT5M). If the value provided is less than the default or is in wrong format, it is ignored and the default will be used.

"login/single-signon" sub-element

The login section can optionally contain a "single-signon" sub-element which can configure Single Signon feature.

An example of this:

<single-signon user-id-header="x-user-global-id">
Attributes of "single-signon"
Attribute Description
user-id-header The HTML header field which contains the user-name or id if the user is already logged in the external authentication, for example: <single-signon user-id-header="x-user-global-id">
enabled = false If SSO header is enabled: off by default
<map header="header-company" property="company"> Maps the "header-company" HTTP header to the "company" field in the user (UserDto)

"login/extraNotification" sub-element

Configure extra notification when a user data changes.

If the regexp specified in the phone, country or email attributes matches with the changed user's data the target "notificationAddress" will receive an extra email.

Attributes of "extraNotification"
Attribute Description
notificationAddress The email address will receive extra notification
phone Regexp for phone
country Regexp for country
email Regexp for email

"login/project" sub-element

Defines defaults projects and roles per project which the registered user will be assigned to.

Attributes of "login/project"
Attribute Description
id The id of the project to add the user by default
role_id Comma separated role-ids will be assigned to the user in this project

"login/social-provider" sub-element

Defines social provider integration, like Facebook for login/signon

Attributes of "login/social-provider"
Attribute Description
provider The unique name of the provider. This must can be any of the supported providers (now only "facebook" supported)
enabled If the provider is enabled. Defaults to true
clientId The id of the CodeBeamer as client application registered at the provider. For example this is tha "App Id" on Facebook
clientSecret The provider specific secret key, generated by the provider. For example this is the "App Secret" on Facebook

"pdfHandler" section

Configure the maximum main memory for pdf handler in bytes.

Typical example

<pdfHandler max-memory="‭104857600‬" />

"audit" section

We can set which events are stored in audit log.

An example:

        <removerjob days="180" />
        <loginlog login="true" logout="true" systemlogout="true" />
        <workitemlog create="true" update="true" remove="true" restore="true" delete="true" />
        <artifactlog create="true" update="true" remove="true" restore="true" delete="true" />
        <permissionlog create="true" update="true" delete="true" />

Attributes of "removerjob" entry:

Attribute Description
days days to keep audit records

Attributes of "loginlog" entry:

Attribute Description
create enable or disable to store create events
update enable or disable to store update events
remove enable or disable to store remove events
restore enable or disable to store restore events
delete enable or disable to store delete events

Attributes of "workitemlog" entry:

Attribute Description
create enable or disable to store create events
update enable or disable to store update events
remove enable or disable to store remove events
restore enable or disable to store restore events
delete enable or disable to store delete events

Attributes of "artifactlog" entry:

Attribute Description
create enable or disable to store create events
update enable or disable to store update events
remove enable or disable to store remove events
restore enable or disable to store restore events
delete enable or disable to store delete events

Attributes of "permissionlog" entry:

Attribute Description
create enable or disable to store create events
update enable or disable to store update events
delete enable or disable to store delete events

"hierarchy" section

Rules how field values should be aggregated up/distributed down the issue/item hierarchy

Defines a rule how to aggregate a field value up the a item/issue hierarchy, or how to distribute a field value down the item/issue hierarchy

A typical example

See general.xml for an example.


Attribute Description
id The unique numeric id for the rule
name The name of the rule (should be unique)
desc The description of the rule
class Fully qualified name of the rule implementation class (must extends "com.intland.codebeamer.manager.hierarchy.HierarchyRule")

"listeners" section

Defines Listeners for various events in the event system.

An example:

  <listener id="my" class="com.acme.myListener" >
    <init-param param-name="x" param-value="y" />

Attributes of "listener" entries:

The init-param section defines the initialization parameters

Attribute Description
id The unique id for the event listeners
class Fully qualified class name for the event handler class

"scc" section

Configures source code control modules.

A typical example

See general.xml shipped with CB for a complete example.

