codeBeamer 9.4.0 - General information
- Latest Latex (version pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16) requires different markup to support mathematical expressions
codeBeamer 9.4.0-RC3 - General information
- Only Linux/Windows Administrators can upload special codeBeamer Word and Excel Templates onto codeBeamer server additionally Groovy and JavaScript uploading and usage are disabled due to Security Reasons. Please check this:
Adding and customizing templates for Word and Excel export
- codeBeamer is shipped with a 3-rd party jdbc driver. It is strongly recommended replacing this driver with the official MySQL driver as soon as possible to ensure best performance and stability. For more information, please refer to
Replacing MariaDB JDBC driver to MySQL JDBC Driver
- Word and Excel Export using Own templates uploading and usage are disabled by default, only Operation System Administrators can upload special codeBeamer Templates onto codeBeamer server.
- Previous Version of Word Export feature is disabled by default, it can be enabled manually at you own Risk
- Starting from codeBeamer 9.4.0 Calculated field JSP EL expressions will be validated during Tracker Configuration saving procedure, please note that no invalid Calculated fields expressions will be allowed
codeBeamer 9.4.0-RC2 - General information
- Audit Trail PDF export functionality was removed, It will be available again in upcoming releases
- Please note that after codeBeamer 9.4.0 successfully started a background process will automatically start to collect all necessary data for Historical Search ability. Depending on the amount of data, for 1-2 hours CPU usage will be higher than normally.
codeBeamer 9.4.0 - Release Notes
- BUG-1940158 - If re-enter same value about Reference field at Edit screen, That field changes remain in history
- BUG-1946257 - Incorrect and misleading item count displayed in traceability browser
- BUG-1958619 - Filter bug in traceability browser
- BUG-2128656 - There isn't any content in the Tracker configuration - Audit Trail word exported file.
- BUG-2191757 - Unresolved Dependencies - creating a "depends on" association there are missing and also unwanted items in the dependency list
- BUG-2205088 - Item count widget improperly grouping items when multiple trackers are involved
- BUG-2227725 - Item without summary has no context menu in document view
- BUG-2246546 - RPE - document generation does not work for a single item
- BUG-2275421 - Fields with per status permissions cannot be copied in change handlers for all statuses
- BUG-2278801 - Omit options are not inherited
- BUG-2294188 - Can't import ReqIF update exported from codeBeamer 9.3 to 9.4
- BUG-2310803 - Association filter text ruined when the dialog opened 2nd time
- BUG-2317960 - Release item links are not parsed properly
- BUG-2321636 - Word Export - Word export of Test Runs tracker throws onscreen ApiException
- BUG-2325167 - Inconsistent field values after deleting a choice option from field configuration
- BUG-2326658 - Project Deployment is not working
- BUG-2329420 - Mass Move Tracker Items slow down codeBeamer
- BUG-2332402 - Exception on tracker branch creation when any item having URL association
- BUG-2332981 - Failed to create project from template when Wiki Link ID is invalid
- BUG-2337060 - Inline Edit - Member Fields don't display roles as available choices in some cases
- BUG-2339688 - Project deployment - Mapping cross-project references setup disappears when jumping back to Step 5 from Step 6
- BUG-2340156 - Severe performance issues concerning request deleterequirement.spr
- BUG-2340619 - Project Deployment - Jumping back to Step 2 custom values changed back to default values and they shown as an error
- BUG-2354360 - Git Push Event Requests fails with IllegalArgumentException using wrong Date formatter 2019-04-30T17:16:42 02:00
- BUG-2354554 - Project Deployment - Dropdown menu styling issue
- BUG-2354560 - Missing TableCustomFieldReference type in swagger.json
- BUG-2355297 - Inline comment Editor contains 'Comment...' by default on tracker item details page in Chrome
- BUG-2355457 - Multiple mapping and finishing import process by not mapping required fields is possible during Tracker Item Import from Excel
- BUG-2355497 - Multiple graphs appear in wiki page
- BUG-2356252 - NullPointerException is displayed if the merge is not configured correctly
- BUG-2356286 - Table view - Content in columns are not wrapped properly
- BUG-2359465 - Retired Tracker Types are listed on Field Configuration overlay
- BUG-2360173 - Infinite scrolling does not work properly
- BUG-2360174 - Filtering in SCM Repositories-Notifications tab does not work in IE 11
- BUG-2360557 - Intelligent Table View configuration seems to be broken
- BUG-2360579 - Parent is missing from Create new Upstream/Downstream referring items
- BUG-2361675 - Group rank is not saved in certain cases after drag&drop
- BUG-2361989 - Same column can be added multiple times on table view
- BUG-2362316 - Project Deployment - Ordering of the items is changing when jumping back to Step 2
- BUG-2362858 - Copy Reference Attachments fails with - UploadStorage
- BUG-2362909 - Tracker Item move fails when submitter does not exists in Target project
- BUG-2363047 - Project Deployment - 'Item' items are not listed in the overlay at Step 5
- BUG-2364354 - Horizontal/Vertical axis label with special characters breaks Chart Widget
- BUG-2364727 - Incorrect member field options when using in place editing
- BUG-2365211 - If a Developer creates an SCM fork, additional project admin rights are seemingly applied (SCM Repository - Commit / Push, SCM Repository - Update Own Changesets)
- BUG-2365326 - Unexpected System error occurs when saving properties of a repository
- BUG-2365405 - RPE - generated document is empty for all output types if word style sheet field is empty
- BUG-2365850 - Document Edit View Form addUpdateTaskForm InstantiationException
- BUG-2367501 - Loading animation does not disappear when File Size bigger than UploadLimit
- BUG-2367540 - Slow planner using Backlog with Parent groups with Oracle Database
- BUG-2367626 - Make default does not work properly for Projects tree
- BUG-2367792 - Document view tree - switching on/off descendant items does not have effect on item tree
- BUG-2368767 - Branching - Few Problems after branch creation
- BUG-2368975 - Read-only table field distorts user interface
- BUG-2370089 - Incorrect decimal values in table fields for German users
- BUG-2374629 - Exception - Are Pull request mergable fails some cases
- BUG-2375037 - Review Hub - 404 error page when entering text into status threshold text boxes
- BUG-2375202 - Possible Errors during DocumentViewLinkingController.findAlreadyAssociatedTestCases
- BUG-2375702 - Oracle - automated test run results do not visible on coverage
- BUG-2376115 - Exception while creating reference on a Branch with restricted user
- BUG-2378637 - Cannot DND custom choice field items into different groups in center pane
- BUG-2379319 - Condition is not shown in workflow configuration for read-only users
- BUG-2382937 - Test sets "Submitted at" field sorting is done by alphabet not by date
- BUG-2383954 - Paging does not work in Audit Trail
- BUG-2383972 - Kanban board cannot be grouped by custom color field
- BUG-2384180 - Suspicion Merge not respecting different internal field Names!
- BUG-2384193 - Missing update entries from Audit Trail after creating read-only branch
- BUG-2385058 - Database full-text indexing does not work out of the box with Oracle
- BUG-2386962 - Permissions for branch merge are taken form the master branch permissions instead of the target branch.
