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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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codebeamer Active / Active Clustering solution

Starting from codeBeamer 10.0.0 codeBeamer will support Clustering architecture.

codebeamer ALM Cluster Edition

Fundamentally, there are two ways to scale IT infrastructure: vertical scaling (when you add more CPUs/cores or RAM to your existing machine), or horizontal scaling (when you scale the system by adding more machines to your infrastructure). Vertical scaling is relatively simple. Horizontal scaling is more complex due to cluster setup and operation. However, with horizontal scaling you can reach high-availability infrastructure and serve more users.

Horizontal Scaling

codebeamer ALM offers horizontal scaling capabilities with clustering via multiple nodes. The clustered system has the same functionality as a single-node system, but with is designed for high availability. With a clustered system, your teams can continue work with no interruptions even if one or more servers are down. Cluster Edition is optimized for a large number of users, and is able to provide high availability using Active-Active clustering.

We recommend codebeamer ALM Cluster Edition to organizations looking for:

  • a reliable way to scale teams, applications, and infrastructure
  • high availability
  • and steady response times on peak load and traffic.

We recommend codebeamer ALM cluster to organizations looking for:

  • a reliable way to scale teams
  • high availability

Vertical Scaling

You can scale your system by adding more CPUs/cores or RAM, use a high performance database connected to the server with high-speed, low latency network.

See our Vertical Scaling performance report on a single node installation.


codebeamer Cluster Edition requires a license shared between all nodes, and applies to all named and/or floating users.