<scc text-encoding="Cp1252" htaccess="true" scm-change-set-text-editable="true">


Attribute Description
text_encoding = "Cp1252" The text encoding used for source files.
task_expression Regular expression for valid task-ids in SCC commit comments. As default accepts ids like "#1234".
extract_tracker_item_ids_from_commit = true If tracker-item's ids are extracted from commit comments
scm-change-set-text-editable= true If the change set information can be edited
loadDiffs = false whether to load the scm diffs in the changeset lists or not: see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
htaccess = true If apache .htaccess file is generated. Used only for SVN Repositories.
htaccessEncrypt = "md5" Encoding logic to store user passwords in Apache .htaccess file
authorizedKeysFile The location of the authorized_keys file that must be used by
cygwinInstallPath = "c:
see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
cygwinDriveMountPoint = "/cygdrive" see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
location Optional absolute path: All managed repositories must be under this directory
loopUrl Optional, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
sshpass-path = "sshpass" Configure sshpass access, see: See: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet. and Administering Projects
sshpass-option = "-e" Comma separated command-line options for sshpass

"scc/synergy" sub-element

Configuration options for Synergy.

An example, which configures Synergy start options

  <start option="-nogui -m -q" ></start>

"scc/svn" sub-element

Configures managed SubVersion repositories.

Attribute Description
export_passwords = false If user passwords are exported to SVN configuration file
password_chmod The chmod flags to put on SVN password file: "0600"
character-encoding = "UTF-8" The character encoding to be used for SVN
list_with_commit_text = true Whether to get commit messages for list
copy_full_template_strucure = false Importing subversion directory permissions from template project, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
add_bugtraq = false Add bugtraq properties to SVN provider: see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
use_admin_load_dump = false see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
mr-access-url The Managed repository access url for svn

"scc/svn/svnserve" sub-element

Configures managed svnserve service started by Codebeamer.

An example configuration:

<svn export_passwords="true" password_chmod="0600" add_bugtraq="false">
	If "start" is "true" "svnserve" will be started during CodeBeamer startup.
	If "start" and "stop" are "true" "svnserve" will be stopped during CodeBeamer shutdown.
	<svnserve start="true" stop="true" port="3690">
				<env key="LANG" value="en_US" />

Attribute Description
start If the svn-service is started
stop If the svn-service is stopped
port = 3690 The port for svn-service
options Comma separated string of svnserve command line options

An env sub-element can be used to configure environment variables for svnserve process. See above.

"scc/cvs" sub-element

Configures CVS access


Attribute Description
root The CVSROOT, defaults to CVSROOT system property
character-encoding Set character encoding used by CVS: "ISO-8859-1" on win and "UTF-8" otherwise

"scc/hg" sub-element

Configures managed Mercurial.


Attribute Description
mr-push-url comma separated push urls
mr-pull-url Comma separated pull urls
python-exec = "/usr/bin/python" The absolute path of python executable
webconf = "scmweb/hgweb.config"



sub-section may contain parameter to start Mercurial service "hgserve":

An example:

  <hg mr-pull-url="" mr-push-url="" webconf="">
 	<hgserve start="false" stop="true" port="8000" ></hgserve>

"hgserve" attributes

Attribute Description
start If the hg-service is started
stop If the hg-service is stopped
port The port for hg-service

"scc/git" sub-element

Configures managed GIT repositories

Attribute Description
mr-push-url comma separated push urls
mr-pull-url Comma separated pull urls
http-backend path of the http backend to use: /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend



sub-element configures how the Git daemon is started. An example:

   <git mr-pull-url="" mr-push-url="">
 	<daemon start="false" stop="true" port="9418" />

"git/daemon"'s Attributes:

Attribute Description
start If the git daemon is started
stop If the git daemon is stopped
port The port for git daemon

"date" section

Configures date formats.

This is the default date and time formatting. Every user can configure his own format, thus you should NOT modify this value here.

A typical example

<date datetime="MMM dd HH:mm yyyy" date="MMM dd yyyy" />


Attribute Description
datetime Format for Dates with time, see: SimpleDateFormat for formatting
date Format for Dates without time
timezone Sets time zone code default for dates like "Europe/London". See the full list on create/update user form Time zone droplist.