- BUG-2387830 - ReqIF import fails when parent id is wrong and causes Database error
- BUG-2389662 - Access Denied when clicking Select Default Baseline
- BUG-2390473 - Sending to the middle of the backlog does not properly calculate position
- BUG-2391488 - InPlace Editor - reference field does not work properly if the field has too many values
- BUG-2391673 - Baseline data is lost after template change in Tracker's configuration
- BUG-2391675 - Save button is not shown on the tracker permission configuration page
- BUG-2391791 - Long Summary is breaks the layout on Add Artifact link dialog
- BUG-2392582 - Wrong 'Knowledge Base' links
- BUG-2393161 - Post Install - UI issue on database selector page
- BUG-2393210 - Unresolved Dependencies - Adding a reference to an item will make it loose its dependency propagation
- BUG-2393286 - Field Planned Effort displayed as "Estimated Effort" on sprint planner
- BUG-2393290 - Dragging from the first group on Planner fails
- BUG-2396447 - Project Deployment - mapping file do not stores cross reference settings
- BUG-2396472 - Error during Project Deployment - ProjectRoleMappingHandler
- BUG-2396510 - Editing a Group in Planner doesn't refreshes it's Right Pane
- BUG-2396575 - Intelligent Document View is not editable
- BUG-2397800 - Sporadically: Summary is not readable in left-side item-tree (in tracker)
- BUG-2397805 - Project Deployment - Unexpected System Error when try to jump to Step 3 if branches are added to both source and target projects
- BUG-2397810 - Project Deployment - 'Show only Artifacts that need to be mapped' option is not working as expected
- BUG-2397891 - Project Deployment - Pressing an enter in an empty 'item' box on step 5 makes process jumping back to Step 4
- BUG-2399101 - Merge Item with reference to Master and Branch throws exception
- BUG-2399484 - NPE occurs during executing Table JSP EL during project creation process
- BUG-2399733 - Project Permission problem cause NPE using Project Reuse Library
- BUG-2399944 - Text is wrapped by words and not by letters
- BUG-2400314 - Inserted link to codeBeamer tracker view does not work
- BUG-2400373 - Password fields are visible for LDAP user
- BUG-2401688 - Project Export to JSON does not include complete WikiPages
- BUG-2401696 - Left tree doesn't refreshes correctly after modification
- BUG-2401713 - Project Deployment - Duplicated tracker is not highlighted under Trackers option on Step 2
- BUG-2401984 - Project Deployment - Unexpected System Error when umping to Step 6.
- BUG-2402578 - Project Deployment - Ignored values are disappearing when stepping back to Step 4 from Step 5
- BUG-2402585 - Project Deployment - Created (hidden) trackers are shown on Step 4 after stepping back from Step 5
- BUG-2402646 - Dragging not movable item gives successfully moved message
- BUG-2402672 - Unable to upload huge file (>5gb), loading gif does not disappear, section becomes unusable
- BUG-2402689 - NPE during escalation rule merge in project deployment
- BUG-2402695 - Status badges Can be confused on Quality Development Dashboard
- BUG-2402696 - Size of the uploadable files is displayed in bytes
- BUG-2402722 - Project Deployment - Loaded settings are still visible after deleting mapping file
- BUG-2402807 - Project Deployment - 'Project Status' is duplicated on Step 2
- BUG-2404760 - File is not uploaded to Documents, no warning or error message about it
- BUG-2404777 - Modified by/at field do not refresh after inplace edit
- BUG-2405084 - Uploading the same file result in multiple pop-up windows
- BUG-2405141 - Project Deployment - Member type choice field not merging when source tracker is mapped to a target tracker
- BUG-2406769 - Baseline - File can be upload in baseline mode under Tracker - Config - General tab
- BUG-2407311 - Checkbox is visible for item in the trash where the user does not have permission to restore
- BUG-2407442 - Project Deployment - I can't access to Test Sets after successful merge
- BUG-2408494 - Planner - Dropping parent release on child release causes infinite loop
- BUG-2408808 - Unlimited file size is set for uploading, error message appears
- BUG-2408948 - Project Deployment - Error during merge if user uses instances with different licenses
- BUG-2410247 - Requirement Coverage widget editor offers strange values
- BUG-2410259 - Setting Default View for Releases to Planner breaks release dashboard
- BUG-2410265 - Issue Tracker type missing from field options
- BUG-2410271 - Test Run tracker type filtering does not work
- BUG-2412142 - Wrong deployment of calculated fields and state conditions correctly when tracker-field is mapped/newly created in target
- BUG-2412448 - Project deployment - user is able to select 'Create in Target project' in case of existing User Groups (validation is missing)
- BUG-2413731 - Radio and Checkbox labels are misaligned
- BUG-2414291 - Replace with MariaDB parameter in case of old upgrade
- BUG-2414301 - Review - on diff overlay some characters appears with the escaping characters in both mode: HTML and WIKI
- BUG-2414342 - Project Deployment - No warning because of duplication on Step 4
- BUG-2415733 - Traceability Browser - After word export links not navigate to Baseline mode
- BUG-2416257 - Project Deployment - In case of setting a category to 'Create in target Project' duplication appears, but duplicated item not highlighted
- BUG-2416279 - Saving wiki page from Markup mode using Ctrl+S returns error page
- BUG-2416311 - Project Deployment - Result field in Test Runs tracker appears twice on Step 4
- BUG-2416763 - Synchronisation frequency is not visible on Doors import form
- BUG-2416768 - Default Releases plan view issue with new user
- BUG-2643958 - Bug for "Add the ability to set custom field width in percentage for Tracker in Table View"
- BUG-2645215 - Release Notes Word export fails with NPE
- BUG-2645343 - Project List categories are undordered
- BUG-2645464 - Mandatory field validation on Document Edit View is not correct in IE11
- BUG-2645472 - Project Deployment - Errors during Project merge
- BUG-2646370 - Cannot push to git bare repository using Scmloop
- BUG-2646691 - Spent Effort and Planned Effort are not formatted under Audit/Show changes
- BUG-2648187 - Project order is not preserved in category
- BUG-2648338 - Long field names are not truncated on Document Edit View
- BUG-2648340 - Order by menu item appears in Document Edit View field header context menu
- BUG-2649276 - Create new item page - SaveAndNew link tries to load a page with localhost in URL
- BUG-2649518 - High number of test runs cause performance problems
- BUG-2649574 - History upgrade caused out of memory
- BUG-2649739 - Gantt Chart shows saved message even with a simple click
- BUG-2649769 - Suspicion settings are lost when copy is created by Workflow Action
- BUG-2651954 - Merge to master failed
- BUG-2653293 - Project is not exported because of Project Configuration Deployment
- BUG-2654073 - Mentioned users not correct within Test Runner Bug Report dialog
- BUG-2654096 - Testrun export fails when tracker key name is different from TESTRUN
- BUG-2657869 - Project Deployment - Result field duplicated under Test Runs Tracker and that makes duplication error unsolvable - no option to change
- BUG-2658388 - Branch - Copied association does not appear in Item Details page
- BUG-2658389 - Using "path":"/" to create files via REST API will result in endless loop
- BUG-2659138 - The Release field is pre-filled in the item creation page which initiated by a Tester
- BUG-2659268 - Breadcrumb icons are not visible if branch/tracker color is #005c50
- BUG-2659277 - Post Install - User password is exposed in logs when user account is given instead of database admin account
- BUG-2659396 - Not possible to move columns on Reports page
- BUG-2659644 - Next full indexing date is wrong
- BUG-2662044 - Project Begin / End date is lost after second save
- BUG-2663925 - Export-Import - Inconsistency between more menu and item context menu in case of Export Selection (and their children) to Office
- BUG-2664058 - Branch Items disappear from Document View after Merge Request
- BUG-2664547 - Associations Created by DragAndDrop From Requirement Library uses opposite direction then other places.
Change Requests
- CRQ-2273868 - Implement JIRA Cloud integration (again)
- CRQ-2356397 - Show join request comment in list of join requests instead of user data
- CRQ-2384010 - New references are not shown as difference during Merge to master.