"mail" section

Configures email: outgoing SMTP server and related attributes.

A typical example

<mail host="#" localname="" serverPort="8080" usePersonal="true" onlyToProjectMembers="false" showProjectNameInSubjects="false">
		<prop key="mail.smtp.connectiontimeout">3000</prop>
		<prop key="mail.smtp.timeout">5000</prop>
		<!-- The setting below might help if you have problems with Microsoft Exchange:
		<prop key="mail.pop3.disabletop">true</prop>
		<prop key="mail.pop3.forgettopheaders">true</prop>


Attribute Description
host The (SMTP) mail server host. Set to "#" to disable email sending
smtp-port The port number for SMPT server
localname The host-name of the Codebeamer server (as appearing in emails and links)
serverScheme The scheme for building the URL to the Codebeamer server: for example: http or https.
serverPort The port of the server runs on
user The user name for mail host
password The password for mail host
ssl If SSL is used to access mail server
startTLS If StartTLS encription/protocol is enabled
from Email address will be used as sender of emails
usePersonal If the user "caused" the email being sent is used as sender of emails.
background If email should be sent in a background thread
onlyToProjectMembers Whether notification emails for project roles should only be send to direct project members (true), or also to indirect members of groups linked to the project role (false)
showProjectNameInSubjects = false Whether project names should be included into subjects of notification emails.

Optionally use a props sub-element to define additional sub properties like this:

<mail ...>
	<prop key="mail.smtp.connectiontimeout">3000</prop>
	<prop key="mail.smtp.timeout">5000</prop>

"document" section

Configures document handling/Document Management

A typical example

<document display-plain-text-as-html="false" storage-path="" access-log="true" log-expiration="0" auto_restore_from_trash="30s"/>


Attribute Description
display-plain-text-as-html Display plain text downloads as html<br/>
storage-path The documents will be stored in this directory (only if store-into-db is false)
store-into-db = false Whether documents should be stored into the database (true) or in the file system (false).
access-log Whether to maintain a document (read) access log (true) or not (false).
log-expiration = 0 Entries older than this number of days will be purged from the document access log, or 0 to keep log entries forever.
auto_restore_from_trash=0 If set, removed documents will be automatically re-used/restored, if the same user creates a new similar document within this period of time, eg. "30s".
maxHistory Optional integer property of how many history versions of a document is kept by default. Defaults to keep "all" versions.

If you have customized documents directory with "storage-path" application key, please ensure a copy of docs/1 subfolder is still present in cbhome/repository in order to ensure after upgrade the initial directory-check will be passed.

"search" section

Configures searching and indexing

A typical example

See general.xml for an example:

<search delay="90" period="60" incremental-indexing="true" max-indexing-size="standard" pattern-sufix="*" />


Attribute Description
analyzer Customized search analyzer implementation class name
max-indexing-size The maximum size of the document to index. Use "10k" pattern for kilobytes, "xM" for megabytes
operator Search operator to use as default. This defaults to "and"
commit-indexing-block Integer defines the maximum number of SCM commits to index at once. Negative value disables indexing of commits
incremental-indexing If the incremental indexing is enabled
length Integer Minimum length of search expression required
matches Integer Maximum number of search results matched
pattern-sufix This text is always added to the end of search expression. Defaults to "*"
max-clause-count Integer, maximum number of search clauses in search expression
symbolTypes Comma separated symbol types to search for. Default: 'cl','md','mi','fd','fi','ma','ty'
period Integer Indexing should run that often in seconds
delay Integer delay before indexing starts in seconds

"search/mime-mapping" sub-element

Configures the handler class for the indexer and the character encoding per mime-type

An example:

  <mime-mapping class="handler..." mime-type="text/html" character-encoding="UTF-8"/>

"wiki" section

Configures how the wiki and wysiwyg editor behaves in the system.