- CTSK-1593972 - Ability to set Uncertain Work Item status in Status transition screen
- CTSK-2063801 - Change the Pull request URL to the pull request page not the Work Item page
- CTSK-2206721 - Embed and expand attachments to DOCX
- CTSK-2206824 - Implement attachment handling configuration from template parameters
- CTSK-2233068 - 9.4.0 German Translations
- CTSK-2321318 - Project Deployment - Please make cross-project mapping settings more clear
- CTSK-2323993 - Implement conditional bookmark blocks
- CTSK-2344344 - Generate PDF documents using Two phases
- CTSK-2346273 - Add the ability to Download the MySQL JDBC driver from Internet during Installation procedure
- CTSK-2346365 - Provide warning message for System Administrators when codeBeamer runs with MariaDb
- CTSK-2346754 - Allow Tracker Audit Trail Word Export with Historical mode even the feature is switched off
- CTSK-2346795 - Ability to configure Max File upload limit from Application configuration
- CTSK-2362234 - Items' attachments download swagger API usability
- CTSK-2362314 - Remove / hide Resourcing Extraction widget
- CTSK-2362318 - When an Action menu renders a link always Javascript code opens the link
- CTSK-2365680 - Display Work Item Tracker key in in Document View Tree
- CTSK-2375718 - Implement ignoring HTML formatting
- CTSK-2408502 - Strip White space and slash characters at the end of WIKI text
- CTSK-2408552 - Problem rendering the "attachments Lists" in Word export when there is some text hind the "attachments Lists" field
- CTSK-2415659 - Check how the message ID is rendered into Email notification footer links
- CTSK-2415731 - Word attachments PDF rendering: the thumbnail image has wrong orientation when the PDF page is landscape
- CTSK-2659285 - Provide bigger Traceability Browser Export window
- CTSK-2660291 - Add 'Team Members' field to Team trackers
- CTSK-2663626 - Add possibility to switch off _OPTIMIZER_USE_FEEDBACK in cbQL
codeBeamer 9.4.0-RC3 - Release Notes
- BUG-1092942 - Member list not scrollbar
- BUG-1143316 - Cannot create external repository from an empty Git repository
- BUG-1152166 - Git SCM cannot handle branches like "feature/somename"
- BUG-1533505 - Category filter for project fields shows not actually existing project categories
- BUG-1602709 - Empty description seems not empty on report with MySQL db
- BUG-1647231 - Creation of SCM repository fails when user has two different projects opened in different browser windows
- BUG-1707493 - Baselines are visible on Baseline tab but not in the history
- BUG-1809423 - Froala - Test step/result editor is activated on mouse click, but does not get focus
- BUG-1836703 - User are not able to save Tracker Views without Document-Add permission
- BUG-1931930 - Couldn't change choice list field's pick list to uppercase
- BUG-1940158 - If re-enter same value about Reference field at Edit screen, That field changes remain in history
- BUG-2038832 - Misleading "Updated on Branch" badge displayed in tracker branch items
- BUG-2042926 - In "Project List" widget, Description field displays value of Participation Conditions
- BUG-2086829 - A layout editor appears when trying to change status of a tracker item (test case, task) because of outdated Smart Templates
- BUG-2110473 - Advanced search may run slow because of Lucence Highligther
- BUG-2139666 - Handling of long GET URLs in overlays' iframes
- BUG-2159938 - Branches are incorrectly exported with project template
- BUG-2166195 - Traceabillity Browser Word Export does not show Word Export Warn limit some cases
- BUG-2168556 - Not only changed items appear in baseline merge request
- BUG-2169570 - Project import doesn't import multi level branches
- BUG-2169758 - Round-trip Word export is available in case of Exporting Selection - Test Run
- BUG-2170487 - Whole content of folders are mergeable even if contains rejected or not reviewed items
- BUG-2180796 - After deleting an item as a Tester, the Trash is still empty
- BUG-2181566 - Upload Office Template option covers template selector in case of resized window
- BUG-2184557 - During upload process, it is able to switch between text types by using hot keys
- BUG-2184645 - Trial license keeps updating on UI
- BUG-2191768 - Baseline - Table of Contents URLs navigate to head revision instead of staying in the specific baseline
- BUG-2196958 - Requirement reuse does not copy test case anymore
- BUG-2197582 - Redesign how test steps are handled in document edit view
- BUG-2199739 - Calculated filed causes system error
- BUG-2204210 - Cannot add a Release to items
- BUG-2207844 - "Copy To" replaces User-Group with List of Users
- BUG-2209953 - State Transitions - Name of the state transition disappears after editing
- BUG-2210033 - Condition in Transition Actions not shown (randomly?)
- BUG-2212252 - Branch Merge Request still exists after Branch was deleted --> Error Message
- BUG-2214727 - When deleting lots of items on document view that is very slow: the browser stops the script
- BUG-2216771 - Item Details Page/Downstream References - the "Resolved/Closed" prefilter works wrong
- BUG-2218890 - Swagger API - when building an Intelligent Table View, the cbQL accepts invalid (non-existing) trackerId
- BUG-2223023 - Word export does not work with recoverable passwords disabled
- BUG-2223478 - Swagger API - Error code 500 when updating a field of a tracker item
- BUG-2223485 - Updating relation's color causes error
- BUG-2226326 - Requirement reuse does not copy test cases properly
- BUG-2226478 - "Signature Field" shows password using Inplace editor
- BUG-2228309 - Mass Edit, Create Baseline does not contain changes
- BUG-2228342 - Wiki Link/URL type field does not work in Table field
- BUG-2229336 - Group by problem with deleted references in reports
- BUG-2232328 - Obsolete option still usable
- BUG-2233725 - TrackerItemStatisticsDaoImpl.getReferringIssueStatsGroupedByFieldAndIssueType when using Vintage Report Export functionality
- BUG-2234183 - Drag&dropping a row from center panel to left panel and scrolling gives funny result
- BUG-2235169 - Assigned to value not shown with saved filter in product backlog planner view
- BUG-2235227 - Planner - In Recent Filters part "Items at Release/Sprint Start Date/End date" filter appears
- BUG-2235272 - Table Of Contents toolbar menu sometimes missing from the editor
- BUG-2240409 - RPE Integration - An RPE Exception is logged when trying to generate document without output field value set
- BUG-2240435 - Dragging a bug into a relation seems successful but it should not be
- BUG-2241740 - JIRA synchronization links with double slashes
- BUG-2246943 - Historical view filter - It is possible to select a baseline if the user has no Baseline - view permission
- BUG-2246982 - Sprint History filters - after save a report or open edit mode filter disappear in "Add Filter" area
- BUG-2247052 - Syntactically incorrect ReqIF exported when requirement contains hyperlink
- BUG-2249050 - Intelligent Document View - Drag&Drop does not function as expected
- BUG-2249076 - Project Browser - context menu of the last category appears in wrong place
- BUG-2250063 - Sprint History filters - Items appears a wrong date when I set project creation date
- BUG-2250194 - With no "Issue - Edit Any" user able to change Assigned to field
- BUG-2251647 - Cannot Export to Office using Document View
- BUG-2252793 - Document view left tree does not reflect every modification done in center pane
- BUG-2252833 - Document view more menu items are not available
- BUG-2252876 - No context menu in baseline
- BUG-2253525 - Show released checkbox is missing from release dashboard
- BUG-2253545 - Intelligent Document View - Downstream references are not displayed in the left tree
- BUG-2253552 - Pencil icon is not visible during In Place editing
- BUG-2253618 - Release Dashboard shows Description when user has no access to that field
- BUG-2253630 - Reports tab - JS error on the console when use Sprint History filter and switch to expert mode
- BUG-2254915 - Next button remains inactive after deleting invalid mapping file during Project Deployment
- BUG-2255992 - Failed to import project with new empty DB
- BUG-2257376 - Test Set Tracker the duplicate function does not work.
- BUG-2257391 - Sprint history filters - Item not in read- only mode when open item details page
- BUG-2257401 - Document Edit View - Embedded table rows after drag and drop can not be saved
- BUG-2257888 - Item Details page - if the user scroll down then click on create reference icon the page jumps
- BUG-2262041 - XSS Security Vulnerability - Project Browser - user can create Category with name which is a part of JSON script
- BUG-2262371 - Reports tab - Error when open saved report or saved a report with Historical view filter
- BUG-2262490 - Project Browser - Some tooltip has wrong naming convention
- BUG-2262784 - Field permission settings dialog outside screen space
- BUG-2267798 - Missing translations during Project Deployment
- BUG-2268808 - Document view - It is possible to edit inline a work item when use Sprint history filters
- BUG-2269731 - Attachments get replicated on each field change
- BUG-2269805 - Dragging item into category causes JS error
- BUG-2272656 - Left tree does not refresh after delete
- BUG-2273192 - Sprint History filters - Few problems when use this filters on Tracker views
- BUG-2273877 - Restart line missing from Dashboard
- BUG-2274654 - JIRA Connector - some error appears when try to synchronize
- BUG-2274758 - Filtering on Recently Visited Items is not working
- BUG-2275095 - resending a PULL request fails with an DB error
- BUG-2275102 - Error during exporting a project twice via ReqIF
- BUG-2277293 - When you export from the default tracker-view of Test Runs then the children are not exported
- BUG-2277395 - Cannot move Folder/Information type items
- BUG-2277401 - Swagger API - Attachment load - incorrect error messages
- BUG-2277503 - Swagger API - Attachment load - case sensitivity
- BUG-2279880 - Create Associations - External URL and Propagate suspect functions does not work
- BUG-2279909 - Cannot modify Test Set for a reason - error message appears
- BUG-2282421 - Reference creation - when creating a new reference from overlay, the existing baselines are not selectable
- BUG-2286031 - Error importing project - Artifact with id: 143038 not found
- BUG-2286379 - Guard cannot be edited/deleted, if used in transition action as well as on-entry action
- BUG-2286969 - User Mentioning selector placed incorrectly in the Editor
- BUG-2287045 - Friendly exception thrown when wrong Reference field data contain in a choice field and starting Inplace editing
- BUG-2287126 - Cannot save tracker configuration in Oracle installations with more than 1000 projects
- BUG-2287219 - Hidden Transitions are still available in Cardboard
- BUG-2288420 - Reports tab - Navigate to Document view feature appears when I use history filters
- BUG-2289903 - Wrong message during reordering grouped non reference fields
- BUG-2292322 - I can not see Release Sprints on Release page
- BUG-2292399 - Drag&drop does not work on Reports page
- BUG-2292504 - The editor does not handle special html markup code properly
- BUG-2293301 - Run out of memory can happen using Audit Trail some cases
- BUG-2293311 - Project Category - importing a project which has own category cause inconsistent Categories
- BUG-2293865 - Project Configuration - Field/Options list: some alignment issue appears
- BUG-2295844 - Name of Source project is duplicated during Project Deployment
- BUG-2295938 - Error message is hidden as option panels are closed after pressing next with an invalid value during Project Deployment
- BUG-2295964 - Tracker item comment direct link is not working on the item details page
- BUG-2295994 - No message or alert let the user know that he can't modify Project Category without Project Category Permission
- BUG-2296000 - Role swapping with Project Admin is possible despite of it is not allowed.