A typical example

See general.xml for an example


Attribute Description
cleanupHTML = true By default CB will sanitize and clean up all HTML to prevent XSS attacks. This can be turned off globally here.
editWikiFieldsInOverlay = true If editing the wiki fields in a wysiwyg editor in an overlay is allowed
generalIframeSupport = false If iframes are kept in HTML cleanup of the wiki editor. See: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

"wiki/styles" and "wiki/interwiki" sub-elements

The wiki element contains some sub-elements allows configuring how some Wiki elements are rendered. See: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

"licenses" section

Defines multiple licenses for (clustered) CodeBeamer servers using the same/shared installation.

This may contain several license entries inside: CB tries to load the appropriate one matching with the current host's ID.

Note: typically users should not edit this section, but just copy-paste licenses provided by Intland !

A typical example

	<license hostid="WIN-29-26-ED-D4" code="34932A47089C0922" expire="Dec-31-2008" />
	<license hostid="WIN-1D-48-29-CE" code="2D412757B4846E21" expire="Dec-31-2008" />


The license sub-element has these attributes:

Attribute Description
expire expiration date of the license, format MMM-dd-yyyy
code license code
hostid unique id of host
companyName company name of host
type licensed product type
max number of licenses
floating "true" for floating license, "false" for named license
customers number of customers
timeout session time out for floating licenses in minutes. The minimum allowed value is 60 minutes.
store_last_activity_time if the users' last time in the system is stored to the user tables
generatedForRelease Who generated and when the license was generated

"cryptography" section

Configure globally used cryptography key

A typical example

<cryptography key="...."/>


Attribute Description
key The key - do not change, unless for new installations, because your/users' passwords may become invalid.

"LDAP" section

Configuration for LDAP authentication. Typically configured using the UI, see here: Post-installation Configuration

A typical example

See general.xml for an exmaple


  The <server> section defines the connection to the LDAP server.

	- You must provide a valid server hostname/ip-address and port in the "url" attribute, e.g.:
		<server url="ldaps://" ... ></server>

	- To specify multiple (alternative) servers, use the "urls" attribute and separate servers with commas, e.g.:
			<server urls="ldaps://, ldaps://" ... ></server>

	- If anonymous access is allowed, you must set attribute "anonymousReadOnly" to "true" and can ommit the attributes "userDn" and "password". E.g.:
		<server url="..." anonymousReadOnly="true" ... ></server>

	- If anonymous access is not possible, you must provide the full distinguished name of an LDAP user to login (userDn) plus the password. E.g.:
		<server url="..." userDn="cn=Manager,dc=intland,dc=com" password="topsecret" ... ></server>

	- You can define custom timeouts (in milliseconds) for establishing connections to the LDAP server (default 10s) and waiting for responses (default 30s), e.g.
		<server url="..." connectTimeout="10000" readTimeout="30000" ... ></server>

	- If codebeamer users are all stored in a single sub-domain of the directory, you can specify the base domain also, e.g.:
		<server url="..." base="dc=intland,dc=com" ... ></server>

	- For an Active-Directory server, you must also set: referral="follow"
		<server url="..." referral="follow" ></server>

	The <mapping> section defines the mapping from LDAP user attributes to codeBeamer account properties:

	- For Active-Directory, the user/account name will be typically stored in attribute "sAMAccountName", e.g.:
		<mapping name="sAMAccountName" ... ></mapping>

	- For other LDAP servers, the user/account name could be stored in "uid", e.g.:
		<mapping name="uid" ... ></mapping>

	Please map the other attributes accordingly. If an attribute is not available, map it to empty, e.g.: title="".
		- The mailSuffix is special, because this is a constant, that will be appended to the fetched email value, e.g.:
				<mapping name="uid" ... mailSuffix="" ... ></mapping>

	The <realm> section configures user authentication against the LDAP server.
	       - To enable user authentication against the LDAP server, you must enable the LDAP realm:
			<realm enabled="true" ... ></realm>

	- To enable mixed authentication, first against the LDAP server, next (if necessary) against the CodeBeamer database, enable the "fallback" option:
		<realm enabled="true" fallback="true" ... ></realm>

	Fallback mode also allows to authenticate internal accounts not known to the LDAP server at all.