- BUG-2296010 - Step 3 is missing during Project Deployment.
- BUG-2296017 - Not clear menus at Step 5 during Project Deployment.
- BUG-2296028 - Not clear text shown at Step 6 of Project Deployment when user ignores an Artifact
- BUG-2296637 - Deleted artifacts are not listed at Step 6 of Project Deployment.
- BUG-2296654 - Project Deployment - Escalation mapping throws error
- BUG-2296736 - Tracker disappears when adding the same tracker type to more than one tracker during Project Deployment
- BUG-2296989 - Null error occurred when try to JIRA sync
- BUG-2298299 - Project Deployment - after configuration is imported cannot open the Tracker configuration
- BUG-2299360 - Exception during history data generation
- BUG-2299729 - Showing User Account list display user Email Address without allowing necessary Account - Email permission
- BUG-2299761 - HTML code is shown for field labels
- BUG-2304730 - Document view - Send to review causes error
- BUG-2304834 - Unexpected System Error when pressing on Admin
- BUG-2304878 - Deleting Tracker in the Target project is not working during Project Deployment
- BUG-2304899 - Modify Workflow in Test Run tracker cause Console Error
- BUG-2304908 - Going back to Step 2 makes Tackers (from Target) disappear during Project Deployment
- BUG-2305374 - Issue got stucked in Step 2 during Project Deployment
- BUG-2306995 - Project Deployment - possible data lost because of the different template for source and target project
- BUG-2306997 - Error and NPE when export a project as project template and ReqIf file
- BUG-2307322 - Error occurred when tried to merge project
- BUG-2307838 - User with Project Category Admin permission can't create project or open Project Admin page due to Unexpected System Error
- BUG-2307846 - Color field anomaly on cardboard
- BUG-2310555 - Stakeholder user is unable to export a Tracker to Word or PDF
- BUG-2310584 - Improper display of Base Domain when multiple LDAP URL is configured
- BUG-2310780 - OK button is not working in some cases after opening a choice field to edit
- BUG-2313201 - Changing User preference shows Release properties
- BUG-2313232 - Release Planner item order changes when collapsing groups
- BUG-2313455 - Project Key is always empty after Project Deployment
- BUG-2313530 - Ignore option is missing from Tracker Field Mapping of Project Deployment
- BUG-2317521 - cbQL does not run after change
- BUG-2317652 - Project Config Import - Tracker Audit Trail shows weird information
- BUG-2317725 - Project Config Import - Project Role in Target Project get lost all permission if there are more roles as on source project
- BUG-2317752 - Project Config Import - in some case the user gets permission error when try to open the Tracker page after config import
- BUG-2317780 - Moving items into sprint gives wrong error
- BUG-2317781 - Project Config Import - Possible Data Lost in case of delete Field
- BUG-2318518 - Inconsistent traceability options for Test Sets
- BUG-2320467 - Clicking fast on confirmation after delete makes left tree inconsistent
- BUG-2321127 - Next button remains inactive when user got error message about already used key during Project Deployment
- BUG-2321350 - Project Deployment - Target project is not available in cross-project reference mapping after the first user is mapped
- BUG-2321423 - History filters - on Release KanBan board not a good message appears when use Items at Release/Sprint Start date filter
- BUG-2321585 - Show Ancestor/Descendant items configurations are not imported
- BUG-2321815 - Default tracker view not applied
- BUG-2324242 - Project Deployment - There is no validation that checks if branch parent is exist
- BUG-2324358 - Review hub - Restart review options don't work properly if the Moderator is not Reviewer
- BUG-2324409 - History filters - Items appears not a correct version
- BUG-2324869 - Table field in intelligent table view doesn't work
- BUG-2324957 - If parent of a tracker is deleted during project deployment it remains as 'NOT VISIBLE' item in the tree
- BUG-2325163 - History show id of choice option field value
- BUG-2326534 - Document view left tree filtering does not remain after delete
- BUG-2327207 - Excel import - read only field can be updated
- BUG-2327244 - Project Configuration - Tracker/Service Desk and Default Outline setup does not merged
- BUG-2327383 - Mass edit should not change status field of folder and information type items
- BUG-2327385 - Test Run Word export does not export current view
- BUG-2329420 - Mass Move Tracker Items slow down codeBeamer
- BUG-2329645 - Planner - If the user has no Issue-Edit any permission in Releases tracker Send to.. menu item not appears in context menu of item
- BUG-2330237 - Bar chard rendering fail with specific Expert Queries
- BUG-2331308 - Changing Team field of a branched item
- BUG-2332793 - Tracker views - I can not pick a color on Item details page with inline edit/ Table view with inline edit
- BUG-2332959 - Project Configuration Merge - non existing changes listed in Step 6
- BUG-2333271 - Long words can disrupt user interface
- BUG-2335990 - New item does not get filtered
- BUG-2336063 - JS error while editing row of Table field
- BUG-2336515 - Closing group duplicates groups into another release
- BUG-2336552 - Not consequent error messages
- BUG-2336773 - PCM - user can map 2 source fields to 1 target field
- BUG-2336799 - PCM - on page 5 the user who initiate the Configuration Import cannot be selected
- BUG-2336995 - Refreshing planner while grouped makes openers disappear
- BUG-2336996 - PCM - Configuration Merge is failed because of an existing category name
- BUG-2337542 - Not allowed values are shown in choice field option list
- BUG-2339685 - Project Deployment - Ignored items are not listed at Step 6.