	- After each successful authentication against the LDAP server, LDAP account information will be synchronized with CodeBeamer account information,
		according to the defined <mapping>. Via the optional "storePassword" attribute, you can define, whether the LDAP password should also be stored in
		CodeBeamer, or not:
			<realm enabled="true" ... storePassword="false" ... ></realm>

	- To authenticate an LDAP user, you must either specify the user's unique Distinguished Name (DN) pattern, where {0} will be replaced by the login name of the user, e.g.:
		<realm ... userPattern="uid={0},ou=people,dc=intland,dc=com" ... ></realm>
			or you have to specify search criteria to find a  single user in a specific directory branch, e.g. to search for a user with 'sAMAccountName={0}' in
		the branch 'ou=people,dc=intland,dc=com' of an Active Directory recursivley, use:
			<realm ... userSearch="sAMAccountName={0}" userBase="ou=people" userSubtree="true" ... ></realm>

		Note: the <realm userBase=...> is relative to <server base=...> (if any)

	        If the <realm> section is not present, or <realm enabled="false" ...> all user authentication will be done against the codeBeamer database.

	The optional <cache> section configures LDAP authentication caching:

		- To enable the authentication cache:
			<cache enabled="true" ... ></cache>

		- You can also specify, how long CodeBeamer remembers successful and failed authentications (in milliseconds):
			<cache enabled="true" successTTL="300000" failureTTL="60000"></cache>

		If the <cache> section is not present, or <cache enabled="false" ...> no authentication caching will occur.

"jvm" section

Configure who and how often gets a notification email if Codebeamer's memory grows too high

A typical example

<jvm recipients="" />


Attribute Description
recipients Comma separated email addresses who get a notification email
memory-notification-usage-threshold = 0.85 Double number between 0 and 1, defines the ratio when the email is sent.
memory-notification-gap = 15 How often a notification email is sent, in minutes.

"CTI" section

Configures Computer Telephone Integration (CTI)

A typical example

<CTI enabled="false" defaultTrackerId="0" country="DE"/>


Attribute Description
enabled=false Is the CTI module enabled?
defaultTrackerId The id of the tracker should be used as default for new issues
country What Country should be used as default for telephone numbers without ICC code

"reports" section

Configures limits for Vintage Reports, e.g. the max. number of rows that can be exported

A typical example

<reports export="5000"></reports>


Attribute Description
export=5000 maximum number of report rows that can be exported as PDF

"traceability" section

Traceability Browser default configuration, see: Traceability Browser

A typical example

<traceability maxFirstLevelElements="25000" maxAdditionalLevelElements="25000" maxFirstLevelElementsPerItem="500" maxAdditionalLevelElementsPerItem="200" pageSize="50" ignoreRedundantsInBrowser="true" ignoreRedundantsInTab="true"/>


Attribute Description
maxFirstLevelElements = 25000 Maximum number of Tracker Items in Level 1
maxAdditionalLevelElements = 25000 Maximum number of Tracker Items in the other levels (Level 2 and deeper)
maxFirstLevelElementsPerItem = 500 Maximum number of Tracker Items per previous Item in Level 1
maxAdditionalLevelElementsPerItem = 200 Maximum number of Tracker Items per previous Item the other Levels (Level 2 and deeper)
pageSize = 50 Default page size, number of Tracker Items of the Initial Level will be loaded first, the other elements will be loaded by incremental scroll
ignoreRedundantsInBrowser = true True or false, if the Traceability Browser should ignore redundant nodes.
ignoreRedundantsInTab = true True or false, if the Work Item page Traceability Tab should ignore redundant nodes.

"review" section

Configuration for Reviews


Attribute Description
hideTrackerItemReview= true hides the original (workflow transition based) tracker item review from codebeamer: see:Start a new review

"IPFilters" section

Configures IP filters, see: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

A typical example

   <IPFilter name="global">Allow from</IPFilter>
  <IPFilter name="source_view">Allow from</IPFilter>


IPFilters attributes:

Attribute Description
enabled If the ip filtering is enabled at all ?

To add filter (global and/or source view) use the simple Allow/Deny rules as described in Apache's mod_authz_host configuration.

An example configuration:

# name="global" IP addresses filtered out in the global filter will not be able to see any codeBeamer pages.
# name="source_view" IP addresses filtered out here will not be able to see full-length of the source-code files, only partial diffs.
   <IPFilter name="global">Allow from</IPFilter>
   <IPFilter name="source_view">Allow from</IPFilter>

"testManagement" section

Configures TestManagement

A typical example

see general.xml for an example


Attribute Description
testSetAllowDuplicates If the Test Set can contain a Test Case several times as duplicate
forceCopyOnReRun If the Test Run can be restarted only by making a copy of it, therefore the re-run will always keep. The history: the result of previous run is kept. When setting this false user can re-run existing TestRun by deleting the previous results.
allowTiming Boolean: if the timing/timer is enabled during TestRuns
stopTimerWhileRepotingBug In the TestRunner: should the timer stop while the Bug report is being created?
disableEditingBuiltInFieldsName Disable editing built-in fields' name in Test trackers (e.g. Test Case in Test Run/Test Step trackers)
runOnlyAcceptedTestCases If the Test Management runs only Accepted TestCases
createTestRunForEachTestCase When creating a TestRuns: if this should create a separate TestRun for each TestCases ?
includeTestsRecursively If the TestCases children should be included as default
testRunnerShowsBlock If the TestRunner shows BLOCK button ?
testRunnerShowsEndRun If the TestRunner shows END RUN button?
autoCopyExpectedResults = true autoCopyExpectedResults = true
If the Test Manager can choose between to run accepted or non-accepted TestCases ? If you set this to false then the the Test Manager can not change whether to run "Accepted testCases" or not when creating a TestRuns. Available since CB version 10+

"graphviz" section

Graphviz configuration: configures fonts.

An example:

  <graphviz graphvizBoldFont="Sans Bold"	graphvizFont="Sans" />

"slack" section

ChatOps / Slack integration configuration, see: codebeamer Integration with Slack


Attribute Description
enabled = false see documentation link above
notificationsEnabled - false

"GeoIP" section

Configure GeoIP service: how the IP address of a new registered user is translated to country/geo-location

A typical example

<geoIP requestUrl=""/>


Attribute Description
requestUrl The url pulled for resolving ip to geo-location

"projectImport" section

Project-import configuration

A typical example

<projectImport showConfirmDialogFileSizeLimit="5" />


Attribute Description
showConfirmDialogFileSizeLimit=5 Project import confirm dialog only over specified file size limit in megabytes

"uploads" section

Configures which kind of files can be uploaded to codeBeamer.

For details see: Configuring which files can be uploaded to codeBeamer

A typical example

	<filter orderAllowDeny="false">
		<!-- deny SVG and HTML files -->
		<!-- you could use denyMimeRegexp too -->


See documentation link above

"metadatas" section

See: Entity Metadata

Document/Directory custom attribute definitions in display order.

A typical example

	<metadata object="1" key="sapDocNo"  displayName="SAP Document Number"  type="text" />
	<metadata object="1" key="sapDocRev" displayName="SAP Document Version" type="int" />


Attribute Description
object can be "1" (Document), "2" (Directory) or "6" (Wikipage). Default is "1"
key key/name of the attribute. Must be unique per object
type type of the attribute. One of "string", "text", "int[eger]", "decimal", "float", "double", "bool[ean]", "date[time]". Default is "text"

"trash" section

Configures project trash behaviour. In earlier versions it was not allowed to delete work items permanently from trash. Staring from version 9.1.0, it is configurable (not allowed by default). If you delete items from the trash then it may have effect on baselines.

A typical example

<trash possibleToDeleteOnlyItems="true"></trash>


Attribute Description
possibleToDeleteOnlyItems = false If it is allowed to delete work items from trash ("true"/allowed, "false"/not allowed)

"cbSystemProperties" section

Use <props> sub-element to set JVM system properties.