- BUG-2339697 - NULL appears when user name is empty
- BUG-2340826 - Project Deployment - ProjectRoleMappingHandler (Project Role validation is missing)
- BUG-2340985 - Stored XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) on at least one dashboard-widget: Release Activity Trends Plugin
- BUG-2341373 - Project Configuration Merge - cache issue on Documents page
- BUG-2341855 - Password not hidden when using with mass edit
- BUG-2344322 - Small alignment problem on Add new Member dialog Step 2 list on all tabs
- BUG-2344562 - Planner - wrong error message when DND an item to Sprint from Product Backlog
- BUG-2346348 - Planner relation tab does not load all group if grouping by a reference field
- BUG-2346884 - Test Case Editor - action bar is not displayed in edit mode
- BUG-2347570 - Do not load review statistics if it is not visible on planner
- BUG-605983 - Dynamic choice fields produce two change events when changing the field value via popup dialog, one with no value, another with the new value
- BUG-828607 - Trackers page: there is no way to open a tracker in a new tab
- BUG-828628 - Risk management settings not completely inherited from template trackers
Change Requests
- CRQ-2051856 - Improve XSS security
- CRQ-2264635 - Why can I not see/edit transition actions/change handler
- CRQ-2296639 - Change date filter default option
- CTSK-1559128 - Provide the maximum database memory and special other information
- CTSK-1705443 - Verifies item is not a link when comparing tracker item versions (Test Case history - Diff overlay)
- CTSK-1743495 - User Wiki Link Overlay
- CTSK-1801083 - Ability to Add / Create Work Items to Test Sets by selection of Test Cases
- CTSK-1887236 - Check the performance of merge-tree for pull requests because isPullRequestMergeable is slow because of GIT
- CTSK-1933600 - Add more information to baseline compare screen
- CTSK-1989316 - Adjust header color for branch merge
- CTSK-2084068 - Show warning message when there is no LDAP mapping for first name and/or last name but the fields are used in login config
- CTSK-2113590 - Create baseline before branch creation
- CTSK-2181933 - Enable and support Word and Excel macros
- CTSK-2201872 - Use generator User Name in exported Word File instead of Template creator name
- CTSK-2206515 - Report Selector support of History of Sprints and see Work Item state in selected past
- CTSK-2206708 - Ability to load attachments using Swagger API
- CTSK-2228318 - Remove parameter table from rendered Docx
- CTSK-2229060 - Project deployment missing mappings
- CTSK-2236286 - Historical view filter - It is not possible to set tracker baseline
- CTSK-2246999 - Handle Exporting Wiki Link / URL
- CTSK-2253478 - Implement exporting attachments to zip file - part 2 - fetch attachments
- CTSK-2253554 - Project deployment work item replacements in views
- CTSK-2260934 - Remove the possibility to Run malicious JavaScript or Groovy codes on directly from codeBeamer UI
- CTSK-2261936 - Create a Stateless RPE specific Authentication Realm to authenticate RPE Requests
- CTSK-2273213 - Rewrite tracker IDs of Intelligent Table/Document View configurations after export / import project
- CTSK-2274542 - Project Tree usability improvements
- CTSK-2274556 - Change the default Template modification message
- CTSK-2277017 - SCM webhook X-Hub-Signature Header security Issue
- CTSK-2286109 - When a user tries to change a Template we need to ask Signature and put it into Tracker Audit Trail
- CTSK-2286127 - Do not create search history for SCM and Test Run tracker items
- CTSK-2286410 - Add ignore option to project deployment to avoid deletion
- CTSK-2292374 - Add request parameter "exclude" to bulk attachment rest API endpoint
- CTSK-2293353 - Remove PDF Exporting from System Audit Trail
- CTSK-2293360 - Remove Ostermiller jar from codebase
- CTSK-2296185 - Remove snipsnap jar from codebase
- CTSK-2310719 - Do not hit space after User mentioning
- CTSK-2318432 - Replace empty strings by value specified in template parameters
- CTSK-2326404 - Reusing Test Case steps using one click
- CTSK-2326445 - Ability to add referred Attachments to newly created Downstream references Work Item
- CTSK-2346750 - Render with blue color the Project and tracker selectors on Planner
codeBeamer 9.4.0-RC2 - Release Notes
- BUG-1143316 - Cannot create external repository from an empty Git repository
- BUG-1152166 - Git SCM cannot handle branches like "feature/somename"
- BUG-1533505 - Category filter for project fields shows not actually existing project categories
- BUG-1647231 - Creation of SCM repository fails when user has two different projects opened in different browser windows
- BUG-1707493 - Baselines are visible on Baseline tab but not in the history
- BUG-1809423 - Froala - Test step/result editor is activated on mouse click, but does not get focus
- BUG-1836703 - User are not able to save Tracker Views without Document-Add permission
- BUG-1931930 - Couldn't change choice list field's pick list to uppercase
- BUG-2038832 - Misleading "Updated on Branch" badge displayed in tracker branch items
- BUG-2042926 - In "Project List" widget, Description field displays value of Participation Conditions
- BUG-2086829 - A layout editor appears when trying to change status of a tracker item (test case, task) because of outdated Smart Templates
- BUG-2110473 - Advanced search may run slow because of LucenceHighligher
- BUG-2139666 - Handling of long GET URLs in overlays' iframes
- BUG-2159938 - Branches are incorrectly exported with project template
- BUG-2168556 - Not only changed items appear in baseline merge request
- BUG-2169570 - Project import doesn't import multi level branches
- BUG-2170487 - Whole content of folders are mergeable even if contains rejected or not reviewed items
- BUG-2181566 - Upload Office Template option covers template selector in case of resized window
- BUG-2184557 - During upload process, it is able to switch between text types by using hot keys
- BUG-2184645 - Trial license keeps updating on UI
- BUG-2191768 - Baseline - Table of Contents URLs navigate to head revision instead of staying in the specific baseline
- BUG-2196958 - Requirement reuse does not copy test case anymore
- BUG-2197582 - Redesign how test steps are handled in document edit view
- BUG-2199739 - Calculated filed causes system error
- BUG-2209953 - State Transitions - Name of the state transition disappears after editing
- BUG-2210033 - Condition in Transition Actions not shown (randomly?)
- BUG-2212252 - Branch Merge Request still exists after Branch was deleted --> ErrorMessage
- BUG-2216771 - Item Details Page/Downstream References - the "Resolved/Closed" pre-filter works wrong
- BUG-2218890 - Swagger API - when building an Intelligent Table View, the cbQL accepts invalid (non-existing) tracker ID
- BUG-2223023 - Word export does not work with recoverable passwords disabled
- BUG-2223478 - Swagger API - Error code 500 when updating a field of a tracker item
- BUG-2223485 - Updating relation's color causes error
- BUG-2226326 - Requirement resue does not copy test cases properly
- BUG-2226478 - "Signature Field" shows password using in place editor
- BUG-2228309 - Mass Edit, Create Baseline does not contain changes
- BUG-2228342 - Wiki Link/URL type field does not work in Table field
- BUG-2229336 - Group by problem with deleted references in reports
- BUG-2232328 - Obsolete option still usable
- BUG-2233725 - TrackerItemStatisticsDaoImpl.getReferringIssueStatsGroupedByFieldAndIssueType when using Vintage Report Export functionality
- BUG-2234183 - Drag&dropping a row from center panel to left panel and scrolling gives funny result
- BUG-2235169 - Assigned to value not shown with saved filter in product backlog planner view
- BUG-2235227 - Planner - In Recent Filters part "Items at Release/Sprint Start Date/End date" filter appears
- BUG-2235272 - Table Of Contents toolbar menu sometimes missing from the editor
- BUG-2240435 - Dragging a bug into a relation seems successful but it should not be
- BUG-2241740 - JIRA synchronization links with double slashes
- BUG-2246943 - Historical view filter - It is possible to select a baseline if the user has no Baseline - view permission
- BUG-2246982 - Sprint History filters - after save a report or open edit mode filter disappear in "Add Filter" area
- BUG-2247052 - Syntactically incorrect ReqIF exported when requirement contains hyperlink
- BUG-2249050 - Intelligent Document View - Drag&Drop does not function as expected
- BUG-2249076 - Project Browser - context menu of the last category appears in wrong place
- BUG-2250063 - Sprint History filters - Items appears a wrong date when I set project creation date
- BUG-2250194 - With no "Issue - Edit Any" user able to change Assigned to field
- BUG-2251647 - Cannot Export to Office using Document View
- BUG-2252793 - Document view left tree does not reflect every modification done in center pane
- BUG-2252833 - Document view more menu items are not available
- BUG-2252876 - No context menu in baseline
- BUG-2253525 - Show released checkbox is missing from release dashboard
- BUG-2253545 - Intelligent Document View - Downstream references are not displayed in the left tree
- BUG-2253552 - Pencil icon is not visible during In Place editing
- BUG-2253618 - Release Dashboard shows Description when user has no access to that field
- BUG-2253630 - Reports tab - JS error on the console when use Sprint History filter and switch to expert mode
- BUG-2254915 - Next button remains inactive after deleting invalid mapping file during Project Deployment
- BUG-2255992 - Failed to import project with new empty DB
- BUG-2257391 - Sprint history filters - Item not in read- only mode when open item details page
- BUG-2257401 - Document Edit View - Embedded table rows after drag and drop can not be saved
- BUG-2257888 - Item Details page - if the user scroll down then click on create reference icon the page jumps
- BUG-2262041 - XSS Security Vulnerability - Project Browser - user can create Category with name which is a part of JSON script
- BUG-2262371 - Reports tab - Error when open saved report or saved a report with Historical view filter
- BUG-2262490 - Project Browser - Some tooltip has wrong naming convention
- BUG-2262784 - Field permission settings dialog outside screen space
- BUG-2267798 - Missing translations during Project Deployment
- BUG-2268808 - Document view - It is possible to edit inline a work item when use Sprint history filters
- BUG-2269731 - Attachments get replicated on each field change
- BUG-2269805 - Dragging item into category causes JS error
- BUG-2272656 - Left tree does not refresh after delete
- BUG-2273192 - Sprint History filters - Few problems when use this filters on Tracker views
- BUG-2273877 - Restart line missing from Dashboard
- BUG-2274654 - JIRA Connector - some error appears when try to synchronize
- BUG-2274758 - Filtering on Recently Visited Items is not working
- BUG-2275095 - Updating a PULL request fails with an DB error
- BUG-2275102 - Error during exporting a project twice via ReqIF
- BUG-2277293 - When you export from the default tracker-view of TestRuns then the children are not exported
- BUG-2277395 - Cannot move Folder/Information type items
- BUG-2277401 - Swagger API - Attachment load - incorrect error messages
- BUG-2277503 - Swagger API - Attachment load - case sensitivity
- BUG-2279880 - Create Associations - External URL and Propagate suspect functions does not work
- BUG-2279909 - Cannot modify Test Set for a reason - error message appears
- BUG-2282421 - Reference creation - when creating a new reference from overlay, the existing baselines are not selectable
- BUG-2286031 - Error importing project - Artifact with id: 143038 not found
- BUG-2286379 - Guard cannot be edited/deleted, if used in transition action as well as on-entry action
- BUG-2286969 - User Mentioning selector placed incorrectly in the Editor
- BUG-2287045 - Friendly exception thrown when wrong Reference field data contain in a choice field and starting in place editing
- BUG-2287126 - Cannot save tracker configuration in Oracle installations with more than 1000 projects
- BUG-2287219 - Hidden Transitions are still available in Cardboard
- BUG-2288420 - Reports tab - Navigate to Document view feature appears when I use history filters
- BUG-2289903 - Wrong message during reordering grouped non reference fields
- BUG-2292322 - I can not see Release Sprints on Release page
- BUG-2292399 - Drag&drop does not work on Reports page
- BUG-2292504 - The editor does not handle special html markup code properly
- BUG-2293311 - Project Category - importing a project which has own category cause inconsistent Categories
- BUG-2294188 - Can't import ReqIF update exported from codeBeamer 9.3 to 9.4
- BUG-2295844 - Name of Source project is duplicated during Project Deployment
- BUG-2295938 - Error message is hidden as option panels are closed after pressing next with an invalid value during Project Deployment
- BUG-2295964 - Tracker item comment direct link is not working on the item details page
- BUG-2296000 - Role swapping with Project Admin is possible despite of it is not allowed.
- BUG-2296017 - Not clear menus at Step 5 during Project Deployment.
- BUG-2296654 - Project Deployment - Escalation mapping throws error
- BUG-2296989 - Null error occurred when try to JIRA sync
- BUG-2299360 - Exception during history data generation
- BUG-2299761 - HTML code is shown for field labels
- BUG-2304730 - Document view - Send to review causes error
- BUG-2304834 - Unexpected System Error when pressing on Admin
- BUG-2304878 - Deleting Tracker in the Target project is not working during Project Deployment
- BUG-2306995 - Project Deployment - possible data lost because of the different template for source and target project
- BUG-2306997 - Error and NPE when export a project as project template and ReqIf file
- BUG-2307838 - User with Project Category Admin permission can't create project or open Project Admin page due to Unexpected System Error
- BUG-2310555 - Stakeholder user is unable to export a Tracker to Word or Pdf
- BUG-2310780 - OK button is not working in some cases after opening a choice field to edit
- BUG-2310803 - Association filter text ruined when the dialog opened 2nd time
- BUG-2313232 - Release Planner item order changes when collapsing groups
- BUG-605983 - Dynamic choice fields produce two change events when changing the field value via popup dialog, one with no value, another with the new value
- BUG-828607 - Trackers page: there is no way to open a tracker in a new tab
- BUG-828628 - Risk management settings not completely inherited from template trackers
Change Requests
- CRQ-2264635 - Why can I not see/edit transition actions/change handler?
- CRQ-2296639 - Chang date filter default option
- CTSK-1559128 - Provide the maximum database memory and special other information
- CTSK-1705443 - Verifies item is not a link when comparing tracker item versions (Test Case history - Diff overlay)
- CTSK-1743495 - User Wiki Link Overlay
- CTSK-1801083 - Ability to Add / Create Work Items to Test Sets by selection of Test Cases
- CTSK-1887236 - Check the performance of merge-tree for pull requests because isPullRequestMergeable is slow because of GIT
- CTSK-1933600 - Add more information to baseline compare screen
- CTSK-1989316 - Adjust header color for branch merge
- CTSK-2084068 - Show warning message when there is no LDAP mapping for first name and/or last name but the fields are used in login config
- CTSK-2181933 - Enable and support Word and Excel macros
- CTSK-2201872 - Use generator User Name in exported Word File instead of Template creator name
- CTSK-2206515 - Report Selector support of History of Sprints and see Work Item state in selected past
- CTSK-2206708 - Ability to load attachments using Swagger API
- CTSK-2233068 - 9.4.0 German Translations
- CTSK-2236286 - Historical view filter - It is not possible to set tracker baseline
- CTSK-2246999 - Handle Exporting Wiki Link / URL
- CTSK-2273213 - Rewrite tracker IDs of Intelligent Table/Document View configurations after export / import project
- CTSK-2274542 - Project Tree usability improvements
- CTSK-2274556 - Change the default Template modification message
- CTSK-2277017 - SCM webhook X-Hub-Signature Header security Issue
- CTSK-2286109 - When a user tries to change a Template we need to ask Signature and put it into Tracker Audit Trail
- CTSK-2286127 - Do not create search history for SCM and TestRun tracker items
- CTSK-2286410 - Add ignore option to project deployment to avoid deletion
- CTSK-2292374 - Add request parameter "exclude" to bulk attachment rest API endpoint
- CTSK-2292578 - Remove JDBC related imports and dependencies from source code
- CTSK-2293353 - Remove PDF Exporting from System Audit Trail
- CTSK-2296735 - Write unit test to check history migration/history search
- CTSK-2310719 - Do not hit space after User mentioning
codeBeamer 9.4.0-RC1 - Release Notes
- BUG-1013763 - ReqIF export-import does not work
- BUG-1143220 - Duplicate item - some disturbing data remains from the original item
- BUG-1224348 - Export to excel - hierarchy is not represented if long summary
- BUG-1412817 - Vintage report cannot finish
- BUG-1533505 - Category filter for project fields shows not actually existing project categories
- BUG-1586843 - Do not allow new sequential number action for Description Format field
- BUG-1604076 - User with no public view admin right gets message "Public view successfully deleted"
- BUG-1625389 - If the tracker list is too long, users cannot scroll down to the bottom of the list.
- BUG-1739629 - Planner - If the item has no Parent, it not appears in grouped planner (by Parent field)
- BUG-1771246 - Tracker Layout Field Offset cannot be saved
- BUG-1791875 - Reports - Modified by/Submitted by/Modified at/Submitted At/Assigned at not empty option does not work
- BUG-1929702 - Review hub vote gets lost when copying comment
- BUG-1938380 - Advanced Query: Search by /
- BUG-1962855 - Item update unnecessarily creates history record for reference field (REST API also affected)
- BUG-1980648 - Guard/Condition - Bool, Color fields configuration problem
- BUG-1980783 - Baseline does not include deleted branches
- BUG-2003010 - Swagger UI - GET items with cbQL returns 200 if negative page and page number are set in request
- BUG-2014780 - Widget rendering error - cannot display aggregated hours more than 596:31h
- BUG-2054761 - Swagger API - Incorrect error message are displayed during Report querying
- BUG-2104269 - Item comment sync to JIRA has failed
- BUG-2115739 - Reference field - released Sprints and Releases are appears even those are not allowed to show
- BUG-2125481 - In case of re-run a Test Run the bugs were reported to the original Test Run appears in the new one
- BUG-2142048 - Duplicate statuses in cardboard configuration
- BUG-2159756 - Periodic process timer description doesn't follow up the settings.