A typical example

		<prop key="svnkit.http.methods">Basic,Digest,Negotiate,NTLM</prop>


Key Text Example
name of the property value of the property Configure Openoffice 4 for WMF/EMF conversion at Word import: <prop key="office.home">C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4</prop>

"websocket" section

Websocket configuration (enable/disable).

A typical example

<websocket enabled="true"></websocket>


Attribute Description
enabled Default value is false. If set to true, Websocket messages will be sent to subscribed clients about the following events:

Tracker Item create/update
Attachment addition
Tracker item locking/unlocking
Custom messages that a client wants to broadcast to every other subscribed client

Application configuration (JSON)

Print users' name

You can configure user name printing in "login" section with "accountLink" attribute.

"login": {
  "accountLink" : "${property1} ${property2}...",

Common example

"login": {
  "accountLink" : "${firstName} ${lastName}",

The property inside ${} will be replaced with the value of the property and the formatting will be kept.


"login": {
  "accountLink" : "${firstName} ${lastName}",

prints Soma Györe

"login": {
  "accountLink" : "${firstName}, ${lastName}",

prints Soma, Györe

Available properties

  • firstName
  • lastName
  • email
  • company

Rendering the tracker item key and id

You can configure tracker item key and id label rendering in "interactive" section with "itemKeyAndIdTemplate" attribute.

"interactive" : {
  "itemKeyAndIdTemplate" : "${property1} ${property2}...",

Common example

"interactive" : {
  "itemKeyAndIdTemplate" : "${masterKey}:${masterId}",

It will print the key and id in the following format: [BUG:123456]

Example with branching

"interactive" : {
  "itemKeyAndIdTemplate" : "{branchId}--${masterKey}:${masterId}",

It will print the key and id in the following format: [5566341--TASK:2085478]

Available properties

  • masterId: if the item is a branch item then this is the ID of the respective item on the Master branch otherwise the ID of the item itself
  • masterKey: if the item is a branch item then this is the key of the Master branch otherwise the key of the tracker itself
  • id: the ID of the item
  • key: the key of the tracker of the item
  • branchId: the ID of the branch (if the item is a branch item)
  • branchKey: the key of the branch (if the item is a branch item)

Search indexing configuration

You can configure search indexing in "search" section.

Common example

"search" : {
  "delay" : 9000,
  "fuzzy-similarity-factor" : 0.6,
  "incremental-indexing" : true,
  "length" : 2,
  "lucene-cfs-ratio" : 0.1,
  "matches" : 1000,
  "max-clause-count" : 26000,
  "max-fuzzy-terms" : 10,
  "max-indexing-size" : "standard",
  "operator" : "and",
  "pattern-sufix" : "*",
  "period" : 6000,
  "short-word-length" : 3

Available properties

  • analyzer: Customized search analyzer implementation class name
  • max-indexing-size: The maximum size of the document to index. Use "10k" pattern for kilobytes, "xM" for megabytes
  • operator: Search operator to use as default. This defaults to "and"
  • commit-indexing-block: Integer defines the maximum number of SCM commits to index at once. Negative value disables indexing of commits
  • incremental-indexing: If the incremental indexing is enabled
  • length: Integer Minimum length of search expression required
  • matches: Integer Maximum number of search results matched
  • pattern-sufix: This text is always added to the end of search expression. Defaults to "*"
  • max-clause-count: Integer, maximum number of search clauses in search expression
  • symbolTypes: Comma separated symbol types to search for. Default: 'cl','md','mi','fd','fi','ma','ty'
  • period: Integer Indexing should run that often in seconds
  • delay: Integer delay before indexing starts in seconds
  • fuzzy-similarity-factor: The minimum similarity of the term variants
  • lucene-cfs-ratio: If a merged segment will be more than this percentage of the total size of the index, leave the segment as non-compound file even if compound file is enabled. Set to 1.0 to always use CFS regardless of merge
  • max-fuzzy-terms: The total number of terms clauses that will appear once
  • operator: Default operator ('and' or 'or')
  • period: The frequency the search should run in seconds
  • short-word-length: Length of required common prefix on variant terms