- BUG-2159797 - Branch merge is misleadingly allowed for read only fields
- BUG-2162646 - ReqIf: Exported ReqIf contains objects with identical identifiers
- BUG-2162649 - ReqIf Export: Format of Attribute definition
- BUG-2162661 - ReqIf: Exported ReqIf not valid to ReqIF Schema
- BUG-2163974 - ReqIF Import of Associations: no same association types possible
- BUG-2164271 - I got 'Request-URI Too Long error message' when I tried to delete lots of item from Tracker
- BUG-2164459 - Exported word title doesn't contain the branch name.
- BUG-2166297 - Test Runner: annoying screen jump when moving to next step
- BUG-2166382 - Bar graph wiki plugin does not work
- BUG-2166503 - Intelligent Table View confusing field name on table header
- BUG-2167391 - Resized image is exporting with it's original size in case of Word Export
- BUG-2167659 - Extracting OLE objects during ReqIF Import broken
- BUG-2168557 - Branching - Merging between different level branches does not work properly
- BUG-2170552 - Deleting uploaded ReqIF file generates invalid URL
- BUG-2170764 - Restart Merge Request - Items editable even if not updated by user
- BUG-2170901 - Branching - not existing item appears in merge overlay unexpectedly
- BUG-2175400 - Exception on Release Dashboard when the user has no View If Any permission for a Tracker Work Item
- BUG-2177010 - Swagger API - Failed to load API definition
- BUG-2180626 - Queue is not configured properly for ApacheAuthenticationWriter
- BUG-2181979 - Reference Based Dependency does not work
- BUG-2182293 - [PENTest v2] Broken Access Control
- BUG-2182300 - [PENTest v2] Cross-Site Request Forgery
- BUG-2182318 - [PENTest v2] Ciphers with 64 bit Block Size Supported (sweet32)
- BUG-2184003 - Reference View Settings - downstream associations are filtered out by tracker - if only these exist, the orange arrow is not visible
- BUG-2184133 - Description In Place editing does not work after Office Edit description update
- BUG-2184265 - Project Export/Import - associations created in reverse direction are not exported/imported with project template
- BUG-2184312 - Review hub - not permitted comments are visible on review page
- BUG-2184334 - Unresolved Dependencies - editing existing "depends on" association to reverse direction the UID badge remains in the item details page with empty results
- BUG-2184515 - Parsing response failed error message during upload process
- BUG-2186311 - Reference item selector show incorrect options when using inline editing on dependency fields
- BUG-2187702 - Cross Origin access error during Remote Work Item reporting feature
- BUG-2187931 - Swagger API - Unable to GET tracker item, when a table field is defined without columns.
- BUG-2187992 - Clicking on Admin causes error
- BUG-2188550 - Tracker Cardboard loads all trackers into Memory even only maximum 500 items are visible
- BUG-2188571 - Clicking on suspected badge causes NPE
- BUG-2189475 - Missing colors in color picker
- BUG-2189894 - Tracker Cardboard - Show Ancestors/ Descendant Items checkbox appears
- BUG-2189895 - Reference View Settings - applying the maximum reference item limit in Application Configuration the upstream/downstream references in some cases are completely filtered out
- BUG-2190186 - Account Link configuration is not applied to mentioned user
- BUG-2191467 - Email Replay does not Work - Project Member Only
- BUG-2191502 - Review Hub - opening references accordion of review item having any associations results in error
- BUG-2191843 - Hint problem with 10m oracle database
- BUG-2191909 - Friendly Invalid arg 'null' in macro #message at common-chart-widget.vm[line 4, column 54] during Stacked Chart preview
- BUG-2191910 - Document View - in a wiki tree disabled drag n drop function markers
- BUG-2192307 - Swagger API - Duplicate key for columnWidthPercentage value
- BUG-2194163 - Configurable Reference Exporting new lines
- BUG-2194634 - Remote Item Reporting Memory field is URL encode
- BUG-2194842 - Swagger API - Creating a report with invalid fieldId results in Code 200 but error message on the UI
- BUG-2195023 - Cannot group by items starting with dash on Oracle
- BUG-2196167 - Document view / Document Edit view - The left the does not show the correct data when "Show descendant Items" is turned on
- BUG-2196287 - Document view - Left tree does not refresh properly after item move
- BUG-2196327 - NPE when rendering references for special Bugs tracker references
- BUG-2196374 - Document view - Copying item from the right panel (library) to the left tree, the center panel does not refresh properly and changes the order of the items
- BUG-2196795 - Field option filter is not cleared
- BUG-2197794 - Staffing query can be slow on specific MySQL servers
- BUG-2198513 - Distribution rule cannot work with multilevel hierarchy
- BUG-2199586 - Cannot open tracker in baseline mode
- BUG-2199710 - Tracker Configuration - Add hint next to Default Outline line
- BUG-2199782 - NPE at ReviewActionMenuBuilder.createReviewAction
- BUG-2200110 - Tracker views - Switch on public views works weird If I use Ancestor and Descendant items
- BUG-2200111 - Tracker views - last public view name sticking out
- BUG-2200770 - Update referring item workflow action does not work for Parent 2
- BUG-2201739 - Document Edit View - Z-order problem with mentioning in document edit view
- BUG-2202530 - Custom country field does not get save correctly into view
- BUG-2204200 - Reports - Reports result table does not display correct labels for the new Areas field
- BUG-2204688 - NPE in /api/v2/report/<reportId> for reports without checkmark "Resizeable colomns" on ReportService.getReportById(
- BUG-2205130 - Workflow transition tooltip text shows scrambled text for localized characters
- BUG-2205322 - Order by custom date field gives wrong result
- BUG-2205606 - User activation does not load user page, reloads itself
- BUG-2206320 - System Admin/GUI - "Cookie Policy Text" and "Slogan" area has issue with '\' character
- BUG-2206586 - System Admin/GUI - upload a non-image type file into the logo section cause server error page instead of an error message about the wrong file format
- BUG-2206635 - System Admin/GUI - in case of URL without http:// prefix the page just reload
- BUG-2206969 - System Admin/GUI - missing error message about empty Cookie Policy field in case of the feature is enabled
- BUG-2207931 - Misplaced Action Icons on Planner
- BUG-2208805 - Fix report logic if the requested page number is not valid
- BUG-2209942 - Order by and custom Group by together does not work
- BUG-2209948 - Caption-Bar of Wiki-Entry hides Option "Schlagworte" in Drop-down-Dialogue
- BUG-2210208 - Loading specific report cause Index Out Of Bounds Exception
- BUG-2210809 - Word export of a does not contain the child items even when the children is selected for export (was: TestRun export does not work)
- BUG-2210960 - Test Cases Document View - the Test Case Library Configuration setup shows invalid values
- BUG-2211011 - Froala - File upload is not working in Document Edit View
- BUG-2211276 - Document view - Outline number with less than option works weird
- BUG-2211282 - Swagger API - with any given trackerId, the query runs successful if the reportId is valid and existing
- BUG-2211286 - Field dependency configuration for option choice field is not functional
- BUG-2212318 - Document view, moving folders causes error
- BUG-2212585 - Move up Sprint does not work
- BUG-2213525 - Revert state button - different behavior in 9.2 and 9.3
- BUG-2213809 - Indexer query become slow because of new Outline index
- BUG-2214414 - Cannot set private view to public in planner
- BUG-2215278 - Incorrect edit icon is shown at read-only history items
- BUG-2215872 - Center panel context menu item Copy does not work
- BUG-2218830 - Settings of Burn Down chart does not work on Release Dashboard page
- BUG-2219021 - Child Information item may cause wrong Coverage results
- BUG-2222154 - NPE when clicking Suspected merge link on Document Vew
- BUG-2222335 - Clear suspected flag sometimes doesn't work
- BUG-2222516 - Branching - NPE when calling BranchSupport.findBranchItemForItem(
- BUG-2222587 - With restricted user and no context Members page does not load
- BUG-2223022 - Localized characters incorrectly exported to Excel from Traceability Browser
- BUG-2223061 - Error during Requirement reuse
- BUG-2223381 - Configured link type direction was not saved: Fixed
- BUG-2225407 - Floating license user session timeout does not work
- BUG-2225644 - Custom Logo failing to load
- BUG-2225828 - System Admin User can lock out every user from codeBeamer
- BUG-2225997 - InPlace Editor crash if a special Markup inserted
- BUG-2226708 - Error during test run file attachment
- BUG-2227725 - Item without summary has no context menu in document view
- BUG-2228313 - Lablel layout problems on Tracker configuration screen
- BUG-2228522 - Workflow action with Distribution option creates new item for empty value
- BUG-2229518 - Project creation - if the user does not set (or cannot set) a category then the system put it in TemplateProject category
- BUG-2230013 - Inconsistent display of values read from my-general.xml
- BUG-2231263 - Release Gnatt Chart can cause Stack Overflow Exception
- BUG-2231359 - Dragging items into the same team multiple times increases SP and item count multiple times
- BUG-2231861 - The default editor mode is not used on the item details page when editing the description or a wiki text field
- BUG-2233561 - Cannot click on folders in Documents
- BUG-2234716 - Reference View Settings - applying the maximum reference item limit in Application Configuration the upstream/downstream references in some cases are completely filtered out
- BUG-2235088 - Drag&dropping multiple items from center panel into left panel causes loader staying
- BUG-2241680 - Review hub - NullPointerException when create a Report review
- BUG-2245036 - Navigating to Projects page causes js errors
- BUG-2248978 - Project Browser - NPE during saving a new view with user with PCA role
- BUG-2249054 - Project Browser - cannot create new category with custom name - only the default name&rename method works
- BUG-2249071 - Project Browser - PCA user cannot modify the category of those projects where the user does not have the Project Admin role but the system message says: "Your changes has been successfully saved!"
- BUG-2250029 - Project Browser - unnecessary jumping when try to re-arrange categories
- BUG-2257360 - Copy item - Hidden / Non Editable Target fields are filled in Target Tracker
- BUG-2257560 - Review Hub - replace reviewers - if replacement user has no "Enable Review" Group permission, the resulting AccessRightsException is not handled correctly
- BUG-2259820 - Unexpected System Error after logging out and log in with a non project member during Project Deployment
- BUG-2260752 - A widget with UserListAttribute throws exception in a completely new installation
Change Requests
- CRQ-1695033 - Please consider disabling Folder text box in email inbox configuration when POP3 is selected
- CRQ-2092339 - Hidden field appears in filter
- CRQ-2188355 - Further optimization of association loading with Traceability query
- CTSK-1185239 - New referring item from the Planner/Cardboard
- CTSK-1405937 - Make user name appearance configurable on cards and My Open Items plugin
- CTSK-1852419 - Ability to manage and send mentioning notification emails
- CTSK-1852431 - Ability to define Team Mentioning using RichText Editor
- CTSK-1900755 - Ability to compare and select manually Project Artifact Changes from Source Project to Target project
- CTSK-1900757 - Artifact mapping procedure for Source and Target projects
- CTSK-1900773 - Supported Configuration Elements during Configuration copy from Source to Target projects
- CTSK-1900777 - Project Configuration Import Background procedure to perform Database changes on Target Project
- CTSK-1929801 - Make change set WIKI links design more user friendly
- CTSK-1930094 - Upgrade the com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind to 2.9.x for all Intland Related Jenkins plugins
- CTSK-1980775 - Project export should provide some information about the external references
- CTSK-1986275 - Project Import Webflow usability changes
- CTSK-2005428 - Configurable Project Configuration Import
- CTSK-2005481 - Multilevel Teams as Areas
- CTSK-2006248 - Swagger API - As a developer I want to Update a Report using POST request
- CTSK-2006274 - Swagger API - As a developer I want to Create a Report using POST request
- CTSK-2020501 - Provide Solution for Doors Migration Links based on previously provided solution proposal
- CTSK-2035491 - Backend service of reporting should return a link for the user
- CTSK-2041502 - Create a docker image with all SCMs
- CTSK-2055619 - As a developer I want to build an Intelligent Table View
- CTSK-2055628 - As a developer I want to remove an Intelligent Table View
- CTSK-2055967 - As a developer I want to see the result of an Intelligent Table View
- CTSK-2071744 - Finalizing Project Deployment Configuration screen
- CTSK-2071745 - Ability to Export / Import specific Project Mapping Configuration using Rest API
- CTSK-2071751 - Swagger & REST API Support of Project configuration copy from Source Projects
- CTSK-2071752 - History of Sprints should be provided and traceable
- CTSK-2102705 - As a developer I want to create / add update downstream references as fast as possible
- CTSK-2116558 - No dynamic change when changing the name of the tracker
- CTSK-2128513 - Provide an information bar onto Reference autocomplete selector to inform the users there are other items which are invisible in list
- CTSK-2138243 - As a developer I would like to See some extra information in Report Results
- CTSK-2138760 - Review for User Groups and Project Roles
- CTSK-2138762 - Ability to Group different trackers in document view using the Engine of Intelligent Table View
- CTSK-2138763 - Display configurable upstream and downstream references on each work items on an overlay after hovering on Reference icons
- CTSK-2138764 - Upstream and downstream references on each work items on an overlay on Document Edit and Document View middle panels
- CTSK-2162419 - Report Engine modification on Table View and Reports should provide Work Items using Tracker Outlines
- CTSK-2162422 - Table View and Reports should be able to provide Work Item results based on Tracker Outline
- CTSK-2166501 - Finalizing RPE Improvements and Solution within the outstanding Requirements
- CTSK-2172910 - Search box IDs may not unique
- CTSK-2175761 - Project Browser new Design according to new Design
- CTSK-2176004 - Supporting multi Attachment upload
- CTSK-2176592 - Reconsider SQL query for getBaselinesForTrackerItemVersion.spr
- CTSK-2177724 - Multilevel Project Category support
- CTSK-2177798 - Update scmloop documentation
- CTSK-2181548 - Swagger API - Table View and Reports should be able to provide Work Item results based on Tracker Outline
- CTSK-2183630 - Add possibility to switch off staff feature
- CTSK-2191824 - Area field filtering in Team tracker
- CTSK-2191849 - Update the default project templates after the Area and Team changes
- CTSK-2192013 - Table View and Reports Ancestors elements should be enabled by default as User Preference on Document View
- CTSK-2192144 - Project Category Artifact mapping with UI and Swagger
- CTSK-2192222 - Ability to filter for Tracker Outline number by cbQL conditions
- CTSK-2192223 - Test if item has suspicions in calculated fields and as condition in workflow actions
- CTSK-2192232 - Ability to filter for Tracker Outline using Report Engine on Reports and Table Views
- CTSK-2194839 - Swagger-API authentication using OpenID Connect
- CTSK-2194856 - RPE support for "Table View and Reports should be able to provide Work Item results based on Tracker Outline"
- CTSK-2195561 - Configure possible authentication methods
- CTSK-2196062 - Improving some layout and label changes
- CTSK-2200392 - Backend support for Reviews with User Groups and Project Roles
- CTSK-2200438 - Move Save / Cancel button to Froala if possible on Document Edit View
- CTSK-2205562 - Expand the effect of the User Preferences switch to table view
- CTSK-2206318 - Load summary in case of multi tracker export
- CTSK-2206322 - Load and use relevant tracker schema in multi tracker export
- CTSK-2206583 - Make Image style consistent in exported Word files
- CTSK-2206946 - Implement exporting attachments to zip file - part 1 - export zip
- CTSK-2213293 - Load custom fields of original items of review items at review export
- CTSK-2222134 - Group Rule based permission implementation
- CTSK-2222138 - Ability to replace Review members keeping old members result values
- CTSK-2226158 - Convert to PDF option should be visible/enabled only in case of Word Export, not Excel
- CTSK-2226513 - Set min-width:300px for Summary field on Planner
- CTSK-2228373 - Project Browser new Design Usability improvements
- CTSK-2229374 - Project Browser - roles and permissions
- CTSK-2229431 - Project Browser - some UI issues
- CTSK-2231900 - Provide a full ReqIF import history, similar to JIRA and DOORS
- CTSK-2232496 - Solve custom template headings for non-english Word versions
- CTSK-612331 - Document management does not use Restful URLs